Articles written by Amber Armstrong

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 151

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 19, 2025

    Feb. 19, 1925 During the past week there has been a stream of halibut boats putting into Wrangell for herring for bait. Ten days ago it was reported that the local cold storage plant had the only supply of bait in Southeast Alaska. Later herring was obtainable at Ketchikan and Sitka. A supply of herring was sent to Juneau from Wrangell on the Alameda. Feb. 17, 1950 An encouraging note this week is the quarterly report of sales tax collections for the quarter ended Dec. 31. Although down a little from the first quarter, which included the summer...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 12, 2025

    Feb. 12, 1925 Owing to the unusually heavy snow in this vicinity, deer have been forced down to the beaches where large numbers have died while all are so near starvation that they can scarcely walk without falling over. The Wrangell Commercial Club, in an effort to get something done that would relieve the situation, sent two cablegrams to Washington to Dr. Nelson, head of the U.S. Biological Survey. A cablegram was also sent to W. W. Terhune, who represents the Biological Survey in Alaska. Mr. Terhune stated that five tons of hay would...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 5, 2025

    Feb. 5, 1925 A new seating arrangement has been adopted for the high school. Seats are arranged in a circle with the stove as a center. This new arrangement was adopted for three reasons: First, because it makes possible a uniform temperature for all students; second, it makes possible a better utilization of the light; and third, it eliminates congested areas. All seats have been made rigid by means of cleats attached to the floor. Students and faculty agree that the new plan is an improvement artistically, as well as from every other...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 29, 2025

    Jan. 29, 1925 The finest equipped riverboat in the world of the twin-screw tunnel type will be built in Wrangell within the next 10 weeks and will be ready for operation on the Stikine at the opening of navigation early in May when gold seekers from everywhere will be rushing into the Cassiar region of British Columbia. The new boat will be an addition to the fleet of riverboats on the Stikine owned by Capt. Sid Barrington. Hazel B No. 2 will be the name of the new boat, which will be 90 feet in length with a 25-foot beam powered with two...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 22, 2025

    Jan. 22, 1925 According to reports reaching here today, A.O Sahlinger is now in the states negotiating with airplane manufacturers and making arrangements with the customs service for the operation of two fast planes into the Dease Lake district of British Columbia early this spring. Mr. Sahlinger has not stated the type of planes to be used, other than they would be capable of accommodating 12 passengers. It is his intention to operate the planes out of Wrangell, clearing at the customs house at the boundary of the Stikine River, and making...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 15, 2025

    Jan. 15, 1925 The Wrangell Commercial Club has had an excellent map of the Cassiar region in British Columbia prepared which is just off the press. The map is 17 inches by 19 inches and is designed to be of special benefit to those interested in the Eagle Creek District where the gold discovery was made last September. All the various cabins along the Stikine River between Wrangell and Telegraph Creek, B.C., are shown. This together with other special features enable the prospective winter traveler on the Stikine to learn just what he wants to...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 8, 2025

    Jan. 8, 1925 At the regular meeting of the Civic Club last Saturday afternoon, members discussed their concerns about the curve in the road leading to the Standard Oil Station, near the Worden home. A committee was appointed at the November meeting to ascertain if steps could be taken to safeguard auto traffic on the road. Several narrow escapes from serious accidents have been reported and it was felt that something should be done in order to avert real trouble. The road lies close to the cliff on one side and there is an abrupt drop to the...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 31, 2024

    Jan. 1, 1925 The Commercial Club took up the matter of new Stikine commercial fishing regulations. The new regulations stipulate that commercial fishing for salmon shall be conducted solely by drift gillnets which may not exceed 200 fathoms in length. Local fishermen are unanimous in declaring that it is impossible to fish the strait with 200-fathom sets, the undercurrents being so strong that a 200-fathom net would almost immediately become so bunched up as to be useless. All net fishing done in this locality heretofore has been with nets 350...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 18, 2024

    Dec. 18, 1924 On last Friday evening the Wrangell schools two basketball teams played their first public game of the season. The attendance at the game was small due to the fact that the evening was so cold. The evening opened with a curtain raiser by two teams of smaller boys from the grade school. The featured event of the evening was a game between the regular high school and grade school teams. The teams are about as evenly matched as any two teams could be, the grade team having the advantage in weight and high school boys the advantage...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 11, 2024

    Dec. 11, 1924 E. Albright, who came north last week on business connected with reopening of the Columbia & Northern cold storage plant, leaves for Portland on the Northwestern. When seen by the Sentinel reporter, Mr. Albright said he is highly gratified over finding the plant in such excellent condition and that comparatively little work will be required to put the plant in shape to resume operation. “The building is 95 percent as good as new, and the piling under the building is sound and good. The machinery is in A-1 condition. I could not d...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 4, 2024

    Dec. 4, 1924 A second cold storage plant for Wrangell is scheduled to be in operation within three months after the beginning of the year. E. A. Albright, representing F. Klevenhusen, arrived in Wrangell on Tuesday evening for the purpose of putting the Columbia & Northern cold storage plant into shape to operate again after being shut down for six years. Mr. Albright is the engineer who constructed the Columbia & Northern plant at Wrangell more than 12 years ago. He will make a thorough inspection of the plant and dock and will make an estimat...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 27, 2024

    Nov. 20 1924 The present week has been observed as National Education Week in the schools. No elaborate program has been prepared but the emphasis in all the regular classes has been placed upon the country’s need of an educated citizenship. Col. Knott, who was with Gen. Allenby on the occasion of the taking of Jerusalem in the world war, gave a vivid picture of some world war scenes in connection with a very inspirational assembly lecture at the high school on Thursday. In the afternoon of the same day, Brigadier Simms, of The Salvation Army,...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 20, 2024

    Nov. 20, 1924 E.A. Rasmuson, president of the Bank of Alaska, said Wrangell had the best summer it has experienced during the past 20 years. The cold storage plant has done a splendid business, and the lumber mill ran full blast all summer. This mill has a capacity of 75,000 board feet a day. Mr. Rasmuson believes there will be quite a rush into Wrangell next spring, when miners and prospectors will arrive there en route to the new placer gold strike in the Cassiar region in British Columbia. He said miners who have visited the mining...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 13, 2024

    Nov. 13, 1924 A special meeting of the PTA was called last Thursday evening at the grade school building for the purpose of considering the various phases of building a school gym, and also for the ratification or rejection by the association on measures already proposed by the executive board. The meeting was very well attended and a thorough discussion of the gym plan and the financial side of the plan was entered into. Very little opposition developed and the enthusiasm on the part of the supporters of the gym was unbounded. The president...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Nov 6, 2024

    Nov. 6, 1924 G. E. Diemart of the Wrangell Dairy received a fine milk cow from the states on the Yukon when it called at port Monday night. The cow is a strong-willed animal. She did not like the looks of the deckhands who had her in tow, so after dragging two or three of them around over the dock she broke away and came uptown. After looking around for a time she decided to spend the night at the Lemieux ranch. She was not obstreperous, however, when taken to the dairy on the following day. Nov. 4, 1949 A thorough study of the feeding habits...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 30, 2024

    Oct. 30, 1924 H. A. Kuehl of the Pendleton Gold Mining Co. was among those who came down the Stikine this week on their way Outside. Mr. Kuehl reports his company made good progress during the past season considering the numerous difficulties encountered, such as having to build a stretch of road in order to get machinery and supplies to the property. They were very hopeful that they would be able to get their dragline into operation before the close of this season but the freeze-up came the day they started operations. However, they are now...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong|Oct 23, 2024

    Oct. 23, 1924 After a great deal of discussion pro and con following litigation looking toward procuring a suitable place for high school basketball practice, the PTA executive board recommended that a gymnasium be built on the lot next to the school play shed, provided the town council could be induced to buy the property. Tentative plans for a standard-size playing floor 35 by 60 feet with a 5-foot seating space along each side and 7 feet along each end, with two 12-by-16-foot dressing rooms (eventually to be fitted with showers) at the...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 16, 2024

    Oct. 9, 1924 W. A. Eberly was in town the first of the week from his fox ranch at Pat’s Creek. Mr. Eberly has recently added a muskrat division to his fur farm. He has secured 80 of these little fur bearers and placed them on his farm. He expects that the natural increase from this initial allotment will produce a profitable harvest within less than five years. Oct. 14, 1949 The high school freshman class is undergoing the tortures and ignominy of being a freshman this week as the sophomores are enthusiastically initiating them into the n...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 9, 2024

    Oct. 9, 1924 A survey just made of the enrollment in the Wrangell schools compared with the enrollment a year ago shows an increase of 10 students. These figures are based upon the enrollment in grades first through 12th and do not include children of kindergarten age. The present enrollment in the schools is 153, and for the past year on the same date it was 143. The greatest increase has been in Mrs. Bronson’s room, where the registration has more than doubled over the enrollment at this date a year ago. Her present enrollment is 23 c...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 2, 2024

    Oct. 2, 1924 The Wrangell schools have taken a forward step this year in incorporating a course of religious education in the high school curriculum. The course, which is elective, provides for one hour’s work each week and carries a fourth of a credit each year. The work is given under the instruction of the local ministers during the last period on Wednesday afternoons. Sept. 30, 1949 The first fall meeting of the Wrangell Health Council, Red Cross and Tuberculosis Association combined was held Tuesday, Sept. 27, in the health center. Nine me...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 25, 2024

    Sept. 25, 1924 Henry H. Darud, a hydraulic expert who went into the Cassiar early in August for the purpose of making a thorough examination from a hydraulic standpoint of the holdings of the Dease Creek Mines Corp. on Dease Creek, arrived in Wrangell on Monday. Mr. Darud stated that his investigations were highly satisfactory. He expects to return shortly after the first of the year, and will go up the Stikine by dog team over ice. It is significant that H. G. Nichols, one of the best known mining engineers living today, made the following...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 18, 2024

    Sept. 18, 1924 The old system of giving exams and grading papers under which it was possible to earn a grade on mere popularity, or where the mood that a teacher happened to be in had more to do with the grade than the actual work accomplished, has been discarded in Wrangell schools. The new system, which was put into operation with the beginning of the school year, makes it possible to have uniform grading throughout the entire system regardless of whether some teachers may give hard exams and others easy exams. The new system provides that...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 11, 2024

    Sept. 11, 1924 In spite of the distraction at the opening of school while alterations in the buildings are still going on, pupils and teachers have settled down to a business in a way that indicates a year of real program ahead. The staff of the Stikine Messenger, the high school publication, was elected by the student body Monday. George Case was elected editor-in-chief. It has been decided to change the publication from an open news sheet to a monthly publication of the magazine type. It will be attractively bound in such a way as to compare...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 4, 2024

    Aug. 28, 1924 The Wrangell schools opened Tuesday morning with a good sized enrollment. A total of 95 were enrolled in the grade school and 20 in the high school. Both school buildings are still somewhat torn up by the workmen engaged in the alteration program, which had not reached completion before the opening of school. The objectionable, unsanitary toilets will soon be eliminated from the main floor and adequate, sanitary facilities provided in concrete rooms in the basement, accessible from the main hall. The chimney at the high school...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 28, 2024

    Aug. 28, 1924 A public meeting for fishermen was held Tuesday night to get an expression of their attitude toward the fisheries regulations as they apply in this immediate district. Carl Arola was selected as chairman of the meeting. After some discussion of the matter a resolution was passed opposing the present closed season on account of the inefficiency of the regulation in conserving salmon, as well as the unnecessary hardship that results from its enforcement. A committee was appointed to draft a resolution to be presented at the meeting...

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