Articles written by Rashah Mcchesney

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  • Dead seals in Haines the work of either orcas or hunters

    Rashah McChesney, Chilkat Valley News|Feb 12, 2025

    On a windswept beach near Haines, Tim Ackerman walks down a hill with a pair of gloves, a knife and a bottle of Dawn dish soap to kneel beside the carcass of a harbor seal. It's one of a handful that have washed ashore in Haines since late November. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's regional stranding coordinator said they've not figured out what's killing the seals but it's not an uncommon scene for Ackerman, a Tlingít hunter and maritime expert who has spent decades...

  • No injuries in Haines fire that burned out 4 businesses, 4 apartments

    Rashah McChesney, Chilkat Valley News|Oct 9, 2024

    A fire Saturday night destroyed a building in Haines that housed four businesses and four apartments. No one reported any injuries. Flames poured out of the second floor and above the roof as firefighters tried to control the blaze, which eventually took down the wood-frame building. The Haines’ Quick Shop, Outfitter Liquor, Outfitter Sporting Goods, Mike’s Bikes & Boards and the apartments occupied the two-story building across the street from the waterfront. The trouble started just before 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5, while Dan Mahoney was...

  • Haines shares what it learned from deadly 2020 landslide

    Rashah McChesney, Chilkat Valley News|Dec 13, 2023

    More than 140 miles away in Juneau, Sylvia Heinz picked up her phone and read the news of the fatal landslide in Wrangell. "I put my phone down. I couldn't read it. I couldn't think about it. I felt sick to my stomach," Heinz said. "My second thought was, 'I wish I was there because now I have all of this experience and resources and I hate for that to go to waste.'" She's not alone. Several people in Haines said hearing about Wrangell's Nov. 20 landslide triggered memories and emotions they're...

  • Artifacts returned by Portland museum belong to the entire clan

    Rashah McChesney, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 7, 2022

    Twenty years ago, the Central Council of Tlingit & Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska asked the Portland Art Museum to return nine objects that were taken from the Naanya.aayí clan in Wrangell almost 100 years ago. Among them are a mudshark hat and shirt, killer whale stranded on a rock robe, killer whale hat, killer whale with a hole wooden fin, killer whale flotilla Chilkat robe, two mudshark shirts, and a headdress the clan says was captured from the Tsimshian during a battle near the mouth of...

  • 'Once-in-a-lifetime' broadband expansion will take years to roll out in rural Alaska

    Rashah McChesney, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 3, 2022

    Last week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that it’s putting $29 million toward connecting just over 1,200 people, a school and 45 businesses in Craig and Klawock on Prince of Wales Island and also Hyder to high-speed internet. That funding is part of Alaska’s $116 million slice of $401 million in grants to improve internet access in 11 states. It’s part of an initial round of the more than $90 billion the federal government has committed to spending on bringing affordable, high-speed internet to communities across the count...