Articles from the March 5, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Alaska Crossings preparing for another year of helping youth

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    Alaska Crossings, the behavioral health program, is gearing up for another season of helping kids in need. The program is geared towards teenagers who have struggles in their home life, or at school or in their wider communities. These kids go out on outdoor expeditions with Crossings guides, all over the Tongass National Forest, where they can learn important life skills like teamwork, self confidence, and stress management, among others. "Alaska Crossings believes in helping youth make...

  • Assembly holds follow-up on staffing questions, repeals fee schedule

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    The Wrangell Borough Assembly met Tuesday, Feb. 25, to have a follow-up work session on staffing issues at the Irene Ingle Public Library and the Nolan Center. As covered in a Feb. 13 article of the Sentinel, the assembly has been considering how best to resolve staffing questions at both facilities while also keeping everything as affordable as possible. During their last workshop, the assembly considered a number of options for an empty assistant position at the library. The Nolan Center has...

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 5, 2020

    March 4, 1920 The Sentinel is issued on Thursday this week as usual, but that would not have been possible had it not been for the fact that Wrangell has an up to-date machine shop. Whenever anything goes wrong in our mechanical department the first person we think of is Mr. Gingrass. Wrangell could no more get along without the machine shop than it could without the hotel, bank or drugstore. March 2, 1945 Upon approval of the city council, received today, the Red Cross headquarters are now to be situated in the city hall in the room formerly...

  • Court report

    Mar 5, 2020

    Feb. 18: Theodosia James was arraigned on a probation/parole violation. A calendar call was scheduled for April 21. Michael Maleski was arraigned on charges of driving with a cancelled/suspended license and driving without insurance. For the lack of insurance, he was ordered to pay a fine of $500 and a $20 police training surcharge. For driving with a cancelled/suspended license, he was ordered to pay a fine of $150 and a $20 police training surcharge. The fine will be reduced to $50 if proof of license is filed by June 30. Scott Hall was...

  • Police report

    Mar 5, 2020

    February 24 Agency Assist: Hoonah PD. Dead Deer. Civil Standby. Agency Assist: Elks Alarm. February 25 Property Damage. Parking Complaint. Paper Service. February 26 DUI: Unfounded. Suspicious Person. Illegal Parking. Suspicious Noises. Traffic Stop: Verbal Warning for Faulty Equipment. February 27 Citizen Assist. Child in Need. Threats/Harassment. Domestic Disturbance/Civil. Parking Complaint. Extra Patrols. Civil Issue. Agency Assist: Hoonah PD. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment. February 28 Paper Service. Dog at Large. Child...

  • Petersburg resident breaks into post office

    Brian Varela|Mar 5, 2020

    PETERSBURG - Christopher Manske was arrested on Feb. 26, and is now being held in federal custody in Juneau facing charges of burglary of a post office and mail theft. According to the United States District Court for the District of Alaska, paperwork regarding his indictment has not been submitted as of Tuesday afternoon. Sometime between the late evening of Feb. 21 and the following morning, an individual broke into the Petersburg Post Office and stole about 16 parcels, according to the compla...

  • Drill conductor class

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Dan's Dispatch

    Dan Ortiz, Representative|Mar 5, 2020

    Thank you to everyone who spoke up during public testimony on the budget in House Finance last week. I need to hear from you in order to do my job, and I was incredibly impressed with the straight-forward, intelligent, and passionate comments that the residents of Wrangell provided. There were more people in Wrangell who testified than all other District 36 communities combined! You all have been the most effective political advocates for any community. The top three issues brought to our attent...

  • Reflections

    Mar 5, 2020

    Our human nature is like flesh. When you fall and scrape your knee, your body will scab it over and eventually, the scab will heal and there will be no record of that fall. This is like forgiveness. You can fall and scrape your knee a hundred more times and at the very worst, there will be a slight scar. Sin is a similar pain in our lives. When we sin, we ask God to forgive us and he makes us new, just like the skin on our knee. Sin is wiped away through the power of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. When we live in the consequences of that s...

  • Letter to the Editor

    Mar 5, 2020

    To the Editor: On behalf of the 2020 Senior parent group we would like to send out a thank you to AML for the gracious freight donation on our raffle item. To the BayCo for getting us a 4-wheeler for our raffle. Thanks also goes to the chamber for printing our tickets and the Legion for the use of their permit number. We would also like to thank the community for their generous and continued support to the youth and our fundraising efforts. Thanks to all of you, we are able to provide a safe drug and alcohol free party for our graduating...

  • Girls Pearls 2020

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Census, "Financial Cent$'' and home maintenance covered in THRHA workshop

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    The Tlingit and Haida Regional Housing Authority held a workshop at the Nolan Center last week, to cover a variety of topics. The group brought together members of Wrangell's native community, and the wider public, to share information about the census, financial planning, and preventative home maintenance. Esther Ashton, tribal administrator for the Wrangell Cooperative Association, led the discussion on the census. It is very important for the native community to respond to the census this...

  • Hoop Shoot winners going to semi-finals

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Senior Appreciation

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Ideas for saving money tossed around in school budget workshop

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    The Wrangell School Board held a work session Monday night to discuss next year's budget. The district is currently undergoing its budget season, looking at the financial year for 2021. The current draft of the FY 2021 budget has the school district operating at a loss. Total revenues are estimated at a little less than $5.7 million, while expenses are around $6.5 million. The largest costs for the district include $2.7 million for "instruction,'' about $831,000 for "operations and maintenance...

  • SEARHC Taking Proactive Approach with Novel Coronavirus

    Mar 5, 2020

    While Alaska has yet to see any confirmed cases of the 2019 novel coronavirus, now known as COVID-19, the SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) is closely monitoring information being provided by the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (ADHSS), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and other state, federal and global health organizations as they work to monitor, contain, and mitigate the impact of the virus. "SEARHC's top priority is the safety of our patients and...

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Mar 5, 2020

    Seafood coming from and going to China is piling up in freezer vans and cold storages indefinitely as the coronavirus continues to cause commerce chaos around the world. About 80% of trade of the world’s goods by volume is carried by sea and China is home to seven of the world’s 10 busiest container ports, according to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Virus precautions mean that many ships can’t get into Chinese ports, others are stuck at docks waiting for workers to return, and still more are idling in “floating quarant...

  • 2020 Southeast Alaska Eulachon Smelt Fishery Announcement

    Mar 5, 2020

    Petersburg - The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the following closures for eulachon smelt (Thaleichthys pacificus) for the 2020 season. These closures will be in effect beginning 12:01 a.m., Thursday, February 27, 2020: District 1: will be closed to commercial, personal use, and subsistence eulachon smelt fishing in all waters. This includes all Revillagigedo Island and mainland drainages; District 7: will be closed to commercial, personal use, and subsistence eulachon smelt...

  • Stedman speaks on AMHS at Petersburg chamber banquet

    Brian Varela|Mar 5, 2020

    PETERSBURG – Sen. Bert Stedman told the community while attending the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce banquet on Saturday that the future of the Alaska Marine Highway System depends on how negotiations go with Gov. Mike Dunleavy. Stedman said that legislators will discuss the AMHS and present possible scenarios to the governor when Dunleavy releases his operating budget; however, without enough votes to override the governor's anticipated vetoes, negotiations won't be too aggressive. "If you don'...

  • Lady Wolves victorious in last home games of the season

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    The Wrangell Lady Wolves hosted their final home games of the season last Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 25 and 26, against the Haines Glacier Bears. It was the final set of home games for two seniors on the team, Kaylyn Easterly and Maddy Harding. "Those two have been crucial in our success as a team,'' Coach Laurie Brown said. In both games, Wrangell blew Haines out of the water and walked away with two big wins. The first game opened with Wrangell taking a commanding lead in the first quarter, 2...

  • Wolves host Haines for last home games of the season

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 5, 2020

    The Wrangell Wolves played in their final home games of the season last week, Feb. 25 and 26, against the Haines Glacier Bears. For several seniors on the team, this was the last set of home games of their high school careers. While Wrangell did not walk away from the games victorious, the games were hard-fought. The team also came together to recognize one senior in particular. The first game on Tuesday, Feb. 25, opened with Wrangell and Haines going at it neck-and-neck. The first quarter...

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