Articles from the June 6, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Haul-out, dock pilings under renovation

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    Wrangell’s Marine Service Center and City Dock are getting a spruce-up this month as more than $4 million in capital improvements get underway. “We have these two new projects at the haul-out and at the City Dock,” Meissner said. “We have state money and some Denali funding to complete this work and really needed this for a while. We’re really glad it’s happening now.” According to Meissner, the steel pilings at the dock are more than 30 years old and need to undergo maintenance to keep it in...

  • Comstock, Clark raising cash for Seattle Komen walk

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    Everyone knows that walking and brisk exercise is good for your health. In fact, the philosopher and poet Friedrich Nietzsche might have said it best when he spoke of walking. “All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking,” Nietzsche said. For two Wrangellites, the idea of walking – in search of a cure for breast cancer – was conceived during the past six months and will take them to Seattle in search of that cure. Beth Comstock and Megan Clark will travel to the Emerald City in mid-Sep...

  • Gov. Parnell visits Wrangell

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    Governor Sean Parnell is greeted by Wrangell Medical Center CEO Noel Rea during his visit to Wrangell on Tuesday, June 5. Gov. Parnell met with borough officials and members of private industry at the Nolan Center to discuss capital appropriations, timber and hatchery issues....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 6, 2012

    June 6, 1912: Alert Fire company No. 1 met Monday evening with a good representation of members present. The regular order of business was rapidly run through. The committee appointed to ascertain the representatives chosen by the business men was given more time so that all the picked team might be induced to join the company. The added interest taken in the company's work seems to be expressed in the number of new members being taken into the company. Seven new members were elected Monday evening: A. Engstrom, N.L. Moen, J.H. Lyon, Charles...

  • Flores named as new borough clerk

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    The City and Borough of Wrangell hired a new clerk last week, filling a spot held since 1997 by the retiring Christie Jamieson. Kim Flores is a Wrangell resident and former part-time employee of the borough’s finance department and past deputy clerk with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough. She was selected by a hiring committee and approved by the Assembly on Friday, June 1. Her first official day at work was June 7. Outgoing clerk Christie Jamieson said Flores is highly qualified – and will do wel...

  • Police reports

    Jun 6, 2012

    Monday, May 28 -Violation conditions of release. -Citation issued to Michael Tuff, 29, for no valid insurance and verbal warning for expired registration. Tuesday, May 29 -Welfare check. -Verbal warning for driving without headlights and failure to carry and show driver’s license. Wednesday, May 30 -Title 47-person brought in. -Traffic stop, vehicle moved. -Traffic stop, verbal warning. -Driving complaint, trucks driving too fast, construction company notified of complaints. -Traffic stop, warning given to remove car off of bike path. -...

  • Letters to the editor

    Jun 6, 2012

    To the Editor: I have lived in Wrangell for 3 years now and I have learned to love the people and the community. I agree with the overwhelming majority of people here who want to see a new hospital built and have pledged their financial support for that effort. I am, however, very concerned about an administration and hospital board that are out of control and feel they do not need to be held accountable for their actions and decisions that gravely impact our entire community. Lately the alarming bullying and intimidating tactics of these...

  • Birth: Stearns daughter

    Jun 6, 2012

    Lillian Rose Stearns was born April 17, 2012 at 10:12 a.m. in Anchorage to Nate and Alicia Stearns. Lillian weighed 7 lbs, 6 oz. at birth. Lillian joins brother Lucas, 2. Paternal grandparents are David and Becky Stearns of Anchorage. Maternal grandparents are Anne and the late Charles Duzinski of Brattleboro, Ver....

  • Birth: Powell son

    Jun 6, 2012

    Jonathan Phillip Powell was born April 21, 2012 to Jon Powell and Dominique O’Connor in Anchorage. Jonathan weighed 6 lbs 14 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long at birth. Maternal grandparents are Phillip O’Connor of Wrangell and Kathy O’Connor of Kirkland, Wash. Paternal grandparents are Chet and Bejay Powell of Craig. Maternal great grandmother is Rita Foley of Bellingham, Wash. Paternal great grand parents are Dottie Olsen, of Sitka, Chet and Lois Powell of Wrangell, and Joanne Rinehart also...

  • Yates departure raised during WMC special session

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    The Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors met in special and executive sessions on Thursday, May 31 to take up issues related to WMC’s responsibility, if any, regarding being signatories to USDA loan documents for the new hospital project and to engage CEO Noel Rea in a discussion about his annual performance review. The resignation of Dr. James Yates from Alaska Island Community Services on May 30 overshadowed the main agenda items during public comment, however, when one concerned resident raised the question of emergency room c...

  • Rea evaluation sets goals for 2013

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    After a spirited public comment section of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors special meeting on May 31 the board retired into executive session to discuss CEO Noel Rea’s annual personnel review. While the review and discussion of his performance are confidential personnel matters, Rea said afterward that it was a productive session – and gave him goals to work toward in the coming year. “This was, by no means, a perfect review,” Rea said. “But it was a very thorough evaluation. It was good and I am pleased with it because i...

  • Galen Reed in bridge building competition

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    Galen Reed, a 2008 graduate of Wrangell High School participated in the National Student Steel Bridge Competition May 25-26 at Clemson University. Reed is a member of Northwestern University’s steel bridge team. Reed’s team took a number of top spots in the competition, including a No. 9 ranking in display. “It was a great competition,” Reed said. “Building bridges is not an easy thing to do. It’s pretty complex.” More than 500 students from 47 universities participated in the competition ...

  • 2012 Royalty presented at Stikine Inn

    Jun 6, 2012

    A trio of young women vying to be the winner of the 2012 Fourth of July royalty contest were presented to the community at the Stikine Inn in a short ceremony on Friday, June 1. Court contestants Jaynee Fritzinger, Veronica Blunt and Laura Massin will now begin their month-long stretch of selling what they hope will be tens of thousands of $1 tickets meant to support the remembrance of our nation’s birth. Ticket sales for each of the contestants will now begin in earnest and will continue t...

  • District 8 sport salmon fishing curtailed

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has rescinded a previous order that liberalized sport fishing for king salmon in waters surrounding Wrangell and Petersburg. Effective June 4, the resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length, while the nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. A nonresident annual limit of four king salmon 28 inches or greater in length is also in effect. Between Oct. 1, 2012-March 31, 2013 all sport anglers may use two rods while...

  • Low numbers close District 8 gillnet fishery

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced last week that District 8 gillnet fisheries would remain closed until run sizes increase. The first in-season forecast is projecting a terminal run size of 29,300 Stikine River Chinook salmon. That forecast is well below the preseason levels for commercial fishing. The District 8 gillnet fishery will remain closed until the sockeye salmon season – unless in-season projections of Stikine River Chinook salmon increase. The in-season terminal run size estimate for Taku River Chinook salmon r...

  • Fish Factor

    Jun 6, 2012

    Nobody wants to waste fish – least of all those who make their living from the sea. Fish harvesters want and need to be able to catch as much as they can to sustain their families and livelihoods. And as upstanding citizens, they obey the law when they discard “prohibited species” taken while they’re fishing for their “target catch.” When fishing seasons open, it’s impossible to not catch a mix of fish when they blanket the sea bottom, and fish of all kinds and sizes will go after a baited hook...

  • Redistricting forms interesting Legislative races

    Jun 6, 2012

    ANCHORAGE (AP) —Alaska redistricting is going to lead to some interesting Legislative races. By Friday afternoon, several incumbents in both parties faced primary election challengers, The Anchorage Daily News reported Saturday. Multiple Republicans will battle in six of the 19 Senate contests. In two districts, Democrats will meet in the primary. In the House, all 40 posts are up for election this year. Nearly half involve two or more Republicans, with Democrats meeting in five primaries. Many new candidates are running for office, i...

  • Assembly votes to allow Rooney, Maxand to sign USDA contracts

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    Two of Wrangell’s top government officials are now responsible for authorizing a set of agreements with the USDA regarding loans for the Wrangell Medical Center replacement project. That was the result of the Wrangell Borough Assembly special meeting on Tuesday, May 29 at City Hall. The special session agenda addressed a number of topics of concern; review and approval of a recommendation on contracts relating to the WMC replacement project – and authorization for Mayor Jeremy Maxand or Borough Manager Tim Rooney to be signatories to all USD...

  • Assembly votes to allow Rooney, Maxand to sign USDA contracts

    Jun 6, 2012

    Two of Wrangell’s top government officials are now responsible for authorizing a set of agreements with the USDA regarding loans for the Wrangell Medical Center replacement project. That was the result of the Wrangell Borough Assembly special meeting on Tuesday, May 29 at City Hall. The special session agenda addressed a number of topics of concern; review and approval of a recommendation on contracts relating to the WMC replacement project – and authorization for Mayor Jeremy Maxand or Borough Manager Tim Rooney to be signatories to all USD...

  • Ketchikan police seize nearly one pound of heroin

    Jun 6, 2012

    KETCHIKAN, Alaska (AP) - Police and federal Drug Enforcement Agency agents seized nearly a pound of heroin from a Ketchikan home and arrested a resident. Travis Straight, 38, was charged Thursday with attempted drug misconduct. The Ketchikan Daily News reports his bail was set Friday at $50,000. DEA agents intercepted a package mailed to the home, and with Ketchikan police, used a warrant to search the residence, Ketchikan Police detective Charlie Johnson said. They seized nine-tenths of a pound of black tar heroin, Johnson said, which carries...

  • Canoeing to Celebration in Juneau

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2012

    A group of Natives from Wrangell traveled to Celebration 2012 in a convoy of traditional canoes last week. Standing, from left: Joel Churchill, Jason Wright, Willie Nakamura, Shane Gillen, Sue Ramsey, Ken Hoyt, Christopher Feller, Linda Churchill, Mary McDaniel and Vivian Mork. Kneeling, from left: Kayla Rooney, Corey Goichoechea and Aria LaChapelle....

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