Articles from the July 19, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Borough sues for Rea severance package

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    The City and Borough of Wrangell filed suit in First District Court on July 11 seeking to have an amendment to the employment contract of former Wrangell Medical Center CEO Noel Rea voided, and to order that Rea return a six-figure severance check paid to him after his termination by the board on June 20. According to court documents, that severance check, in the amount of $520,788.58, was paid to Rea via a wire transfer on June 21 – one day after the board voted 6-1 to fire him without cause. The suit, which names Rea, along with recalled b...

  • Proposal could seek sales tax reduction

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    As current law stands, Wrangell has the highest municipal sales tax in the nation. An application by two Wrangellites to place a proposed taxation ordinance before the Borough Assembly could change that, however, by seeking to reduce Wrangell’s sales tax to 5.5 percent from its current 7 percent rate. The initial application for a suggested change to 5 percent, filed by Wrangell residents Ernie Christian and Rhonda Dawson, failed last week in part due to requirements covering initiative petitions under the Wrangell’s Municipal Code. Chr...

  • Acteson named new SEAPA chief

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    A former manager at Chugach Electric Association in Anchorage has been tapped as the new head of the Southeast Alaska Power Agency. SEAPA’s Board of Directors hired Trey Acteson as their new Chief Executive Officer at the agency, which provides hydroelectric power to the communities of Petersburg, Wrangell, and Ketchikan. Acteson joins the organization after 11 years with Chugach and will start his new position on August 20. He will be based in Ketchikan. Jeremy Maxand, the chairman of SEAPA’s board said he is confident Acteson is the rig...

  • Summer fun in Alaskan waters

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    A group of youngsters have fun swimming and squirting each other with water guns at a beach on Zimovia Strait last week – on a day when temperatures rose to the mid-70s....

  • Soaking up the sun

    Beth Comstock|Jul 19, 2012

    Sweet Mama, reigning matriarch at Anan Observatory, comes out to welcome everyone back - and not only are the bears returning, but the salmon and the visitors are all flocking as well....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 19, 2012

    July 25, 1912: Nearly every member of the Motor Boat Club; many of their friends and the band-boys attended the Club Picnic at Pat's Creek last Sunday. Of the eight boats, the Alieris, Gray and Red Streaks, Etolin, Poor Farmer, Black Fox, Dentist and Secret, all had minor troubles except the Secret, which tended to make the trip eventful. The fishing was not up to expectations as the creek was very low and the only good fish caught were by F. Johnson, M. Katenmeyer and the Editor who braved the mosquito army at the head of the lake. July 23,...

  • Police reports

    Jul 19, 2012

    Monday, July 9 -Citation issued to Steven Hope, 58, for unlawful parking at airport. -Citation issued to Kyle J. Costa, 51, for unlawful parking at airport terminal and verbal warning for expired registration. -Verbal warning given to truck driver for driving too fast, especially in area where kids are playing. Tuesday, July 10 -Officer assisted intoxicated individual back to their boat. -Officer and ambulance responded to call. -Report of loud music, officer gave verbal warning. -Vehicle parked in fire lane, vehicle was later moved. -Report...

  • Courts

    Jul 19, 2012

    July 10, 2012 Jeannie L. Littlejohn, 22, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and was found guilty of driving under the influence and is ordered to serve 45 days in jail with 42 suspended. The defendant is ordered to pay fines and surcharges totaling $3555 with $1600 suspended. The defendant is ordered to contact AICS and complete screening, evaluation and recommended program. The defendant’s driver’s license is revoked for 90 days. The defendant is placed on probation for 18 months. Drake T. Grahm, 19, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ell...

  • Tuck and Patti Andress to play Bearfest

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    The artistry and musical magic of duo Tuck and Patti Andress will be at the forefront of the entertainment available to Wrangell during the 2012 Bearfest celebration – with two performances July 27-28 at the Nolan Center. With a string of 14 albums, including a major-label release on Epic Records, and a career spanning more than 30 years, the pair still tour relentlessly with their unique style of Tuck’s guitar-oriented jazz and Patti’s lilting vocals. Tuck, a guitar phenomenon and native of Ok...

  • Klinke saving animals at Wrangell’s rescue shelter

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    Household pets, whether they be furry, adorable cats, or dogs – man’s best friend – need love, care, consideration and, most of all, homes that want them. When these animals find themselves unwanted or astray in Wrangell there is a safety net for them, courtesy of Delores Klinke and her St. Frances Animal Rescue operation on Graves Drive near 3.2 Mile Zimovia Highway. Klinke’s rescue service has been in operation for four years and is the busiest during the summer months. The motivation behind...

  • Letters to the editor

    Jul 19, 2012

    To the Editor: Peggy Wilson has been our representative for 12 years. During that time she has helped our community with many projects both large and small including Heritage Harbor. Our boat yard improvements include new concrete and a 250-ton boatlift. These are just a few of the projects Peggy has helped with. Our economy is picking up. Our schools are the best in the state. The primary election is August 28. Peggy is up against two Ketchikan opponents in the primary. It will be a tough race for Peggy but she can win if we get out and vote...

  • Birth: Jabusch daughter

    Jul 19, 2012

    Erika Lynn Jabusch was born on June 26, 2012 in Anchorage to Mike and Natalya Jabusch. Erika weighed 7 lbs. 5 oz. and was 20 inches long at birth. Erika is welcomed into the family by big brother Jimmy, 1 1/2. Maternal grandparents are Boris and Olga Segalevich of Anchorage. Paternal grandparents are Kay and Jeff Jabusch of Wrangell. Paternal great-grandfather is Maurice Buness of Wrangell....

  • Monochrome Chronicles - a photographic history

    Jul 19, 2012

    Fort Wrangell, 1898. The Sentinel would be grateful for any additional information you may have about photos run in this section....

  • ‘Nature Detectives’ kicks off in the muskeg

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    The Wrangell Ranger District and U.S. Forest Service kicked off their “Nature Detectives” program last week with a pair of youngsters joining USFS interpreters Cory Delabrue and MiKayla Stokes for a trip through the muskeg. The day trip, which included Michaela and Samantha Moran of Mesa, Ariz., began at Volunteer Park and extended through the muskeg on the east side of Ishiyama Drive – and was intended to show the varied insects, flora and other natural wonders that abound in the marshy groun...

  • White moving WMC forward during transition

    Greg Knight|Jul 19, 2012

    While the Wrangell Medical Center is currently in a transitional phase, having lost 8 of the 9 members of the WMC Board of Directors, and with the dismissal of former CEO Noel Rea, the day-to-day operation of the hospital is running at full-speed-ahead under interim CEO Olinda White. White, who took over as CEO after the June 20 firing of Rea, said maintaining excellent patient care, and working on staffing and training issues are at the forefront of her mind. “We’re really busy right now trying to center everything we do on patient care, qua...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jul 19, 2012

    The red salmon catch at Bristol Bay is on its way to 20 million fish and will very likely go higher, due to a strong run of more than 30 million fish. The reds were still surging into the region’s five big rivers and should serve to boost the harvest beyond the forecast of nearly 22 million fish. With all the salmon fisheries going on every summer all across Alaska, you might wonder why so much attention is focused on Bristol Bay? The answer can be summed up in two words: sockeye salmon. Bristol Bay’s rivers are home to the largest red sal...

  • Environmentalists sue for wolf protection in Southeast

    Jul 19, 2012

    Greenpeace and the Center for Biological Diversity notified the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week of their intent to file suit against the agency for delaying Endangered Species Act protection for the Alexander Archipelago wolf, a rare subspecies of gray wolf found only in the old-growth forests of Southeast Alaska. In August 2011 the groups filed a petition to protect the wolves, which are at risk of extinction because of what they say is the U.S. Forest Service’s unsustainable logging and road-building practices in the Tongass N...

  • Study attempts to explain low salmon numbers

    Jul 19, 2012

    The amount of mature sockeye salmon present in the waters of Southeast Alaska and other areas of the Pacific Northwest has been on a downward spiral recently according to a study published last week in the Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. The study states that the, “widespread decrease in productivity has important implications for management of salmon stocks and requires research into its potential causes to help determine future management strategies.” Dr. Randall Peterman, a professor in fishery science and management at...

  • Alaska Air tournament draws big crowd

    Greg KNight|Jul 19, 2012

    Alaska Airlines and Muskeg Meadows golf course held their largest tournament of the year last weekend with an 18-hole drop-out scramble on Saturday and a 9-hole event on Sunday. Despite a weather forecast calling for rain showers most of the day, the morning clouds burned off and temperatures topped a comfortable 70 degrees for 53 participants who took part in the tournament on Saturday. Scott Habberstad, the Director of Sales and Marketing for the airline, said the tournament was great – even t...

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