Articles from the August 10, 2017 edition

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  • Registration day for students set for next week

    Dan Rudy|Aug 10, 2017

    Summer may be at its peak, but for students it’s quickly beginning to wind down. The new year begins for them on August 28, and several new things are in store. At Evergreen Elementary School, Gail Taylor will be settling in as its new principal. Offered the job in June and starting later this month, she was previously the elementary principal at Haworth School District in Haworth, Oklahoma. For students at Stikine Middle and Wrangell High schools, secondary principal Bill Schwan explained a new guidance counselor will be starting soon. The r...

  • Fun in the sun

    Aug 10, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Aug 10, 2017

    August 16, 1917: Oscar Case, of Wrangell, who enlisted with the Engineers at Cheyenne, Wyoming shortly after the declaration of war, has recently been in training at Corpus Christi, Texas. A letter received from him recently by his parents stated that he was expecting to be transferred. His regiment is no longer at Corpus Christi, and as no news is given out concerning its whereabouts it is practically certain that he is now on the way to Europe. August 14, 1942: Mrs. S. D. Grant, Vice President of local chapter and knitting chairman, reported...

  • Retention of King Salmon is prohibited in all Southeast Alaska salt water

    Aug 10, 2017

    JUNEAU – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced today that the retention of king salmon is prohibited in all Southeast Alaska salt waters, king salmon may not be retained or possessed; any king salmon caught must be released immediately and returned to the water unharmed. These regulations will be effective 12:01 a.m. Thursday, August 10 through 11:59 p.m. Saturday, September 30, 2017. The Southeast Alaska king salmon sport fishery is managed under the directives of the Southeast Alaska King Salmon Management Plan (5 AAC 47.055). T...

  • Police Report

    Aug 10, 2017

    Monday, July 31 Citizen report: DUI. Paper service. Harassment. Tuesday, August 1 Disorderly conduct: Officer responded. Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for driving habits. Report of Theft. Parking complaint. Report of harassment. Citation issued to Jesse Oglend, 28, for dog at large. Courtesy Transport. Wednesday, August 2 Suspicious Person. Report of harassment. Agency Assist: Line Crew. Citizen Assist: Vehicle unlock. Report of fireworks. Thursday, August 3 Citizen Assist: Door unlocked. Agency Assist: WSR had a missing person in Canada....

  • SE Alaska's weekend heat breaks records

    James Brooks Juneau Empire|Aug 10, 2017

    Boats and trailers lined the launch ramps, residents thronged the beaches, plastic ducks bobbed in Twin Lakes, and Juneau basked under the sun on a record-breaking weekend. The capital city has had a full week of temperatures at or above 70 degrees, and the weekend brought the warmest days of the year so far. Saturday’s high temperature of 81 degrees beat the old record of 80, set in 2009, and is the hottest day of the year to date. Sunday’s high was 78, beating the 1999 record of 75. Those temperatures were recorded at the airport, Jun...

  • Letter to The Editor

    Aug 10, 2017

    To the Editor: There were some things that need to be mentioned about the article “Rock Pit site selection at creek raises concerns” in the August 3, 2017 issue of the Wrangell Sentinel. The volume of lead-stabilized soil that will be hauled is around 20 truckloads per day, not 30-40. The 30-40 truckloads per day includes both the lead-stabilized soil and the transport of clean rock to be used for the construction of chimney drains, as well as base and cover fill, and which would come from another local quarry. Transport of clean rock was pro...

  • Alaska bear, Fortress celebrate their tenth birthdays

    Brielle Schaeffer Sitka Sentinel writer|Aug 10, 2017

    SITKA – Fortress of the Bear celebrated two milestones in July the 10th birthday of Killisnoo, its very first bear cub, and the sanctuary's 10th year in operation. At his birthday party, Killisnoo was treated to two special "cakes.'' One, made of bread, eggs, honey and salmon berries was in the shape of the figure 10. "It took two hours to bake it,'' said Evy Kinnear, who along with her husband, Les, runs Fortress of the Bear. The other, made of cardboard and non-toxic papier-mache, was f...

  • Alaska Fish Factor:

    Laine Welch|Aug 10, 2017

    “It’s time for a checkup from the neck up” – meaning an industry time out to evaluate fishing operations and behaviors, advises Jerry Dzugan, director of the Sitka-based Alaska Marine Safety Education Association for over 30 years. Dzugan was speaking in response to the 11 fishing deaths that have occurred in Alaska so far this year. It’s the most in 13 years and follows a 76 percent decrease in commercial fishing fatalities since the 1980s. “The causes are still capsizing, sinkings, swampings and man overboards (MOBs). They haven’t cha...

  • Harvey Gilliland came from Seattle to work at the Duncan Canal White Alice project

    Aug 10, 2017

    PETERSBURG – At the age of 23, Harvey Gilliland left his job at Western Union Telegraph Company in Seattle to take a job at the White Alice Communications System (WACS) in Duncan Canal, just 9-miles from Petersburg. The site was 2.25 miles from the beach, according to Gilliland, and sat on a mountain at a 2,460 ft. elevation. The steep terrain between the site and beach required 6.25-mile road with 5 major switchbacks, Gilliland noted. Following two weeks of indoctrinization in Anchorage, "...

  • Code name White Alice, not explained

    Aug 10, 2017

    The history of the code name White Alice is lost to history. Those devising the code name may have selected it as an acronym or just a name with no special meaning. One claim has Alice an acronym for Alaska Integrated Communications Enterprise. Air Force regulations required two words in a code name. A second word White, represented the long Alaskan winter. Alice White would work, but a silent screen star already had that name and person’s names could not be used. Transposing the two words solved the problem. Another assertion was that White A...

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