Articles from the September 13, 2012 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • Borough seeks return of Rea cell phone, iPad

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    The Borough Assembly met in open session on Sept. 11 to take the most recent report from Borough Manager Tim Rooney, and to deal with a pair of resolutions dealing with disposal of property and the establishment of a canvass board for the upcoming general election. The lawsuit between the city and former Wrangell Medical Center administrator Noel Rea, and six former members of the WMC Board of Directors, was a key part of Rooney’s report to the assembly this week – and informed them of actions t...

  • Salard granted privileging extension in court

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    Dr. Greg Salard has been granted an extension of time to file a Reply Brief in appeal of a decision to withhold privileging at Wrangell Medical Center by the former hospital board. First District Court Judge Kevin Miller filed an order on Aug. 28 giving Salard until Sept. 20 to file documents in court challenging the decision to prevent him from practicing at the hospital. He is currently restricted to seeing patients at Alaska Island Community Services’ Tideline Clinic. The order gives Salard some breathing room in his pursuit of the a...

  • The Way We Were

    Sep 13, 2012

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 19, 1912: The delay in passing the appropriation bill has made it impossible for the U.S. Geological Survey to carry out all the field plans for Alaska that had been fromulated in 1912, but the funds that became available by emergency appropriations made it possible to dispatch several of the smaller parties for a full season's work. In southeastern Alaska, the survey proposes this year to study the gypsum and marble deposits. E.F. Blanchard, who sailed from Seattle about the first of...

  • Police reports

    Sep 13, 2012

    Monday, Sept. 3 -Dog complaint. Tuesday, Sept. 4 -Citizen assist, unlock vehicle door. -Report of verbal disturbance. -Civil matter, in reference to a child custody issue. -Officer responded to a noise complaint. Wednesday, Sept. 5 -Dog complaint. -Vacation check. -Report of possible theft. -Citation issued to Judith Hoyt, 35, for failure to provide proof of insurance. -Report of possible theft. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Report of juvenile shoplifting. -Verbal warning for driving habits. Thursday, Sept. 6 -Verbal altercation, individual came...

  • $10,000 reward offered by SEAPA

    Sep 13, 2012

    A $10,000 reward is being offered by The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (‘SEAPA’) for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the vandal, or vandals, responsible for causing an hour-long, region-wide power outage on Sunday, August 19, 2012, in both the City and Borough of Wrangell and the City of Petersburg. It is suspected that multiple rifle shots into an insulator core on one of the main power delivery towers on Wrangell’s Back Channel were caused by a vandal or vandals. Although power was restored quickly utilizing diesel gener...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Sep 13, 2012

    To the Editor: Attention moose hunters: There are tree thinners on the island thinning trees so expect hunting inconveniences. Jim Collier...

  • Monochrome Chronicles - a photographic history

    Sep 13, 2012

    Indians Making Baskets Wrangle 1890's. The Sentinel would be grateful for any additional information you may have about photos run in this section....

  • Nore recognized for WWII service in Alaska

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    At the outset of World War II, Alaska had not yet achieved statehood, but rather was a territorial possession of the United States. The world was at war, and the land that was to become the Last Frontier was the front line of defense against the Imperial Japanese armed forces. Against that backdrop, Territorial Governor Ernest Gruening established the Alaska Territorial Guard in March of 1942 to protect the future state against any possible invasion of the Japanese. Wrangell contributed nearly 1...

  • Historic SNO Building gets a facelift

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    After standing proudly for nearly a century, the historic SNO Building in downtown is getting a facelift. The building, which features apartments, as well as GCI and other tenants, is being renovated as part of the Downtown Revitalization Plan which will rehabilitate and remodel eight units in the building. The Tlingit-Haida Regional Housing Authority now owns the historic structure that was built in 1932 in downtown and originally owned by the Stikine Native Organization. Construction began in...

  • Wrangell SAR rescues young hunter

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    The Wrangell Search and Rescue team swung into action on Sunday, Sept. 9 as they traveled up the Stikine River to extract a young man who had fallen from a moose blind. According to Chief Tim Buness of the Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department, the eight members of the SAR team were dispatched before dawn on Sunday, Sept. 9 to an area northeast of the borough. The teen had apparently been on a hunting trip with family when he attempted to climb down from the blind and slipped on steps that were wet from the extreme rains experienced last weekend....

  • Musical wood putting Wrangell on the map

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    Wrangell is special for a lot of reasons – and thanks to the work of a company from Oregon, the world of acoustic musicians may soon discover just how special the wood in our forest really is. Bringing Wrangell’s Sitka spruce to instrument manufacturers around the world is part of the mission of North American Wood Products, a Portland-based wood company that, among other niche markets, specializes in delivering high grade wood to guitar, piano and violin makers. Alan Ollivant and Randy Vol...

  • Fish Factor

    Sep 13, 2012

    As Alaska’s salmon season winds down, selling the bulk of the harvest gears up for seafood companies that purchased the pack. “This is the season for negotiations, you might say,” said salmon guru Gunnar Knapp, longtime fisheries economist at the University of Alaska/Anchorage. “You never know the price until the product is actually sold.” The salmon season runs on different tracks starting with sockeye, and fish sales have varying schedules and market patterns throughout the year. Plus, salmon markets depend on the species and how they are...

  • Rooney: WMC renovation project back on track

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    The Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors met in a workshop setting on Sept. 5 in the lobby of the hospital to discuss a number of items related to the operation of the facility, and to revisit the hope that a new medical campus will be built in the borough. Borough Manager Tim Rooney gave the board – and residents of the borough – hope as he informed the group that the WMC renovation project was ready to move forward, contingent only upon approval of a new loan package from the US Dep...

  • Rain hampers end of season at Muskeg Meadows

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    Sometimes Mother Nature cooperates with a business endeavor – and sometimes, she doesn’t at all. Such is the case at Muskeg Meadows Golf Course over the past few weeks, with rainouts and generally bad weather delaying the end of their 2012 season by at least a week. Of the two tournaments that had been planned for last weekend, the “Two clubs and a putter,” tournament was cancelled on Saturday, with the Breakaway Adventures’ end-of-the-season event rounding out the year on Sept. 9. Grover Ma...

  • Cissna reports campaign loan for House seat

    Sep 13, 2012

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) – U.S. House candidate Sharon Cissna reports having about $1,075 on hand as she challenges incumbent Representative Don Young. Cissna, in a filing with the Federal Election Commission, reported raising nearly $1,800 between April 16 and Aug. 16. The Democrat also reported loaning her campaign about $4,800 and listed a $4,000 outstanding debt to the state Democratic Party. The party offers candidates things like access to voter lists, email blasts and other services at f...

  • SEARHC backs National Recovery Month

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    September is National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month and is promoted nationally by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. The theme for 2012 is “Join the Voices for Recovery: It’s Worth It,” which emphasizes that while the road to recovery may be difficult, the benefits of preventing and overcoming mental and/or substance use disorders are significant and valuable to individuals, families, and communities. Because of the high incidence of drug and alcohol abuse in the r...

  • Strom, Howell retire from Public Health office

    Sep 13, 2012

    Janet Strom and Rinda Howell retired this month from the Wrangell Public Health Department. Strom, the borough’s Public Health Nurse, served the State of Alaska for more than 25 years, with the last eight years in Wrangell. Howell, the office’s Administrative Assistant, served a total of 12 year with the state, with eight years at Public Health....

  • First Ladies on display at Nolan

    Greg Knight|Sep 13, 2012

    A collection of dolls representing the First Ladies of the White House, from Martha Washington to Nancy Reagan, are currently on display at the James and Elsie Nolan Center. The dolls, which were crafted by Wrangell resident Julia Robison are on display until the November election....

  • Meet the Candidates - School Board

    Sep 13, 2012

    Twyla Nore What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell School Board? I am a mother of four who has put my children through the Wrangell School System. I was very involved while my children went to school. Their education was one of my top priorities. They all went on to become productive alumni of Wrangell High School. Why are you running for the board? I currently have four grandchildren that are enrolled in the school system. I now have time to contribute...

  • Meet the Candidates - Alaska House District 33

    Sep 13, 2012

    Matt Olsen Why are you running for this newly created seat in the Alaska State Legislature? I grew up in Ketchikan and remember our region at the height of its successes. We need to develop three parts of our lives: energy, education and economy. We need affordable energy to develop and grow our economy. We need to provide our children with world-class educations so they can continue to develop our region and create a greater quality of life. And we need a diverse economy that takes advantage...