Articles from the November 8, 2018 edition

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  • 18th Thanksgiving basket handout coming soon

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    "The Thanksgiving baskets have a long tradition of Wrangell neighbors helping other neighbors who are having hard times," said Don and Bonnie Roher. "This is our 18th year of working with the Thanksgiving Baskets." Thanksgiving is a time for families to come together and share a delicious meal. Of course, as many people know, preparing Thanksgiving dinner can be an expensive prospect. For many people, it is simply beyond their budget to prepare the Thanksgiving meal they would want to have. Don said that the holiday can be a very stressful...

  • Halloween in Wrangell

    Nov 8, 2018

  • BRAVE to show "Resilience" film

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    About two months ago, BRAVE hosted a film screening of “Paper Tigers,” a documentary demonstrating how schools and communities can combat ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) that affect the development of their children. This month, on Nov. 17, they will be showing a follow up documentary by the same filmmakers, “Resilience.” “Resilience” takes a deeper look at the science behind ACEs and what people can do to mitigate their effects on young people. The hour-long documentary looks at how stressful and traumatic events can alter a child’s bra...

  • The Way We Were

    Nov 8, 2018

    November 7, 1918 The committee in charge of the benefit dance given by local Moose last Thursday evening spared no pains in their endeavor to make the affair successful. Redmen hall was beautifully decorated in bunting and flags. Beneath the stars and stripes, on the wall opposite the entrance, hung the honor roll of the Wrangell Moose organizations with its nineteen names. The committee had secured good music and floor manager Ned Lemieux arranged the dances so that everyone had an enjoyable evening. The dance netted the sum of $138.90, which...

  • Wrangell votes in midterm elections

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    The midterms have come again, and Wrangell turned out to make their voice heard in the Nov. 6 election. Polls were open at the Nolan Center. On the ballot was the position of Alaska governor and lieutenant governor, U.S. representative, and state representative. The race for governor was hotly contested. Bill Walker, the current governor of Alaska, suspended his re-election campaign in October, though his name still appeared on ballots. The other candidates include Democratic candidate Mark...

  • Correction

    Nov 8, 2018

    In a previous edition of the Wrangell Sentinel, we wrote that Michelle’s prepared the fundraiser dinner for the Lady Wolves volleyball team. The meals were instead prepared by Lynn Balansag and Lynn Martinsen....

  • Police Report

    Nov 8, 2018

    October 29, 2018 Citizen assist. Subpoena service. Theft. Criminal mischief. October 30, 2018 Paper service: Domestic violence order. MVA: Person hit deer. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for faulty equipment. October 31, 2018 Online enticement. Suspicious vehicle. November 1, 2018 Protective order violation. Ex-parte requested. Agency assist: Petersburg. Theft reported. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for defective brake lights. Noise complaint: Officers responded. Unable to locate. Theft reported. Arrested: Richard Eklund II, 31. On charges of...

  • SEARHC holds flu shot clinic on Election Day

    Nov 8, 2018

    SEARHC ran a flu shot clinic at the Nolan Center on election day. The clinic was right across the hallway from the polling place....

  • Obituary: Jimmie Wayne Thompson, 80

    Nov 8, 2018

    Jimmie "Jim" Wayne Thompson, passed away peacefully on July 5, 2018 at the Wrangell Medical Center. His health had declined over the last several years after suffering from several small strokes, and one substantial one in 2011 while he was visiting his mother in Texas. After spending several weeks in rehab, he was able to return back to his home in Wrangell where unfortunately his health continued to decline. He was born to Leon and Lorene Thompson, November 17, 1937 in Montague County, Texas....

  • Volleyball team going to regionals in second place

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    The Lady Wolves, Wrangell's high school volleyball team, competed in their second seeding tournament last weekend in Petersburg. Wrangell was tied for second place in their region with Petersburg and Klawock after the first seeding tournament earlier in the season. After this weekend, however, Coach Jessica Whitaker said that they have secured second place for their region, behind Craig High School, and will be going into regionals at that rank. Wrangell played against six other schools in the...

  • Renee Roberts makes new personal best at state swim meet

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    Renee Roberts, a freshman at Wrangell High School, set a new personal best time at the ASAA swim and dive state championship last weekend. The tournament took place in Anchorage, where 289 swimmers from 29 different schools competed, according to Swim Team Coach Jamie Roberts. Renee was the sole member of the Wrangell swim team to advance to the state competition. She competed in two events, the 50-yard Freestyle and the 100-yard Freestyle. She took 11th place and 14th place, respectively. In the 100-yard Freestyle, she also set a new personal...

  • Three wrestlers take first place in Metlakatla meet

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    Three Wrangell high school wrestlers were able to take first place at the Metlakatla invitational tournament last week. The Wrangell Wolves competed against eight other schools at the tournament: Craig, Haines, Hydaburg, Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Mt. Edgecumbe, Petersburg, and Thorne Bay. Hunter and Rowen Wiederspohn and Jake Eastaugh all took first place in their weight brackets. Hunter Wiederspohn took first place in the 152 bracket over three wrestlers from Ketchikan High School. Rowan...

  • Death Notice

    Nov 8, 2018

    Long time resident Jim (James) E. Smith, 69, passed away on Nov. 1, 2018 at the Wrangell Medical Center, while surrounded by his loved ones. An obituary will follow....

  • Wrangell hosts Stikine Middle School Invitational basketball tournament

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    From Thursday to Saturday last week, Wrangell high school and the old community gym held numerous basketball games. The town held the Stikine Middle School Invitational, a large basketball tournament for middle school teams across the region. The tournament rotates between the towns of Wrangell, Petersburg, and Craig each year, according to Aleisha Mollen. Six schools were represented at the tournament: Wrangell, Petersburg, Craig, Hydaburg, Thorne Bay, Klawock, and Prince of Wales. These teams...

  • Fish Factor: Alaska salmon permit values stagnant all year, except for two regions

    Laine Welch|Nov 8, 2018

    Values for Alaska salmon permits have remained stagnant all year, except for two regions, and costs for halibut quota shares have plummeted. For salmon permits, an off kilter fishery that came in 30 percent below an already grim harvest forecast kept a downward press on permit values. The preseason projection called for a salmon catch of 147 million this year; the total take was closer to 114 million. “All of these salmon fisheries in the Gulf, both gillnet and seine permits, had a lousy year. And we see that in the lackluster permit m...

  • An Alaskan Education

    Nov 8, 2018

    A deer strung up at the basketball court by Evergreen Elementary School. Brian Merritt, a teacher at the school, taught his fourth-grade class how to skin a deer last Friday morning....

  • Full house at Friends of NRA Banquet

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 8, 2018

    The Friends of NRA is the fundraising wing of the National Rifle Association. According to the group's website, they are a "100 percent grassroots effort" to support the second amendment to raise funds and awareness for shooting sports. Since the group's inception, they have raised about $815,000,000, and awarded 3,000 grants across the country. Wrangell hosted the Friends of the NRA last Saturday at the Nolan Center, where the organization held a fundraiser banquet. Greg Stephens was the...

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