Articles from the January 24, 2013 edition

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  • McConachie resigns as Mayor of Wrangell

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    Citing health concerns and a recent 11-day medical trip to Seattle, Wrangell Mayor Don McConachie relinquished his gavel last Thursday night as he resigned from his position on the Borough Assembly. In a letter written by McConachie that he read to the other members of the Assembly he explained his reasoning behind leaving his post in city government. “Since 1998 it has been my privilege to serve on the Assembly of the City and Borough of Wrangell, Alaska. Many things have happened during t... Full story

  • Police seeking leads in assault investigation

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    Wrangell Police Department officers are investigating allegations of an assault that led to the hospitalization of a 17-year old Wrangell High School student. The incident, which is alleged to have occurred at a residence near the corner of Case Avenue and Front Street in the late evening hours of Saturday, Jan. 12, involved a party where allegedly a number of minors and at least two adults were present – and where WPD Lieutenant Merlin Ehlers said alcohol was a major contributing factor. “We are investigating a number of individuals who wer... Full story

  • Wave Venture repairs cable, ships out for Canada

    Jan 24, 2013

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 24, 2013

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 20, 1913: As interesting a case of robbery as has been pulled off in Southeast Alaska for many moons was brought to light this week by the local author after complaint of Peter Funcie, assistant watchman at the Pt. Ward cannery, that the warehouse has been broken into and considerable valuable gear spirited away. The complications of the case are many on account of the belief that the assistant watchman is implicated in the crooked transaction. Last Friday the watchman of Pt. Ward cannery ca...

  • Legislature to debate guns in schools

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    With the 2012 school shootings in Connecticut and California still fresh in our collective memory, a proposal from an Anchorage lawmaker would allow for teachers or other permanent school employees to carry concealed weapons on campus “for defensive use” in the State of Alaska. House Bill 55, from Republican Rep. Bob Lynn, would allow public districts and private schools to adopt written policies spelling out the circumstances under which firearms could be possessed and used. The proposal, which... Full story

  • Arrington indicted on drug, weapons charges

    Jan 24, 2013

    A Wrangell man has been indicted in a drugs and weapons case involving allegations that he trafficked in marijuana and prescription drugs in the Borough last year. Paul Arrington, 64, was charged in a seven-count indictment on Jan. 18 with possession, delivery, manufacturing and distribution of both Schedule II and IV narcotics, and misconduct involving weapons. According to the indictment, Arrington used his boat, the F/V Wave Ryder, to store a cache of drugs that included marijuana, morphine, and Hydrocodone and Lorazepam pills. The...

  • Police reports

    Jan 24, 2013

    Monday, Jan. 14 -Person reported feeling a tremor. -Officer unlocked vehicle. -Person requested office door unlocked, officer assisted. -Report of possible scam. -Officer unlocked vehicle as requested. -911-pocket dial. Tuesday, Jan. 15 -Report of broken window, officer responded. -Report of suspicious vehicle. -Three-wheeler complaint. -Report of theft. Wednesday, Jan. 16 -Officer did welfare check, all was fine. Thursday, Jan. 17 -Person came in for random breath test. -Officer responded to harassment. -Citation issued to Jaynee Fritzinger,...

  • Trooper report

    Jan 24, 2013

    Wednesday, Jan. 16 Alaska Wildlife Troopers in Wrangell and Petersburg contacted 26-year-old Wrangell resident Jared Gross. Investigation revealed Gross was personal-use fishing for Dungeness crab with no bio-escape mechanism on his crab pot. Gross was cited into Wrangell court with a bail amount of $110.00. Sunday, Jan. 20 At approximately 1230 hours, Klawock AST received a report of two residential burglaries that had occurred sometime in the early morning hours in Coffman Cove. It was reported that two firearms, a chainsaw, a logging block w...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Jan 24, 2013

    To the Editor: On Saturday evening, January 12, 2013, my seventeen year-old son took a brutal beating that involved at least two, if not three people. To make matters worse, my son was not even conscious when the beating took place. He had been at a party with at least five other kids where unfortunately there was drinking involved. The suspects waited until my son passed out and beat him nearly to death. As if this isn’t bad enough, pictures were taken of the assault as it was happening. I have only been able to get a hold of one of these p... Full story

  • Peggy's Corner of the House

    Peggy Wilson|Jan 24, 2013

    Hello and welcome to Peggy’s Corner of the House. I’m excited to be back in Juneau representing our new District 33 in the State House. This is my third year serving as House Majority Whip. Through this leadership position, I assist the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader to coordinate ideas and garner support for proposed legislation, and whatever other help they may need. If the majority leader is absent I fill in for him in the House Chambers – I once even filled in for the Speak...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jan 24, 2013

    Fishing groups, consumers and health organizations are launching a final push to prevent genetically modified fish from getting the nod for American dinner plates. During the holidays the Food and Drug Administration issued its environmental assessment concluding that the fish, tweaked to grow at least three times faster than normal, will not have any significant impacts on the human environment and is unlikely to harm wild stocks. The FDA’s environmental green light is the last step before AquaBounty, the creators of so called Frankenfish, c...

  • Troop 40 receives national press recognition

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    Wrangell’s Boy Scout Troop 40 is making national news after being included in the January edition of Boy’s Life, the official monthly journal of the Boy Scouts of America. The troop was singled out for recognition after their trip up the Stikine River to complete 300 hours of manual labor to remove non-native plant species over the course of five days in the wilderness. Troop 40 Scoutmaster Shirley Wimberly said she was excited to see her group of scouts featured in the national publication. “I am just ecstatic,” Wimberly said. “We have had thi...

  • Rea settlement conference set for February

    Jan 24, 2013

    The end could be near regarding the lawsuit filed by the City and Borough of Wrangell against former Wrangell Medical Center administrator Noel Rea and six former members of the WMC Board of Directors. According to Borough Manager Tim Rooney, Borough attorney Robert Blasco, along with Rea’s attorney, David Shoup, held a phone conference with Judge Trevor Stephens on Friday, Jan 11 to schedule a settlement conference in the case. As a result of that meeting, the settlement conference has been tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 19, in K...

  • Youth wrestling season begins

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    Head coach Jeff Rooney spends a few moments with some of Wrangell’s youngest wrestlers as the 2013 season of Wolfpack Youth Wrestling began on Friday, Jan. 14 at the community gym....

  • WMC Board revises policies, seeks credentialing firm

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    A new confidentiality agreement related to credentialing of medical staff, and changes to a number of personnel policies at Wrangell Medical Center, were the main topics of discussion and action during the Jan. 16 WMC Board of Trustees meeting. The board began with a new agreement that each member must sign agreeing to, “hold as confidential all credentialing and privileging information obtained during the course of and following my association with the Wrangell Medical Center Governing Board.” Members will also not be allowed to make copies of...

  • Death Notice

    Jan 24, 2013

    Rosie Massin passed away on January 17, 2013. A service will be held on Friday, January 31 at 1 p.m. at the Catholic Church with a reception to follow. A full obituary will be published at a later date....

  • Wrangell varsity gives up two to Craig

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    The Wolves basketball squad lost two hard fought games last weekend as the Craig Panthers rolled to victories on Wrangell’s home court. On Friday night, the Wolves led most of the game and came close to a win as they fell by a 56-50 final score, with senior Ryan Reeves blasting through for 20 points on the night – outstripping even Craig’s best offensive player who shot for 18 points. Reeves also went 11-for-14 from the line and dropped five deuces during the game. Wrangell was hampered by tu...

  • Klawock doubles down on Lady Wolves

    Greg Knight|Jan 24, 2013

    In 1908, the poet Grantland Rice wrote a truism that exists in all interscholastic, non-professional sports. In his poem “Alumnus Football” he wrote, “For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name, He marks – not that you won or lost – but how you played the Game.” Through the years and after millions upon millions of high school basketball, volleyball and other sporting events, that stanza most likely became, “It's not whether you win or lose. It's how you play the game.” Th...

  • Wrangell boys JV squad take two from Craig

    Jan 24, 2013

    Wolves freshman Davis Dow pushes and cajoles his way into the paint against Craig last week during one of the JV squad’s two victories over the Panthers. Wrangell won their matches 50-41 on Friday and 37-27 on Saturday evening....

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