Articles from the November 15, 2018 edition

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  • Veterans Day recognized at high school

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    Wrangell High School hosted numerous local veterans and town residents for a Veterans Day Program on Monday. This past Veterans Day was especially unique, as on Nov. 11 one hundred years ago this year, the First World War came to an end. Over 116,000 American soldiers died in World War I. The program at the high school brought together several Wrangell and school organizations to mark the holiday and to say thank you to veterans in Wrangell and across the country. The service was opened with...

  • Midterm results are in, almost forty percent of Wrangell turned out

    Nov 15, 2018

    Out of 1,904 registered voters in Wrangell, according to preliminary election results for the 2018 midterms, there was a local turnout of 733. This is a percentage of 38.5 percent. Kim Lane, Wrangell city clerk, said there were 175 early ballots that were not yet counted. Statewide, Alaska had a voter turnout of 41.9 percent, or 239,604 votes cast out of 571,851 registered voters. Alaskan voters had the opportunity to vote for a new governor and U.S. Representative. The “Stand For Salmon” ballot measure one was also voted on. Wrangell, a par...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Nov 15, 2018

    November 14, 1918 Monday afternoon P.C. McCormack of the Wrangell school board acted as courier and read the proclamation that the war was over to the pupils of the various rooms and the school bell began the celebration. After the singing of “America” and the “Star-Spangled Banner” by the assembled school, the pupils were dismissed for the remainder of the day. Meanwhile, other bells, church bells, fire bells and Government school bell, were ringing joyfully and the whistles from the Columbia and Northern, the shingle mill, the cannery...

  • Evergreen Elementary competes for $10,000 in midterm contest

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    Many Wrangell residents who went out to vote in the Nov. 6 midterms saw a poster board covered in blue "I Voted" stickers. They were encouraged to add their stickers to the collage to support Evergreen Elementary. This past election, the school participated in the 2018 First Alaskan Institute Youth Voter Turnout Challenge. The contest was fairly simple, as explained by a paper attached to the sticker collage. Whichever school saw the highest increase in voter turnout from 2016 to 2018 would win...

  • Central Council informational fair

    Nov 15, 2018

  • Boat accident off Heritage Harbor

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    Early on the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 14, a boat accident occurred off of Heritage Harbor. Greg Meissner, with the harbor department, said that one boat was leaving the harbor and sailing westward, towards Zarembo Island. Another boat, with Alaska Crossings, was heading in a southern direction. Both boats collided out in open water. According to Bruce Smith, with the Wrangell Police Department, there were four people involved in the accident. Three people were injured and hospitalized. Smith could not speak to the extent of their injuries or...

  • Police report

    Nov 15, 2018

    November 5, 2018 Arrested: Cooper Seimears, 33. On charges of criminal trespass/ criminal mischief. Citizen assist: Unlock vehicle. Driving with revoked license. Summons service. Traffic stop: Faulty equipment. November 6, 2018 Driving complaint: Warning was given for driving vehicle without windows defrosted. Parking complaint: Vehicle being moved. Burning complaint. Suspicious circumstance. Traffic stop: Verbal warning for headlights. November 7, 2018 Agency assist: Boat accident. Citizen assist. Dogs at large: Verbal warning given to keep...

  • Obituary: Daniel (Dan) O. Bauer, 72

    Nov 15, 2018

    It is with great sadness that the family of Daniel O. Bauer announces his passing on Friday, October 19, 2018 at the age of 72. He was born on September 22, 1946 in Aurora, Illinois, to John W. Bauer Jr. and Mary Helen. He graduated from Sycamore High School in 1964 and served in the United States Army. He moved his family from Sycamore, Illinois to California in 1976 and then on to Alaska in 1978. He worked as a Lineman and Installer for Ketchikan Public Utilities, remaining with KPU until his...

  • Obituary: James E Smith, 69

    Nov 15, 2018

    James (Jim) E Smith, 69, of Wrangell, Alaska passed away on November 1, 2018. He was born on October 23, 1949 in Canyonville, Oregon, to Robert and Mary Smith. He was a logger in Oregon and moved to Wrangell with his family where he remained for 32 years, where he decided that he wanted to fish commercially. He also owned the F/V Priority and the F/V Downeast’r. He enjoyed hunting, cooking, gardening the hill, and anything outdoors with family and friends. He is preceded in death by his father, Robert Smith. Jim is survived by his mother, M...

  • Obituary: Richard McCormick, 89

    Nov 15, 2018

    Richard Robert McCormick, "Dick", slipped peacefully from this life on November 6, 2018 at age 89. At the time of his death, he was residing in the Anchorage Pioneers Home and was surrounded by family. He was born January 06, 1929 in Juneau, Alaska, the son of Richard McCormick II and Kathleen Pellascio. He was raised in Douglas, Alaska with his 3 brothers, Jim, Bob and Tony. He was one of the last graduates from the old Douglas High School. He stayed in contact with childhood chums and...

  • Senior recognition at volleyball game last Friday

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    The Wrangell Lady Wolves hosted the Petersburg High School volleyball team last Friday night. This was the second home game Wrangell has hosted during the volleyball season. It was also a special night for both teams, as a senior recognition night was held. The Lady Wolves recognized two high school seniors on their team: Helen Decker (No. 4) and Ashley Allen (No. 7). Both seniors received balloons and gifts from their teammates, and the girls' family members were invited onto the court for phot...

  • Wrangell Wolves take seventh place out of fifty-five

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    The Wrangell Wolves, the high school wrestling team, competed at the ACS Denali Auto Glass Invitational tournament in Anchorage last weekend. There were 55 teams present for the tournament. Assistant Coach Jack Carney said that the ACS tournament is one of the largest for 3A schools in the state. He said that the tournament is a good way for other teams to size up their competition and get a feel for how they will be seeded in the state tournament at the end of the season. He added that his team received a lot of compliments at the tournament,...

  • 36th Annual Christmas Bazaar

    Nov 15, 2018

  • Alaska Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Nov 15, 2018

    Alaska salmon fishermen harvested 114.5 million fish during the 2018 season for a payout of $595 million at the docks. That’s down 13 percent from the value of last year’s salmon catch. A preliminary wrap up of the 2018 salmon season by the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game provides summaries for every fishing region across the state. It shows that sockeye salmon accounted for nearly 60 percent of the total value and 44 percent of the statewide salmon harvest. A catch of 50 million sockeyes added up to nearly $350 million for Alaska fishermen. Chu...

  • IGAP collects gill nets for recycling

    Nov 15, 2018

  • Swim club competes in November Rain meet

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 15, 2018

    The Wrangell Swim Club went to November Rain last weekend, an annual swim meet held in Petersburg. This is the third year Wrangell has competed in the event, according to Coach Jamie Roberts. Roberts brought 17 swimmers to Petersburg. Each swimmer in the meet, she explained, could participate in a maximum of 12 swims. Her swimmers competed in a total of 138 swims. Not counting for warm-ups, the team swam a total of 485 laps over the three days of the competition. Two swimmers, Paige Baggen and Jack Roberts, swam about a quarter of these laps....

  • Christmas ornaments made for governor's tree

    Nov 15, 2018

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