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A complaint over the status of the two public Wrangell cemeteries will lead to a drive to remove decorations this spring. Memorial Cemetery – known about town as the "old cemetery" – and Sunset Gardens Cemetery – known as the "new cemetery" – faced criticism at the March 25 borough assembly meeting from Wayne Kaer. At the same meeting, assembly members voted on the final step in a series of ordinance changes abolishing the borough's cemetery committee, because of a lack of interest, and because... Full story
The Wrangell Parks and Recreation committee unanimously recommended two measures to the borough assembly at Wednesday’s meeting. The first vote recommended the assembly change the hours of operation for the pool and workout facility. A second vote recommended an ordinance for consideration related to logging in city parks. The hours change could head to a public hearing for feedback before consideration by the assembly. The ordinance will go to the borough attorney for legal evaluation before beginning the process of becoming ordinance. The c... Full story
Jay Thomas will not be the superintendent of Wrangell Schools next year. Thomas has asked out of his contract for the 2014-15 school year for personal reasons, according to a school district statement issued Tuesday morning. The school board held a special meeting Monday, and voted 5-0 to allow Thomas out of his contract. School board members planned an additional meeting Wednesday night to further discuss the issue, though that date fell after Sentinel production deadlines for this edition. The school system has been looking for a new... Full story
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 23, 1914: The Fire Department was called out early Monday to answer an alarm sounded from the fire bell in the Red Men’s Hall. The fire was in the shack occupied by E.W. Stewart and his partner in back of Chas. Shun Grocery Store. The fire had started from an un-jointed stove pipe in the garret from which a spark had lodged in the underside of the roof. Mr. Stewart was eating breakfast when someone yelled fire and, on going outside, he discovered that it was his own home. The fire was e...
The borough assembly was set to consider hiring a part-time ordinance enforcement officer after a Facebook conversation. Discussion about the matter came up briefly during the April 8 assembly meeting. Assembly member Daniel Blake told the assembly he’d been involved in a Facebook conversation with as many as 40 people about a large amount of dog feces and loose animals downtown. The conversation originally focused around the possibility of an animal control officer for the borough, Blake said. However, in researching the history of animal c...
Monday, April 7 Alarm. Suspicious circumstance. Parking complaint. Intoxicated person. Traffic stop. Tuesday, April 8 Lost Wallet – Dark gray/black. Report of Assault. Citizen Assist – FD notified. Citizen Assist. Harassing Communication. Wednesday, April 9 Agency Assist. Parking Complaint – Vehicle needs to be moved. Citizen Assist – Unlock vehicle. Traffic Stop – Verbal warning given for faulty brake light. Thursday, April 10 Found Buoy – Has been returned to owner. Domestic – Verbal. Friday, April 11 Agency Assist. Saturday, April 12 Offi...
Sandra Kay (Kenny) Griswold of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho passed away April 12, 2014 at the Hospice House in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho after a 5 year battle with multiple myeloma. Sandra was born January 15, 1955 in Kalispell, Mont. to William and Loretta (Galland) Kenny. Sandra's father passed away in 1972 when she was 17, and the family moved from Montana to Coeur d'Alene. Sandra graduated from Upper Columbia Academy in Spangle, Wash. in 1974. In 1983 she married Donald Griswold. In 1984, Sandra, Don,... Full story
To the Editor: In reference to your photo in the March 20 edition showing a water main repair on St. Michael’s Street: Where’s the steel cage to protect the worker from a cave in? Do they use them? Mel Bailey...
Hello and welcome to week twelve of Peggy’s Corner of the House. I am pleased to report that the House Resources Committee, of which I am vice-chair, unanimously moved SB 138 onto the next committee. SB 138 is the Governor’s bill that will authorize the administration to continue negotiations on firm contracts for the development of a natural gas pipeline. Following almost a week of very detailed discussions on amendments, I believe a much better bill has moved forward. The House Finance Committee has now taken up the bill for further eva...
Let's be clear: the Lady Wolves softball team showed up in force this year. Unlike the high school baseball team, which didn't garner enough participants to field a full team (not enough relief pitching for a double-header has hamstrung the Wolves baseball team for this season), the softballers have 16 student athletes – almost enough players to stock two full teams without relief – raring to go. Unfortunately, they lack credible opposition, school activities officials have said. Officials hav...
Kelyn K'aldagnaa' Young was born March 30, 2014 in Ketchikan at home to Dewyo and Charley Young of Ketchikan. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. Kelyn joins sister Braidyn, 6, and brother Devyn, 3. Paternal grandparents are Cherie and Frank Young of Wrangell. Maternal grandmother is Susan Nelson of North Bend, Oregon....
Future Wrangell schools secondary principal Colter Barnes was in town this weekend to see the community and look for housing. Barnes will replace retiring secondary principal and athletic director Monty Buness Aug. 1. He's currently the traveling principal at Kokhanok and Igiugig schools in the Lake and Peninsula School system. He spent part of the weekend watching the multi-day middle school volleyball tournament at the high school. "Cause it's always sunny here, right?" he quipped, when asked...
ANCHORAGE, (AP)– An online competitor announced plans Tuesday to buy Alaska's largest daily newspaper. Alaska Dispatch Publishing LLC, the parent company of the online newspaper the Alaska Dispatch, will purchase the Anchorage Daily News from The McClatchy Co. for $34 million. The sale is expected to close in May. “This is a chance for us to get even more reporters on the ground and do more journalism,” said Tony Hopfinger, Alaska Dispatch's co-founder, executive editor and president. The Anchorage Daily News will continue to be printed seven...
FAIRBANKS, Alaska (AP) – Students in the medical assistant program at the University of Alaska Fairbanks may have been practicing injections with an unauthorized solution as far back as 2010, according to a school investigation. The university began its review after learning last month that students had injected themselves and each other with a solution that’s not approved for human or animal use. Roughly 30 students received the solution called Demo-Dose and complained of burning sensations and other symptoms. The university initially tho...
The Wrangell High School Close Up group returned Monday from a student government trip to Washington DC and New York. The group – which included 13 students and two adults – spent six days in Washington DC learning about American history and politics, then went to New York to experience more history and culture. Close Up was founded in 1971 by a group of educators concerned about participation in government. The group aims to teach participants to seek out multiple sources of information, pay at...
Alaska's total salmon catch for 2014 is projected to be down by almost half of last year's record haul. State fishery managers are calling for an all species harvest of just under 133 million salmon, a 47% drop from last year's whopping 283 million fish. A pink catch of 95 million pushed the record last year and it is pinks that will bring the numbers down this summer. Pink salmon run in on/off year cycles and this year the catch is pegged at about 75 million, a 67% decrease from last summer's 2...
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) _ A divided Alaska House on Sunday voted to raise the state minimum wage, amid suspicions of lawmakers' motives. Supporters of HB384 sought to allay fears, saying they had no intent to revisit the issue for at least two years, should a bill pass. The bill, as introduced earlier this month, tracked closely with a ballot initiative that would raise the minimum wage of $7.75 an hour by $2 an hour over two years and adjust it annually for inflation after that. The bill was changed on the floor through amendments offered by...
PETERSBURG – Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Production Manger Bill Gass said he’s impressed by how fast State officials are moving forward with plans to reconstruct Petersburg’s Crystal Lake Hatchery incubation facility that was destroyed by a fire last month. “It’s not a matter of deciding to pay it or not,” Gass said. “Before an expenditure of that magnitude happens or not they (State officials) need to get engineers involved, quotes from contractors, a fully functional design that would go out to bid… We’re the contracted operat...
The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission approved a final plat for a replat of the tidelands in Wrangell’s inner harbor. The board unanimously approved the plat, part of a land deal for Dave Svendsen that has been in the works for months, and creates one larger unsubdivided tideland lot out of two smaller lots in the Block 24. The commission also approved by unanimous vote a Conditional Use Permit for defense attorney Michael Nash. Nash had sought the permit in order to operate a legal services firm out of his residence. Commissioners a...
City officials are urging Wrangell residents to take steps to conserve energy through mid- May. After a diesel-free winter, Tyee Lake went down for maintenance work Monday. While Tyee will be off-line until May 12— meaning the city will run on diesel fuel imported from Washington State in the meantime— according to borough power and light superintendent Clay Hammer. The borough accumulates a diesel surcharge during this period, which is divided evenly among all consumers. This year’s run is early. “This is actually a good two weeks ahead o...