Articles from the May 8, 2014 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 19 of 19

  • Local legislators emphasize pension boost, education

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    Local legislators were circumspect about their accomplishments in the 95-day second legislative session, gaveled out April 25. State Sen. Bert Stedman (R – Sitka) and State Rep. Sam Kito (D – Juneau) both cited a $3 billion contribution to the Public Employee Retirement System and Teacher Retirement System, known as PERS and TRS, respectively, as among the positive steps, though they were quick to point out that legislators also extended the terms of the unfunded liability, meaning Alaska municipalities could feel a budgetary pinch down the roa...

  • WPC approves memorial, discusses Meyers Chuck dock

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    The Wrangell ports commission voted 4-0 Thursday to approve a final draft for the Mariners Memorial. The draft plan represents features compiled from among three options presented to the commission by Juneau-based landscape artist Chris Mertl of Corvus Design. It will now head back to Mertl, who will prepare draft blueprint documents of the Memorial's features, designs which could be taken to charitable organizations, the state legislature, or other potential funding sources. The designs have be...

  • Traditional memorial ceremonies return to Wrangell

    Rosita Worl Sealaska Heritage Institute President|May 8, 2014

    An Alaska Native memorial ceremony was held in Wrangell the weekend of April 26. The Sentinel offered to cover the event, but was told local organizations wished to avoid media coverage of an intensely private, invitation-only event. What follows is one person's perspective on the events and a brief explanation of the ceremony's cultural significance. The single event was actually comprised of two events, one for each of the two Tlingit moieties (Raven and Eagle/Wolf) hosted by members of the...

  • The Way We Were

    May 8, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 14, 1914: Eddie Kalkins arrived in from up the river last Sunday morning. Ed left here last March with his dog team in the employ of W. Ogilbie to help in moving some mining machinery to his claims on McDames Creek in the Dease Lake country. There were four dog teams totaling 13 dogs at work moving 3,000 pounds of machinery from the old claims on Tibit Creek to McDames Creek, a distance of over 90 miles. The trip was a very bad one as the trail was in bad shape and a thaw started before the job...

  • Ordinance review committee discusses animal rules

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    The ordinance review committee took up the issue of animal control in Wrangell Thursday afternoon. Discussion focused around revising ordinances related to animal control, and touched only briefly on the potential for hiring a part-time ordinance enforcement officer, who would also be trained for and tasked with controlling the town’s stray dog population. Ordinance review committee sessions are largely informal, without set agendas. Suggested changes to the ordinances are noted and submitted t...

  • Police reports

    May 8, 2014

    Monday, April 28 MCA: Charged Austin Prabucki, 18, with Minor Consuming Alcohol. Tuesday, April 29 Traffic Stop: Verbal warning for no license plate and no back bumper. Wednesday, April 30 Agency assists alarm. Citizen assist. Criminal Mischief. Abandoned vehicles. Thursday, May 1 Suspicious Vehicle. Officer responded to intoxicated person. Traffic stop: Verbal warning driving habits. Report of Reckless driving. Friday, May 2 Report of Harassment. Agency Assist/AST. Agency Assist/Power Outage. Agency Assist: Report of black smoke at the dump....

  • Dump blaze

    May 8, 2014

  • School association honors Wrangell's Archie Young

    Klas Stolpe|May 8, 2014

    Humble and competitive. That alone should be enough to justify a selection into any hall of fame. Mt. Edgecumbe High School basketball coach and teacher Archie Young carries those traits and passes them on to his students, players, coaches and opponents. He was acknowledged for these integrities by the Alaska School Activities Association recently and announced as one of the 11 members of the Class of 2014 to be inducted into the Alaska High School Hall of Fame. "When I first heard about my...

  • The band played on

    May 8, 2014

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|May 8, 2014

    The basic laws of supply and demand are resulting in a nice pay day for Alaska halibut and sablefish harvesters. Prices for both fish are up by more than a dollar a pound compared to the same time last year. Fresh halibut has been moving smoothly and demand is steady since the fishery opened in early March, said a major Kodiak buyer, where dock prices were reported at $6 a pound for ten to 20 pounders, $6.25 for halibut weighing 20 to 40 pounds, and $6.50 for “40 ups.” At Homer and in Southeast Alaska, halibut prices have yet to drop below six...

  • Salmon derby to open Saturday

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    The scale needle tipped at 74.4 pounds in summer 1955, and it’s stayed there ever since. Local and visiting anglers will have their chance at unseating Doris Iverson’s record Salmon Derby catch – still on display at the Wrangell Museum – starting this Saturday with the opening of the annual Wrangell Salmon Derby. The event has drawn dozens of anglers to local waters since 1953 in search of the elusive record-breaker – the runner up was eight pounds lighter, a 66.1-pound fish boated in 1974 by Max Dalton – or at least a fish big enough to w...

  • Ice to meet you

    May 8, 2014

  • Ceremony will honor local veterans

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    A ceremony set for May 12 will draw guest speakers from federal and state veterans’ agencies to the Wrangell High School gymnasium. Monday’s planned ceremony will honor veterans of all stripes, according to Rhonda Christian who organized the ceremony with assistance from the Alaska Department of Military & Veterans Affairs, the American Legion, the local Boy Scouts and other community groups. The presentation will start at 6 p.m. with an introduction by Forrest E. Powell III of Alaska Veterans Affairs, followed by a welcome by Mayor David Jac...

  • UAS graduates record 57 Native students

    May 8, 2014

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — The University of Alaska Southeast has set a new standard for Alaska Native graduates with this year's commencement ceremonies. There were 57 Alaska Native students who were graduated from a UAS campus this year, the largest number for any graduation in the university's history, the Juneau Empire reported. And at the main Juneau campus on Sunday, the first degrees ever awarded in Alaska Native language and studies program were presented to three students during the annual Alaska Native Graduation Ceremony. Nae Brown was a...

  • On target

    May 8, 2014

  • Stikine teacher wins statewide recognition

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    Students and teachers feted Bob Davis's Teacher of Excellence Award Friday with pizza, a short break from classes at the end of the day, and an error-riddled sign. The errors were intentional, a loving tweak of pet-peeve grammatical errors Davis has reminded students about countless times over his years as a middle school English teacher. "They're the ones I would harp at," he said, chuckling. Davis is in his 20th year as a teacher at Stikine. Teaching emerged as a career path after a long time...

  • Cold chill

    May 8, 2014

  • Science fair exhibits touch on variety of topics

    Brian O Connor|May 8, 2014

    If you wanted an answer to an unexpected question, Thursday was a great time to be at Stikine Middle School. Among the questions posed (and answers attempted) at the annual sixth grade science fair were: which brand of hair tie can hold the most weight? Which type of bait do squirrels and juncos prefer? Does listening to up-tempo music increase your blood pressure? Which school has the most bacteria? Students have worked on the questions, and the experiments and accompanying displays, since Febr...

  • Southeast sirens

    May 8, 2014

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