Sorted by date Results 451 - 475 of 619
In a news brief released April 28, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced additional sport fishing opportunities for king salmon would be available to Wrangell and Petersburg’s District 8. Sport fishing for king salmon in the district may be conducted with the use of two rods per angler, with no more than six lines fished from a vessel. Resident anglers have a bag limit of three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length, with a limit of six in possession. Nonresidents have a bag and possession limit of two, up to six for the year. Ch...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the opening of the commercial king salmon troll fishery in District 8. District 8: will be open from 12:01 a.m., Monday, May 2 - 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, May 4, with restrictions at the Babbler Point Area, Wrangell Harbor Area, Greys Pass and Beacon Point/Point Frederick Area. All fish legally retained in the commercial salmon troll fishery, whether for sale or retained for personal use (condition code 95) must be recorded on a fish ticket....
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced the first opening of the Southeast Alaska drift gillnet fishery will begin Monday, May 2, 2016. This opening is directed at returns of Stikine River king salmon and will occur in the following area: District 8: will be open from 8:00 a.m., Monday, May 2 - 8:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 3, with some restrictions at the Stikine River, Beacon Point/Point Frederick Area, Bear Creek and Wrangell Harbor Area. Gillnet Gear Restrictions: The gear allowed will be the standard length and depth (300 fathoms and...
Alaska’s Board of Game adopted a number of changes for the upcoming regulatory year, which take effect July 1. Of local interest, the definition of spike-fork antlers was updated to read as “antlers of a bull moose with only one or two tines on at least one antler, a point or tine originating within two inches of the base of the antler and less than three inches in length will not be counted as a tine; male calves are not considered spike bulls.” The change was proposed this year by Wrangell’s Game Advisory Committee (AC) as Proposal 6. In its...
Results from last summer's citizen science bat tracking program were presented at the Nolan Center on Monday. Since 2004 the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) has been tracking the region's bat population. One component of this research has been the trapping and radiotagging of little brown bats, one of the state's seven identified species. The department also makes use of year-round acoustic monitoring stations and has begun to enlist volunteers to use acoustic driving transects. This...
Members of Wrangell Cooperative Association and the wider community were invited out to an informational workshop Tuesday night, introducing them to the Tribe's latest program. Alongside its Transportation and IGAP (see article inside) offices, the Subsistence Fisheries Management Program intends to improve quality of life and opportunity for tribal members, in this case through salmon restoration in traditional watersheds. Brian Ashton was invited by WCA to head the new program, which at the...
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Fishing industry and lawmakers on Thursday puzzled over the origins of a proposed one percent tax increase in fisheries business taxes and fishery resource landing taxes. During a hearing on the bill by the House fisheries committee, fishermen testified that they did not understand the origins of the increase. It is expected to raise $18 million in new revenue for the state annually, according to the Department of Revenue. It is one of six proposed industry taxes from Gov. Bill Walker, including increases to mining, m...
Local spending appears to have dropped substantially during the last holiday season. The latest sales tax figures collected by the City and Borough of Wrangell indicated that for the 2016 fiscal year’s second quarter – or from October through December 2015 – only $506,216 in sales taxes were collected, a 16-percent drop over the corresponding period the previous year. Sales tend to be lower through the third quarter than the second, picking up again during the spring and summer seasons. So in 2015, from January to March the city colle...
The Sitka black-tailed deer hunting season is now closed in Southeast Alaska. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game reminds all hunters who have obtained deer harvest tickets to return completed hunt reports to their nearest office. Even those who did not hunt or harvest a deer must submit a report. Hunt reports may be submitted by mail or in person at an ADFG office, or online at The information collected from the hunt reports helps biologists estimate changes in area-specific deer harvest and hunting effort, monitor...
Wrapping up the last of this year’s game proposals, Wrangell’s Advisory Committee (AC) for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s regulatory boards held its last meeting of the year on Jan. 28. Comments gathered by the committee – made up of area sportsmen, fishermen, and subsistence users – go to the boards of Fish and Game when they meet later this month and in March. Digital copies of the regulations proposal books are available for review online at the Board page on Flipping through the booklet, Wrangell...
A single Chinook salmon is worth more than a barrel of oil. The winter kings being caught by Southeast Alaska trollers are averaging10 pounds each with a dock price of $7.34 a pound, according to state fish tickets. That adds up to $73.40 per fish, compared to less than $25 per barrel of oil. Those who depend on fishing for their livelihoods want to make sure that budget cuts combined with any new fishery taxes, don’t cut core services that result in missed fishing opportunities. “Not all cuts are equal, and if there are cuts that interfere wit...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 20, 1916: Owing to the fact that matters seem to progressing rather slowly in regard to the Dry Strait survey, Mr. F. Matheson, who has the matter in charge, recently wrote to Delegate Wickersham regarding the affair and received an answer which states, “On December 8th I wrote to the Secretary of War asking about the report of the Engineer on the matter of Dry Strait improvement and on the 14th he wrote me saying that he had not yet received it from the District Engineer’s Office.” An en...
Fishing issues will take a back seat to budget cutting when the Alaska legislature convenes on January 19 for its 90-day session, but two early fish bills (and one hold-over) already are getting attention. One new measure aims to stop the migration of fishing permits outside of the state. We lost over 50 percent of our permits over the 1973 original issuance of permits,” said Robin Samuelsen of the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation (BBEDC), speaking at a two day Alaska Sea Grant workshop last week in Anchorage titled Fisheries Access...
On Jan. 4 a federal judge imposed fines on two Wrangell fishermen for falsifying Individual Fishing Quota records over a three-year period. Charles Petticrew Sr., 70, and son Charles Petticrew Jr., 42, had on Oct. 16, 2015 pleaded guilty to charges brought against them by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Alaska, and agreed to pay fines totaling $100,000. The two admitted to submitting IFQ reports falsely specifying statistical areas in the Gulf of Alaska where they caught nearly 4,000 pounds of halibut, valued at $23,375. The reports were s...
Ahead of statewide regulatory meetings scheduled for February and March, the local Advisory Committee (AC) for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s regulatory boards met at the Fire Hall on Monday to start putting together its recommendations. High on the list of its hunting priorities for this session was Prop. 6, put forward by Wrangell’s AC. This would modify the definition of a moose antler, specifically having “spike-fork antlers” to mean antlers of a bull moose with only one or two tines on at least one antler, antler project...
PETERSBURG (AP) — The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is predicting a return of about 34,000 king salmon to the Stikine River next year in southeast Alaska. The estimated return is large enough to allow commercial fishing in the area and a catch up of to 1,000 Chinook. Catches of Stikine kings are managed under the Pacific Salmon Treaty between the U.S. and Canada, KFSK-FM reported. The department's announcement means trollers and gillnetters could have the opportunity to fish for the kings in early May, which would be a first since 201...
PETERSBURG — The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Dec. 18 that seasons for the 2015/2016 commercial Tanner and golden king crab fisheries in Southeast Alaska will open by regulation at 12:00 noon on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. The season start date for the Tanner and golden king crab fisheries is based on the date with the smallest Juneau tidal range between February 10 and February 17. Any delay to the start of the 2015/2016 Tanner and golden king crab fisheries due to weather will be announced 24 hours before the start of the f...
The year 2015 was largely a good one for Wrangell, with the appearance of several new businesses, large infrastructural developments undertaken by businesses, the formal opening of the Tribe's cultural center, and a balanced financial outlook for the city despite tumultuous budget negotiations in Juneau. The state deficit will remain the largest issue moving ahead into 2016, as will continued mining developments in Canada along shared waters. January On Jan. 12 and 14 the first of three sets of...
Alaska crab shells are fueling an eco-revolution that will drive new income streams for fabrics to pharmaceuticals to water filters. And for the first time, it is happening in the USA and not overseas. The entrepreneurs at Tidal Vision in October made the leap from their labs in Juneau to a pilot plant outside of Seattle to test an earth-friendly method that extracts chitin, the structural element in the exoskeletons of shellfish and insects. Their first big run a few weeks ago was tested on a 60,000 pound batch of crab shells delivered by...
The proposal book for next year’s Alaska Board of Game regulations is now available for review. One hundred and thirty-eight proposals have been included for consideration at the ABG annual meeting in Fairbanks from March 18 to 28. The proposals generally concern statewide changes to hunting and trapping regulations under 5 AAC Chapter 92. The board will also consider 29 statewide sheep hunting season items which were accepted under an expanded call for proposals this year. Other categories will include bear baiting, unlawful taking of game, o...
Alaskans are being asked to weigh in on two tough issues: budgets and halibut bycatch. First off, the state Boards of Fish and Game are asking for ideas on cutting costs within their annual meeting cycles, as well as for the state agencies involved with providing all of the backup information to the boards. Both boards include seven members which are appointed by the governor and approved by the Alaska legislature for three year terms. The Fish Board’s role is to conserve and develop the fishery resources for the state’s subsistence, com...
The upcoming pink salmon run is expected to be about the same size as that in 2015, according to this month's Alaska Department of Fish and Game forecast. ADF&G predicts the 2016 harvest will be strong, with a point estimate of 34 million pink salmon. The forecast was produced by projecting the trend in harvest averages for the period spanning between 1960 and 2010, adjusted using 2015 juvenile pink salmon abundance data. Adjustments were made using peak June-July juvenile pink salmon...
PETERSBURG – United Fisherman of Alaska members gathered in Petersburg last week when it conducted its 2015 Fall Board Meeting. Board members representing 35 Alaska commercial fishing organizations began their meeting Tuesday Oct. 27 where representatives of Governor Mallott, Alaska Department of Fish and Game, University of Alaska Anchorage and other independent commercial fishing agencies gave presentations to the board. Much of the time was devoted to internal discussion regarding seafood industry taxes and fees and was not open to the p...
Two Wrangell fishermen have pleaded guilty to charges related to falsified commercial catch reports. In documentation submitted to the U.S. District Court in Juneau on Oct. 19, federal prosecutors alleged Charles Petticrew Sr. and Charles Petticrew Jr. conspired together to submit falsified Individual Fishing Quota records over a three-year period. Petticrew Jr. was alleged to have knowingly submitted IFQ reports that falsely specified the Gulf of Alaska statistical areas where around 3,977 pounds of halibut were caught, valued in all at...
It will take a lot to bring the state budget out from the red, Wrangell residents learned at a special presentation on Oct. 21. Alaska expects to run a budget deficit of $2.9 billion this fiscal year, even after a round of significant cuts made to departments and capital project spending. When they meet for the next regular session in January, the state’s legislators will have to figure out how to curb spending in future budgets before the government empties its coffers. In an effort to prepare the public for the debates ahead, the Alaska D...