(619) stories found containing 'Alaska Department of Fish & Game'

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  • Southeast fishing update: Pink forecast right on track, Chums harvest disappointing

    Mary Koppes|Aug 21, 2014

    PETERSBURG – There has been an ebb and flow of boats in the harbor as the summer salmon season presses on. The Southeast drift gillnet fishery opened on July 6 with the challenge of overcoming a landslide on the Tahltan River in late May that caused a barrier to salmon passage. The Tahltan is a tributary of the Stikine and a major contributor to the Southeast gillnet fishery for sockeye, and the landslide there was thought to have caused a complete blockage to salmon passage, said Troy Thynes, Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) b...

  • August days break rainfall records

    Mary Koppes|Aug 21, 2014

    PETERSBURG – Even to those well adjusted to Petersburg weather, the downpour of rain in the past weeks hasn't gone without notice. So far two days this month have set new precipitation records. National Weather Service data showed some 1.97 inches of rain fell on Petersburg last Saturday and 3.25 inches fell on Sunday, breaking previous precipitation records for those respective days in August. The normal average rainfall for each day is 0.20 inches, according to the National Weather Service. Th...

  • Watch for illnesses as deer season opens

    Dan Rudy|Aug 7, 2014

    Deer season opened for Wrangell Island on Friday. “We’ve been selling a lot of licenses,” said Emma McMurren, a shopkeeper at Angerman’s. Hunters have been lining up not just for the deer season, but for bear and wolves as well. “They’re pretty excited,” she added. However, starting this year Alaska hunters will have to forego using urine-based attractants, due to concerns that they are a means of bringing chronic wasting disease (CWD) to the state’s deer and elk population. CWD is a transmissible set of conditions affecting the brains and...

  • Blind Slough fishing on hold due to low numbers

    Dan Rudy|Aug 7, 2014

    PETERSBURG­ – The Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADF&G) Division of Sport Fish announced last week that fishing is prohibited for the month of August in all waters of Blind Slough upstream from a line between Blind Point and Anchor Point until August 31. The closure is due to broodstock concerns at Crystal Lake Hatchery, as king salmon numbers are below the year’s goal. An aerial survey conducted July 27 observed approximately 150 live king salmon and between 200 and 300 dead specimens, considerably below the target of 500 male and 50...

  • Bear essentials: Experts offer advice on bear encounters

    Dan Rudy|Jul 31, 2014

    This year’s Bearfest attracted a number of bear-knowledgable brainboxes, from biologists and behaviorists to wilderness managers, guides and artists. Over the course of the five-day event, experts shared their knowledge in a series of workshops, demonstrations, and lectures with the public. “It’s a great opportunity for Wrangell residents and visitors alike to hear from some of the best bear experts in the world,” explained Lance Craighead, conservation director at the Craighead Institute in Montana. A lot of what was discussed was practical, l...

  • Governor asks feds to buy surplus canned salmon

    Jul 31, 2014

    JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) – Gov. Sean Parnell has asked a federal agency to buy about 1 million cases of canned pink salmon to ease a glut that has weighed down prices for Alaska fishermen this year. Parnell made the request in a letter to U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack this week. He wants the USDA to purchase $37 million worth of canned pink salmon under a federal law that allows for buying surplus food from farmers and donating it to food banks or other programs. USDA purchased $20 million worth of salmon earlier this year, which Parnell c...

  • Wrangell celebrates its bears with fifth annual festival

    Dan Rudy|Jul 24, 2014

    If you haven't joined in the fun already, there's still time as the fifth annual Alaska Bearfest continues around Wrangell through Sunday afternoon. A blend of fun, food and education, the festival celebrates the area's bear population. Bearfest was started in 2010 by Sylvia Ettefagh, operator of Alaska Vistas. In addition to the educational and recreational opportunities it presents, Ettefagh's aim for the festival is to make Wrangell a top destination for ursine enthusiasts everywhere. "Our...

  • Seine fishery closes harvest area

    Kyle Clayton|Jul 17, 2014

    The Southeast Seine fishery is performing as expected despite a closure last week, said Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) biologist Dan Gray. “As expected, we have a fairly low pink salmon forecast and it’s early yet in the development of that run, but it looks like what we thought,” Gray said. In the Hidden Falls terminal harvest area, the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association needs 180,000 chum salmon for brood stock. As of July 8, only 5,000 passed the barrier net and into a containment area. “Without that in place i...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jul 3, 2014

    Salmon takes center stage in Alaska every summer, but many more fisheries also are going on all across the state. The world’s biggest sockeye salmon run is expected to surge into Bristol Bay any day, where a catch of about 17 million reds is projected. Elsewhere, the annual summer troll fishery in Southeast Alaska kicks off on July first with a target of just over 166,000 Chinook salmon. Lots of crab fisheries are underway each summer— Dungeness fishing began on June 15 in Southeast where a harvest of 2.25 million pounds is expected. The reg...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|Jun 19, 2014

    You’ve heard it before and you’ll hear it again: The seafood industry is Alaska’s largest private employer, putting more people to work than mining, oil/gas, timber and tourism combined. The annual revenue the seafood sector contributes to State coffers is second only to Big Oil. So where does the seafood industry rank for the major candidates running for Alaska Governor and the US Senate? Here’s what a thorough look at each of their campaign websites reveals, starting with the race for Governor (all in alphabetical order)— Byron Mallott (...

  • Minnesota to be new home for rescued wolf pups

    Jun 5, 2014

    ANCHORAGE (AP) – An Alaska Zoo official in Anchorage says five wolf pups rescued by firefighters from the Funny River wildfire will have a new home at the Minnesota Zoo once they're healthy enough to travel. KTUU-TV reports that Alaska Zoo Executive Director Pat Lampi says the zoo in Anchorage has worked previously with the Minnesota Zoo, located south of Minneapolis-St. Paul. Fish and Game Department spokesman Ken Marsh says the two females and three males will remain at the Alaska Zoo infirmary for now. Zoo officials say the pups were left w...

  • Fish Factor

    Laine Welch|May 29, 2014

    Salmon season is just getting underway, but seafood companies are still selling last summer’s record catch of 226 million pink salmon - and it has prompted lots of creative thinking. “The challenge is to market all this fish and still maintain the value,” said Tyson Fick, communications director for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (ASMI), the state’s lone marketing arm. “It wouldn’t be any problem for the producers just to flood the market, and then we would see a tremendous downward pressure in years to come. More so, we see this as...

  • Woman walks for help after bear attack in Alaska

    May 22, 2014

    JOINT BASE ELMENDORF-RICHARDSON, Alaska (AP) — Bloodied and dazed after being slashed by the claws of a brown bear, a woman struggled to walk 2 miles along a curvy, hilly trail to find someone to help her. The woman, who has asked that her identity not be released, was hospitalized in stable condition Monday, a day after the attack on an Anchorage military base, officials said. She suffered lacerations to her neck, arms and legs. The woman was jogging with her soldier husband Sunday morning on the northwestern part of the sprawling Joint B...

  • Continued hatchery plans moving speedily, official says

    Kyle Clayton|Apr 17, 2014

    PETERSBURG – Southern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Production Manger Bill Gass said he’s impressed by how fast State officials are moving forward with plans to reconstruct Petersburg’s Crystal Lake Hatchery incubation facility that was destroyed by a fire last month. “It’s not a matter of deciding to pay it or not,” Gass said. “Before an expenditure of that magnitude happens or not they (State officials) need to get engineers involved, quotes from contractors, a fully functional design that would go out to bid… We’re the contracted operat...

  • 2014 SE Alaska King salmon sport fishing regulations

    Apr 10, 2014

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announces the regulations for king salmon, effective April 2, 2014 - April 30, 2015. The regulations are: Alaskan Resident: The resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. Nonresident: The nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length, except during May and June the bag and possession limit is two king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. The nonresident annual limit is six king salmon 28 inches or greater in length....

  • Commercial troll fishery public meeting to be held in Wrangell

    Mar 27, 2014

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will hold commercial troll public meetings in Wrangell on Wednesday, April 2 in the Nolan Center Classroom at 6:30 p.m. Meeting topics will include, but are not limited to, plans for the 2014 spring and summer troll fisheries, the 2014 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook salmon abundance index and quota, and a review of the 2013 troll season. All members of the public are welcome to attend....

  • Tanner Crab fishery sees increased harvest, price

    Kyle Clayton|Mar 20, 2014

    PETERSBURG – This year’s Tanner Crab season saw the highest harvest since the 2000/2001 season. Alaska Department of Fish and Game Lead Crab Biologist Joe Stratman said Tanner Crab prices and the overall harvest value were also up from last year. This season’s total harvest value was $3.1 million, with an average of $2.53 per pound compared to last year’s $2.8 million harvest value and $2.28 per pound. Preliminary estimates show this season’s Tanner fishery in Registration Area A is 1.25 million pounds with 80 permit holders. “This harvest jus...

  • 2013 Alaska salmon harvest breaks record with historic number of pink salmon

    Mar 6, 2014

    JUNEAU (AP) – 2013 was a year for the record books, with Alaska seeing the largest salmon harvest ever with more than 272 million fish caught in total. The huge harvest was powered by an incredible number of pink salmon, Alaska’s smallest and most abundant salmon species. The 219 million pink salmon comprised more than 80% of the total harvest and surpassed the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) pre-season forecast for all five salmon species combined. This landmark season is valued at $691.1 million, second only to the 1988 harvest wor...

  • Middle school starts dedicated archery program this year

    Brian O Connor|Jan 30, 2014

    A popular Evergreen Elementary School archery program has expanded to include a dedicated Middle School program this year, the elementary school chapter has run for longer than five years. The after-school program turns the Elementary School's multipurpose room into an improvised archery range, complete with safety lines, locked doors preventing others from wandering on to the range, and the odd arrow that infrequently sails past a target and strikes the padding of a mobile basketball hoop....

  • State announces non-pelagic rockfish sport fishing rules

    Brian O Connor|Jan 9, 2014

    The State Department of Fish and Game has set the regulations for non-pelagic rockfish for Southeast waters. The regulations remained unchanged from last year’s season, which pertains only to non-pelagic, or deepwater rockfish, said Petersburg-Wrangell Area Management Biologist Doug Fleming. “It appears to be for all purposes pretty much the same as last year,” he said. The regulations for all Southeast waters are as follows: All non-pelagic rockfish caught must be retained until the bag limit is reached. Persons sport fishing from a chart...

  • Sentinel looks back on 2013

    Jan 2, 2014

    The Chief Shakes House rededication was easily the biggest event of 2013 in Wrangell. However, the year was filled with events and news stories big and small. On the first edition of 2014, the Sentinel pauses to recollect the stories throughout the year. January An electrical fire damaged the fish tank at the Nolan Center, causing it to be removed. A 7.5-magnitude earthquake struck off of Craig Jan. 4, rattling windows and nerves in town. The quake caused no major damage in town, but...

  • Sitka Sound Herring Fishery GHL

    Dec 19, 2013

    Sitka ­– The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced Dec. 6 the preliminary guideline harvest level (GHL) for the 2014 Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery is 17,592 tons based on a 20% harvest rate of a forecast biomass of 87,958 tons. The department uses an age structured analysis (ASA) model which uses a long time series of abundance and age composition data from department surveys conducted during and following the spring fishery. Herring abundance is estimated using aerial surveys designed to map the length of shoreline receiving sp...

  • Stikine king preseason forecast similar to recent years

    Dec 12, 2013

    The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced a preseason run size for Stikine River king salmon at 26,000 fish. Because the size of the forecast is small there will be no directed fisheries in early May. Tom Kowalske, ADFG assistant area management biologist in Wrangell, said estimated run sizes have recently been reduced by nearly half. “For the past seven years the run size was overestimated by an average of 45 percent or so,” Kowalske said. The Stikine River king salmon forecast model initially produced an estimated run size of 37,...

  • Fish Factor

    Dec 12, 2013

    It comes as no surprise that the recommendations for next year’s halibut catches are down again for all regions except Southeast Alaska. Fishery scientists with the International Pacific Halibut Commission have recommended a 2014 coast wide commercial catch total of 24.45 million pounds, a 21% decrease from the 31 million pounds allowed for this year. That includes catches in Alaska, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast states. In a summation at a meeting in Seattle last week, the IPHC said: “The results of the 2013 stock assessment ind...

  • Sea cucumber fishery sees higher than average price

    Kyle Clayton|Nov 28, 2013

    PETERSBURG­ – The commercial sea cucumber fishery is wrapping up with a total of 1.4 million pounds harvested as of last Thursday. Scott Walker, Ketchikan Area Management Biologist with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, said the fishery started out with around 195 commercial divers when it opened in early October. “The bulk of the fishery is over,” Walker said. “The week before last was the last big push we had with around 113 divers. This week we’re down to 25 divers, maybe 30.” According to Alaska Fisheries Entry Commission d...

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