Sorted by date Results 601 - 619 of 619
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has rescinded a previous order that liberalized sport fishing for king salmon in waters surrounding Wrangell and Petersburg. Effective June 4, the resident bag and possession limit is three king salmon 28 inches or greater in length, while the nonresident bag and possession limit is one king salmon 28 inches or greater in length. A nonresident annual limit of four king salmon 28 inches or greater in length is also in effect. Between Oct. 1, 2012-March 31, 2013 all sport anglers may use two rods while...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game announced last week that District 8 gillnet fisheries would remain closed until run sizes increase. The first in-season forecast is projecting a terminal run size of 29,300 Stikine River Chinook salmon. That forecast is well below the preseason levels for commercial fishing. The District 8 gillnet fishery will remain closed until the sockeye salmon season – unless in-season projections of Stikine River Chinook salmon increase. The in-season terminal run size estimate for Taku River Chinook salmon r...
NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service is hosting a public informational meeting on the Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program for drift gillnet permit holders in Southeast Alaska. A public meeting will be held in Wrangell on Thursday, May 24, 6-8 p.m. in the Wrangell Fire Hall. Those who cannot attend in person may participate by phone by calling toll-free 877-216-1555. When prompted, dial the access code 1003197 followed by the # sign. The Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program (AMMOP) will begin monitoring the level and nature of i...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently announced that the lingcod sport fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, annual limits, and size limits have been established for the Northern Southeast Area. In this area the following regulations apply: Northern Southeast Area - Season: May 16 – November 30. Limits: Residents – 1 daily 2 in possession, no size limit. Nonresidents – 1 daily, 1 in possession, size limit: 30 inches or greater in length and less than 35 inches in length, or 55 inches or greater in length. An annual limit of 2...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game recently announced that the lingcod sport fishing seasons, bag and possession limits, annual limits, and size limits have been established for the Southern Southeast Area. In this area the following regulations apply: Southern Southeast Area - Season: May 16 – November 30. Limits: Residents – 1 daily 2 in possession, no size limit. Nonresidents – 1 daily, 1 in possession, size limit: 30 inches or greater in length and less than 45 inches in length, or 55 inches or greater in length. An annual limit of 2...
Hello again from the Legislature. Now that we’re down to the last two weeks of session, the pace is really picking up and the hours getting longer. I was very pleased that my resolution to recreate the state’s dedicated transportation fund received approval of the House on Friday. House Joint Resolution 4 would put a constitutional amendment before the voters in November to amend the Alaska Constitution - reinstating a dedicated Alaska Transportation Infrastructure Fund (ATIF). As the state’s po...
Alaska Department of Fish and Game Biologist Rich Lowell was able to photograph a black bear kill on the Stikine River on Wednesday, March 21 during a moose survey conducted by the department. According to Lowell, “it appeared two wolves had just taken down the black bear right before we arrived overhead.” The photos were taken on the North Arm of the Stikine River. Lowell flew over the site 3-1/2 hours later after the wolves had eaten their fill and left the scene. Eagles had moved in to fin...
SITKA, Alaska (AP) — The Department of Fish and Game says aerial surveys will begin Tuesday in preparation for the first opening of the Sitka Sound sac roe herring fishery. Area management biologist Dave Gordon tells the Daily Sitka Sentinel that the guideline harvest level of 28,829 tons is based on a forecast biomass of 144,143 tons. The guideline harvest is down slightly from the preliminary figure of 29,008 tons announced in December. The guideline harvest last year was 19,490 tons and commercial fishermen hauled in 19,429 tons in five o...
A lack of information about the elk on Etolin Island sparked a collaborative study between the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) and the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) last year. With the use of tracking collars, the study attempts to collect more data on the non-native species, such as population numbers, their habitat and their effect on the environment and other animals. Last week, ADFG Aerial Wildlife Biologist Richard Lowell came to Wrangell to discuss the elk study as part of the Chautauqua lecture series at the Nolan Center. Since...
It’s a mixed bag in America in terms of bankrolling ‘the best available science’ for our nation’s fisheries. Based on the preliminary federal budget released last week, funds for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration went from $4.7 billion to $5.5 billion, an increase of about $750 million. Within the NOAA budget, funding for the National Marine Fisheries Service comes in at $1 billion - a drop of $15 million from its actual budget for the last fiscal year. Out of NMFS’ FY13 budget, $174 million will fund science and man...
Hello again from Juneau. We’ve settled into a frenzied rhythm for the duration of the session. Three of my bills have been heard this week, but only one successfully passed out of committee. The other two are being held for more work. My ‘Sea Otter Management’ resolution, HJR 26 urges federal agencies to work with the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Southeast Alaska Native leaders, and other interested parties to establish strategies and plans for the sustainable management of the growi...
Alaskans were surprised to learn (from the Anchorage Daily News’ Alaska Ear, of all places) that there is a new and very different mission statement posted by the Department of Natural Resources on the State of Alaska website. The old ‘statement of policy’: “To develop, conserve and enhance natural resources for present and future generations.” The new mission statement: “To responsibly develop Alaska‘s resources by making them available for maximum use and benefit consistent with the public interest.” Questions about the mission shift...
Sea otter population in Southeast Alaska is increasing, and consequently, the animals are depleting marine life, causing an adverse economic impact to local fisheries, according to a presentation given by fisheries experts at the Sons of Norway in Petersburg Sunday night. The presentation was a part of the weeklong Alaska Board of Fisheries meetings being held in Petersburg. The Board’s main role is to “conserve and develop the fishery resources of the state,” according to its website. However, Alaskan Fisheries Board Chair Karl Johns...
The Alaska Board of Game will meet Jan. 13-18, in Anchorage at the downtown Hilton Hotel to consider over 100 regulatory proposals regarding statewide hunting and trapping regulations and other topics. Issues to be addressed by the board include falconry regulations, intensive management, archery and crossbow regulations, new requirements for taxidermists, hunting permit conditions and allocations, statewide hunting seasons, trapping seasons and regulations, methods and means, sealing and bag limits, and black bear baiting regulations. Accordi...
January The Wrangell School Board found $128,451 in additional, unspent funding from a federal program. In passing their 2011 budget, the board also accepted an $8,300 grant for the Upward Bound program. Master carvers Steve Brown and Wayne Price visited Shakes Island to begin discussions on the renovation of the Tribal House and to propose a traditional tools class. The US Forest Service began a scoping project for an Environmental Impact Study regarding timber sales and road construction for...
The Alaska Division of Sport Fish is now accepting public comment on its statewide fish-stocking plan. The Division, with assistance from private non-profit hatchery operators, plans to release nearly eight million fish into the waters of Alaska every year for the next five years to benefit recreational anglers. According to Ken Marsh of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, outlining how many of each species of fish to be stocked at each location is the main purpose of the stocking plan. “On...
The Southeast Alaska Action Initiatives for Key Economic Clusters was the topic of discussion last week at the Nolan Center on Tuesday, Nov. 29 as Wrangell Mayor Jeremy Maxand, Economic Development Director Carol Rushmore and Economic Development committee member Julie Decker presented a number of topics relating to the process and draft plan for Wrangell. The initiatives under review are part of a study commissioned by the Department of Agriculture, with the Juneau Economic Development Council...
Nearly a dozen large mining projects planned for the interior of British Columbia could have an impact on the Stikine watershed and the lifeblood of Southeast Alaska – commercial and subsistence fisheries. That was the bleak picture painted by a group of activists who visited Wrangell last week to inform the public of plans by private industry and the B.C. government to build a number of open-pit mines and explore the vast, unpopulated region east of the U.S. border. Guy Archibald, the Clean W...
The Southeast Alaska Power Agency has applied for a preliminary permit to build a hydroelectric generation facility at Sunrise Lake on Woronkofski Island. The proposed project would build a powerhouse near the 120-foot elevation on the island, a small rockfill dam across the outlet of the lake, and a submerged intake siphon on the east bank of Sunrise Creek. The maximum generating capacity, according the permit application, would be 4 MW using a turbine at approximately 5,360 horsepower. The...