(412) stories found containing 'Alaska Marine Highway System'

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  • Fall/winter ferry schedule shows one stop each direction per week

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 24, 2022

    Wrangell would get pretty much the same service it has in recent years under the draft fall/winter state ferry schedule released last week — one stop in each direction per week, October through April. Fortunately, unlike the past two years, when the community endured almost a two-month span each fall without any ferry service, the draft schedule shows no interruptions in service. That assumes ships return to service from winter overhaul on schedule, which has been inconsistent, particularly as supply-chain issues delay the delivery of needed p...

  • Ferries should mean more to voters than PFD

    Larry Persily Publisher, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 24, 2022

    People vote their pocketbook, or so the old adage says. And certainly more so in this year of high inflation, painful gas prices at the pump and fears of a global recession. It’s understandable that Wrangell voters will think about their household finances when they select which candidates they support. In Alaska, particularly in the past few years, that support has gone to the candidates that promote loudly, promise passionately and pledge sincerely that they will deliver the largest Permanent Fund dividend to voters. OK, I get it. This y...

  • State will not receive as much federal money for ferry system as expected

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 17, 2022

    The state will receive about $36 million less in federal funding than expected for this year’s Alaska Marine Highway System operating budget, requiring the use of state dollars to cover the gap. No reduction in service is expected because of the budget shuffle, state officials said. But it could mean that legislators next year will need to approve additional state funds to fully make up for the loss of federal aid, exposing the ferries to another vote in the political process. The governor had looked to federal infrastructure money to r...

  • State ferry traffic into Wrangell down 90% from a decade ago

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 10, 2022

    More than 6,700 passengers a year boarded a state ferry in Wrangell 2010 through 2015, and more than 6,900 a year walked or drove off the ships during that six-year period. In calendar 2021, those numbers were down to 690 passengers boarding a ferry and 771 getting off a ship, a drop of about 90%. Those 2021 passenger counts are up from the pandemic-worst travel year of calendar 2020, when just 264 boarded in Wrangell and 274 arrived, but the decline in ridership has been constant since 2014, according to statistics provided by the Alaska...

  • State parks ferry for 1 week due to lack of crew

    Sentinel staff|Aug 3, 2022

    The state ferry Tustumena was tied up in Homer for several days last week, lacking enough crew to operate. Due to crew shortages, the Tustumena’s sailings were canceled as of July 26, and were scheduled to resume seven days later on Tuesday, according to an announcement from the Alaska Marine Highway System. “A critical crew shortage required the vessel to stay in port for safety reasons,” the state reported July 28. “We ran out of stewards,” Alaska Department of Transportation Commissioner Ryan Anderson said during a presentation to the Junea...

  • Almost 1 in 5 state jobs are vacant as hiring struggle gets worse

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Jul 27, 2022

    The top employees of the Alaska Permanent Fund Corp. are some of the highest-paid public workers in Alaska, but with wages rising across the country and employers competing for skilled labor, even the $80 billion Permanent Fund is struggling to keep employees from leaving. Nine of the corporation’s 66 employees have quit this year, including the manager of the corporation’s highest-earning investments and the entire three-person team in charge of finalizing trades. Seven other positions are new, and filling them is expected to be difficult. The...

  • The Way We Were

    Amber Armstrong, Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 20, 2022

    July 20, 1922 Tuesday was a red-letter day in the lives of the children of Wrangell. The arrival of the “Kandy Kings” on the Spokane was like a midsummer visit from Santa Claus. The visitors were distributing samples of high-class confectionery products. The youngsters followed the visitors around until their tummies as well as their pockets were full of sweets. The vessel is under charter to 150 members and their families of the Western Candy Association. The voyage is a novel one in that a convention is being held on board the steamer. Bus...

  • Bars reopen with limited hours on two state ferries

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 6, 2022

    Beer and wine have been available at the bars on board the state ferries Matanuska and Kennicott since late May after the amenities were closed seven years ago, reportedly to save money. The ferry system “has collected feedback on the bar reopening through customer surveys answered by Kennicott and Matanuska passengers — all positive comments,” Sam Dapcevich, Department of Transportation spokesman, said last week. “I’ve also heard from a few Southeast Alaska residents who are happy to see the bars reopened.” There is no additional staff expense...

  • State ferry system still short of hiring enough crew

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 29, 2022

    The Alaska Marine Highway System has enough crew to operate its summer schedule, though it still lacks a sufficient cushion to handle worker illnesses, injuries and personal leave without holding over staff for extra shifts. “We have been holding people longer than they would like,” Transportation Department spokesman Sam Dapcevich said last week. And the state ferry system is far short of the additional staff that would have been needed to bring the Columbia back to service after a three-year absence for maintenance and a money-saving tie...

  • Alaska ferry service returns to Prince Rupert this week

    Ketchikan Daily News and Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 22, 2022

    Alaska state ferry service between Ketchikan and Prince Rupert, British Columbia, resumed on Monday afternoon. The last state ferry voyage to the Canadian port city was in late fall 2019. The Matanuska made a quick round trip Monday and is scheduled for another voyage on Friday. “(The) Matanuska made a test sailing to Prince Rupert about a week ago and all went to plan,” state Transportation Department spokesperson Sam Dapcevich wrote in a Friday email. This summer’s service is limited, with two round trips scheduled the third week of July,...

  • If not more ferries, at least more information

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 15, 2022

    The Alaska Department of Transportation works hard to serve the public that uses the state’s airports and roads, but it is running at half-speed with public information about the ferry system. Management needs to steer itself toward a more open channel of communication. Almost a year ago, the Alaska Marine Highway System reported the Columbia could return to work this summer after being held out of service since 2019 for repairs and to save money. “Could return” as in “would return” if the state could hire enough crew to restaff the vessel. The...

  • Malaspina leaves behind a lot of stories in the wake of its retirement

    Dave Kiffer, Ketchikan Daily News|Jun 15, 2022

    The recent news that the longtime Alaska Marine Highway System ferry Malaspina will be officially retired and will remain in Ketchikan's Ward Cove as a privately owned and operated museum and a training vessel is good news to its fans who had feared that the "Mal" would suffer the same fate as its sistership, the Taku, which was sold in 2018 and scrapped in India. The Malaspina, along with the Taku and the Matanuska, were the first mainline ferries in the fleet, all going online in 1963. They...

  • Malaspina will have new life as museum, employee housing and classroom

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 8, 2022

    After 56 years of service in the Alaska Marine Highway System fleet and almost three years tied up at a Ketchikan dock, unused and in need of costly repairs, the Malaspina is headed to another career as a privately owned floating museum and employee housing. Plans also call for using the ship as a classroom for maritime industry jobs. The state last week accepted $128,250 for the 408-foot-long passenger and vehicle ferry from the recently formed Ketchikan company M/V Malaspina. The company is a...

  • Legislature succeeds at protecting ferry system, scholarship funds

    Rep. Dan Ortiz|Jun 1, 2022

    There were multiple positive outcomes for our ferry system this past legislative session, including a bill protecting Alaska Marine Highway System funds, the restart of the Prince Rupert route, and more ferries sailing. House Bill 322, which I had the honor of carrying on the House floor and I am particularly pleased passed, protects multiple important funds: the Higher Education Investment Fund (HEIF), and the AMHS Fund and Vessel Replacement Fund. The HIEF pays for our student state scholarships. The AMHS Fund is where revenue generated from...

  • Columbia's return nowhere on the horizon

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|May 18, 2022

    The largest of the state ferries, the 499-passenger Columbia, was still listed as inactive on the Transportation Department website as of Monday, with no indication it will go back to work this summer as was planned nine months ago. Last August, the department’s draft summer 2022 schedule included the ship “penciled in” to run May 11 through Sept. 14, with weekly sailings to Southeast from Bellingham, Washington, “pending crew availability.” The run would have included weekly stops in Wrangell. After months of nationwide advertising for crew,...

  • COVID cases on the rise; Alaska fourth-highest rate in nation

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 27, 2022

    Just as other communities, Wrangell is enduring a springtime bloom of COVID-19 cases. As of April 20, the state health department reported 79 new cases in the community in the past 30 days. Most of those were reported to the state in late March and early April, with new infections declining in the past week. The spread of the highly infectious disease is of particular concern at the schools. “We have had an increase in COVID and other illnesses during the past month and the schools have been struggling to find ways to stay open,” Sup...

  • Representative reports accomplishments in House budget

    Dan Ortiz|Apr 27, 2022

    The State House finished its work April 9 on the operating budget, which has been passed to the Senate for further work and debate. While there is still work to be done, this year’s budget has the potential for some great investments for the needs of Alaskans. The House passed a Permanent Fund dividend at $1,250 this year and approved an additional energy relief check of $1,300 to help mitigate the costs of record inflation and high fuel costs. While I know some constituents wanted a bigger PFD, this compromise means we can take a sustainable d...

  • Kennicott delayed out of shipyard; parts part of the problem

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 27, 2022

    Global supply chain shortages and delays have extended past grocery stores, car dealers and electronics to the Alaska Marine Highway System. The state ferry Kennicott was delayed coming out of winter overhaul. Instead of returning to service last week, as had been scheduled, the ship was rescheduled to leave Ketchikan on Thursday for a trip to Juneau, Yakutat and Kodiak before sailing into Bellingham, Washington, to fully start its summer runs. The Kennicott’s scheduled return to service was delayed due to supply chain issues, labor constraints...

  • Extra ferry sailing will pick up waitlist travelers in Bellingham

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 20, 2022

    With more than 260 would-be ferry passengers stuck on a waitlist for travel out of Bellingham, Washington, and sailings full until late July, the Alaska Marine Highway System has scheduled an extra run of the Matanuska to bring the people and their vehicles to the state. The additional sailing is scheduled to leave Bellingham on May 25. There was time in the ship's schedule, which ferry management had been holding open in hopes the Matanuska could restart service that week to Prince Rupert,...

  • State ferry system silent on summer plans for Columbia

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 13, 2022

    The Alaska Marine Highway System has been hoping since last August to bring back the Columbia to service this year after an almost three-year absence, but with the start of the summer schedule only weeks away the state has not announced a decision on the ship. The Columbia’s summer return is contingent on hiring enough crew to replace staff that were laid off, retired, quit or moved to other ships since the state’s largest ferry was pulled out of service in the fall of 2019. “We’re pouring a lot of effort into recruitment, but headway has bee...

  • Legislators scale back governor's heavy reliance on federal money for ferries

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Apr 6, 2022

    The House Finance Committee has rejected the governor’s proposal to rely almost entirely on federal funds to operate the Alaska Marine Highway System next year, with the Senate Finance Committee moving in the same direction. The committees differ on the amounts but both want to see more state money in the budget for the ferries, using some federal infrastructure money to replace state dollars but not nearly as much as the governor. Total appropriations for the ferry operating budget next year would be the same under all three versions — gov...

  • Columbia's return to service in doubt for lack of crew

    Larry Persily|Mar 23, 2022

    A state Department of Transportation official told legislators that the ferry system is “burning out our crew” with lots of overtime amid staff shortages, and that the problem jeopardizes tentative plans to bring back the Columbia to service in Southeast for the first time since fall 2019. The Alaska Marine Highway System as of March 16 was down 125 employees from the minimum needed to staff its full online summer schedule plus the addition of the Columbia, according to a department presentation to the Senate Finance Committee. Deputy Commissio...

  • State ferry system would operate better as its own corporation

    Frank Murkowski|Mar 23, 2022

    I was pleased to learn that the Legislature finally has a bill, Senate Bill 170, to transfer the Alaska Marine Highway System from the Department of Transportation to a separate state-owned corporation similar to the structure of the Alaska Railroad. This would provide something that the ferry system has lacked since its inception: accountability. The state-owned corporation would have its own budget and be managed by its own board of directors. The fact that the ferry system has been part of the Department of Transportation, which also...

  • Winning plan for Malaspina would operate it as maritime museum

    Larry Persily|Mar 16, 2022

    The state has started negotiations to sell the Malaspina to a company owned by a business that operates a new multimillion-dollar cruise ship terminal at Ward Cove in Ketchikan. M/V Malaspina LLC and the Alaska Department of Transportation “have agreed to negotiate in good faith on the sale of the 59-year-old vessel,” the state announced Monday. “MVM’s letter of interest outlines a plan to use the Malaspina to showcase Alaska’s maritime history and support a Ketchikan-based tourism business,” the state said. “Among other uses, they propose...

  • State ferry system will return to Prince Rupert in June

    Larry Persily|Mar 16, 2022

    After a 30-month absence due to a new federal requirement for armed customs agents and the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown of Canadian waters, the Alaska Marine Highway System is scheduled to resume limited service this summer to Prince Rupert, British Columbia. The Matanuska is scheduled for two stops each month in June, July and August, and one visit in September before the ferry system switches over to its more limited fall/winter schedule, which is still being developed. The first sailing from Ketchikan to Prince Rupert is set for June 20....

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