(422) stories found containing 'Alaska Marine Highway System'

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  • Letters to the Editor

    Apr 8, 2021

    House working to add Wrangell fisheries and children's services jobs The Alaska Legislature is more than halfway through session, and I am happy to report a few successes in the legislative budget process that will benefit Wrangell residents. Last year, Wrangell officials came to me with an idea to create a social worker position that would be funded partially through the state and partially through local means. We were able to add a part-time Office of Children's Services caseworker for...

  • State says sinking Malaspina could save money long term

    The Wrangell Sentinel and The Associated Press|Apr 1, 2021

    Alaska state transportation officials are contemplating sinking a ferry to save money. The Department of Transportation has considered turning the Malaspina into an artificial reef. The ship is one of the two large sister ships, along with the Matanuska, that helped start the Alaska Marine Highway System almost 60 years ago. The Malaspina has been tied up in Ketchikan since December 2019, when it was taken out of service to cut the budget. The department has said it could cost $18 million for...

  • Legislators continue work on ferry system advisory board

    Larry Persily|Apr 1, 2021

    State House and Senate committees continue to work on competing bills that would change the membership of the state ferry system advisory board. The Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday heard the governor's bill, while the House State Affairs Committee considered legislation Tuesday offered by House Speaker Louise Stutes, of Kodiak. Gov. Mike Dunleavy's proposal would allow every governor to change out the board's membership, while Stutes' legislation attempts to protect almost half the...

  • Matanuska out of service third time in two months

    Larry Persily|Apr 1, 2021

    The 58-year-old Matanuska, the oldest operating vessel in the state ferry fleet, has had troubles operating the past two months. The Alaska Marine Highway System took it out of service last week to fix a mechanical problem, canceling port calls Saturday through Thursday this week and expecting that repairs would be completed and the ship ready to resume its weekly run out of Bellingham, Washington, this Friday. The 23-year-old Kennicott stepped in to provide service. The Matanuska expected to...

  • Legislators, governor differ on ferry system advisory board

    Larry Persily, Sentinel writer|Mar 18, 2021

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy wants to create a new state ferry system advisory board with one state official and 10 public members to replace an existing advisory panel, similar to a separate proposal from coastal lawmakers. The difference being that the legislative proposal would protect board members from dismissal by a governor, while under Dunleavy's bill the members would "serve at the pleasure" of the governor. The governor would appoint the entire board under Dunleavy's bill, while the Legislature...

  • State sells fast ferries to Spanish operator

    Larry Persily, Sentinel writer|Mar 18, 2021

    After spending almost $1.1 million to keep the vessels out of service to save money and safely tied up the past several years, the state last week sold its two fast ferries - built at a combined cost of $68 million less than 20 years ago - for just over $5 million. Mediterranean-based catamaran operator Trasmapi had offered about $4.6 million for the Fairweather and Chenega. The company serves the Spanish island of Ibiza, about 70 miles off the coast. The state was able to negotiate the final...

  • 'What if' budget scenario could add to winter ferry service

    Larry Persily|Mar 11, 2021

    A state Senate subcommittee had asked the Department of Transportation what it could do if it had more money to cover some of the gaps in the Alaska Marine Highway schedule. Part of the answer would be improved winter service to Wrangell - if the Legislature appropriates the money and the governor accepts it. An additional $4.5 million in state dollars - separate from passenger and vehicle revenues - could improve service for "those communities that were struggling this winter," Matt McLaren,...

  • Editorial: We can't afford any more mistakes

    The Wrangell Sentinel|Mar 4, 2021

    In the past 17 years and at a cost of almost $200 million, the Alaska Marine Highway System took ownership of two ferries it could not afford to run and two that it could not run everywhere they are needed. That is painful. The state is selling the two it can't afford to keep fueled, while spending millions to add new doors so that the other two ships can call on smaller communities in Southeast. Even then, it will take additional millions of dollars in remodeling before one of the two can...

  • Ferry schedule open for reservations

    Sentinel staff|Mar 4, 2021

    By Sentinel staff As proposed in the draft schedule a month ago Wrangell will see two ferries a week, one southbound and one northbound, under the Alaska Marine Highway System summer schedule, which opened for reservations Feb. 24. The summer schedule runs May 1 to Sept. 30. The Matanuska is scheduled to stop in Wrangell southbound early Monday mornings and northbound on Friday afternoons on its weekly run between Bellingham, Washington, and Southeast Alaska. That's a shift from the schedule for...

  • State close to selling its 2 unused fast ferries

    Mar 4, 2021

    JUNEAU (AP) - The Alaska Marine Highway System is working to finalize the sale of its two mothballed fast ferries to an overseas bidder, officials said. Mediterranean-based catamaran operator Trasmapi offered about $4.6 million for the Fairweather and Chenega. The company serves the Spanish island of Ibiza. The offer was less than half the $10 million reserve price set by the state, public radio network CoastAlaska reported Feb. 24. The state paid $68 million for the two ships, which started service in 2004-2005, but which were taken out of...

  • Letters to the Editor

    Feb 25, 2021

    Schools ready to help students in need Due to COVID-19, the level of depression and anxiety our teens are experiencing has skyrocketed. Hospitals across the country - including Juneau - are seeing huge increases in youth attempting suicide and other types of self-destructive behavior. Social services are being overwhelmed. For instance, the state Office of Children's Services supervisor for all of Southeast Alaska recently told me that the number of child-welfare referrals they are receiving...

  • Travelers thankful to see a ferry, but would like to see more

    Caleb Vierkant|Feb 18, 2021

    Wally McDonald, who got off the southbound LeConte on Monday to check on his boat in Wrangell's harbor, said he was just thankful the ferry finally got him to town. It is challenging getting to and from places on the ferry system these days, he said. The LeConte was just the fourth ferry visit to Wrangell in the past four months. And even that was a change in plans. The LeConte was filling in for the Matanuska, which broke down last week. The LeConte returned northbound to Wrangell on Tuesday,...

  • Guest Commentary: Alaska needs federal help - and a lot of advertising

    Feb 11, 2021

    By Frank Murkowski The Canadian government recently announced that cruise ship arrivals and departures from Canadian ports will be cancelled until February 2022 - the news is a shock to our entire state. Before the coronavirus, it was estimated that cruise ship visitors to Alaska last year would exceed 1.3 million. Polling indicates that the majority of U.S. cruise ship passengers choose Alaska as their No. 1 preferred destination, but that dream has evaporated this year, devastating Alaska's...

  • One weekly sailing each direction under summer ferry schedule

    Larry Persily|Jan 28, 2021

    Wrangell would see one northbound and one southbound state ferry each week this summer, under the proposed schedule released Monday. That's one-third the level of service from 2017 to 2019, before the pandemic significantly cut into ferry runs last year. Under the draft schedule for May 1 through Sept. 30, the Matanuska would stop in Wrangell northbound on Sunday mornings and southbound on Friday afternoons on its weekly run to Southeast Alaska from Bellingham, Washington. The Alaska Marine...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 28, 2021

    Jan. 27, 1921 Samuel Cunningham will erect a new home for his moving picture business as soon as the weather is sufficiently settled to permit building operations. The new building will occupy the Lemieux property between Sorset’s meat market and the building formerly occupied by the Shurick drug store. It will be two stories high to provide a balcony. Jan. 25, 1946 A number of interesting figures have been made available this week by Postmaster E. R. Sharubroich in his annual report for the year 1945. A total of 26.22 percent more money was c...

  • City acknowledges little chance of state funding for projects

    Caleb Vierkant, Sentinel writer|Jan 21, 2021

    Acknowledging Alaska's shortage of money, the Wrangell Borough Assembly has put together a list of priority projects for state funding "should the fiscal climate change." Until then, "(the city) understands there is little to no availability of funding for local capital needs," said the backup material for the assembly workshop Jan. 12 to compile state and federal legislative priorities for 2021-2022. In putting together the list - just in case money becomes available -the assembly considered...

  • First Alaska state ferry sinks at Anacortes dock

    Sentinel staff|Jan 21, 2021

    The first ship built for what would become Alaska's state ferry system sank Jan. 13 in a windstorm and dock collapse in Anacortes, Washington, where the decommissioned Chilkat had been moored to a concrete floating pier. The ship sank about 85 miles north of Tacoma, where it was built in 1957 at a cost of about $300,000 to provide daily service between Juneau, Haines and Skagway. When Alaska entered the union on Jan. 3, 1959, the Chilkat became the first Alaska state ferry, later joined by four...

  • Another year of state ferry budget stress

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jan 7, 2021

    Between state budget cuts, a mainline vessel engine breakdown, a halt to port calls in Prince Rupert, B.C., and COVID-19 travel restrictions, the Alaska Marine Highway System has struggled the past year to provide service to Wrangell and the rest of Southeast. Under the governor's proposed budget for the state fiscal year that starts July 1, the ferry system would have even less money to provide service. "Woefully inadequate," Ketchikan Rep. Dan Ortiz, who also represents Wrangell, described...

  • Editorial: Alaska needs to do better for ferry system

    Larry Persily Publisher|Jan 7, 2021

    Predictability and dependability. More than anything else, that's what the communities served by the Alaska Marine Highway System need. The communities need to know the schedules further in advance so that they can plan school sports, scholastic and musical events, regional festivals, and confidently market to tourists in a post-COVID world. Residents need the dependability of ferry service for medical appointments, commerce and shopping, vehicle repair appointments at dealers, and of course...

  • Year in review

    Caleb Vierkant|Jan 7, 2021

    January Jan. 2: Along with the lights, trees and carolers, the Salvation Army's red Christmas kettles are a common sight during the holiday season. Lt. Jon Tollerud, Wrangell's new corps officer, said the red kettles brought in $10,469. Jan. 9: The Nolan Center celebrated the new year Dec. 31 with a murder mystery party. As this new year marks a new decade, a return to the '20s, the party had a 1920s theme to it. With jazz music, themed costumes and masks, partygoers had the chance to return to...

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 17, 2020

    December 16, 1920 Mrs. Towers is drilling the children on Christmas carols for a musical program to be given in the assembly Christmas week. At four o’clock on Christmas eve the carol singers will march in a body down Front street as far as the Episcopal Church and return by Church street. If it is convenient it is requested that a candle be placed in the windows of business houses and residences passed by the children. December 14, 1945 First new car since the war to be delivered to a Wrangell dealer arrived on the North Sea last Saturday f...

  • Dan's Dispatch

    Dan Ortiz|Dec 17, 2020

    Last Friday, Governor Dunleavy released his proposed budget for the 2022 Fiscal Year (FY22). The budget, which includes all departments and services but not the PFD, totals $3.81 billion in Unrestricted General Funds. It is slightly less than this past budget (FY21), which was approximately $3.83 billion. The primary difference is that FY21 included one-time COVID-19 funding in the Department of Health and Social Services that is not included in this upcoming year's budget. FY22 also has a smaller Education budget by $26.8 million because...

  • COVID-19 daily update:

    Caleb Vierkant|Dec 17, 2020

    December 17 Jamie Roberts, with the Wrangell EOC, reported that there are currently no active cases of COVID-19 in the community. Statewide, Alaska’s case count is 41,859 as of yesterday. This is an increase of 3,151 from last week. Wrangell received its first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 16. According to SEARHC, following guidance from the Alaska Vaccine Advisory Council, vaccinations will be given to frontline health workers first, along with first responders, and l...

  • Guest Editorial

    Bert Stedman, Senator|Nov 5, 2020

    Last week, the Alaska Marine Highway Reshaping Group released a report it had been working on for several months throughout the pandemic. Even though this group has finished it’s task, I will continue to work to find ways to increase ferry service and reliability throughout Southeast Alaska and the rest of our state, at a level that is sustainable, functional, safe, and efficient. The Reshaping Group made several recommendations, many of which focused on the need for the ferry system and the ferry budget to focus on long-term service goals, r...

  • Little winter ferry service currently planned for Wrangell

    Caleb Vierkant|Oct 22, 2020

    Disruptions to ferry service have become a relatively common occurrence in recent history. The Alaska Marine Highway System has faced tight budgets, a strike, and an aging fleet in need of upgrades. With winter drawing near Wrangell will not see any ferry service for about two months if the winter schedule remains the same. According to the sailing calendar, found at www.dot.alaska.gov, the last ferry Wrangell will see in 2020 will be on Nov. 2. The M/V Kennicott will arrive from Ketchikan in the afternoon of that day, and depart for...

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