(1039) stories found containing 'covid 19'

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 1039

  • Murkowski says Trump's hold on congressional funding 'cannot be allowed to stand'

    Iris Samuels, Anchorage Daily News|Feb 26, 2025

    In a telephonic town hall Feb. 19, U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski said the recent mass firing of probationary federal employees violated the law and lacked “respect and dignity” toward the workers who lost their jobs, which in Alaska include more than 100 employees of the U.S. Forest Service, National Park Service and other agencies. In a call that drew more than 1,000 Alaskans, Murkowski also said that President Donald Trump’s efforts to withhold federal funding that had already been approved by Congress “cannot be allowed to stand.” “If we in...

  • Ferry ridership up slightly but still down more than half from 1990s

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 19, 2025

    Passenger and vehicle traffic aboard the Alaska Marine Highway System moved slightly higher in 2024 from 2023, but still is less than half its peak from the early 1990s. The state ferries carried just over 185,000 passengers and about 65,000 vehicles last year on its routes stretching from Southeast to Prince William Sound and into several Gulf of Alaska coastal communities. That’s down from more than 400,000 passengers and 110,000 vehicles 1990-1992. And it’s down from more than 325,000 passengers as recently as the early 2010s. Marine Dir...

  • Supply of new health care workers falls far short of demand in Alaska

    Alaska Beacon and Wrangell Sentinel|Feb 12, 2025

    Facing steep growth in demand, constant turnover and employee retirements, Alaska’s health care industry has a staggering need for workers, a new report says. “To meet those variables, we have to find over 9,400 new health care workers every single year,” Jared Kosin, executive director of the Alaska Hospital and Healthcare Association, said last month. The numbers Kosin presented at the Anchorage Chamber of Commerce meeting on Jan. 27 were from his association’s newly released analysis of Alaska’s health care workforce. The report, by Juneau-b...

  • Hospice seeks volunteers for Friends and Neighbors program

    Sentinel staff|Feb 12, 2025

    Almost one-third of Wrangell’s population is at least 65 years old, and many could use some help, which is the idea behind Hospice of Wrangell restarting its Friends and Neighbors program. “We are recruiting volunteers to visit assigned neighbors to provide them with conversation, help with reading or writing, play games, prepare some food, help tidy up or escort them to an errand or appointment,” said the program announcement from hospice. “Visitors will not provide personal care, handle finances or do any heavy chores. Visitors will mostly...

  • State Senate focused on passing public employee retirement legislation

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Jan 15, 2025

    Members of the Alaska Senate are making another run at restoring the state’s pension system for public employees, one year after inaction by the Alaska House killed a prior effort. Senate Bill 28, filed Jan. 10 by Anchorage Sen. Cathy Giessel, would create a system slightly modified from the one eliminated by state lawmakers in 2006. Its early introduction is a sign that returning to a defined-benefit retirement plan — based on years of service — for state, municipal and school district employees will garner significant attention in the 34th...

  • Wrangell student absenteeism rate escalated over past decade; nearly double state average

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Jan 8, 2025

    In the 2022-2023 school year, over 70% of Wrangell students were chronically absent. That's nearly double the state average and nearly three times the national average. The Alaska Department of Education, which posts school district absenteeism numbers every year, defines chronic absenteeism as missing 10% of the school year. In Alaska, that amounts to 18 days of missed classes. "If a student misses those 18 days every year from kindergarten to 12th grade, that will add up to them being absent...

  • Army will issue January apology for 1869 bombardment of Wrangell

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 18, 2024

    It was 1869 and smoke filled the winter air. Cannon balls ripped through Tlingit homes while U.S. Army shells shrieked across the sky. The same type of artillery used against the Confederates just four years prior was now turned on the Tlingit people of Wrangell, in their homeland which they called Ḵaachx̱aana.áakʼw. One hundred and fifty-five years later, the U.S. Army is apologizing. The apology is scheduled to take place in Wrangell on Jan. 11, 2025. Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Army repr...

  • Home on the range: Indoor shooting range reopens

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 11, 2024

    For the first time since it shut down during the COVID-19 pandemic, Wrangell's indoor shooting range is up and running. One might even say it's ready to go - lock, stock and barrel. The range's first day of operation was Dec. 3, and it will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. (dependent on the availability of range safety officers). Eventually, the range, located in the basement of the Public Safety Building, will open on Saturdays from 2 to 4 p.m., but that will not begin until...

  • Alaska's average wage down to 11th in the nation last year

    Alaska Beacon and Wrangell Sentinel|Dec 11, 2024

    The average hourly wage in Alaska was $33.60 in 2023, putting the state in 11th place among all 50 states and the District of Columbia, according to the Alaska Department of Labor. The median hourly wage — which is calculated in a way that reduces the influence of the highest and lowest numbers — was $26.99. Alaska has been among the top states for wages since the oil pipeline boom almost 50 years ago, and was No. 1 as recently as 2013, but has been falling and was eighth in 2022. Wage and job statistics were detailed in a pair of articles by...

  • Annual chronic disease report shows unhealthy numbers in Alaska

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Dec 4, 2024

    Seven out of 10 Alaska adults are overweight or obese, and large percentages of adults in the state have chronic conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol that are linked to the leading causes of death, according to a report by the state Department of Health. The 2024 Alaska Chronic Disease Facts summary, published by the department’s Division of Public Health, also showed that 33% of high school students were overweight or obese. Large percentages of adults and teenagers are sedentary, according to the report. Among adults, 2...

  • Alaska continues to report high number of sexually transmitted diseases

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Nov 27, 2024

    Alaska’s most commonly reported infectious diseases, aside from respiratory illnesses such as influenza, are from sexually transmitted infections, according to the state’s most recent annual report. There were 5,118 cases of chlamydia in Alaska in 2023, the largest number among sexually transmitted diseases in the annual infectious disease report issued by the Alaska Department of Health. The infectious disease annual reports are issued each year by the epidemiology section of the department’s Division of Public Health. The secon...

  • Fisherman faces possible 6 months in prison for trying to kill whale

    James Brooks, Alaska Beacon|Nov 13, 2024

    Federal prosecutors are recommending that an Alaska fisherman serve six months in prison, pay a $25,000 fine and be banned from commercial fishing for a year after lying about fishing catches and trying to kill an endangered sperm whale. Dugan Paul Daniels pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor earlier this year, and prosecutors released their sentencing recommendation on Nov. 5. According to court documents, Daniels became infuriated in March 2020 when a whale began taking fish from his longline fishing gear and damaging equipment. This kind...

  • Former governor supports ballot measure to raise minimum wage

    Tony Knowles|Oct 30, 2024

    I have worked for hourly wages and also for many years operated restaurants paying hourly wages. During college and around and about my service in the Army, including a tour in Vietnam, I worked as a roughneck on oil rigs throughout the west. After graduation in 1968 I roughnecked in California for the “high” wage of some $3.50 an hour before the new oil discovery in Prudhoe Bay enticed me to move to Alaska. There I found employment roughnecking on the North Slope for the even higher wage of about $4.50 an hour until I decided to try my han...

  • Alaska voters will decide Nov. 5 on higher minimum wage

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Oct 23, 2024

    Alaskans will vote Nov. 5 on a ballot measure that would increase the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2027 and require that workers get paid for up to seven sick days a year. To backers who collected signatures to put the question before voters, Ballot Measure 1 is about fairness for workers and overall state economic vitality. But opponents in business groups warn that the measure, if passed, would bring dire consequences. To Sarah Oates, CHARR’s president, the consequences of Ballot Measure 1 would be bad. “This is going to kill small...

  • Even teddy bears will get checked at annual wellness fair

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Oct 16, 2024

    SEARHC has organized its annual wellness fair for Saturday morning, Oct. 19, and medical care will not be limited to just people. The Teddy Bear Clinic will be open for children to bring in their favorite plush animals. Health care professionals will guide kids to check out their own animals, using a stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat and breathing, a blood pressure cuff and thermometer. It’s an opportunity to get children familiar with checkup procedures and instruments, getting them to feel more comfortable for when they are the p...

  • Alaska's seafood industry revenue fell by $1.8 billion over past two years

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Oct 16, 2024

    A variety of market forces combined with weak fish returns in a rapidly changing environment caused Alaska’s seafood industry revenues to drop by $1.8 billion from 2022 to 2023, a new federal report said. The array of economic and environmental challenges has devastated one of Alaska’s main industries, said the report, issued by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. And the losses extend beyond economics, casting doubt on prospects for the future, the report said. “For many Alaskans the decline of their seafood industry affec...

  • Average life expectancy in Alaska still below pre-pandemic level

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Oct 9, 2024

    Alaska had the biggest decline in average life expectancy of all U.S. states in 2021, a year when health outcomes were heavily influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a recent national report. Alaska’s life expectancy in 2021 was 74.5 years, down from the average of 76.6 years in 2020, according to the report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overall, U.S. life expectancy declined by 0.6 years in that time, mostly because of the COVID-19 pandemic and increases in drug overdose deaths and other unintentional i...

  • Judge rejects state law that prohibited advanced nurses from performing abortions

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Sep 25, 2024

    An Alaska law prohibiting anyone other than a licensed physician from performing abortions violates the state constitution’s equal protection and privacy guarantees, a state Superior Court judge ruled. There is “no medical reason” why abortions cannot be provided by advanced practice clinicians, such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants, said the Sept. 4 ruling issued by Superior Court Judge Josie Garton. Limiting abortion services to state-licensed physicians violates the equal protection guarantee because other pregn...

  • Whooping cough cases continue rising statewide and in Southeast

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Sep 18, 2024

    State health officials have recorded 234 cases this year of whooping cough — also known as pertussis — through Sept. 9, more than were reported over the past seven years combined. About three-quarters of this year’s cases came in the past three months. Of the statewide total, SEARHC reports 11 in Southeast from June through early September, Lyndsey Y. Schaefer, communications director for the health care provider, said in an emailed statement Sept. 12. Privacy rules prevent SEARHC from disclosing the communities with whooping cough cases...

  • Saxman receives federal money to build affordable housing

    Anna Laffrey, Ketchikan Daily News|Aug 28, 2024

    Saxman, a community of about 400 people just south of the city of Ketchikan, will build 14 affordable housing units over the next year. In partnership with the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Saxman will use $4.5 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds distributed through the Alaska Housing Finance Corp. to develop four apartment buildings — three fourplexes and one duplex — containing a total of 14 two-bedroom dwellings for low-income tenants. The units could be open for occupancy by the end of 2025. AHFC, a public corporation and independent sta...

  • Alaska Airlines moves closer to purchase of Hawaiian Airlines

    Michelle Chapman, Associated Press|Aug 28, 2024

    Alaska Airlines is one step closer to acquiring Hawaiian Airlines after the U.S. Department of Justice chose not to challenge the $1 billion deal that the carriers say will create a company better able to serve travelers. The brands of both airlines would be preserved after the merger, which is rare in an industry where decades of acquisitions have left only four big carriers dominating the U.S. market. Alaska and Hawaiian say they have few overlapping routes and the intent of a tie-up is to allow the new airline to better compete with the...

  • Petersburg Indian Association buys 45-room Tides Inn hotel

    Olivia Rose, Petersburg Pilot|Aug 28, 2024

    The Petersburg Indian Association is now in the hospitality business with its purchase of the 45-room Tides Inn hotel and Highliner Car Rental from a longtime Petersburg family. “My sisters and I are very pleased with the conclusion of the sale of the Tides Inn and Highliner Car Rental to the Petersburg Indian Association,” Dave Ohmer said in a written statement. “The Ohmer family started doing business in Petersburg in 1916, and it is wonderful to now be selling the Tides Inn and Highliner to an organization whose families were here long...

  • SEARHC reports seven cases of whooping cough in Southeast

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 21, 2024

    More than 130 cases of whooping cough — also known as pertussis — were reported across Alaska in the first seven months of the year, with seven confirmed cases in Southeast in June and July. The statewide case count is five times higher than the number of infections reported in all of 2023, according to an Aug. 5 alert issued by the Alaska Division of Public Health. “Pertussis is a highly contagious respiratory disease that can cause severe coughing fits and difficulty breathing, particularly dangerous for infants, the elderly and those with...

  • Annual state survey of teens finds increase in mental health problems

    Yereth Rosen, Alaska Beacon|Aug 21, 2024

    Alaska teens are more likely to be depressed and have suicidal thoughts than were teens a decade ago, and some mental health problems have increased notably among girls, according to results from the state’s most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Administered in 2023 to nearly 1,200 high school students around the state, the survey found numerous negative trends. Of the respondents, 19% reported attempting suicide at least once over the past year, compared to 8.7% in the 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. The number who reported they had c...

  • Tlingit & Haida to install its first permanent cell tower in Wrangell

    Sam Pausman, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 14, 2024

    It never hurts to get more gigahertz. The Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida’s broadband service, Tidal Network, will build a 5G cell tower at 3-Mile this winter for its wireless internet service. Eventually, Tidal Network plans to build a second tower on the island, but plans are not finalized, said Tidal Network Director Chris Cropley. These projects all come on the back of a $50 million federal grant as part of the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program. In total, Tidal Network will build over 20 towers in 20 Southeast communities w...

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