(202) stories found containing 'SEAPA'

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  • Assembly jolted by electrical system study

    Dan Rudy|Nov 12, 2015

    At its monthly meeting for November, Wrangell's City and Borough Assembly put the lights out on a proposal to conduct an electric rate study, deciding it was too expensive. The proposal would have awarded a $24,990 no-bid contract to HDR Engineering to assess the city's capital requirement needs for the next five years, determining whether or not and to what extent it should alter utility rates. The firm conducted a rate study in 2010 for a similar fee, and at the time had recommended that rates remain as they were for the foreseeable future....

  • SEAPA holds regular board meeting in Petersburg

    Jess Field|Sep 24, 2015

    PETERSBURG – For its September regular board meeting, Southeast Alaska Power Authority (SEAPA) board members met in Petersburg earlier this week. The board heard updates concerning the company’s ongoing efforts to catalog hydro sites in Southeast. This summer, a consultant flight crew moved personnel and equipment to remote areas, including lakes that have never had bathymetric studies conducted on them. The process reveals underwater topography while recording the depth of the lakes. Falls Lake and Scenery Lake were both mapped and rec...

  • Data towers catching the breeze

    Dan Rudy|Sep 10, 2015

    A crew with Wrangell Municipal Light and Power re-sited one of its two meteorological data-collection towers last week. The tower was moved south from a point overlooking Muskeg Meadows to the end of Spur Road across from Mill Creek. The goal of the towers is to identify areas suitable for constructing a wind turbine. But after observing data for the past year, it was determined the tower's location wasn't getting the consistent airflow needed for power generation. "We were kind of hopeful that...

  • Ortiz looks for budget feedback on Wrangell visit

    Dan Rudy|Jul 30, 2015

    District 36 Rep. Dan Ortiz stopped into Wrangell over the weekend, both to enjoy some of the Bearfest 2015 events and meet with constituents. The Ketchikan Independent has put his first session under his belt after being elected last November. And it was an interesting year to start with, after an atypical pair of special sessions were called by Gov. Bill Walker as legislators struggled to pass a budget. “In this last session we were able to cut the budget by $800 million,” Ortiz noted. However, he pointed out the state is still left with a m...

  • Correction:

    Jun 25, 2015

    In the June 18 issue of the Sentinel, it was mistakenly reported the next SEAPA meeting would be held in Wrangell on Sept. 23 and 24. It will actually be held in Petersburg. We apologize for the error....

  • SEAPA wraps up one year, looks ahead to next

    Dan Rudy|Jun 18, 2015

    Despite dimming income over the past fiscal year, board members for Southeast Alaska Power Agency were informed the future is still a bright one. At its June 18 meeting in Ketchikan, CEO Trey Acteson reported SEAPA remains financially strong and well-positioned leading into the next fiscal year. Sales revenues through last month were $1.3 million below budget, or about 12 percent. While weather volatility has played a hand in the shortfall, a consistent drop from anticipated power consumption by Ketchikan through the 2015 fiscal year has also...

  • SEAPA helipad project progresses in special meeting

    Jun 4, 2015

    At a special meeting on May 15, the board of the Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) approved the purchase of 348 helicopter landing pad panels from Fibergrate Composite Structures of Dallas, Texas, for $135,360. The 4-by-12 foot molded fiberglass grating panels are part of the Swan-Tyee Intertie Helipad Project, which will see the construction of 105 landing pads along the transmission lines' 261 towers. At its March 25 board meeting, SEAPA anticipated 40 to 50 pads can be set up this year, with the rest slated for next year. The pads will...

  • Correction:

    Apr 16, 2015

    Last week’s article about the Petersburg Borough Assembly passing an amended resolution allowing for the Southeast Alaska Power Agency’s (SEAPA) bond refinancing and new bond sale incorrectly stated that all member utilities, including Wrangell and Ketchikan, will have to vote on the revised resolution for the bond sale to proceed. The Sentinel regrets the error....

  • SEAPA bond resolution passes with amended wording

    Mary Koppes|Apr 9, 2015

    Petersburg Borough Assembly members passed an amended resolution to allow Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) to move forward with refinancing of existing 2009 bonds and a proposed $7 million bond sale to fund an expansion of the Swan Lake facility northeast of Ketchikan on Revillagigedo Island. Though Petersburg and Wrangell municipal attorneys have vetted the paperwork for the bond sale, Peterburg's Vice Mayor Cindi Lagoudakis said she had some concerns about the resolution's wording. “My concern with this resolution is that it doesn't i...

  • Swan Lake bond sale moves ahead

    Dan Rudy|Apr 2, 2015

    A project to improve storage capacity at Southeast Alaska Power Agency's (SEAPA) Swan Lake hydropower facility continues along with efforts to finance it with up to $11.36 million in bond sales. Over the past month, SEAPA's executive director Trey Acteson and general counsel presented updates on the planned expansion of the facility located northeast of Ketchikan on Revillagigedo Island. Each of SEAPA's three member utilities-Wrangell, Petersburg and Ketchikan- heard presentations on the...

  • Assembly prepares for budget season, passes pot ordinance

    Dan Rudy|Mar 26, 2015

    Even before getting into its own upcoming budget, Wrangell’s Assembly had plenty of numbers to crunch at its regular meeting Tuesday evening, with an hour-long joint session held beforehand with the local school board regarding its upcoming budget and a presentation by Wrangell Medical Center’s executive on the state of the hospital’s finances. (see adjoining stories) Borough Manager Jeff Jabusch reported next year’s budget is coming along on task, with a draft likely to be ready for review by mid-April. “We’ll bring you a balanced budget one w...

  • SEAPA asks for refinancing support from member utilities

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Mar 12, 2015

    Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) CEO Trey Acteson spoke before the Petersburg and Ketchikan borough assemblies last week and the Wrangell Assembly on Tuesday to update the communities on the progress of the Swan Lake expansion project and apprise them of their role in upcoming refinancing efforts. The current dam at Swan Lake is 174 feet tall and 430 feet wide with a spillway slot that is 15 feet high and 100 feet wide. "Essentially the project is to fill that spillway slot, be able to raise the reservoir 15 feet," Acteson said. "It gives...

  • SEAPA: Intertie, Swan expansion still proceeding

    Dan Rudy|Feb 12, 2015

    Board members for Southeast Alaska Power Agency sat down in Ketchikan last week for their two-day regular meeting, examining the regional power provider’s current financial position as well as looking ahead at its future projects. “It went really well,” commented Wrangell’s representative, Steve Prysunka, after his first meeting. Elected to the Borough Assembly last October, Prysunka was appointed to represent it on the power agency’s board. “I was pleased with the tone of the meeting and how everything went. There was a sense of cooperation...

  • Kake mayor pleas for local support for power intertie

    Mary Koppes|Jan 22, 2015

    PETERSBURG – Though many of the thirty individuals who showed up at the public meeting held last Wednesday to discuss the Kake-Petersburg Intertie (KPI) expressed their support for the project, a spirited discussion also ensued about the various components included in the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) released by the U.S. Forest Service as part of the environmental review process. The review process is required under NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) for any projects that will have a significant impact on the e...

  • Thomas Bay committee may assume new role

    Dan Rudy|Jan 15, 2015

    An ordinance amending Thomas Bay Power Advisory Committee's role in Wrangell's Municipal Code passed the Wrangell City and Borough Assembly on first reading. A second reading featuring a public hearing will be held on Jan. 27. The principal change would make the committee advisory to the Wrangell and Petersburg assemblies. This follows the transfer of Lake Tyee hydroelectric power management to Southeast Alaska Power Agency last summer. Borough Clerk Kim Lane explained the proposal was first drafted by Petersburg and submitted to Wrangell for r...

  • TBPC to be recast as advisory committee

    Mary Koppes|Jan 8, 2015

    The Wrangell and Petersburg Assemblies will soon vote on an ordinance that will turn the Thomas Bay Power Commission (TBPC) into a member appointed advisory committee, activated only at the behest of both assemblies. The TBPC oversaw the Tyee Hydroelectric Plant until operations and management of the plant were transferred to the Southeast Alaska Power Authority (SEAPA) last summer. Since then, TBPC members, in conjunction with both municipalities’ assemblies, have been trying to figure out the desired role of the group. Rather than d...

  • Wrangell in 2014: Power transfers, playing host to the region events

    Compiled By Dan Rudy|Jan 1, 2015

    Kicking things off with a new borough manager in Jeff Jabusch, 2014 for Wrangell was not only a period of changes, but also one of building and continued development. Pavement was poured at the Marine Service Center, a number of roads were resurfaced or due to eventually see improvement, and the city was able to showcase itself to other regional communities by hosting several prolific functions. January Wrangell Cooperative Association collected 210 registrations for Tlingit-Haida members at...

  • Public comment opening for Kake-Petersburg Intertie

    Mary Koppes|Jan 1, 2015

    PETERSBURG – The U.S. Forest Service will soon be accepting comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Kake-Petersburg Intertie, a proposed electrical transmission line that would connect Kake to a SEAPA substation in Petersburg. The proposed project would bring cheaper power to Kake whose 550 residents are currently using costly diesel to power their homes and businesses. "In 2011, the full retail cost of power in Kake was 62 cents per kilowatt hour (kWh), more than f...

  • SEAPA receives clean audit; grant activity up in 2014

    Mary Koppes|Nov 20, 2014

    The Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) board members met in Petersburg Nov. 13-14 to discuss the results of their annual audit and other business. Independent auditing company BDO performed this year’s audit, which followed both generally acceptable auditing standards as well as government auditing standards, required because SEAPA received some $5.99 million in state grants of which $1.11 million counted as state expenditures for the fiscal year ending June 2014. BDO’s Assurance Director Joy Merriner was present via teleconference for the...

  • Assembly hires lobbyist, makes appointments

    Dan Rudy|Oct 30, 2014

    Aside from the matter of the Big Thorne timber sale (see story on page 1) there was not too much for the City and Borough of Wrangell Assembly to go over when it met for its regularly-scheduled meeting Tuesday evening at City Hall. At City Manager Jeff Jabusch's recommendation, the Assembly agreed to hire for one year the services of Ray Matiashowski as its lobbyist in Juneau for an annual fee of $34,000. “We solicited six different lobbyists,” Jabusch told the assembly. Two of the lobbyists were unavailable, and of the four available, he fel...

  • Meet the Candidates

    Oct 2, 2014

    Aleisha Mollen Wrangell School Board, three-year term Occupation: Service Manager, Wells Fargo Why do you want to be on the Wrangell School Board? "I care deeply about the youth here in Wrangell. They are a great group of kids and I want them to have the best educational experience possible. They are the future leaders in our community and our nation and I believe that making sure they have the opportunity at a better education will better us all. Making a difference in the schools today can...

  • Kake power intertie features at Southeast Conference

    Mary Koppes|Sep 25, 2014

    A Kake-Petersburg Intertie (KPI) project update was given during last week’s Southeast Conference in Wrangell. The KPI includes a proposed electrical transmission line that would connect Kake to a SEAPA (Southeast Alaska Power Agency) substation in Petersburg. Kake, a community of just over 550 people, is situated on the northwest coast of Kupreanof Island and is working to find cheaper alternatives to costly diesel, which provides the bulk of their power currently. “The Kake-Petersburg Intertie would transmit power at either 69 or 130 kil...

  • Thomas Bay Power Commission reviews its role

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Sep 11, 2014

    Wrangell’s members of the Thomas Bay Power Commission (TBPC) gathered around a telephone Tuesday morning at City Hall to discuss the body’s future with their Petersburg counterparts. The TPBC is the acting body for the Thomas Bay Power Authority (TBPA) that was responsible for the operations and maintenance (O&M) of the Tyee Hydroelectric Plant, providing power to Wrangell and Petersburg. Last May the Petersburg Assembly voted not to fund its share of a portion of the TBPA’s budget, called the non-net billable, after discussions about wheth...

  • SEAPA approves rebates, Whitman Lake agreement

    Mary Koppes and Dan Rud|Sep 11, 2014

    At their regular board meeting last week in Ketchikan, Southeast Alaska Power Agency (SEAPA) approved rebates to member utilities, discussed the progress of the Swan Lake expansion project and approved the Whitman Lake True Up Agreement. Though rebates to member utilities were approves, the amount Wrangell will receive is still being worked out. “We don’t really know at this point,” said Sharon Thompson, executive assistant at SEAPA. Typically, the amount is equivalent to a half cent per kilowatt hour and is based on each community’s consump...

  • Borough's roaming dogs' days are numbered

    Dan Rudy|Aug 28, 2014

    The Wrangell Borough Assembly had a full plate when it met Tuesday evening, starting with steps toward solving the city's dog problem. Members examined proposed changes drawn up by the borough's code review committee which would reduce loopholes and correct the fee schedule for code infractions concerning the handling and restraint of animals within borough limits. The committee has been going through all the borough's codes for possible revision in turn, but this particular issue has taken precedence. “That was moved up to the forefront,” sai...

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