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Wrangell Elks Lodge No. 1595 received $19,000 in state and national Elks funds which the lodge has distributed to four separate community programs. The grant funds were distributed to the school wrestling program, Senior Center, Parks and Recreation’s youth swim program, and for grocery gift cards for veterans and their families. The checks — and burgers — were presented at the Elks Club weekly burger night Thursday, Feb. 13. “The Wrangell Elks Lodge is proud to support these programs and more in our community,” said Dawn Angerman, a lodge trus...
This Valentine’s Day, you won’t have to worry about where to eat. The Wrangell Elks Lodge will transform its Nolan Room into a “five-star romantic restaurant” on the evening of Feb. 14. According to the Elks, romance will be the night’s theme. There will be “soft music, candlelight, five-star service,” and of course, the four-course meal. The event will take place from 6 to 9 p.m., with seating times at 6, 6:30 and 7 p.m. To book a reservation, call Dawn Angerman at 907-305-0552. Seats are limited and organizers encourage anyone interested to...
TURKEY TROT on Thanksgiving morning, Nov. 28, at the covered basketball court, hosted by Parks and Recreation. Sign-up is at 8:45 a.m. and the fun run starts at 9 a.m. Costumes encouraged. All donations will go to the Stikine Middle School cross-country team travel fund. ELKS HOOP SHOOT free-throw contest for ages 8 to 13 will be Saturday, Nov. 30, at the community center gym: 10 a.m. for ages 8 to 9; 11 a.m. for ages 10 to 11; noon for ages 12 to 13. For more information, call Jeff Jabusch 907-305-0086. A hamburger lunch for all participants...
Participants in the nationwide Elks Hoop Shoot have to be a lot younger than the event itself. The free-throw contest is more than 50 years old, but it’s open only to kids 8 through 13 years old. The annual Hoop Shoot will be held Saturday, Nov. 30, at the Wrangell community center gym. The times are 10 a.m. for ages 8 to 9; 11 a.m. for ages 10 to 11; and noon for ages 12 to 13. Kids’ age as of April 1, 2025, will determine which group they will shoot in. They will each get five warm-up shots at the hoop, followed by a round of 10 throws and a...
LANDSLIDE REMEMBRANCE at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20, at the Nolan Center. Community potluck. Hosted by WCA to remember the deadly landslide that hit Wrangell a year ago. STATE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE will be in Wrangell on Thursday, Nov. 21, and will see clients in the clinic. Immunizations, birth control and STD screening, well-child exams for kids up to age 7, TB screening and medication, Narcan kits and medication disposal bags will be offered. The Public Health Center is in the Kadin Building, 215 Front St. Call 907-723-4611 to make an...
SALVATION ARMY Christmas toy assistance sign-up is open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays until Nov. 5. Bring identification for all adults and birth certificates for children in the home. Thanksgiving sign-up is open 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesdays until Nov. 12. Sign up at The Salvation Army. For more information or to schedule sign-ups for another day or time call 907-874-3753. COMMUNITY CHORALE REHEARSALS 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Mondays at the high school music room for the Christmas concert. Use the back entrance. All singers are welcome. Contact...
COMMUNITY CHORALE REHEARSALS 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 17, at the high school music room for the Christmas concert. Use the back entrance. All singers are welcome. Regular rehearsals will be on Mondays starting the following week. Contact Bonnie at 907-796-9632 or for more information. FALL STORYTIME for children 10 to 11 a.m. Fridays at the Irene Ingle Public Library. Stories, crafts and snacks. This week’s theme is Alaska Day, the anniversary of the transfer of the territory of Alaska from Russia to the United S...
“I’m picturing a fall Fourth of July,” Borough Manager Mason Villarma told staff during a planning meeting for the event. Last week, the borough released the schedule of events surrounding the harvest of the U.S. Capitol Christmas Tree, also known as “The People’s Tree.” Festivities will begin on Friday, Oct. 25, and will continue for three days over the weekend. The borough, the Nolan Center, chamber of commerce, U.S. Forest Service and many local businesses all are helping to organize the weekend’s activities. The tree, which comes from a...
The Wrangell Elks Lodge has been around since 1935, putting on community programs for kids, veterans and others over the years. But it’s just as well known for Friday night hamburgers and Saturday night steak dinners. As popular as the dinners have become over the years, the Elks are not immune from the same problem confronting many other community groups in town — they need volunteers. It takes at least three volunteers to staff the Friday burger night and at least two for the Saturday steak night, said Dawn Angerman, who co-manages the lod...
The Fourth of July is about a red, white and blue parade, street games, races of all kinds for all kinds of boats, logging skills competition — and food. With two days of events left in the holiday week, the area around the downtown pavilion, behind Wells Fargo bank and the Elks Lodge and in the direction of the Stikine Inn will be filled with booths, games and a wide variety of food. Organizers have scheduled a little more time between events this year to allow people a chance to try out the menus on Wednesday and Thursday, July 3-4. The f...
Arnold "Arnie" R. Sandness, 89, passed away on March 23, 2024. His celebration of life was held April 25 in Sun City West Christian Church, Sun City West, Arizona. Arnie was born on Aug. 28, 1934, in Bellingham, Washington, to John and Randi Sandness. He graduated from Bellingham High School in 1952, while serving in the Army reserves before attending Western Washington State College of Education. He served in the Naval Reserve Combat Battalion in Bremerton from 1953-1957. He was a mechanical...
Jan. 24, 1924 A new device that is a wonderful improvement in the power trolling gurdy and which will be a boon to fishermen has been invented by Steven A. Shepherd of Wrangell. With the aid of this new line-hauling device, the fishing lines are readily drawn up by power so that it requires no effort on the part of the fisherman to haul in his lines. One of these machines is in actual operation on Mr. Shepard’s gas boat, and the numerous fishermen who have seen it in operation are very enthusiastic over the machine and pronounce it a w...
David Roy Churchill passed away on Dec. 3, 2023, at the age of 94 in Wrangell. A graveside service will be held at the Sunset Gardens Cemetery Columbarium at 9 a.m. Thursday, Dec. 14. "All of his family and friends are welcome to attend," his family wrote. David Roy Churchill was born on April 8, 1929, to Mary and Frank Churchill in Wrangell. David graduated from Wrangell High School in 1948. He then went to Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. The Korean War was on, so David and his broth...
The Wrangell Elks Lodge has been active in town since 1935 and could use a few more active volunteers to help with its weekend dinners, chores around the building and public services. “It is getting worse over time,” said Dawn Angerman, one of the volunteer club managers. “It’s not just the Elks, it’s everywhere.” Multiple community groups in Wrangell have struggled in recent years with finding new people to serve on boards or volunteer for work projects. “COVID didn’t help,” Angerman said. “People just haven’t broken out of that yet,” with ma...
Alice Bakke, 90, passed away on Oct. 31, 2023. A graveside service will be held at the Sunset Garden Cemetery at 1 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 19, with a celebration of life to follow at the Elks Lodge. Alice Gloria Camenzind was born on Aug. 14, 1933, to Edward Camenzind and Julia Larsen in San Mateo, California. At a young age, Alice and her mother relocated to Wrangell, where Julia married Hans Nergaard. Julia and Hans added two more children to their family, Marie Nergaard (Johnson) and Carol Nergaard...
James "Jim" Wellington Abbott passed away at age 83 on Aug. 15 in Wrangell. A celebration of life will be held at the Harbor Light Assembly of God Church at 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 2, with a reception to follow from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge. He was born in Des Moines, Iowa, to Arnoldine E. and Emmett W. Abbott. He and his parents resided in Greenfield, Iowa, where Jim attended elementary school and graduated from high school. After graduation, Jim attended the University of Oklahoma...
When was the last time you had an excuse to let loose and dance or “cut a rug” like cool people said 100 years ago. On Saturday, Aug. 19, from 8 to 11 p.m. at the Elks Lodge, the adult prom will give partygoers the chance to live it up and help a community-based nonprofit at the same time. “It’s going to be your high school prom but better,” said event organizer Devyn Johnson. “It’s a retro disco, so you can choose any past decade you’d like to dress up as.” Proceeds from the prom will benefit Wrangell Burial Assistance, an organization John...
July 26, 1923 The water has been so low in the city reservoir the past week as to be a serious matter. On this account, the linotype machine and printing presses in the Sentinel office, which are run by water power, have been shut down the entire week. Naturally, we regret the shortage of reading matter in this issue, but we have no apologies to offer. We feel we have more than done our duty in attempting to get out any kind of a newspaper at all under such a tremendous handicap. July 23, 1948 A group of members from the Emblem Club and Elks...
The first cruise ship of the season is scheduled to tie up in Wrangell on Thursday, and borough crews have been working to get new restrooms ready for visitors — and locals — who need another option while walking around downtown. The borough has installed two portable units just off Front Street, next to the 56° North shop, near the intersection with Campbell Drive. These are not your routine porta-potties with holding tanks; they are portable units set in place and hooked up to municipal sewage and water lines — sinks included. One of the fa...
The Wrangell Golf Club board of directors would like to thank everyone who helped make our annual fundraising dinner and auction a success. This was our first time back at it since before COVID, and we couldn’t have asked for a better event. Thank you to all the businesses and individuals that donated items to auction and raffle: Alaska Airlines, Cindy Baird, Pacific Seafoods, All American Mechanical, Monterey Peninsula Country Club, Sentry Hardware, Angerman’s Inc., Ottesen’s Ace Hardware, Breakaway Adventures, Rayme’s Bar, Lucy Robinso...
I want to give a special thank you to Dawn Angerman and everyone else at the Elks Lodge for the ham donations to Wrangell veterans. Thank you for honoring us who served in the Armed Forces of the United States. Bill Donavan...
Former Wrangell resident Dennis Robert Berkeley, 76, passed away after a courageous battle with cancer on Dec. 7, 2022, in Sitka, his family reported. He was surrounded by family and friends, and was visited by many close friends and family during his final stay in Sitka. A service will be held on his birthday, Saturday, Feb. 18, from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Wrangell. He was born Feb. 18, 1946, in Petersburg, and grew up in Kake, where he developed his love for commercial fishing and...
Wrangell wants more visitors and the money they bring to town. But to compete against all the other Southeast ports that also want more tourism dollars to flow into their economy, Wrangell needs to provide accommodations and activities to help make visitors’ time in town enjoyable. That includes more public restrooms. Other than the two stalls in the small borough-owned restroom stop behind the Elks Lodge, and the facilities at the Nolan Center, there are no public restrooms in the downtown area. It’s not fair to expect businesses to pro...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, thanks to Evergreen Elementary School students. Last Wednesday, students in every grade level had an opportunity to create ornaments for this year's community Christmas tree. All manner of colorful baubles were crafted and made ready to adorn the tree. Teacher Jenn Davies' third grade class was busy the day before Thanksgiving using cellophane to wrap empty and cleaned food containers, such as strawberry packaging, to make ornaments that look like gia...