(148) stories found containing 'Wrangell Elks Lodge'

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  • Obituary: Robert H. Grant, Jr., 83

    Dec 24, 2020

    Robert H. Grant, Jr., 83, a retired teacher, and longtime resident of Wrangell, died on October 21, 2020 in Wrangell, Alaska. He was born on April 19, 1937 to Robert and Catherine Grant in Dubuque, Iowa. He graduated from Loras College with a teaching degree and immediately, in 1963, moved to Wrangell to pursue his dream of teaching in Alaska. He taught High School History/Social Studies and English and later, at the end of his teaching career, he taught 6th Grade. He also worked for the Alaska...

  • Veterans Day

    Nov 19, 2020

  • First case of COVID-19 announced in Wrangell

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 11, 2020

    On Sunday evening, June 7, the first positive case of COVID-19 was announced in the community of Wrangell. A joint press release from the city and SEARHC reports that the patient is an unnamed female. She is a resident of Wrangell, according to the press release, and is asymptomatic. Contact tracing, trying to determine who might have come into contact with the patient and may potentially be at risk, is currently ongoing. "SouthEast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC) representatives are...

  • Correction

    Jun 4, 2020

    In the May 21 edition of the paper, in the story about the senior awards night, it was reported that the Joel Wing and Allen Benjamin Scholarships were awarded from the Wrangell Emblem Club. These two scholarships actually come from the Elks Lodge....

  • Golf tournaments start back up at Muskeg Meadows

    Caleb Vierkant|May 28, 2020

    Over Memorial Day weekend, Muskeg Meadows started up their weekend golf tournaments for another season. This first tournament of the season was sponsored by Wrangell IGA. There were 20 golfers on the first day of the tournament on Saturday. First place went to a team consisting of Kathleen Harding, Wayne Harding, Doug Nelson, and Drew Eyon. Second place went to a team consisting of Spenser Stavee, Aaron Powell, Jonathan Spitler, and Jim Brooks. Brooks had the straightest drive of the day at 38 i...

  • Senior awards night via web conference

    Caleb Vierkant|May 21, 2020

    Graduating students of Wrangell High School, school staff, and other community members came together via web conference last week for senior awards night. During the web conference, graduating seniors were informed of scholarships they had won. "I'm excited to see who wins the awards today, and I want to remind you guys that even if you haven't applied for any scholarships yet there's still millions of dollars out there," Interim Principal Jack Carney said. "So if you don't win anything tonight...

  • Cinco De Mayo at the Elks Lodge

    May 7, 2020

    Last Tuesday, May 5, was Cinco De Mayo. To celebrate, the Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted a socially-distanced dinner. Wrangell residents could call ahead to the lodge to order a Mexican dinner of enchiladas, chimichangas, and churros. The dinners would then be packaged up and run out to the people waiting in their vehicles. Pictured here (left to right) are Kayla Gillen, Teresa Allen, Jill Privett, Solvay Gillen, and Dawn Angerman....

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 30, 2020

    April 29, 1920 Daniel Baker, the affable young traveling representative of the Western Dry Goods company, was a pleasant caller at the Sentinel Office yesterday. Mr. Baker does not, of course, ever expect to sell the Sentinel any dry goods (regardless of how much we may need them,) but he has to come down Front street as far as Captain Jinks store anyway. Then after he has sold Jinks a bill of goods he comes across the street and lets the Sentinel force enjoy the sunshine of his smiling countenance. Baker is no pessimist, and we surely like...

  • Trophies earned at Hoop Shoot regionals

    Mar 26, 2020

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 5, 2020

    March 4, 1920 The Sentinel is issued on Thursday this week as usual, but that would not have been possible had it not been for the fact that Wrangell has an up to-date machine shop. Whenever anything goes wrong in our mechanical department the first person we think of is Mr. Gingrass. Wrangell could no more get along without the machine shop than it could without the hotel, bank or drugstore. March 2, 1945 Upon approval of the city council, received today, the Red Cross headquarters are now to be situated in the city hall in the room formerly...

  • Girls Pearls 2020

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Obituary: John Lloyd Maxand, 80

    Jan 9, 2020

    John Lloyd Maxand, 80, died December 28, 2019 at home in Wrangell, Alaska. He was born in Wrangell on January 2, 1939 to John and Gertrude (Gerty) Maxand. He graduated from Wrangell High School in 1956 and was accepted to a college in California, but stayed in Wrangell for his younger brother and sisters when their mother passed away. John married Lynn (Jabusch) in 1961 and raised their son Jim in Wrangell. John was active in the community as a member of the Elks Lodge; Past President of the Pio...

  • New record for Hoop Shoot

    Caleb Vierkant|Dec 12, 2019

    The Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted its annual Hoop Shoot free throw contest last Saturday, Dec. 7. The contest is held by Elks lodges across the country, open to children from 8 to 13-years-old. Jeff Jabusch, director of the contest for Wrangell, says that participants get 25 shots at making a basket, plus a maximum of five practice throws. According to a final report written by Jabusch, this year's contest saw a record number of participants. "The annual Hoop Shoot was a great success!" He wrote....

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Dec 5, 2019

    December 4, 1919 R.M. Allen and Associates, who recently liberated a number of foxes on Channel Island, near Wrangell, have recovered all but three of the animals. They have moved their outfit and stock to Entrance Island, Hobart Bay, where they will establish their fox ranch. It became necessary to move the animals as it was found that the waters around Channel Island freeze under certain conditions, and in that case the foxes would be lost. December 1, 1944 Wrangell was host to a large group of army personnel this week with the arrival on...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Oct 31, 2019

    October 30, 1919 The Town of Wrangell last night established a quarantine against the Town of Petersburg During the past two or three days there have been rumors that smallpox existed at Petersburg. Yesterday a cablegram was sent to the Territorial Health Commission and their reply was: All incorporated towns should protect themselves against Petersburg for two weeks. L. O. Sloan, Territorial Health Commissioner. Upon receipt of the above cable gram the Board of Health held a meeting and ordered a quarantine against Petersburg for two weeks....

  • Obituary: Robert Michael Maxand, 78

    Oct 17, 2019

    Robert (Bob) Michael Maxand, 78, died June 10, 2019, in Boise, Idaho. Bob was born in Wrangell, Alaska on February 14, 1941. He graduated from Wrangell High School in 1960. He then spent three years in the U.S Army stationed in Germany, where he was a civil engineer with the U.S Army Corps of Engineers. He was a member of the Wrangell Elks Lodge, and the Amercian Legion. He helped with the building of the existing Legion Hall. He spent 12 consecutive years on the Wrangell City Council, was a...

  • Obituary: Stephani Ann Ruks, 77

    Oct 10, 2019

    Stephani Ann Ruks, 77, died on August 16, 2019, in Wrangell, Alaska. Ann was born in Louisville, Kentucky and moved with her family to Wrangell when she was young. She graduated from Wrangell High School in 1961 and worked in Nome and Anchorage and the Alaska Pipeline in Valdez. She lived 18 years in Arizona before returning home to Wrangell where she worked at Wrangell Medical Center until her retirement. Ann was a member of the hospital auxiliary and served in hospice for many years. She was...

  • Flag Day at the Elks Lodge

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 20, 2019

    The Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted a Flag Day ceremony last Friday, June 14. Flag Day is a national holiday to commemorate the adoption of the Stars and Stripes as the country's national flag. According to military.com, commemoration of Flag Day dates back to the 1880s, when teacher BJ Cigrand organized a group of Wisconsin students to observe the flag's birthday. The practice grew and spread across the country until it was officially recognized as a holiday by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. The...

  • Father's Day Picnic at Muskeg Meadows

    Jun 20, 2019

    Golf Roundup Radio Station KSTK sponsored a nine-hole best ball tournament at Muskeg Meadows last Saturday, June 15. There were 18 participants in the tournament. First place went to a team consisting of Spenser Stavee, Ed Rilatos, Ron Soale, and Drew Eyon, with a net score of 20 and team handicap of 17. Second place went to Eric Kading, Tyler Eagle, Toot Harding, and Wayne Harding with a net score of 21 and team handicap of 17. Third place went to Dough Nelson, Jerry Bakeburg, and Frank Roppel...

  • Flag Day ceremony at Elks June 14

    Caleb Vierkant|Jun 13, 2019

    The Wrangell Elks Lodge will be hosting a Flag Day ceremony tomorrow, June 14, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Flag Day is a national holiday, celebrated annually on June 14. The holiday was established in 1916, by President Woodrow Wilson, in honor of the flag of the United States, and also to give recognition to other historical events occurring near the same time. According to a 2018 article on history.com, Congress first established the Continental Army in June of 1775, during the Revolutionary War....

  • Senior students showcase service projects

    Caleb Vierkant|May 23, 2019

    The Wrangell High School class of 2019 set up shop in the gym the afternoon of Tuesday, May 7, to give presentations on their community service projects. The projects are a requirement for graduation, according to Principal David Macri, worth about half a credit. The senior students, individually or in small groups, are supposed to spend at least 20 hours on a project or series of projects that help the wider community. Afterwards, they then put together a poster board reporting on what they...

  • Golf Roundup

    May 2, 2019

    Angerman’s Inc. sponsored golf tournaments, the first of the year, on April 27 and 28. There were 16 participants in Saturday’s tournament. First place went to a team composed of Eric Koding, Tyler Eagle, Dwight Nancy and Mick Andrews with a net score of 19 and team handicap of 16. Second place went to Rocky Littleton, Marva Reid, Rodney Littleton, and Jim Brooks with a net score of 21 and a handicap of 13. Lloyd Word had the straightest drive of the day at 14 inches. Sunday’s tournament saw 20 participants. First place went to the team compo...

  • Elks host Easter egg hunt at City Park

    Apr 25, 2019

    The Wrangell Elks Lodge hosted an Easter egg hunt at City Park last Sunday afternoon. Children of all ages, and their parents, came out for the event. Pictured here are Ellie McIntyre (left) and Ethan Whitaker (right) grabbing as many eggs as they could....

  • Charles Marvin Wills

    Apr 11, 2019

    Charles "Charlie" Marvin Wills, 77, a long time resident of Ketchikan, Alaska passed away on March 25, 2019, near Redding, California. He was born on June 29, 1941, in Medford, Oregon to Marvin and Freda Wills. Before arriving in Alaska in 1954, Charlie traveled with his family throughout the western states as his father was a horse trader with the traveling rodeos. When the family first moved to Alaska, they home- steaded on the Unuk River before settling in Ketchikan. Charlie has worn many...

  • Adult prom

    Apr 4, 2019

    Wrangell had its second annual "adult prom" at the Elks Lodge last Saturday night. Everyone over the age of 21 was invited to come out, dance, and raise money for the high school class of 2021. According to Lucy Robinson, one of the event's organizers, the prom raised $2,000. "To all of the dancers, who danced their tails off, thanks so much for supporting the class of 2021," she said. Pictured here is Esther Ashton, dancing at the prom....

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