(148) stories found containing 'Wrangell Elks Lodge'

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  • New Elks officers sworn in

    Mar 28, 2019

    Wrangell Elks Lodge No. 1595 swore in a new batch of officers in a small ceremony last Friday evening, March 22. Pictured from right to left are Leading Knight Juanita Courson, Secretary Shirley Clark, Exalted Ruler Barbara Hommel, Esquire Kevin Stutz, Treasurer Bob Grant, Chaplain Jennifer Bates, and Trustee Carrie Wallace. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is a nationwide organization that works to support and give back to their local communities....

  • Town invited to Adult Prom at the end of the month

    Caleb Vierkant|Mar 14, 2019

    Music, dancing, celebration, awkward photographs, there is a lot that goes into a prom that makes the evening special. For most people, going to prom ends after graduating from high school. In Wrangell, however, the party just keeps going. Wrangellites over the age of 21 are invited to the second annual "adult prom" at the end of the month. Lucy Robinson, with the Parks and Recreation department, and Caitlin Cardinell, with Alaska Waters, have been working to help organize the prom. Dawn...

  • Obituary: Mary Ann Phillips, 65

    Feb 21, 2019

    Mary Ann Phillips, 65 and a lifelong Wrangell resident, passed away February 5, 2019 in Zihuantanejo, Mexico while on vacation with her family. She was born on November 18, 1953 in Bishop Rowe Hospital to Maurice and Mary Buness. She attended Wrangell Public Schools until her family moved to the Tacoma area in 1964. She returned to Wrangell with them in January 1970 and made her home here since. After graduating from Wrangell High School, she attended the University of Alaska Fairbanks. She...

  • City welcomes holiday season with Midnight Madness

    Caleb Vierkant|Dec 13, 2018

    It was cold, the evening of Dec. 7, and at times rainy. That did not deter many Wrangell residents from coming out for Midnight Madness, however. Midnight Madness has been a Wrangell tradition for about 30 years, according to Stephanie Cook with the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce. "I think it went pretty well, even though it was a little rainy and cold," she said. "There were lots of people who showed up and had fun." Front Street was crowded as people hung out, shopped, and sang Christmas...

  • Hoop Shoot sees almost 50 participants

    Caleb Vierkant|Dec 13, 2018

    Wrangell’s Elks Lodge hosted its annual Hoop Shoot last Saturday. The community gym was packed with kids participating in the free throw contest, and supportive family members and friends in the bleachers. The Hoop Shoot is a yearly event hosted by Elks lodges across the country for children ages eight to 13. Jeff Jabusch, who helped organize the event, said that each child participating in the Hoop Shoot is given 25 chances to make as many free throws as possible. The first place winners of e...

  • Obituary: Jimmie Wayne Thompson, 80

    Nov 8, 2018

    Jimmie "Jim" Wayne Thompson, passed away peacefully on July 5, 2018 at the Wrangell Medical Center. His health had declined over the last several years after suffering from several small strokes, and one substantial one in 2011 while he was visiting his mother in Texas. After spending several weeks in rehab, he was able to return back to his home in Wrangell where unfortunately his health continued to decline. He was born to Leon and Lorene Thompson, November 17, 1937 in Montague County, Texas....

  • Busy weekend for volleyball team

    Caleb Vierkant|Nov 1, 2018

    Between hosting their first home games of the season, and running a takeout fundraiser dinner, Wrangell's high school volleyball team had a packed weekend. Oct. 26 and 27 saw the Lady Wolves play at home for the first time since the volleyball season opened. They played against the Craig Panthers, the number one seeded team. Wrangell High School is currently tied for second place, according to Coach Jessica Whitaker. The JV teams played first on Friday and Saturday. They played three games both...

  • Obituary: Jim Haley, 60

    Sep 13, 2018

    James P Haley, 60, of Wrangell, Alaska, passed away on Sept. 1, 2018 at Providence Hospital in Anchorage. He was born on July 22, 1958 in Pasadena, California, to the late Bernard and Marie Haley. Jim graduated from Verdugo Hills High School, located in the Tujunga community of Los Angeles, in 1977. He was a self-employed contractor, but he came to Wrangell to visit his brother Jerry, and fell in love with Alaska. He worked at the Wrangell Saw Mill until it closed in 1992 and recently retired...

  • Grand Exalted Ruler Luhr visits Elks lodge

    Caleb Vierkant|Sep 6, 2018

    Petersburg native Michael Luhr has been a part of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks since 1977, when he was initiated into Petersburg Lodge No. 1615. He said that he has lived in Petersburg for 62 years, and has been an Elk for 42. According to a short biography presented at Lodge No. 1595 in Wrangell, he served in a series of roles at local, state, and national levels for many years. In a July ceremony this year, Luhr was made the first Alaskan to ever serve as the grand exalted...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jun 21, 2018

    June 28, 1918 The Postmaster will have on hand at the Wrangell Post Office a sufficient supply of war savings stamps to take care of the large amount of extra sales on that day. Representatives of the War Savings Committee will be at the Town Hall from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. to meet every loyal person who may desire to call for information or give assistance in the drive and deliver War Savings Stamps and receive pledges covering later purchases of Stamps during this year. All citizens should subscribe to the limit of their ability. June 18,...

  • Obituary: Shannon Diane Gillen (Booga), 40

    Apr 12, 2018

    Shannon Diane Gillen (Booga) passed away April 1, in Anchorage Alaska. She was born November 17, 1977 in Wrangell, Alaska to Timothy Gillen Sr. (Wrangell) and Jinx Clark (Reedsport, Oregon). Shannon stayed in Wrangell after graduating from Wrangell High School in 1995 to work jobs from Wrangell Seafoods to her latest job at SEARHC. She loved camping, going up the Stikine River, bowling, laughing and giving you her honest opinion even if you didn't want it. She was always an Auntie first and her...

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 8, 2018

    February 14, 1918: The Metlakatla basketball team was unable to give Wrangell a return game. When H. J. Murchison, the manager, announced a return game in the Rink the night of the game here he made the proviso, “If we have any bones left after playing Juneau.” At Thane the game was very rough and four of the Metlakatla boys were knocked out although they defeated Thane 44 to 17. The next night the Metlakatla boys played the Hoover boys of Juneau using substitutes for the four boys who were knocked out. This game resulted in a score of 20 to...

  • 44 participate in 2017 Elks Hoop Shoot Competition

    Dec 14, 2017

    Forty-four Wrangell kids took part in this year’s Hoop Shoot, the Elks Lodge’s annual December basketball free-throw competition. Held at the community center court Saturday morning, participants shot their best of 25 and will be competing against other lodges across the state. Best shooters there then compete at the regional and national levels. 8 and 9 year-olds Girls 1st – Alana Harrison – 8/25 2nd – Sophia Martinsen – 6/25 3rd – Jenna Eastaugh – 6/25 Boys 1st – Aadyn Gillen – 14/25 2nd – Jackson Carney – 7/25 3rd – Gavin Hunt – 7/25 10...

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 7, 2017

    December 13, 1917: Nicholas Nussbaumer writes the publisher of the Sentinel that he arrived in Washington, D.C., on Thanksgiving Day in time for a good turkey dinner. Following is an excerpt from his letter: “Some of my boy-hood friends are in my company, which of course makes it more pleasant for me than if I was wholly among strangers. My first disappointment is that I am not likely to have Mr. Weigle for a captain, but I am determined to make good no matter under whom I serve. I should be glad to hear from old Wrangell. I have not heard o...

  • Season's greetings

    Nov 30, 2017

  • Obituary: Kaye M. Taylor, 77

    Nov 23, 2017

    Kaye M. Taylor, 77, a resident of Mount Vernon, Washington and former Wrangell resident, passed away at her home on Nov. 1, 2017. Kaye was born on Feb. 13, 1940 in Beloit, Wisconsin, the daughter of Lester and Darlene (Polglaze) Buckwalter. She was raised and obtained her education in Beloit, graduating from high school with the class of 1958. Her parents separated when she was a child and her mother later married Harold Kelton, who was a loving step-father. She worked for Avis Car Rental in Atlanta, Georgia and for the Lighthouse Travel...

  • Hospital campus to go smoke-free

    Dan Rudy|Nov 2, 2017

    The hospital is scheduled to implement a new smoke-free campus policy at the start of the new year. Wrangell Medical Center administrators and key staff signed the new policy on October 24, to take effect on January 1. Currently the hospital sports designated smoking areas for staff, patients and visitors, one of the few hospitals in the state still to do so, reckons Scott Glaze, WMC compliance and risk manager. Its health provision counterpart Alaska Island Community Services has had such a policy in place since February 2015. The new policy...

  • Obituary: Robert Leroy Seimears, 87

    Aug 17, 2017

    Robert Leroy Seimears, 87, passed away on June 6, 2017 in Wrangell, Alaska. He had been in a Long Term Care resident for five years. Robert was born August 5, 1929 in Bellingham, Washington to Clara and William Seimears joining brothers Ralph and Wayne. At age 15 Robert (BoB) ventured out on his own. He went to work as a deckhand on a Seattle fish packer northbound to Wrangell where he met Margaret Rose Ritchie. On November 27, 1948 he and Margaret married in Index, Washington. They lived in Wra...

  • Tourney and fundraiser tees off Wrangell golf season

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    Muskeg Meadows drove into its first tournament of the year this weekend, with the annual Angerman's Best Ball Golf Tournament Saturday and Sunday. Twenty-two participants took part in the team-based tournament, running through a full set of 18 holes. It was sponsored by Angerman's, Inc. which donated drawing prizes players could vie for. A portion of entry fees went toward course maintenance and operations, with the remainder going in to the prize pot. Following Saturday's play, on Sunday,...

  • Going to the dogs: wine tasting benefits SAR program

    Dan Rudy|Apr 27, 2017

    A number of Wrangell residents stepped out Friday for a bit of culture, partaking in a wine tasting fundraiser. Held at Rayme's Bar, proceeds from the 14-varietal sampling went to the local search and rescue (SAR) dogs program for Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department. The program currently enlists the services of three retrievers, named Katilli, Sage and Aspen. Katilli has been in service the longest, picking up trainings and certifications over the past three years. The dog has supported various...

  • Gold rush type hootenanny planned for Tent City weekend

    Dan Rudy|Mar 30, 2017

    This year's annual Tent City Days celebration will start tomorrow, opening up with the dog show at 5 p.m. Celebrating the town of Wrangell's rustic beginnings, the annual late-winter festivity was held a bit later than usual this year due to scheduling conflicts. "I ain't competing with the Super Bowl," event organizer Kelly Gunderson joked. Involved with the festival in past years, she took organization of the celebration off the hands of Penny Allen, who in recent years has been working to...

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 15, 2016

    December 21, 1916: Alaska is the only place over which the American flag flies where two Christmas days are celebrated. This applies especially to the Alaskan peninsula and adjoining islands, where many of the natives belong to the Russian church with her Julian calendar. It is only since the coming of the American public school and mission that the “American Christmas” has been introduced in those parts. According to the Julian calendar Christmas, Dec. 25, falls on the day that is Jan. 7 in the calendar elsewhere. According to the Russian chu...

  • The Way We Were

    Nov 3, 2016

    November 16, 1916: Victory of newly elected Democratic Congressman Daly celebrated in Wrangell. When Hon. Charles A. Sulzer realized that he had been elected to Congress it is doubtful if he was any more jubilant over the result than one of his Wrangell friends. Dr. Pigg, who has spent every spare moment of his time for the past three months boosting Sulzer, was just bubbling over with joy. He felt like celebrating, but the doctor never celebrates alone. He arranged a Sulzer ball for Saturday night at the Redmen’s hall. He was not content to h...

  • Senior apartments go smoke-free, following trend

    Dan Rudy|Sep 8, 2016

    Last month Wrangell's Senior Apartments formally went smoke-free, asking its residents to instead head outdoors if they feel the need to have a cigarette. "It was mostly for the health and well-being of our tenants," explained Gail Rilatos, manager of the facility for the past four years. The decision was made by the apartment complex's five-member governing board, which sought input on a new policy from Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium. SEARHC facilitates an Alaska Tobacco...

  • Local Elks receive $2,500 grant

    Sep 1, 2016

    The local Elks Lodge has received a $2,500 grant from its national organization, which will in turn be distributed to local causes. Lodge #1595 met its per-member fundraising goals through member contributions and gaming earnings last year, which entitled it to a Gratitude Grant through the Elks National Foundation. Grants vary from $2,000 to $2,500, and are meant to support local charitable activities. Lodge secretary Shirley Clark explained Wrangells grant will be split between four causes, with $625 going to each. Benefitting from the...

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