(779) stories found containing 'Wrangell School District'

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  • School district gets traction with electric school bus grant

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 30, 2023

    The Wrangell School District has received the green light to buy an electric school bus through a federal clean energy grant. In his report to the school board on Aug. 21, Schools Superintendent Bill Burr said the Environmental Protection Agency approved the district for a grant that will go toward a newly built electric bus and charging station. The grant was almost a no-go just a few months ago. Working with the district’s contracted bus company, Taylor Transportation, Burr submitted the grant to the EPA about a year ago. The program r...

  • New middle school cross country team prepares for first season

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 30, 2023

    A new generation of runners is preparing to follow in the footsteps of Wrangell High School’s state championship-winning cross country team. For the first time this fall, a middle school team will lace up their sneakers and get ready to race. Laura Davies, a teacher at Stikine Middle School, is organizing and coaching the program. She hopes that it will support the existing high school team by improving young runners’ endurance and preparing them to race at the regional level once they become freshmen. “If you look long-term, we have a high...

  • Classified ads

    Aug 30, 2023

    HELP WANTED KSTK/CoastAlaska is seeking a development director. Responsible for securing financial support for KSTK and CoastAlaska stations, planning and executing KSTK events. Full time, with benefits. Send resume and letter of interest to cindy@kstk.org. HELP WANTED Wrangell Chamber of Commerce is looking for an executive director. Contact the chamber in person or email info@wrangellchamber.com, or call 907-874-3901 with any questions and how to apply. Pay DOE. HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following...

  • School enrollment estimate adjusted up by a couple of students

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 23, 2023

    Though not all children had enrolled before the scheduled start of school on Thursday, Aug. 24, due to migrant status or other reasons, district staff reported an increase of two students over their enrollment estimates from last November, which will help with a very small increase in state funding. A couple more students could add maybe $20,000 or so in state money to the overall $5 million school district operating budget. The budget for the 2023-2024 school year is based on 263 students, however, after the updated enrollment estimate, that n...

  • Fundraising efforts lead to continuation of video-making class

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 16, 2023

    In an age of cash-strapped school budgets, teachers and support staff have found themselves getting creative in order to give students all the tools needed to succeed in their education. A teacher at Stikine Middle School had such success with an extracurricular class last year that she began fundraising to continue the program this year, reaching her goal in a short amount of time. Sixth grade teacher Laura Davies worked with Juneau-based Seth Bader and the See Stories program last spring. The...

  • New principal looks forward to helping students, staff achieve their best

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 9, 2023

    Jackie Hanson has been an educator for 19 years. For all that time, she has operated under the philosophy of helping people reach their aspirations, regardless of how different they might be. The new Wrangell High School and Stikine Middle School principal is already in the office, ready to meet teachers, staff and, most importantly, the students. Originally from Lewistown, Montana, Hanson began her teaching career in Noorvik, in the Northwest Arctic Borough School District. She and her...

  • E-bikes gain in popularity, but the rules are not entirely clear

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 9, 2023

    It's hard to miss: Groups of people whizzing down the streets of Wrangell on what looks like a cross between a bicycle and an old-school moped, sometimes down the middle of the street or dangerously close to pedestrians on the sidewalks. Increased use of electric bicycles, or e-bikes for short, has some questioning how the law applies to the machines, specifically where they can and can't be ridden. Wrangell municipal code states, "No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within the...

  • District staff prepares for students' return to school Aug. 24

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Aug 2, 2023

    Newly cleaned flooring, new paint and new faces will be among the changes students see as they return to school on Aug. 24. However, there will be plenty going on that students don’t really notice. School district staff are working hard to prepare for the coming educational year, whether it be in updating their certifications, preparing the classrooms or focusing on all the little details to ensure a successful year for kids. Online registration will begin Aug. 11 on the school district website, while in-person registration will be held Aug. 1...

  • Assembly, school board, port commission candidacy filing to open

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel|Jul 26, 2023

    At the upcoming municipal election on Oct. 3, the community will head to the polls to share its vision for Wrangell’s future. But before that can happen, engaged community members need to declare their intention to run for elected office. Starting on Tuesday, Aug. 1, eligible candidates will be able to submit their candidacy for one of four available seats. Two three-year seats on the borough assembly will be on the ballot: Anne Morrison and Ryan Howe’s terms end this fall. These elected volunteer positions help guide the direction that the...

  • Smaller school districts bemoan lack of funding for new reading requirements

    Sean Maguire, Anchorage Daily News|Jul 19, 2023

    Alaska’s smaller school districts, including Wrangell, are concerned about how they can implement a major state education overhaul with limited resources. The Legislature passed the Alaska Reads Act last year, intended to improve student literacy. The 45-page bill adds wide-ranging requirements for school districts, including that they develop intensive programs for younger students struggling to read. The new law went into effect July 1. The Alaska Department of Education has spent months working on outreach efforts and providing online t...

  • Classified ads

    Jul 19, 2023

    HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following positions: - Secondary School Secretary: This is a full-time, 10-month position with benefits working in the middle and high school. Salary placement is Column D on the Classified Salary Schedule. Responsibilities include performing office functions at a public school and serving as secretary to the school administration, students and staff. The anticipated start date is August 7, 2023. - Temporary Secondary School Secretary: This is a temporary position working in...

  • Report says rural districts need to pay more to hire and retain teachers

    Claire Stremple, Alaska Beacon|Jul 12, 2023

    Alaska school districts that are remote and serve mainly students from low-income households need to pay substantially more than they currently do to attract and retain teachers, a study from University of Alaska researchers found. Matthew Berman, a University of Alaska Anchorage economics professor, said the study shows that compensation does matter when it comes to recruitment and retention — and that some districts can and do pay teachers more to offset other disadvantages like a remote location. “Relatively advantaged districts are abl...

  • Governor's veto plus a deficit keep school district struggling to meet basic needs

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 28, 2023

    Though the governor vetoed half of the legislatively approved increase in state funding for public schools, it will still be enough to erase the deficit in the budget adopted by the Wrangell school board last week. The budget for the 2023-2024 school year shows a $121,717 deficit, which is covered by drawing on savings, but the district will revise its spending plan in the fall to include the additional state aid and after it has enrollment numbers. The district expects to receive a one-time increase of about $212,500 in state funding for next...

  • Fourth schedule packed with festivities, food and fun

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 28, 2023

    From towering Christmas trees to black light Halloween parties, Wrangell goes hard for the holidays. With the community's most spectacular celebration - the Fourth of July - just around the corner, event organizers are putting the finishing touches on the event schedule. Here are some of the highlights that attendees can look forward to: The festivities kick off with a picnic and pie-eating contest at 1 p.m. Saturday outside the Irene Ingle Public Library. On Sunday, kids will fish at City Dock...

  • Legislators disappointed but not surprised at governor's education funding veto

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 28, 2023

    Southeast legislators said they were disappointed that Gov. Mike Dunleavy vetoed half of the one-time increase in state money for K-12 public schools, but will try again next year to address education funding needs. “We heard from school districts around the state that needed the money,” Ketchikan Rep. Dan Ortiz said June 21. The $175 million increase that legislators appropriated for the 2023-2024 school year was a compromise between House and Senate members, Democrats, Republicans and independents, he explained. The money, which Dunleavy cut...

  • Sealaska Heritage Institute names Virginia Oliver 'distinguished educator'

    Marc Lutz, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 21, 2023

    Sealaska Heritage Institute has honored 10 educators from throughout Alaska and Washington for their culturally relevant lessons. Among those is Wrangell's Virginia Oliver, who teaches Tlingit language in the Wrangell School District. She was one of seven given the Distinguished Educator Award, "which recognizes educators who intentionally weave cultural knowledge throughout their lessons and classroom and use approaches that reflect Native students' identity and values through place-based and...

  • Governor vetoes half of school funding increase

    Sentinel staff|Jun 21, 2023

    Gov. Mike Dunleavy on Monday vetoed half of the $175 million increase that legislators appropriated for school districts across Alaska — cutting back the first boost in state funding for K-12 public schools in more than six years. The Wrangell School District had expected to receive an additional $425,000 in state aid for the 2023-2024 school year under the Legislature’s budget plan. The governor’s veto cut that by 50%. State funding covers about 60% of the district’s roughly $5 million operating budget, with the rest from the borough and fed...

  • Hopefully, there's a way to keep children's services job in town

    Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 21, 2023

    It took the community several years of pushing, pleading and politics before it succeeded in convincing the state to restore the Office of Children’s Services caseworker position in town. The job had been eliminated more than a dozen years earlier before it was restored in the 2021-2022 state budget. The caseworker has been on the job since February 2022. But now the borough, which agreed to cover half of the expense of the reopened office, is questioning whether the town is getting its money’s worth in the cost-sharing deal with the sta...

  • Borough wants to renegotiate salary-sharing deal for state OCS caseworker

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel|Jun 14, 2023

    In 2022, after years of community advocacy for the position, the state Office of Children’s Services (OCS) put a caseworker in Wrangell. However, borough officials will reconsider covering half the cost of the state position, citing budgetary concerns and questions about whether the position meets the community’s needs. OCS seeks to protect and advocate for minors in unsafe living situations. Before caseworker Jennifer Ridgeway transferred to Wrangell from Petersburg last year, the borough had not had an OCS caseworker in the community sin...

  • Classified ads

    Jun 7, 2023

    HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following positions: - Custodian: This is a full-time, year-round classified position with benefits, 7.5 hours per day. Salary placement is on Column B of the Classified Salary Schedule. Job duties include but are not limited to keeping our school complex clean and assisting with setting up rooms for classes, large presentations and business meetings as needed; and assisting with minor repairs. A High School Diploma or equivalent is desired. Start date: as soon as possible....

  • School districts call on Legislature for permanent funding increase next year

    Sean Maguire and Iris Samuels, Anchorage Daily News|May 31, 2023

    Alaska school administrators are welcoming the $175 million in additional one-time funding in this year’s state budget, but warn that they’ll again face large deficits next year. Permanently increasing the base student allocation — the state’s per-student funding formula — was a top priority for many legislators this year. School districts across the state reported being in crisis after six years of essentially flat funding, high inflation and the end of federal COVID-19 relief aid. “The legislature has offered a spring bonus rather than...

  • Assembly approves pay cut for next library director

    Caroleine James, Wrangell Sentinel|May 31, 2023

    The borough has cut the salary of the Irene Ingle Public Library’s head librarian as it seeks to replace outgoing Library Director Margaret Villarma. At its May 23 meeting, the assembly voted to reduce the position’s salary by roughly $10,000 a year, depending on where the employee falls on the pay scale. The change will make the library director Wrangell’s lowest paid department head. The job’s duties, responsibilities and qualifications have not changed — only the compensation. Villarma plans to retire this summer and though the pay cut will...

  • Borough makes right moves to deal with costly repairs

    Wrangell Sentinel|May 31, 2023

    Every homeowner, car and boat owner knows that maintenance is expensive. It’s also necessary. Particularly so in Alaska, where the weather is unkind to most everything except solid rock, and even that can erode away given enough time. Maintenance is a smart investment. It preserves the value of the property, whether stationary or motorized, and keeping up with repairs is the best way to avoid even more expensive rebuilds, restoration and replacement later. It’s especially true for borough property, which is why it’s heartening to see borou...

  • Wrangell schools looking at $425,000 in additional state funding

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|May 24, 2023

    The budget that legislators approved last week and will send to the governor for his signature into law or veto would provide about $425,000 in one-time additional state funding to the Wrangell school district for the 2023-2024 classroom year. That would deliver almost a 9% boost to the district’s total operating budget revenue, which is comprised of state money (more than 60%), a borough contribution (32%) and federal dollars. “It will still need to pass the governor, so it’s not guaranteed,” Bill Burr, Wrangell schools superin...

  • Legislature settles on $1,300 PFD, with bonus if oil prices climb higher

    Larry Persily, Wrangell Sentinel|May 24, 2023

    Alaska lawmakers reached a compromise on the state budget and adjourned after a one-day special session last week, approving a $1,300 Permanent Fund dividend for this fall with the possibility of a second, smaller payment next year if oil revenues exceed projections. The amount of the PFD and the capital budget — construction and maintenance projects in legislators’ home districts — were the final items that forced legislators into a special session after the regular session ended May 17 without a budget. The governor called them back to work...

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