(830) stories found containing 'Wrangell School District'

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  • Classified ads

    Mar 9, 2022

    HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Custodian: This is a full-time, year-round classified position with benefits, 7.5 hours per day. Salary placement is on Column F of the 10- to 12-month Classified Salary Schedule. Job duties include but are not limited to keeping our school complex clean and assisting with setting up rooms for classes, large presentations and business meetings as needed; and assisting with minor repairs. A High School Diploma or equivalent...

  • School board OKs optional masking to start Wednesday

    Marc Lutz|Mar 2, 2022

    The school board voted unanimously Monday to make face masks optional for students, staff and visitors in school buildings beginning Wednesday. The board adopted changes to the district’s COVID-19 mitigation plan, including removing quarantine requirements for close contacts of infected individuals and for students and staff returning to town after traveling. After hearing from students and members of the public, the board voted unanimously to approve the changes. The face mask requirement has been in effect since the start of the school y...

  • Classified ads

    Mar 2, 2022

    HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Custodian: This is a full-time, year-round classified position with benefits, 7.5 hours per day. Salary placement is on Column F of the 10- to 12-month Classified Salary Schedule. Job duties include but are not limited to keeping our school complex clean and assisting with setting up rooms for classes, large presentations and business meetings as needed; and assisting with minor repairs. A High School Diploma or equivalent...

  • District eyes options for COVID-19 mitigation plan going into spring

    Marc Lutz|Feb 23, 2022

    The Wrangell school board will continue to evaluate its COVID-19 mitigation plan at its next meeting, scheduled for Monday. As case numbers continue to decline from the severe spike caused by the Omicron variant in December and January, some Alaska districts have voted for optional masking on school grounds. Effective Feb. 28, the Anchorage School District will make face masks optional for students and staff, Superintendent Deena Bishop announced last Friday in a letter to families. “As a career educator, I understand how critical it is to focu...

  • Wrangell commemorates Elizabeth Peratrovich Day

    Sarah Aslam|Feb 16, 2022

    Elizabeth Peratrovich Day is Feb. 16, honoring Native rights activist Elizabeth Wanamaker Peratrovich of the Tlingit Nation who championed equal rights and whose testimony paved the way for the Alaska Anti-Discrimination Act passed by the territorial Legislature in 1945. In Wrangell, Tlingit storyteller and language expert Virginia Oliver is teaching schoolchildren at Evergreen Elementary, Stikine Middle and Wrangell High School about Peratrovich, who was born in Petersburg in 1911, and lived part of her life in Angoon. “Alaska Native children...

  • Classified ads

    Feb 16, 2022

    RUMMAGE SALE St. Philip’s will hold a rummage sale Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. HELP WANTED Looking for a new career for the new year? Interested in working with youth in the community? Residential Youth Care is looking to hire multiple positions at our Ketchikan location including: Residential BHAs Day and Night Shift, Education BHAs, Mental Health Clinicians, RN, and KAP Director. Check out job descriptions, updated benefits and apply online today at www.rycalaska.com. HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for a Tem...

  • State recruiting for children's services worker in Wrangell

    Larry Persily|Feb 9, 2022

    After not having a state Office of Children’s Services caseworker in town for more than a decade, Wrangell could have a staffer here by spring. The Legislature last year added funding for the position to the budget and, unlike 2020, Gov. Mike Dunleavy did not veto the money for the Wrangell caseworker. The borough helped the deal last year by offering to pick up half of the expenses for the staff position, along with donating office space. The borough offered the same deal in 2020 when the governor vetoed the spending along with other a...

  • School district starts work on next year's budget

    Marc Lutz|Feb 9, 2022

    The initial draft budget for the next school year shows a $370,000 deficit, which the school board will work to resolve over the next couple of months. The board met in a work session on Monday to review the draft, and will take public comment on the spending plan for the 2022-2023 school year in a Zoom meeting that starts at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday. More board sessions will follow, as the school district works to match revenues and expenditures, or draw down on its reserves, while deciding on staffing levels and programs. “Input from the public h...

  • State has money left over to help businesses hurt by pandemic

    Larry Persily|Feb 2, 2022

    The state is working through a couple of challenges in its plan to distribute tens of millions of dollars of federal relief funds to municipalities and businesses. Applications for grants to local governments far exceeded the available funds, while grant applications from eligible tourism-related businesses and others fell far short. The Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development is looking for answers to both questions: How to decide which cities and boroughs will receive how much of the limited money to replace their lost tax...

  • School day face mask protest attracts 14 students

    Marc Lutz|Jan 27, 2022

    The kids gathered atop the sledding hill across from Evergreen Elementary, next to a small fire in which they burned face masks. They carried signs reading "Unmask Wrangell Youth!!" and "Unmask our children! Let them be kids!" They chanted, "Burn the masks!" It was part of a walkout in which children and parents frustrated over wearing masks during school hours voiced their opposition to the districtwide rule. About 14 elementary and middle school students left the grounds at 10:30 a.m. last...

  • Classified ads

    Jan 27, 2022

    HELP WANTED Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for a Long-Term Substitute High School Teacher (Science). Applications must be received by Friday, Jan. 28. This position is anticipated to begin on March 16 and run through May 27, 2022. An Alaska Type A Teaching Certificate with the appropriate endorsements is required. Contact the district office at 907-874-2347 for more information. It is the Wrangell Public School District’s policy to not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex or disability. HELP W...

  • School enrollment shows decline; COVID-19, other factors to blame

    Marc Lutz|Jan 20, 2022

    The number of students enrolled in Wrangell Public Schools has dropped by nearly half in the past 30 years. According to data from the Alaska Department of Education, enrollment for the 1991-92 school year totaled 527. The 2021-22 school year enrollment totaled 257 in the fall count. So where have the children gone? “I came in ’94 and the mill was still running,” said Bob Davis, assistant principal for Wrangell High School and Stikine Middle School. “The mill went down about a year later and things have been rough ever since. When COVID h...

  • Schools adopt shorter isolation requirements in COVID plan

    Marc Lutz|Jan 20, 2022

    The school board on Monday approved changes to the district’s COVID-19 mitigation plan that would allow staff and students to return to school sooner after close contact with infected individuals or positive test results. Changes reflect the latest guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and in some cases cut isolation times in half. Masking and social distancing will still be required at all Wrangell schools. Schools Superintendent Bill Burr said the revised plan took effect Jan. 7, with staff and parents n...

  • School district hires new business manager to work remotely

    Marc Lutz|Jan 13, 2022

    After about 10 candidates applied for the position of business manager with Wrangell Public Schools, a hiring committee chose Tammy Stromberg, of Anchorage, to fill the job. Citing the scarcity of qualified applicants, Schools Superintendent Bill Burr said Stromberg, a certified public accountant, will work full-time remotely. About half the applicants that applied would need to have worked remotely if hired. "We ideally would have liked to have a business manager in the office full-time in...

  • Classified ads

    Jan 13, 2022

    JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Migrant/Library Paraprofessional: This is a full-time, nine-month position with benefits, working with students one-on-one or in small groups at Stikine Middle School/Wrangell High School. Salary placement is Column B on the nine-month classified salary schedule. The successful applicant must have an associate degree or equivalent (or higher) or the ability to pass the para-pro assessment (administered by the...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 6, 2022

    Jan. 5, 1922 The Civic Improvement Club held its regular monthly meeting at City Hall on Saturday afternoon. The principal activity of the club at the present time is maintenance of the library and reading room which was opened two months ago. The club had bookshelves built. It also pays the salary of the librarian and adds two new books of fiction to the library each month. It is hoped that the library will become self-supporting in time, but at present the club has assumed the responsibility for its maintenance. Jan. 3, 1947 One of the...

  • It's been a wintery start to the new year statewide

    The Wrangell Sentinel and The Associated Press|Jan 6, 2022

    High winds, deep snow, below-zero temperatures, frozen pipes, canceled flights and ice-covered everything - it was not a merry Christmas or a happy new year for many Alaskans. Ketchikan endured its coldest-ever Christmas, and the next day, too, shivering to a low of zero degrees on both days, breaking a 57-year-old record for Christmas Day. It was cold enough to freeze saltwater in shoreline areas of Bar Harbor, City Float, Mud Bight and Ward Cove. The 350 residents of Hydaburg, on the...

  • Anchorage school board reverses decision to drop face mask requirement

    The Wrangell Sentinel and The Associated Press|Jan 6, 2022

    Anchorage public schools opened the new year with face mask requirements still in place, after the school board reversed a decision by the superintendent that would have made masks optional. Schools Superintendent Deena Bishop decided in mid-December to drop the masking requirement for when students and staff returned to class on Monday, but the Anchorage School Board on Dec. 20 voted 5-1 to reverse the decision. Face masks will be required in the state’s largest school district until at least Jan. 15, when the board will review the policy. B...

  • A look back at 2021's top news stories in Wrangell

    Marc Lutz|Jan 6, 2022

    There were about 1,000 stories in the Wrangell Sentinel last year, covering state and local budgets, the ailing state ferry system, ongoing pandemic and more — including a new owner for the Sentinel. On Jan. 1, Larry Persily bought the newspaper — for the third time over the past 45 years — with a promise to return the operation to Wrangell, expand the paper and its staff, and focus on more local news. “We plan to add more news from around Southeast and the state, but not at the expense of crowding out news of Wrangell. It’s not one or the ot...

  • Assistant principal Bob Davis will retire at end of school year

    Marc Lutz|Dec 16, 2021

    Bob Davis, assistant principal of Wrangell’s high school and middle school, has submitted his resignation and plans to retire at the end of the school year. The resignation was on the agenda for Monday’s school board meeting and will take effect next June. “When I took this job, I made it clear that I had a maximum expiration date of three years,” Davis said. “This is my second. From the time I signed my contract this last spring, I’ve made it clear that this would be my last year.” Davis has been a teacher at the middle school since 1994. He b...

  • School district seeks full-time paraprofessional thanks to federal funds

    Marc Lutz|Dec 9, 2021

    The school district is hiring for a full-time paraprofessional position, which is a change from what it was able to offer a short time ago. Thanks to federal grant funds, the district was able to make the position full-time and offer benefits including state retirement, health insurance for the employee and dependents, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave. Paraprofessionals have been needed at all three Wrangell schools for some time, though the current open position will be based at the elementary school level. They work one-on-one or in...

  • Classified ads

    Dec 9, 2021

    PUPPIES FOR SALE Petersburg goldendoodles for sale! Great family dogs, highly social and easily trained, low shedding. Available Jan. 20. $1,200, with $200 deposit. Call or text Mandy if you’re interested in pictures, 907-957-6295. JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Accounting Clerk: A full-time, 12-month position with benefits working in the Business Office. Responsibilities include assisting the Business Manager with accounting functions such as a...

  • Classified ads

    Dec 2, 2021

    PUPPIES FOR SALE Petersburg goldendoodles for sale! Great family dogs, highly social and easily trained, low shedding. Available Jan. 20. $1,200, with $200 deposit. Call or text Mandy if you’re interested in pictures, 907-957-6295. JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Accounting Clerk: A full-time, 12-month position with benefits working in the Business Office. Responsibilities include assisting the Business Manager with accounting functions such as a...

  • Shrinking labor force is not good for Wrangell

    Larry Persily|Nov 24, 2021

    I am not an economist, though I like learning and thinking about economic problems. Nor am I a statistician, human resources manager or director of hiring at a business. But I do think a lot about why so many employers in Wrangell, around the state and across the country are finding it so hard recruiting people to fill vacant jobs. As of October, while there were 7,300 fewer jobs in Alaska than a year ago, there were three times as many people unemployed, according to U.S. Labor Department statistics. Yet, it seems some days there are more...

  • Classified ads

    Nov 24, 2021

    JOB ANNOUNCEMENTS Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for multiple positions. All positions are open until filled. Accounting Clerk: A full-time, 12-month position with benefits working in the Business Office. Responsibilities include assisting the Business Manager with accounting functions such as accounts payable, payroll, etc. This position will also include duties to be determined to assist the district and site administration. This position is paid on Column E of the classified salary schedule. Accounting experience is...

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