Sorted by date Results 1001 - 1025 of 2359
January 10, 1918: All pupils above the second grade were given a test in spelling on Monday, the list of 100 words having been sent to all schools in Alaska by the Commissioner of Education. The best spellers in the school and the number of words they misspelled are as follows: High School: Hattie Anderson, 0; Helen Hofstad, 1. Eighth grade: Ruth Lindman, 0; Lester Campen, 2. Seventh Grade: Henry Ronning, 2; Marjory Shaffner, 7; Andrew Engstrom, 7. Sixth Grade: Ruth Sylvester, 7; Donald Sinclair, 8. Fifth Grade: Harry Ronning, 1; Coralie...
With the next edition, the Wrangell Sentinel and the Petersburg Pilot will discontinue the Posted Fuel Notice that has been published since October 2015. Fuel prices were more volatile then and the price fluctuation was of more interest to the public. The retail price is clearly market driven and both Wrangell and Petersburg have competing vendors in each community. It’s obvious that the size of the market and the distance from the refinery will continue to influence the prices consumers pay at the pump in both towns. Absent new information, w...
When I get games for Christmas, I like to play them. Super Mario is my best game. I like it, because I like video games. Brogan Booker Decorating Christmas trees is my favorite part of Christmas. We get to hang our ornaments on the tree. We put an angel on top! I have fun doing it with my family. Kaiya Brevick One thing I love about Christmas is being with my family. We all decorate the tree. We put on a fireplace on TV or Netfix. We open presents. I feel happy when I’m with my family. Marlo Buness I like making presents for my family on C...
I am thankful for Landen. He is the best friend ever! I am thankful for my Mom. I used to wash the dishes for her all the time. My Dad and I are thankful for my brother. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my family. by Alea Meissner My wish for Christmas is an electric scooter battery for my brother so we can ride to our friend’s house to get there faster! I wish for an awesome Christmas so everyone will be happy on Christmas, and have a good Christmas because it’s a holiday. Another Christmas wish is to play with my brother and...
Four Sundays before Christmas, the season of Advent begins. We decorate the Advent wreath with fresh evergreen boughs and place four, blue candles around the circle. Each Sunday we light a new candle—beginning with the candle of Hope. Prepare, Rejoice and Behold follow on succeeding Sundays; Christmas Eve we light the white candle in the center to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Advent provides the opportunity for us to reflect on the meaning of Christmas and spend time away from the pressures of the secular holiday. Our candles have names...
Christmas stockings have become part of holiday traditions, and this beloved tradition has its own unique history. Just when the excitement of opening presents abates after the last of the packages under the Christmas tree have been torn open, children and adults alike may discover that there are more treats to be had nestled inside of stockings hung on the mantle. The hanging of Christmas stockings is a tradition with an extensive history. Several legends attribute the hanging of stockings to...
When sending out Christmas cards, I personally like to choose greetings with a wish for peace. The story of the birth of Jesus, for me, is about being at peace – inwardly and outwardly. Christ himself, speaking with his followers, said: “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.” (John 14:27-31). What is this peace that He gives, that the world does not?? Mysteriously, Jesus also said that He came not to bring peace, but to bring a sword (Matthew 10:34-36). Many suggest this means to be prepa...
Probably like you, I have received many gifts through the years. Birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, wedding gifts, anniversary gifts, thank you gifts, and just plain gifts. Some have been memorable, others, well, I would tell you about them if I could remember them. During those times, I have been surprised, speechless, amazed, and, honestly, sometimes bewildered, as I thought, “what on earth is that for?” Or, “Why would I ever need that?” Some of those gifts, I never knew that I would need, or that they would be so useful. Like that pair of...
While some may think the holiday season ends once New Year's Day comes and goes, for many Christians, the season continues into January with the feast of the Epiphany. The Epiphany occurs 12 days after Christmas, which falls on January 6 (or January 19 for some Orthodox churches that celebrate Christmas on January 7). The Epiphany celebrates the Three Kings, also known as the Three Wise Men, who visited Jesus shortly after his birth. The Epiphany is celebrated by Catholics and Orthodox...
Dear Santa, I live in Wrangell, Alaska. I have been a good girl. I was good this year. I helped my brother clean our room. I sure would be happy if you brought me a Ferbie! Something that I would like to give is make up for Becca. Thank you for making Christmas so fun! Tell the elves hello for me! Love, Emily Cummings, Age 5 Dear Santa, I live in Wrangell, Alaska. I am 6 years old. I have been a good boy. I was good this year, was go fishing with my Papa. Love my mom. I sure would be happy if you brought me a bunch of snow to play in, so I can...
Scores of artists have released Christmas albums or holiday-infused singles during their careers. Christmas music can be broken down into two distinct categories: traditional hymns and carols and popular secular songs. Some believe that the religious standards have been passed down since the earliest days of Christianity. However, that is not so. Before the 12th century, music wasn't typically included in religious services, and even then music was included only sporadically. In present day,...
My name is sawyer I am 7 years old and live in wrangell AK one thing that I would love This year is a fidget spinner some Things I would like to give away my old shoes to a younger kid who needs. Dear Santa My name is susan Neff I am 7 years old andIlive in Wrangell, ak onethingIwouldlove this yearisaJurasic WorldgameIwouldgivblankets to PeoPlewhoarecold love susan. Dear Santa My name is Kailyn. McCutcheon. I am 7 years old and I live in Wrangell. AK. one thing I would love this year is. High heels. And I would love have some crazy cloths. And...
As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, we need to remember he was born to die. The Bible teaches that Jesus was born to die. The Bible also teaches we were not born to die. Genesis 1:27:“God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” God is immortal. 1 Timothy 1:17: “Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.” We are created in the image of immortal God. We were not born to die! So what happened? Adam and Eve’s disobedie...
Dear Santa, My name is Waylin. I’m Five years old and live in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is a robot. Love, Waylin Grey Dear Santa, My name is Daniel. I’m five years old and live in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is Batman Lego. Love, Daniel Dear Santa, My name is Torin. I’m six years old and live in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is a robot dinosaur. Love, Torin Dear Santa, My name is Jon. I’m five years old and live in Wrangell, Ak. One thing that I would love this year is...
People in the Philippines like to celebrate Christmas for as long as possible. The playing of Christmas carols in shops can start in September. The formal Christmas celebrations start on December 16 when many people go the first of nine pre-dawn or early morning masses. The last mass is on Christmas day. The Christmas celebrations continue to the first Sunday in January when Epiphany or the Feast of the Three Kings is celebrated. In the Philippines the early masses held before Christmas are called the 'Misa de Gallo' or 'Simbang Gabi' in...
Amy, I’m thankful for my little baby brother. His name is Lee Charles, like my dad’s name. Annika, I’m thankful for my house and my tree house. I’m thankful for my heart. Chandler, I’m thankful for my remote control and pictures also. Dunca, I’m thankful for my new hous, there is a bat cave and underground swimming pool in it, and room. E’lann, I’m thankful for Mama and Dada. Griffey, I’m thankful for being alive. Hailey, I’m thankful for my toys, sharing is caring. Hawkeye, I’m thankful for my dad, I want a kitchen and play food so I can be...