Sorted by date Results 101 - 125 of 2359
June 12, 1924 About three months ago, the attention of the town council was called to the fact that transient peddlers and house-to-house canvassers, who pay no taxes nor contribute in any other tangible way to the growth and welfare of the town, are getting away with good Wrangell dollars that ought to remain in Wrangell. The mayor appointed a committee to draft an ordinance that would require itinerant peddlers to pay well for the privilege of calling on the citizens of Wrangell. The ordinance calls for a license fee of $300 a week or...
COMMUNITY POTLUCK 6 p.m. Fridays through August at the sheltered site on Nemo Point Road. All are welcome. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete a registration form. $5 per person. MUSKEG MEADOWS Elks Father’s Day 9-hole best-ball tournament Saturday, June 15. Play starts at 10 a.m., register by 9:30 a.m. COMMUNITY MARKET 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 15, at the Nolan Center. $10 a table f...
June 5, 1924 Miss Yeteve Taake, field representative for the Pacific Division of the American Red Cross, arrived in Wrangell last Friday for a week’s work with the local chapter of the Red Cross. Miss Taake is very pleased with the work of the Wrangell chapter. She has spent the week looking over various reports, visiting with the recipients of the nurse’s services, talking with board members and many others interested and reached by this splendid service. “Loan closets are much appreciated in the communities having Red Cross chapters, and W...
SUMMER READING PROGRAM FOR KIDS at the Irene Ingle Public Library open to children entering kindergarten through ninth grade in the fall. Register at the library by June 29. The reading program runs through Aug. 3. More than 100 prize drawings and a pool/pizza party for everyone who completes the program. Call 907-874-3535 for more information. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Saturdays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete a...
May 29, 1924 For the first time in the history of the Wrangell schools, the entire high school graduating class was composed of all boys. Such an occurrence is thought to be without parallel. Six boys graduated from Wrangell High School Monday evening at the exercises held at Redmen’s Hall and received diplomas entitling them to enter the universities of the states. There were no girl members of the class. Neil Grant, as class salutatorian, cited incidents in the life of the class and told of some of the trials and pitfalls into which any h...
SUMMER READING PROGRAM FOR KIDS at the Irene Ingle Public Library now open for registration. Open to children entering kindergarten through ninth grade in the fall. Register at the library. The reading program runs through Aug. 3. More than 100 prize drawings and a pool/pizza party for everyone who completes the program. Call 907-874-3535 for more information. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fridays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete...
SMALL BUSINESS and COMMERCIAL FISHING LOANS information 9 a.m. to noon and 2 to 4 p.m., Wednesday, May 22, at City Hall, hosted by the state Division of Investments. Information on small business loans, microloans, small business economic development programs, the state’s rural development initiative, mariculture, commercial charter fisheries, commercial fishing loans, fishery permit purchases, vessel purchases and upgrades, gear purchase and upgrades, engine fuel efficiency upgrades, seafood product quality, quota share purchases and tax o...
May 22, 1924 Among the passengers aboard the Queen, which was in port Saturday morning, was John Hooper, president of the American & Canadian Tourists Societies. Speaking to a representative of the Sentinel, he said: “This will be Alaska’s greatest year. Every boat is filled for July and August, with many loaded for June and September. Ketchikan and Petersburg cannot take care of any stopovers, so the bulk of this will go to Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, who are best prepared for this season’s stopovers.” Mr. Hooper is recognized as the tou...
A huge thank you to the Stikine River Jet Boat Association for making our 23rd fourth grade field trip up the river a huge success! Thanks to all the adults who either taught a center or helped shepherd kids around in the rain. And finally, thanks to our sponsors that helped make a trip of this magnitude possible: Petro Marine Services, First Bank and Wrangell IGA. Brian Merritt, field trip coordinator...
SCHOOL BOARD public hearing to collect input on student performance will be held at 6 p.m. Monday, May 20, with the regular board meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Evergreen Elementary School Room 101. The agenda will be available online four days before the meeting at the school district website. ROLL ON THE ROCK roller skating 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Fridays at the TouchPoint Ministries rink on Bennett Street. Children 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Skaters must complete a registration form. NOLAN CENTER THEATER no movie this weekend....
May 15, 1924 The opening of navigation on the Stikine River this week was marked by heavy shipments of mining equipment and supplies, and a passenger list which included a number of well-known mining men. The increasing interest shown in the Dease Lake region and other sections beyond Telegraph Creek in British Columbia is an unmistakable forecast of considerable mining activity in the Cassiar the coming season. The Hazel B No. 3 and Hazel B No. 4 -- the first two boats to go up the Stikine this season -– left here Monday afternoon with a c...
STATE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE will be in Wrangell on Thursday, May 9. Immunizations, birth control and STD screening, well-child exams for kids up to age 6, TB screening and medication, Narcan kits and medication disposal bags will be offered. The Public Health Center is in the Kadin Building, 215 Front St. Call 907-723-4611 to make an appointment in advance so the nurse knows what immunizations to bring. SUMMER READING PROGRAM FOR KIDS at the Irene Ingle Public Library now open for registration. Open to children entering kindergarten through ninth...
May 8, 1924 It is with considerable pleasure that the Sentinel is able to report that the ice making department of the Wrangell Ice and Storage Co.’s new plant will soon be in operation, and Oliver D. Leet, the manager, says the fish freezing department will be complete within another week. This new plant, from a standpoint of efficiency and economy of operation, cannot be surpassed by any plant of equal capacity. The power is furnished by Fairbanks-Morse diesel engines of the latest type, and a 256-kilovolt generator furnishes the e...
IRENE INGLE PUBLIC LIBRARY summer reading program now open for registration. Open to children entering kindergarten through ninth grade in the fall. Register at the library. The reading program runs May 28 through Aug. 3. More than 100 prize drawings and a pool/pizza party for everyone who completes the program. Call 907-874-3535 for more information. KINDERGARTEN ENROLLMENT is now open for the 2024-2025 school year to any child who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1. Kindergarten screening will take place Thursday and Friday, May 2-3. Call Kendra...
May 1, 1924 A number of citizens met at the Wrangell Hotel last night to discuss the matter of securing a saltwater pump for Wrangell. It is a well known fact that the only thing that saved Ketchikan during the recent fire in that city was the constant streams of saltwater that were kept going by the pumps on the vessels lying in port. O. D. Leet, manager of the Wrangell Ice and Storage Co., is willing to permit the use of one of his engines to run a pump at any time. With the hose now on hand it would be possible to reach a fire as far down...