Sorted by date Results 1500 - 1524 of 2361
The skies were burning brightly over Wrangell Monday night and into Tuesday morning. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a magnetic storm watch through Tuesday into the next evening, after reports of a large coronal mass ejection from the sun increased the likelihood of a display of aurora borealis....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 25, 1915: The fore flippers of any hair seal caught or killed within the waters of the Territory of Alaska will in the future be worth $5 in cash to the person making the capture, or the killing, according to a bill introduced in the legislature. The bill provides that any person capturing the seal must attach a copy of an affidavit, the form of which is set forth in the bill, to the fore flippers of the seal, which must be sent to the Territorial Treasurer. This bounty has been agitated for...
Nearly 100 residents headed to the Nolan Center the evening of March 11 to preview a short film produced about themselves. Entitled “Water is Life,” the ten-minute video follows the Stikine River from its headwaters to its terminus and highlights its importance to nearby communities. Shooting was conducted last fall by a film crew working for Inside Passage Waterkeeper, which visited Wrangell, Petersburg and Telegraph, British Columbia. In addition to gathering footage of the river and its wildlife, interviews were conducted with a variety of...
A bagpiper sets the mood before Saturday's Shamrock Shuffle, where over 40 participants braved nippy gusts to run, ride or skate a five-kilometer course....
Nearly four dozen runners, bicyclists, walkers and longboarders make their way up Case Avenue at the start of the Southeast Beasts' Shamrock Shuffle 5K. The group's first major run of the year, it raised $560 for Wrangell High School's vocational education program....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 18, 1915: C.G. Burnett, A.B. Pennycook and E.P. Clark returned Saturday afternoon on the gas boat Peggy from a 300 mile cruise through Fredrick Sound, Chatham Strait, and Sumner Strait. They report that all bays along Baranoff Island are still frozen up. The following additional items of news were gleaned from a conversation with one of the members of the party. Captain Morgan, formerly of Wrangell, arrived in Port Walter recently after a seven years absence from Alaska. Captain Morgan was mar...
Wrangell's Salvation Army (SA) announced Monday the closure of its store on McKennon Street. Citing issues with the space's lease, Major Scott Nicloy explained the store will close down after nine years of operation. “We are choosing to view this as an opportunity to find new ways to meet our mission in Wrangell,” he explained in a release. The local SA will continue to offer its food pantry, music program, and emergency financial assistance and homeless prevention activities. “Though we regret the need for such a sudden announcement, we expec...
Fiona Rosamond Scambler was born Feb. 25, 2015, in Seattle to Sarah and Andrew Scambler of Wrangell. At birth she weighed 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 20 inches long. She joins brother, Duncan, 2 years old. Her maternal grandparents are Ginny and Steve Helgeson of Wrangell and her paternal grandparents are Catherine and Paul Scambler of Victoria, BC. Her maternal great-grandmother is Frances Ousley of Portland, Ore. and her paternal great-grandmother is Margaret Morris of Victoria,...
A pair of new pastors joined parishioners at Island of Faith Lutheran Church this month, Tyger and Todd Penson. The couple have come up from Wenatchee, Wash., and have previously ministered at churches across the Pacific Northwest. "We're really glad to be here," said Tyger. She and her husband had received an email from Island of Faith inviting them up and had responded right away. "We really love new adventures." The Pensons will stay in Wrangell for a trial period through the end of May as...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 11, 1915: Mrs. J. Hyland and her sister Miss E. Philips and their friend Miss E. Roberts arrived Saturday night from Telegraph Creek. The party made the trip over the ice from Telegraph to the mouth of the river. Three sleighs and fifteen dogs in charge of three Indian mushers were used in making the trip. The party encountered a blizzard between the boundary and salt water, but all stood the trip well. Mrs. Hyland brought out a number of fur pelts, black fox, etc. The party left on the...
Evergreen Elementary School student Lily Younce reads a book Friday morning during "Read the Most Coast to Coast," an annual event that promotes reading nationwide. Students read as many books as they could during the day, including a "power hour" where parents and family were invited to participate. Students completed Accelerated Reader quizzes on the books they read, and progress was tracked by Renaissance Learning. This year's total saw 4,173,153 books read across the United States, down...
February 27 local Bahá'ís hosted an event to celebrate the Bahá'í holiday of Ayyám-i-Há in the Evergreen Elementary Multi-Purpose Room with a buffet of international foods, fellowship, entertainment, and games. Music filled the air as various children sang and or played violin to provide entertainment. A violin duet was played by Jack Roberts and Sophie O'Brien, and Renee Roberts sang a song while she was accompanied by Sophie O'Brien on violin. Laura Helgeson sang the Tlingit song "Work...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 4, 1915: Tom Tamaree and his wife arrived in Wrangell Monday. Mr. Tamaree is a watchman at the garnet ledge at the mouth of the Stikine. Saturday night a pack of hungry wolves surrounded his residence. Mr. Tamaree used his rifle freely, but was unable to frighten the wolves away any distance. On Sunday the gasboat Irene B came along and Mr. and Mrs. Tamaree took passage to Wrangell, leaving garnet ledge in charge of the wolves. Charlie Olson killed a black bear at Porcupine cut-off on the...
Wrangell residents review three design concepts for a future waterfront, presented Monday evening at the Nolan Center. Building from ideas stemming from a pair of public meetings held last month, the Borough's design team integrated elements people favored from an original eight concepts. Price projections were daunting, however – the long-term costs ranged from $14.7 million to $35 million, depending on the options taken. A revised plan was presented at a follow-up meeting W...
February 18, 1915: The biggest event in the upcoming week will be the Washington’s Birthday Ball given by the firemen at the Rink on the evening of Thursday, February 22. A committee of young men – all live wires – have the affair in hand and are arranging to make it a huge success. A splendid supper will be served and nothing will be left undone to make everyone have an enjoyable time. Ladies who have red shirtwaists and red skirts are requested to wear them. Firemen are requested to make an effort to obtain red shirts. Gentlemen who are n...
February 11, 1915: For the purpose of boosting the proposed new hall for the Moose Lodge the ladies of that organization will give a unique affair on Saturday evening in the Redmen’s Hall. We were told that it would be a “necktie party.” In the state of Alabama where we were raised a necktie party meant a hanging. Knowing that the Moose ladies are not going to string us up (even if we do deserve it) we asked for an explanation, and two charming little ladies told us all about it. As nearly as we can remember it is like this: Ladies are reque...