about town

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  • The Way We Were

    Jul 6, 2017

    July 5, 1917: Friends of Staff Captain and Mrs. Smith gave an evening in their honor at St. Philip’s Gymnasium, Friday at 8:30. About sixty persons took this occasion to wish the Smiths a safe voyage and a prosperous future. In behalf of those present Rev. Coarser made a brief address in presenting the Captain with a beautiful album of Alaska views, and Mrs. Smith, with a handsome Indian basket. An informal program was arranged and Mus. C. G. Burnet delighted the company with a reading and Mrs. M. O. Johnson sang unusually well. Both ladies r...

  • 4th of July Independence Day

    Jul 6, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 29, 2017

    June 28, 1917: Judge Wm. G. Thomas who has resided in Wrangell more than 40 years, and who has been U.S. commissioner for 11 years has tendered his resignation to take effect June 30. When seen by the Sentinel reporter Judge Thomas gave no special reason for resigning except that the fees are quite small, and that his wife being in poor health he wished to take her up the Stikine for a month or two in the hope of benefiting her health. Judge Jennings, in accepting the resignation stated that he did so with regret as he had been in Wrangell so...

  • Pressing in for some sweet nectar

    Jun 29, 2017

  • Wedding announcement

    Jun 29, 2017

    Joseph Rugo and Alexandra Surface tied the knot on May 29, 2017 in Cancun, Mexico, surrounded by family and friends. Joe is the son of Barb and Mike Rugo of Wrangell, Alaska, and the bride is the daughter of Michael and Lisa Surface of Kansas City, Missouri. The best man was Joe's brother, Jess Rugo, and the maid of honor was Kristin Tremonti. The newlyweds are making their home in Atlanta, Georgia....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 22, 2017

    June 21, 1917: Homer Worden was pleasantly surprised by a party of his friends last Monday evening, the event being his eleventh birthday. The guests assembled during Homer’s absence and they presented him with many appropriate gifts on his arrival. At nine o’clock lunch, consisting of sandwiches, cookies, cake and chocolate, supplemented by ice cream, was appreciated. The smallest children departed at 9:30, while the others enjoyed games until a late hour. June 19, 1942: Even Ripley and his “believe it or not” never found a better one than thi...

  • Hometown pride

    Jun 15, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 15, 2017

    June 14, 1917: The School Board has elected Miss Edith Carhart principal of the Wrangell Public School for the coming term. Miss Carhart is not a stranger in Wrangell, having been principal of the school here during the term of 1909-10. She was re-elected but preferred to return to the States. She has had 17 years experience. For the past three years she has been principal of the Fobes school at Snohomish, Washington Miss Tressa Curtin has been elected teacher of the primary department. Miss Curtin has had 11 years as a teacher, seven of which...

  • One for the books

    Jun 15, 2017

    John Buness holds up the 31.1 pound fish that won him the fourth and final weekly prize in Wrangell's King Salmon Derby. All wrapped up, the competition's award night is set for this evening at 6:30 p.m. in the Nolan Center, where over $30,000 in cash and prizes will be distributed. The year was one for the books, with the winning fish weighing in at over 64 pounds – the largest in 43 years and the first one over 60 pounds since 1986. The winner, Washington resident Gary Smart, has opted to d...

  • Bringing home the gold

    Jun 15, 2017

  • A late-night spree into the trees

    Jun 8, 2017

  • Yesterday's News

    Jun 8, 2017

    June 21, 1917: Homer Worden was pleasantly surprised by a party of his friends last Monday evening, the event being his eleventh birthday. The guests assembled during Homer’s absence and they presented him with many appropriate gifts on his arrival. At nine o’clock lunch, consisting of sandwiches, cookies, cake and chocolate, supplemented by ice cream, was appreciated. The smallest children departed at 9:30, while the others enjoyed games until a late hour. Those present were: Misses Dorothy and Marjorie Johnson, Catharine and Glen Matheson, Ma...

  • Bright red and beautiful

    Jun 8, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 1, 2017

    June 14, 1917: The School Board has elected Miss Edith Carhart principal of the Wrangell public school for the coming term. Miss Carhart is not a stranger in Wrangell, having been principal of the school here during the term of 1909-10. She was re-elected but preferred to return to the States. She has had 17 years experience, and always been reelected wherever she has taught. Miss Tressa Curtin has been elected teacher of the primary department. Miss Curtin has had 11 years as a teacher, seven of which were spent in the Fobes School at...

  • Shifting its weight around

    Jun 1, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    May 25, 2017

    May 31, 1917: The Memorial day observance in Wrangell yesterday far surpassed that of any previous year. The parade preceding the service at the Rink in the afternoon was a most creditable one. The parade was formed in the following order: Six junior scouts acting as guards. Redmen in full regalia. Red Cross in formation in the shape of a cross. School children. Reserve of Home Guard. The parade formed in front of the Redmen’s hall and marched to the dock where the school children strewed flowers on the water in honor of the sailors dead, a...

  • School News

    May 25, 2017

    Tiffany Merritt graduated from the University of North Carolina Greensboro Graduate School Sociology Department with honors and a Master of Arts Degree in Criminology on May 9. The subject of her thesis was titled: The Legal and extra Legal Factors that influence redress received by Death Row Exonerees....

  • A musical interlude downtown

    May 25, 2017

  • Retiring coach honored by State Legislature

    May 25, 2017

  • First weekly winner in the derby

    May 25, 2017

  • Marauders on the runway

    May 25, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    May 18, 2017

    May 31, 1917: The Memorial Day observance in Wrangell yesterday far surpassed that of any previous year. The people themselves were surprised at the success of the observance. The parade formed in front of the Redman’s hall and marched to the dock where the school children strewed flowers on the water in honor of the sailors dead, after which taps were sounded. The procession then marched to the rink where Memorial services were held. The attendance was good, there being between four and five hundred persons present. May 29, 1942: Ten Wrangell...

  • Queen candidates announced for 2017 Fourth festivities

    Dan Rudy|May 11, 2017

    A pair of high schoolers announced plans to run for the crown in this year's Fourth of July Royalty competition. Each spring the competition raises funds for Wrangell's Independence Day celebrations, with candidates holding fundraisers and selling tickets. Last year's competition between Kyla Teat and Alex Angerman broke records, with the pair selling 126,408 tickets. Thirty percent of what contestants raise goes back to them as a scholarship, helping to pay for college or some other form of...

  • Yesterday's News

    May 11, 2017

    May 19, 1917: Miss Mary Louise Bihler, teacher of primary department of the Wrangell public school, gave an exhibit of the children’s work in her room last Friday afternoon. The four walls of the room were covered with written exercises, drawings, free hand cuttings, tablemats, caps, and various other articles made by the children. A number of miniature hammocks made by the different pupils were all so nearly alike, and the weaving so perfectly done, that they looked more like a factory product than the work of school children. May 22, 1942: T...

  • Take me out to the ball game

    May 11, 2017

    Players on Wrangell's little and minor league baseball teams doff hats out of respect during the Pledge of Allegiance Monday evening, at the season opener. Three tee-ball teams – the Thunder, Lightning and Falcons – and two minor leaguers – the Sharks and Rays – will be playing throughout the coming month. It being Southeast, despite a little bit of rain, the teams were still able to play their opening games....

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