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  • E.A.T.S. seedling sales helping to assemble greenhouse

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    Wrangell's elementary school gardening program is getting its future greenhouse off the ground, hoping to have it ready before next year's growing season. E.A.T.S. Garden program coordinator Jenn Miller explained the new greenhouse will be bigger and more efficient than the school's old one, a longstanding structure that has seen better days and is now being used primarily for storage. The high school construction class last year assembled the structure's framing, and this year a group of...

  • Taxi service discontinued, another to take its place

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    By Dan Rudy Sentinel writer Wrangell’s sole taxi service announced April was to be its last month running, making its final drop-off Saturday evening. Citing unforeseen circumstances, Northern Lights Taxi made the announcement late last week on social media site Facebook. It thanked Wrangell for its continued support over 18 years of business. “My husband and I have been looking to get out of the taxi business for the last couple of years,” co-owner Charity Hommel explained. She and her husband, Joe, had operated the service for a decade, takin...

  • The Way We Were

    May 4, 2017

    May 10, 1917: At the repeated requests of numerous friends who have been entertained again and again with Mrs. Burnet’s reading she has consented to give a whole evening of entertainment at the Redmen’s Hall May 17. Her entertainment should be considered one of the events of the year. The entertainment will be under the auspices and for the benefit of the Red Cross. The Red Cross needs money, more money, most money. There are field hospitals to be equipped, hospital ships to be furnished, and it must all be done quickly. May 8, 1942: Com...

  • Change of plea filed in boat break-ins case

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    An arrangement has been reached in the case of a series of boat break-ins that took place late last fall at Heritage Harbor. On November 19 Wrangell police were called in to investigate several boats reported broken into during the night. A variety of items were taken and some damage done, with one vessel’s door being broken during the intrusion. By November 23 officers had located their suspects and a number of the missing items at an apartment near Inner Harbor, thanks in part to the a...

  • Road sectioned off in water main repairs

    May 4, 2017

    A section of Zimovia Highway has been closed off to traffic as Wrangell Public Works resurfaces a hole left from repairs. The section is located between where Church Street leaves off and the highway begins, and the road's intersection with Weber Street, on the westward side of the road. A line break there was first reported in early February, Public Works director Amber Al-Haddad explained, during a spate of freezing weather. A crew responded and determined the fault was not with a main, but...

  • Stork report

    May 4, 2017

    Nolan John Charles Johnson was born to Dustin and Devyn Johnson on Jan. 13, 2017, at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. He weighed 7 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 18 ¼ inches in length. Maternal grandparents are John Moody and Shannon Phillips. Paternal grandparents are Harley and Lana Johnson. Nolan joins his brother Jude....

  • Much on display at Art Fest in Petersburg

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    Petersburg played host to the region's budding artists at this year's Southeast Alaska Regional Art Festival, running from April 20 through the weekend. "It went well," said Ashley Lohr, Petersburg High School's art teacher. The community last hosted the festival in 2011. Thirteen high schools sent 102 students to this year's four-day event, much of which focused on honing artistic skills at an array of workshops. Eighteen 15-hour workshops were available to participating students, each of whom...

  • For our feathered friends

    May 4, 2017

    Mike Lockabey directs people's attention to Saturday night's auction items at the Nolan Center. Raising money for Ducks Unlimited, the annual banquet and auction collected about $20,000 in all. "It was a very good dinner and it was successful," reported Wrangell chapter president Keene Kohrt. After expenses, he estimated $9,000 would go to the national organization, which works to restore wetlands around the country and advocate for their conservation. Important habitat to ducks, geese and...

  • Students get close-up look at D.C., NYC

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    A group of Wrangell High School students blitzed two of the East Coast's premier cities last week, heading to Washington D.C. on April 21 and spending last weekend in New York City. Traveling as part of the Close Up program, the dozen students returned Monday morning, weary but well educated from the experience. "They're exhausted. We're all exhausted," explained Sarah Whittlesey-Merritt, who accompanied them as their program instructor. For 40 years the Close Up program has aimed to inform and...

  • Festival lectures: Getting to know your backyard birds better

    Dan Rudy|May 4, 2017

    Last weekend's 20th Annual Stikine River Birding Festival was not only a draw for birders hoping to see and learn more about the area's wildlife, but also was an opportunity for residents to learn more about them and others from around the state. Researcher Dan Ruthrauff, for instance, shared his findings studying rock sandpipers wintering in Cook Inlet. A wildlife biologist for the United States Geological Survey's Alaska Science Center, he spent several years at the inlet's icy tidal flats,...

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 27, 2017

    May 3, 1917: Civic Improvement Club believes that a creditable display of flowers and vegetables could be shown in early fall. It has been suggested that a small fair be held in Wrangell at the close of the contest which the Civic Club announced last week, or later. Two public spirited citizens with cameras offered to take a few of the pictures required, in the Yard contest announced in the Sentinel last week, free of charge. Contestants will do well to give their names to the committee, Miss Woods and Mrs. Johnson, as early as possible in...

  • earth Day, April 22

    Apr 27, 2017

  • Hang on to that egg!

    Apr 20, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 20, 2017

    April 26,1917: There was no little excitement on Front Street Monday afternoon when it was reported that little Clarence, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis had been drowned. The child fell into the bay at about three o’clock, and it probably remained in the water for fifteen minutes. When discovered afloat it was quickly brought out by Fred Lewis. The child was apparently dead and no one supposed it would ever breath again. Dr. and Mrs. Pigg were near and lost no time in putting forth efforts to resuscitate the little one. More than f...

  • E-waste not, want not

    Apr 20, 2017

  • An eagle-eyed glare

    Apr 20, 2017

  • Moose taco meal to raise funds for senior center

    Apr 20, 2017

    Local seniors will be holding a moose-meat, Mexican-style fundraiser dinner this weekend to fill out the Wrangell Senior Center larder. The dinner is scheduled for Saturday from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Made from scratch by volunteers in the center kitchen, Wilma Leslie explained the main courses will be moose-meat tacos, chicken enchiladas and chili rellenos (stuffed peppers). Dinners will be available for pick-up from the center, or else can be delivered as far as Shoemaker Bay for an additional fee. The center provides a place for community elders...

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 13, 2017

    April 19, 1917: Old Glory is now in evidence in Wrangell as never before. Almost every house has its flag. But there is one mammoth flag, which represents the town as a whole. It is 10x20 feet in size and was hoisted last Friday on Mount Dewey. A tall spruce tree was trimmed of its limbs, and Old Glory now waves proudly several hundred feet above the town, The flag was presented to the town by Blind Ton, an old Indian doctor, who, with his crippled wife, lives near the power plant. It was no small job to climb a large tree in the cold wind and...

  • The littlest library, give or take

    Apr 13, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 6, 2017

    April 12,1917: In response to a call issued by Mayor J.G Grant there was a large and enthusiastic gathering of citizens at the Redmen’s hall Monday night for the purpose of forming a home guard unit. Fred Lynch, aged 82, was the first to sign, and before the meeting closed 117 had signed for the membership, and since the meeting a number of others have signed the roster. The average age of members of the guard is probably 30 years. April 10, 1942: From various quarters suggestions have come to the Sentinel that women of Wrangell get together t...

  • Death Notices

    Apr 6, 2017

    Jack Engdal passed away March 19, 2017. An obituary will follow. Stella Deatherage passed away on March 26, 2017 in Eugene, Oregon. There will be no service and no obituary will be submitted to the Sentinel....

  • Celebration of Life planned

    Apr 6, 2017

    There will be a celebration of life for Ginny Gillen/Allen Friday, April 7 at 4 pm at the Elks. In lieu of flowers, a donation can be made to Wrangell Search and Rescue....

  • Budding brilliance

    Apr 6, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 30, 2017

    April 5, 1917: Wellcome, head of one of the largest wholesale drug concerns in England and the United Kingdom, accompanied by his valet, was in Wrangell from Monday morning till Wednesday afternoon, when he sailed for Seattle on the Spokane. He stopped off in Wrangell for the purpose of adding to his collection of photographic views of the Northland. Mr. Wellcome is one of the men who originally backed Father Duncan in his effort to civilize the natives of Old Metlakahtla when the tribe moved to the American side and settled at their present...

  • Stork report

    Mar 30, 2017

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