Sorted by date Results 1235 - 1259 of 2359
Currently a staff member at Wrangell Museum. Appointed to hospital board in 2012, and reelected for four-year term. Why do you wish to continue serving on the Hospital Board? "When I ran four years ago, I was hoping to have the new hospital progress to some extent. Now I have the belief that this is still a possibility. I have faith in our current CEO that he will guide us in this direction." In the coming two years, which issue do you believe should be a main priority for the board? "Some of...
Do you need a prescription for birth control; an annual exam; a Pap test; or to have an IUD or birth control implant inserted? The Wrangell Public Health Center will be holding a family planning clinic on Tuesday, Sept. 27, 12:00 – 5:00 p.m., for women ages 29 and younger. New and existing clients should call soon to make an appointment… the Nurse Practitioner will not return to Wrangell until next year. Call 772-4611....
September 30, 1916: Headlines on a front-page editorial by the new publisher, J.W. Pritchett: “Wrangell Ideal Location for a Large Paper Mill.” “Tongass National Forest Could Supply Enough Pulp To Keep Several Big Mills In Operation For Many Years to Come.” “Present Exorbitant Prices of Paper Would Make An Alaskan Paper Mill as Good as a License to Rob Banks.” September 19, 1941: To Lloyd Benjamin goes honors for bagging the first moose of the season. Benjamin, with Warren Gartley and Leo Cramer, went up the Stikine the first of the week on...
September 5, 1941: Total salmon pack for the seven canneries in the Wrangell district for 1941 totaled 714,685 cases with the close of the major season last weekend, according to official figures of the Fish and Wildlife Service. A few of the canneries are still handling beach net and gillnet fish but that is expected to add only a few thousand to the total pack figure for the season. To salmon pack for the Ketchikan district for the season up to Saturday night totaled 1,147,047 cases, compared with a total pack of 656,961 for last year....
August 29, 1941: Due to the unprecedented dry spell, the water supply of Wrangell is running low and city authorities are urging conversion of water by all citizens of the community. The dangerously low level of water in the reservoir creates a fire hazard, Mayor E.J. Wheeler stressed, in urging that everyone in the community be as careful with the use of water as possible until the emergency is broken by a good rainfall. This is one of the longest periods in Wrangell history without rain of sufficient quantity to supply ample moisture....
August 22, 1941: Possibility of obtaining a fish ladder at Mill Creek, leading to Virginia Lake with the aim of developing a sockeye stream and bolstering sport fishing at Virginia Lake was discussed at the luncheon meeting of the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce Monday noon in the Civic Center. It was pointed out by members well acquainted with the stream that it could be made into an excellent sockeye creek. The local industries committee will take the matter up with the Fish and Wildlife Service with the hope of getting the ladder installed....
August 15, 1941: Throughout the joint efforts of a group of merchants along Front Street, the dust along the main thoroughfare was laid this week. The businessmen bought some diesel oil, got permission from the city to lay the oil and borrowed the city truck for the job. Manager J.R. Brown of the Coliseum Theater promoted the idea; then got aboard and drove the truck while Street Superintendent H.R. Coulter and Police Chief Chet Lloyd tended the oil sprinkler. The business group plans to go before the city council at its next meeting with the...
August 8, 1941: Like the ad about the chap that sat down to the piano and nobody thought he could play, they laughed back in 1922 when F.A. Cooper, Wrangell pioneer, decided that fruit could be grown successfully in Wrangell. For several years now fruit grower Cooper has been having the laugh, and this year it is a little more hearty than usual. The reason is that the successful Wrangell fruit producer has one of the most prolific crops in history. One of his Blue Damson plum trees is so loaded that it is necessary for him to prop up the limbs...
In the Sentinel 75, 50 and 25 years ago. July 21, 1941: A lively blaze in the basement of Wrangell hotel last Saturday at dinner time caused a flurry of excitement among guests and did damage estimated at $20,000. But for the prompt work of Wrangell’s Volunteer fire department the fire might have been far more serious with even greater loss. The fire started from a short circuit, it was said, back of the boiler in the basement and had charred the girders badly under the floor of the dining room and kitchen before the flames were brought u...
9 Barb Neyman Toddler Games Candy Races Babies Not Yet Walking 1st: Finley Churchill Not Yet 2 Girls: 1st place - (tie) Eva Roberts, Fiona Scambler; 2nd place - Verity Emma Welch; 3rd place - Rosslyn Nore; Honorable Mention: Elise Tlachac, Kelowna Norelli, Lily Haerling, Karin Jelink Boys: 1st place - Luke Hall; 2nd place - Peyton Stolley; 3rd place - (tie) Ryder Miller, Keian Young; Honorable Mention: Wyatt Thomassen, Richard Sumner, Sylas Stutz Not Yet 3 Girls: 1st place - Haley Gablehouse; 2nd place - Mariah Carney; 3rd place - Rilyn...
July 15, 1916: The Princess Charlotte, the floating palace of the Canadian Pacific Railway Steamship line, arrived in Wrangell on her first trip to Alaska early last Tuesday morning and went south again last night. The Princess Charlotte is, without a doubt, the finest vessel that has sailed the Southeastern Alaska route and will make a regular trip every other week all the rest of the season. The Princess Charlotte is under the command of Captain John MacLeod, one of the best known and best liked skippers on the Alaska run. A.G. Baker is purse...
The Alaska Airlines Best Ball Tournament was held July 9 and 10 with 67 participants. July 9, Results: First Place Team: Mike Hay, Carol Hay, Jennie Thielmann, Steve Thielmann. Net Score: 37, Team Handicap: 38. Second Place Team: Mike Ottesen, Tyler Gunn, Aaron Powell, Jeff Good. Net Score: 39, Team Handicap: 25. Third Place Team: Ed Rilatos, Kevin Skeek, Judge Conniff, Grover Mathis. Net Score: 40, Team Handicap: 33. July 10, Results: First Place Team: Kevin Skeek, Nate Johnson, Joe Delabrue, Grover Mathis. Net Score: 18, Team Handicap: 17....
Devyn Moody and Dustin Johnson both of Wrangell, AK were united in marriage on May, 21 2016. The bride is the daughter of John Moody of Newport, OR and Shannan Phillips of Ephrata, WA. She is the granddaughter of Brent and Kathy Moody of Pahrump, NV and Arlene and Leland Phillips of Kingston, ID. The groom is the son of Harley and Lana Johnson of Wrangell, AK. He is the grandson of the late Edward and Karen Johnson of Wrangell, AK and the late Lois and Philip Lingbloom of Burien, WA. The matron...
Big Wheel Races: 3-7 year old Girls: 1st - Sydnie Young, 2nd - Dillon Rathbun, 3rd-Cereniti Buendia 3-7 year old Boys: 1st - James Benson, 2nd - Sawyer Rooney, 3rd - Kasen Richmond 8-11 year old Girls: 1st - Adeline Andrews, 2nd - Kayla Young, 3rd - Braidyn Young 8-11 year old Boys: 1st - Nate Rooney, 2nd - Anthony Coblentz, 3rd - Shelton Eklund 12-18 year old Girls: 1st - Karina Ross, 2nd - Teslan Smith, 3rd - Jaden McCarthy 12-18 year old Boys: 1st - Jake Eastaugh, 2nd - Dawson Miller, 3rd - Tyson Messmer Adult Women: 1st - Esther Ashton,...
In the Sentinel 75, 50 and 25 years ago. July 11, 1941: Wrangell awakened this morning to the sound of cannery whistles, the first heard since last year. With the season opening at Anan Creek yesterday, cannery boats returned to Wrangell during the night and early this morning well laden and the familiar hum of machinery down and around the canneries was a good sound to hear. Especially good was the news brought back by cannery officials that the 1941 season promises to be the best since 1935, although they qualified this statement by saying...
Carter Howell shows off his catch during the Tiny Tots Scrap Fish Derby on Saturday. Dozens of kids angled for whatever they could catch, and were rewarded with toys and games donated by a variety of local businesses....