about town

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  • One past the post

    Feb 9, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 9, 2017

    February 8, 1917: F.F.W. Lowie, General Agent for Alaska and Yukon for the Canadian Pacific Rail and Steamship Lines, arrived on the Alki from Juneau and was here several days in interest of his company. Attention may be drawn to the new ad of this company which has been placed with the Sentinel and which appears this week for the first time. From now on until the end of May the “Princess” steamers will leave Wrangell every ten days, viz., on alternate Thursdays and Sundays at 11 p.m. commencing with Thursday, February 15. Before sailing sou...

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 3, 2017

    February 1, 1917: The following petition is being circulated in Wrangell this week: “We, the undersigned, residents of Wrangell and vicinity, respectfully petition the government of the United States to build a wagon road commencing at the mouth of Mill Creek, about eight miles from Wrangell, to run thence three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to Mill Lake; thence eight miles to Groundhog Basin, in order to enable those of us who have important mineral claims in Groundhog Basin to get supplies in to our properties on a large enough scale a...

  • Standing together respectfully

    Feb 2, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 2, 2017

    February 1, 1917: The following petition is being circulated in Wrangell this week: “We, the undersigned, residents of Wrangell and vicinity, respectfully petition the government of the United States to build a wagon road commencing at the mouth of Mill Creek, about eight miles from Wrangell, to run thence three-quarters of a mile, more or less, to Mill Lake; thence eight miles to Groundhog Basin, in order to enable those of us who have important mineral claims in Groundhog Basin to get supplies in to our properties on a large enough scale a...

  • Homecoming Court 2017

    Feb 2, 2017

  • Needing new mugs to match

    Feb 2, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 26, 2017

    January 25, 1917: The Wrangell sawmill will start up earlier this year than ever before in its history. When seen by the Sentinel man this week Fred Wilson, the manager, stated that everything is being done to get in readiness for an early start, and that while the date for beginning operations has not been set, it is expected that sawing will begin on February 1. The coming season will be the busiest the mill has ever had. Orders have been coming in since before the first of the year. Ever since the mill shut down on November 21 there has been...

  • Wedding announcement

    Jan 26, 2017

    Michael and Leanna Nash of Wrangell, Alaska announce the engagement of Leanna's daughter, Jessica Blunt to Chris Stewart, son of Ted and Joan Stewart of Kalispell, Montana. Jessica is a Wrangell High School graduate and currently works as a purser for the Alaska Ferry System. Chris graduated from Flathead High school in Kalispell, Montana and has lived in Wrangell since 2007. He works at City Market as a butcher. A wedding is planned for April 2017 in Wrangell....

  • Slippery when wet

    Jan 19, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 19, 2017

    January 18, 1917: On Tuesday evening a banquet was given at the Wrangell hotel by several of the business men in honor of the Wrangell basketball team. Cash Coulter was apparently the one who originated the idea, and saw that it was carried out. It was one of the most pleasurable events that has taken place in Wrangell this season. Hon. P.C. McCormack acted as chairman, and as soon as the guests were seated made a few appropriate remarks explaining why the banquet was given, and praising the basketball team giving Wrangell a lot of advertising...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 12, 2017

    January 11, 1917: There was an interesting meeting of the Wrangell Fire Department Monday night. In addition to the regular routine several matters of new business were taken up. A motion prevailed that the Town Council be petitioned to build a fire hall, and also erect a suitable tower for drying hose. A disbursement of $45.75 was made to cover the last three fires and the amount distributed among the members. Chief Carlson reported that the fire hydrant near the Sentinel office was frozen. Chief Carlson reported that he and Mr. Katzenmeyer...

  • Stikine Middle School and Wrangell High School Honor Roll

    Jan 12, 2017

    Wrangell High School: Principals Honor Roll: Alex Angerman, Abigail Armstrong, Helen Decker, Sig Decker, Kellan Eagle, Kaylyn Easterly, Abigail Gerald, Makena Hammer, Kayla Hay, Laura Helgeson, Joe Hommel, Reyn Hutten, Luke Kowalske, Adriana Larrabee, Josephine Lewis, Tasha Massin, Scythia McQueen, Kiara Meissner, Hannah Miethe, Dawson Miller, Jing O’Brien, Sam Prysunka, Zach Seddon, Trent Stokes, Dora Voltz. Honor Roll: Anna Allen, Sam Armstrong, Madison Blackburn, Hannah Brown, Karri Buness, Kaylauna Churchill, Ian Jenson, Skylar Larrabee, T...

  • Dipping into 2017

    Jan 5, 2017

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 5, 2017

    January 4: 1917: Wrangell, which has for years had the name of being the original one-horse town, now has a greater dignity, according to William G. Thomas, United States commissioner at Wrangell, who is at the Frye. The town already has two horses, one does the community’s dray work and the other, which is attached to the mill, in its spare time carries the residents their wood and coal. So great is the prosperity of Wrangell that in the spring there will be need of a motor truck. Mr. Thomas, whose duties include many of those performed by cou...

  • Two trees take top spots at Christmas auction

    Jan 5, 2017

  • Duck, duck, goose

    Dec 29, 2016

  • Santa all over

    Dec 22, 2016

  • And the winner is....

    Dec 22, 2016

  • Something for under the tree

    Dec 22, 2016

  • A lot of stockings to fill

    Dec 22, 2016

  • Mr. Nore's Kindergarten Class

    Dec 22, 2016

    Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a toy boat, a bike and a white computer. Well that’s it. Thoses things I wanted for years. Brayden Cartwright Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. I would a Barbie Doll and a horse and a minecraft lego. I would like all this stuff please. Delilah Clark Dear Santa, For Christmas I would like a new remote control race car. I also want a pet bird in a cage that has holes. The last thing that I want is a new puppy that I will name Sawyer. Thank you for bringing everyone presents. You are very nice an...

  • Mrs. Miller's 3rd Grade Wishes for the World and Why Wrangell is Special

    Dec 22, 2016

    What I wish for the world is that if people are rich, they give some to the poor. Trash should not be left in areas that have life. Towns like Wrangell should recycle instead. Homeless people should get material to build houses. This is what I want there to be in the world. Wrangell is special because of wildlife, it’s special song, and it’s an island. There are things to do like fish, camp, and hunt. There are nice people that make it a good place to live. Merry Christmas! by Donovan Wood What my wish for the world is that everyone has a hom...

  • Shopping for the holidays

    Dec 22, 2016

  • Reflections:A time of bonding

    Dec 22, 2016

    As people here may know, I travel a lot, but usually not as a tourist. Recently I made a trip to London. This time was different - my first visit (other than stopovers at the airport) to this richly endowed city of historical and cultural renown. Just imagine devouring a fresh platter of fish and chips while standing outside on the upper deck of a tour ship and cruising down the Thames River, a light breeze stirring in the night air. Our excursion ended at the Parliament Building, where the world famous clock tower and “London Eye” Ferris whe...

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