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  • How goes, Fernando?

    Jul 2, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 2, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 24, 1915: The Fourth of July Committee has secured the services of the famous Metlakatla cornet band for the two-day celebration. The boys wired the committee that they would bring their baseball team with them. So it is up to the baseball fans to get ready for two events that will give them an entertainment seldom witnessed in this part of Alaska. (Don't forget to give a hand in preparing the grounds.) Julius Sternburg, Game Warden for this part of Alaska, with headquarters at Ketchikan, was i...

  • Death Notice

    Jul 2, 2015

    Fred Angerman, Sr. passed away Saturday, June 27 after a long battle with cancer. A full obituary and funeral service will be announced at a later date....

  • A drive-thru window at Bobs' IGA

    Jun 25, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 25, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 17, 1915: If there ever was a time in the history of our country when we should be proud and properly celebrate the happenings that occurred in Philadelphia July 4th, 1776, that made our country a free and independent nation, this is certainly the time. It is true we have had and still have some internal disturbances, but the Spirit of '76 has always prevailed and today, when almost the whole civilized world is engaged in cruel bloody war, our nation stands yet more firmly by and for the...

  • School News

    Jun 25, 2015

    Former resident, Katie Marley (Miller), of Anchorage recently graduated from the University of Alaska. She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting. She is employed with Alyeska Service Pipeline Company in Anchorage and is also expecting her first child with husband Casey....

  • Running with the sun

    Jun 25, 2015

  • Emergency call service to be discontinued

    Jun 25, 2015

    Twenty-three area residents were issued letters last week informing them Wrangell Medical Center will no longer be offering its Call Care services after July 31. The program helped primarily elderly residents, allowing them to summon help in the event of a fall or other medical emergency with a call device worn around the neck or on the wrist. Hospital staff would immediately respond to Call Care alarms by notifying a designated care provider to check on the participant in the home. In a letter dated June 16, the hospital’s interim head M...

  • Like needles in a haystack

    Jun 25, 2015

  • Fraternal fishermen

    Jun 25, 2015

  • A beautiful day to canoe

    Jun 18, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 18, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 10, 1915: One of the biggest deals that has ever been turned in Wrangell came to a close last Tuesday evening when a company of Seattle capitalists, represented by J.G. Galvin and Sam Silverman, purchased the property of the Stikine Mining Company at Devil's Elbow, about 100 miles up the Stikine River from Wrangell. The owners of the property were L. Dixon and John Bordel of Telegraph. This is the property which was inspected last month by Mr. Galvin and Silverman, who returned to Seattle and...

  • 63rd Annual King Salmon Derby Awards

    Jun 18, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 11, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 3, 1915: A public meeting was held last Monday afternoon for the purpose of deciding whether Wrangell should have a Fourth of July celebration or not. A good crowd attended. Mayor Grant called the meeting to order and on motion Mr. P.C. McCormack was elected chairman of the meeting and Paul Stanhope secretary. Mr. McCormack stated that the first thing was to decide if they wanted a celebration or not, and Mr. Wm Thomas made a motion to the effect that Wrangell shall celebrate this year, the...

  • School News

    Jun 11, 2015

    Katelyn Reeves earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Organizational Communication from Northwest University in Kirkland, Wash. on May 9. She is the daughter of Alan and Deanna Reeves, and graduated from Wrangell High School in 2011. She was on the Dean's list her junior and senior year, and graduated with a 4.0 last semester. Katelyn plans on working in Wrangell this summer as a deckhand before pursuing job opportunities in the fall....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 4, 2015

    In the Sentinel 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 31, 1940: Official program of the Wrangell Potlatch Monday and Tuesday: June 3, 10 to 11 a.m., dedication of Hit Klane (Shakes Community House). Unveiling of new totem pole on Shakes Island. Noon to 5 p.m., Impressive Chief's inaugural ceremony, main event of Potlatch. Starts with arrival of Indian canoes at Shakes Island bringing guests to participate with Chief in his ceremonies. Following brief ceremony at Island, procession will form, led by Indian band, and move in colorful regalia up Front...

  • Fire in the hold

    Jun 4, 2015

  • Remembering the unforgotten

    Dan Rudy|May 28, 2015

    Flags adorn the graves of a group of unknown veterans interred at the Wrangell Cemetery this Memorial Day. American Legionnaires Einar Haaseth and Jimmy Bell put out around 150 flags at veterans' gravesites over the holiday weekend, meant to commemorate United States military personnel who have fallen in the line of duty....

  • Hospital dinner raises $32K for cancer care

    Dan Rudy|May 28, 2015

    The Wrangell Medical Center Foundation raised at least $32,000 for charity during its 8th annual prime rib dinner and auction, and the 8th annual Brian Gilbert Memorial Tournament last weekend. “We did a little better overall this year than we did last year,” explained Kris Reed, WMC development coordinator. “With sponsorships, it will be a little higher than that.” Most of the tickets to the dinner were pre-sold, with the rest sold at the door. “We had pretty much a full house,” she said. Earlier in the day, 39 golfers took part in the tour...

  • Local scouts reprise role as citizen scientists

    Dan Rudy|May 28, 2015

    Girl Scouts from Wrangell's Troop 4156 recently returned from a four-day field exercise upriver, observing amphibians for this year's "Camp'Phibian." What has become an annual field trip is in its second year and partners the troop with researchers from the Alaska Herpetological Society (AHS) and United States Forest Service. It is part of a broader research project the society has developed called the Stikine Long-Term Amphibian Monitoring Program. AHS president Josh Ream said the project...

  • Library cracks open summer reading program

    Dan Rudy|May 28, 2015

    The school year came to an end for Wrangell students on May 21, and while they’ve said “so long” for the summer to teachers and homework, they are still invited to pick up a book or two in the interim through the annual summer reading program. The program—hosted by the Irene Ingle Public Library—is already under way, encouraging kids to continue reading while on break with a variety of prizes and cash drawings for participants. Its purpose is to help curb summer reading loss, where students lose some of their newly learned or developin...

  • The Way We Were

    May 21, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 20, 1915: The new river boat Tyconda arrived up from the south last Saturday morning. Capt. Kildahl, one of the best known navigators of the coast, piloted the vessel up from Seattle. The Tyconda is a trim stern wheeler and is just the right size for work on the Stikine and undoubtedly will be a success. The vessel made an experiment trip on the river last Sunday, taking a small party up as far as Andrews Creek and left again on Monday morning for her initial trip to Telegraph. On the trip she...

  • Summer storm watching

    May 21, 2015

  • Trouble comes on three wheels

    May 21, 2015

  • Recognizing an outgoing class

    May 21, 2015

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