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  • Reflections: The seasons of island life

    Dec 22, 2016

    When I moved to Wrangell the first of July, my experience of seasons was limited: spring, summer, fall and winter. When I graduated from seminary I added the seasons of the Lutheran church, including Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter and the longest season of all—Ordinary Times. Our seasons each have their own color to set them apart and remind us where we are in our journey through the church year. A new resident of Wrangell, I soon became aware that I had joined a community awash in seasons!! Life in Wrangell moves from one season i...

  • Reflections: "Where God is, Love is' by Leo Tolstoy

    Dec 22, 2016

    There was a Cobbler named Martin who had lost his wife and son. He murmured against God. He wanted to die. A traveler told Martin he should read the Bible and live for God. Martin read the Gospel. His life changed. One night he heard a voice saying, “I will visit you tomorrow.” The next morning, he prepared for his guest. As he waited, He saw an old man and gave him some tea. He thanked Martin and left. He saw a woman with a baby and invited her in. He gave her soup, bread and a warm coat. She left thanking him. Later, he saw an old woman sel...

  • Mrs. Wilson's 1st Grade Class Things I love to do each year for Christmas!

    Dec 22, 2016

    Nathan Robinson: I make hot cocoa. I sometimes go sledding, and I open presents. Noah Austin: I love to open presents. I love to bake gingerbread cookies. I also love to play in the snow. Haden Buness: What do I do on Christmas? When I wake up, the first thing I so is open presents. The second thing I do is watch my family open their presents. It’s the best! Silje Morse: Every Christmas I to this. I give my dog treats. I give her 8. We decorate the tree. We also eat family dinner. That’s all…meep! Lucas Stearns: Things I love at Chris...

  • Reflections: Ms. Brown's K/1 Class: "What does Santa want for Christmas?"

    Dec 22, 2016

    Chrysalis Balansag – “I am going to get Santa a gift shop and not a busy new year.” Jadyn Weatherman – “I am going to get Santa a new house.” Braden Howard – “I am going to get Santa milk and cookies for Christmas.” Arabella Nore –“For Christmas Santa wants to not have a busy new year.” Stella Buness – “I want to get Santa more cookies.” Marlo Buness – “I want to get Santa a cookie jar for Christmas.” Susan Neff – “I want to get Santa a workshop.” Clara Carney – “I want to get Santa a cookie jar.” Sawyer Larrabee – “I will get Santa a m...

  • Ms. Jenkin's 2nd Grade Class

    Dec 22, 2016

    Dear Santa, For Christmas I want a gift not for me, for Will my brother. I want you to give him a Microscope for Christmas because he likes science a lot. He likes nature so I want you to give one to him. Love , Natalia Ashton Dear Santa, I want you to bring my brother a t ytah fall game he really want really bad this would make my brother happy! Love, Triston Schnider Dear Santa, For Christmas this year I am asking for a gift for my cosin Atoum. I am asking for some spongebob dvds! She loves Spongebob a lot like me this would make her happy!...

  • Reflections: Don't miss out on the real gift

    Dec 22, 2016

    WOW! What a year it was! The news was continuously full of gloom and doom with just small bits of good news to keep a body going. The government was all a mess. Hard to get good paying jobs to feed a family. Leaders from other countries got involved. While we waited to see who the new leader would be, when the leader came not all the people believed it was true. Sounds like 2016. But this is when Jesus who is the Christ would be born. The people had been waiting for countless generations, ever since the prophets started telling of the Savior...

  • Did you know?

    Dec 22, 2016

    Leaving cookies and milk for Santa Claus is a Christmas Eve tradition. Children regularly place a dish of cookies and a glass of milk by the tree on Christmas Eve so that Santa has enough energy to complete all of his gift-giving before kids wake up on Christmas morning. The tradition of leaving cookies out on Christmas Eve may trace its origins to Saint Nicholas. On the feast of St. Nicholas on December 6, children would leave food and drink for the saint and any attendants. The treats would be exchanged for gifts. While that’s one theory b...

  • Reflections: "Why Is That There?"

    Dec 22, 2016

    If you have ever boarded one of our Alaska Airline combis and sat in the first row, row 17, or made your way up to the front wall to stretch between our many stops, you might have noticed a wire cage type object. I think at my first glance, I thought it should hold the inflight magazine, safety card, and one of those small white gift bags. After many conversations, that is not why it is there. But, many times in life, I have asked “Why is that there?” With that in mind, in reading the Christmas story from the book of Matthew, we often sta...

  • Reflections: He can bring us together

    Dec 22, 2016

    December: The last month of our year. It is Advent in the church year. It is the first month in our Savior’s year. December is different for all of us but it is the time of year we all come together. It could happen downtown at the lighting of the Christmas tree, with our children / grandchildren at the local schools, around our tables at home for a family meal, or at the church of our choosing to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Yes, the reason for us to be kind to each other and to wish each other a Merry Christmas. We are all in a festive m...

  • Tlingit & Haida Head Start

    Dec 22, 2016

    Connor: I am thankful for my cat. Logan: I am thankful for my puppy. Waylin: I am thankful for my mom. Baylee: I am thankful for our new rescue Kitty. Duncan: I am thankful for the Red Quilt somebody gave me. I am going to make a Thank You card. Ethan: I am thankful for the Mile’s Ship, the spaceship. Lily: I am thankful for the 2 Deer, my dad got. Jonah: I am thankful for my mom and T-Rex Birthday Cake. Jamison: I am thankful for my Grandpa. Claire: I am thankful for Mom & Dad and me. Ayla: I am thankful for my new puppy Cody. Hailey: I am t...

  • Christmas traditions around the world: Norway

    Ola Richards|Dec 22, 2016

    Norway starts the Christmas season in November with a series of Christmas parties at work, clubs, schools and every other organization. Every year, at the end of November many cities have a lighting of the City Lights ceremony, complete with parade and an honorary person pulling the big switch to light up the city streets. Advent means “coming” and is a preparation time for Christians to celebrate Christmas. The Advent season starts on Advent Sunday, which marks four Sundays before Christmas. Early December is a time for baking Christmas coo...

  • Meet Santa

    Dec 22, 2016

  • This shining night

    Dec 22, 2016

  • Just chilling out

    Dec 22, 2016

  • Standing up with Standing Rock

    Dec 15, 2016

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 15, 2016

    December 21, 1916: Alaska is the only place over which the American flag flies where two Christmas days are celebrated. This applies especially to the Alaskan peninsula and adjoining islands, where many of the natives belong to the Russian church with her Julian calendar. It is only since the coming of the American public school and mission that the “American Christmas” has been introduced in those parts. According to the Julian calendar Christmas, Dec. 25, falls on the day that is Jan. 7 in the calendar elsewhere. According to the Russian chu...

  • Standing tall, shining brightly

    Dec 8, 2016

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 8, 2016

    December 14, 1916: All branches of the Alaskan fishing industry would be brought under a license system and its prepared manufactured products taxed by a bill that is before the House today. Representative Hanley of Washington is the chief defender of the measure. It is being opposed by Delegate Wickersham of Alaska. It is improbable that sufficient time will be given to complete the consideration of the measure at this session. December 12, 1941: There will be no more test blackouts in Wrangell. When an alarm is heard from now on it is the rea...

  • Setting the tone for the holidays

    Dec 8, 2016

  • A Christmassy celebration on Front Street

    Dec 8, 2016

  • Sharing the wealth

    Dec 1, 2016

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 1, 2016

    December 7, 1916: President Wilson recently signed a proclamation setting apart an area of thirty-eight acres within the Tongass national forest, Alaska, as the Old Kasaan national monument. The tract embraces the abandoned Haida Indian village of Old Kasaan, situated on Prince of Wales island, in South eastern Alaska, about thirty miles west of Ketchikan. The village of Old Kasaan was abandoned by the Indians about ten years ago, and among the relics which remain there are about fifty Indian totem poles, five or six of which are classed as...

  • Stikine Middle School's canned food drive

    Dec 1, 2016

  • Hamming it up a bit before turkey day

    Dec 1, 2016

  • Queing up the cornucopia

    Nov 24, 2016

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