Sorted by date Results 1296 - 1320 of 2359
A memorial service for Greg Scheff will be held on Saturday, April 23 at 2:00 p.m. in the Wrangell Elks Lodge Room. Reception to follow downstairs in the Nolan Room....
In the Sentinel 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 18, 1941: Mrs. Henry Bowman and son Tiny returned to Wrangell aboard the Princess this week after being in Seattle during the winter with her husband, Capt. Bowman, who will be along in a few weeks with a new boat to replace the Tiny Boy which was lost last season. The new boat, about the size of Gunderson’s Alaskan, is virtually completed and awaits only the installation of engines. The Gunderson vessel Alaskan arrived in Wrangell yesterday from Seattle bringing Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gunderson, G...
Dave Galla, 60, passed away unexpectedly Friday, April 8. Memorial services will be Sat., April 16 at 2 p.m. at Harbor Light Assembly of God. Full obituary will follow....
In the Sentinel 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 4, 1941: Mrs. Frank S. Barnes was elected President of the Civic Club for the forthcoming year at the regular meeting held last week at the Civic Center. Mrs. Harry Coulter will be the new Vice President, Mrs. N.H. Champlin, Secretary, Mrs. Mary Steear, Corresponding Secretary, and Mrs. H.B. Thornquist was unanimously re-elected Treasurer. Trustees are: one year term, Mrs. I.C. Bjorge, two-year term, Mrs. Harry Coulter; three-year term, Mrs. O.M. Johnson. The dessert luncheon last Saturday had...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 31, 1916: Dr. E.J. Wheeler, well-known Wrangell dentist, was elected Mayor of Wrangell at Tuesday’s election without opposition. He was given 171 votes. Neil Grant, John Coulter and H.H. Hungerford were elected to the city council for a two year term, Hungerford being re-elected. Grant was high with 156 votes, Coulter second with 134 and Hungerford third with 115. W.G. Wies, the only other candidate, received 96 votes. Mrs. Valbourg Coulter was elected to the school board without o...
Principals Honor Roll: Kaylyn Easterly, Laura Helgeson, Tasha Massin, Trevor Miller, Jing O’Brien, Jade Balansag, Samantha Acuna, Liana Carney, Mercedes Morgan, Sophie O’Brien. Honor Roll: Madison Blackburn, Hannah Brown, Karri Buness, Aaliyah Messmer, Logan Ritchie, Bruce Smith, Jimmy Baggen, Jamie Early, Daniel McIntyre, Elizabeth McIntyre, Tyson Messmer, Kaydin Mill, Rowen Wiederspohn. Honorable Mention: John Buness, Caitlin Cooper, Adriana Larrabee, Skyler Lofftus, Tate Miller, Hank Voltz, Hunter Wiederspohn, Brendan Bergstrom, Jacob Dow...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 24, 1916: The ladies of Wrangell will give a leap year ball on Friday evening, March 17, 1916 at the Rink. The admission for ladies will be $1.00 and gentlemen free. Music by the Wrangell Orchestra. With Mrs. Oscar Carlson chairman of the refreshment committee everyone present will be assured a surprise in the line of refreshments, and with Mrs. T.J. Case as floor manager it goes without saying the dance will have the snap to it that will forevermore put J.G. Grant and J.R. Bender in the back...
DeAnna Hallman of Ketchikan and Michael Villarma of Wrangell, Alaska were married on February 13 at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal. DeAnna is the daughter of Bill and Cheryl Goodale of Ketchikan and Thomas Hallman of Roundup, Mont. Michael is the son of Craig and Margaret Villarma of Wrangell. Following a reception at the Bellingham Cruise Terminal, the couple left on a 10 day honeymoon in Fiji. Michael currently works for the Alaska Department of Transportation as a Marine Engineer....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 17, 1916: Manager Richmond of the Rink makes the announcement in this week’s Sentinel that will certainly take the eye of every motion picture lover in Wrangell, that of having signed for the famous Chas. Chaplin comedies which are making such a great hit all over the United States. The first of these pictures will be “Shanghied,” which will be run next week and followed thereafter by one of his comedies every week. He has also another line of pictures which will start on April 1st that is ah...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 24, 1916: The first of the season’s operators to go up the river is A. Godfrey of Vancouver, who is working three claims at the headwaters of McDames Creek in the Cassiar. Mr. Godfrey last year purchased the Rossela hydraulic plant and his winter men are moving it to his claims. Four men are going in with Mr. Godfrey and will work for him this season who with the men there now will make a crew of nine men. The men have a long trip ahead of them which means some three hundred miles of m...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 24, 1916: The survey of Dry Straits is the real beginning of the new route across the Dry flats for which the local Chamber of Commerce has worked for the past two years. Dry straits lies between Mitkof Island and the tide flats adjoining the mouth of the Stikine River, running from Kadin Island (High Island), at a point four miles from Wrangell, into Frederick Sound at the northern end of Dry Island, a total distance of nine miles. The Dry Strait channel will not only help Wrangell but is...
A pair of new businesses opened up on Front Street last week. Above, brothers Shannon Bosdell and Caleb Bosdell stand outside of Notsofamous Pizza where they create take-and-bake pies from scratch Wednesdays through Sundays. Below, formerly of Sitka, couple Rick and Terri Anderson opened up The Whipping Post on Thursday, a second-hand shop with a variety of clothing, books and home goods on offer....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 16, 1916: That Dry Straits will be surveyed this summer is practically assured from a telegram received by the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce last Saturday from Cavanaugh Engineers of the War Department in Seattle. The cable reads: Can stern wheel river steamer be chartered by thirty days next summer for Survey of Dry Straits, if so wire collect, probable cost including fuel and crew, also what accommodations for housing and feeding survey party on available vessel. The matter was taken up...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 9, 1916: A fire completely destroyed the home of Councilman Chas. Bryant at 2 a.m. this morning. The fire caught from a defective stove pipe is the belief of Mr. Bryant. The house was situated near the head of the bay. Mr. Bryant was up town late last night and upon returning home he started a fire and after getting a bite to eat he went to bed and woke a half an hour later to see that the ceiling was ablaze. He gave the alarm and getting help succeeded in getting all his personal effects...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 2, 1916: The Wrangell Fire Department met in regular session at the city hall last Monday evening. A good bunch of the boys were present, and the most interesting feature was the reading of a letter received from Wm. Schnable describing the fire department and conference to which he was a visitor. As February 22nd is the date for the annual fireman’s ball a committee was appointed to take charge of the matter. The committee is Fire Chief Carlson, Ole Johnson and Leo McCormack. January 31, 1...