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  • Stikine Middle School Honor Roll

    Nov 19, 2015

    Principals Honor Roll: Samantha Acuna, Liana Carney, Sophia O’Brien, James Shilts, Jade Balansag, Bruce Smith, Kaylyn Easterly, Laura Helgeson, Tasha Massin, Jing O’Brien Honor Roll: Jimmy Baggen, Jamie, Early, Tyson Messmer, Mercedes Morgan, Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, John Buness, Trevor Miller, Hunter Wiederspohn, Hank Voltz Honorable Mention: Daniel McIntyre, Elizabeth McIntyre, Ryan Rooney, Rowen Wiederspohn, Kaydin Mill, Jacob Dow, Aaliyah Messmer, Julia Miethe, Logan Ritchie, Alex Rooney, Hannah Brown, Jonah Comstock, Madison Har...

  • And the winner is...

    Nov 19, 2015

  • Sprucing the place up

    Nov 12, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Nov 12, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. November 4, 1915: The Wrangell Machine Shop is this week overhauling the engines taken from the river boat Winifred, which was recently purchased by the Stikine Mining Company, and the same will be installed in a new river boat which they will build here this winter. The new boat will probably be of the fifteen ton class. It is the intention of the Stikine Mining Company to put in service one more freighter as well as side wheel passenger boat, and have same ready for operation next season. The...

  • The Way We Were

    Nov 5, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 28, 1915: Work was started this morning on the new tug to be built by the Willson-Sylvester mill company to take place of the Alaska, which was condemned at the recent inspection. The new tug will be 64 feet, 6 inches in length, with a 20 foot beam and will draw 9 feet of water. The plans for the vessel were drawn by Mr. Wm. Reade, who also has charge of building on the boat. The boat will be built on what is known as a skip-jack model, a very popular model on tugs on the Great Lakes, and...

  • New life for a piece of history

    Nov 5, 2015

  • Service award goes to Hannah's Place

    Nov 5, 2015

    Prenatal and parent support center Hannah’s Place received $5,000 from Wells Fargo & Company, after being approved for a Volunteer Service Award. The bank’s Wrangell branch manager Aleisha Mollen presented the award on Oct. 24, which will help fund needed equipment, such as a new fetal heart monitor. Hannah’s Place is a community resource center that started in 2011. Its mission is to actively inform, network with, and care for young mothers and women in need in the Wrangell area. In addition to classes, Hannah’s Place offers free and confide...

  • Southeast's best student musicians converge on WHS

    Oct 29, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Oct 29, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 21, 1915: The big cable ship Burnside arrived in port last Saturday night and after spending Saturday in port started work on the broken cable. The break between here and Ketchikan was found only five knots off shore and was repaired. The crew then set to work and removed the approach cable from the place where it originally entered Front Street taking it up across the reserve back of the jail to the cable office. The Burnside left yesterday and took over the cable in other parts. Representa...

  • New face at the Chamber

    Oct 29, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Oct 22, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 14, 1915: The big stern wheeler Tyconda, which made two trips up the Stikine River earlier this year, caught fire and was totally destroyed recently at Anchorage on Cook Inlet. The vessel left here last May after proving unsatisfactory on the river on account of not having sufficient power to forge the rapids on the Stikine. L.C. Berg and Chris Wedo came in town this afternoon from mining property at Aaron’s Creek on the mainland about twenty miles from Wrangell. The work for the season h...

  • Parks Dept. looking for Tot Gym feedback

    Oct 22, 2015

    At its regularly scheduled meeting Oct. 14, the Parks and Recreation Board learned the city department is in the process of gathering feedback on its “Tot Gym” program. The program is geared toward smaller children, providing an opportunity to play with others and use equipment several times a week at the community gym. Once a free service, Parks director Kate Thomas explained the program has lately been experiencing a decline in attendance. The input she hopes to get from local families would go toward reversing this trend. “It’s good to get...

  • Alaska Day run raises $1,300 for cancer care

    Dan Rudy|Oct 22, 2015

    In bear garb with a megaphone, Southeast Beasts director Lucy Robinson gives directions to the assembled runners at the Alaska Day 5K and Half-Marathon starting line. Over 76 participants and more than a dozen volunteers shrugged off Saturday morning's chilly rain to celebrate Alaskan statehood and raise $1,300 for the hospital's cancer care fund. First held last year, the running group intends to make the event a continuing tradition. As with last year's, costs of the run were covered by Frank...

  • Meet the band: Golden Idols

    Dan Rudy|Oct 22, 2015

    Bar-goers and fun-runners were able to enjoy a rarity in Wrangell last weekend, with a band from the Lower 48 on hand to play some live music. The Golden Idols are a relatively new creation, a four-person group whose members first found each other on classifieds website Craigslist. The spooky surf indie group was started by Patrick Broz and a friend a few years ago. On lead vocals and guitar, Broz originally hails from Montgomery City, Mo., but ended up in Seattle after spending several years...

  • The Way We Were

    Oct 15, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 7, 1915: Mr. J.E. Chilberg and son are in town again, having made the trip down from the camp on the river to get a new scow boat to make the trip to the mine. Mr. Chilberg will try a new stunt in river navigating when he leaves for the mine again as he intends to hitch a couple or three Evinrude motors to the stern of the scow for furnishing the power and promises to navigate anything up to a sandbar. Finley C. Mitchell and W.C. Mitchell, well-known mining men of the Cassiar country, will b...

  • ANB/ANS tribute to Malcolm Miller

    Oct 15, 2015

  • Death Notice

    Oct 15, 2015

    Mr. Jim Crockett, belated husband of Loretta Crockett (Ty Stokes formally of Wrangell) passed away on September 8, 2015. Cards or letters of condolences can be mailed to Loretta Crockett 4201 Batten Road Brooksville, Fla. 34602....

  • A pack of plump pumpkins at the patch

    Oct 15, 2015

  • Lettuce enjoy our harvest

    Oct 15, 2015

  • Ron Loesch's email was hacked

    Oct 15, 2015

    Contrary to an email some of you might have received from Ron's email account, Anne DOES NOT have kidney or heart problems and is NOT needing money!! Please don't reply to the email (or send us money!) Thankfully, Anne is perfectly healthy. We are aware of the email so no need to call us. Thank you, Anne and Ron...

  • The Way We Were

    Oct 8, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 30, 1915: Manager J. H. McGehee, of the Alaska Co-operative Fishing & Packing Association, last Tuesday confirmed the story printed in the Sentinel last week in regard to moving their plant from Wrangell to the Wrangell Narrows. According to Mr. McGehee, the new plant will be built about two miles up in the Narrows toward Scow Bay. The plant to be built at this time is about the same as the one now operated on St. Michaels Dock, but they plan to enlarge it extensively next season at which...

  • Death Notice

    Oct 8, 2015

    God called another angel home. The family of Joann Rinehart invites you to join them in a Celebration of Joann’s Life at 1:00 P.M., Friday, October 9, 2015 at Harbor Light Assembly of God. A reception will follow at the Alaskan Sourdough Lodge....

  • Marooned by a bear in Berg Bay

    Oct 1, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Oct 1, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 23, 1915: One of the coming industries of Alaska that is more or less overlooked locally and which is coming to front in amazing fashion is agricultural. Mr. W.E. Parrot is at present harvesting one of the finest potato crops imaginable and is offering them for sale to the local market for the small price of two dollars per sack, delivered to your home. The potatoes are far superior to any raised outside, all of them being large and as solid as a rock, and not one among them has a rust spo...

  • Meet the Candidates - The Assembly

    Oct 1, 2015

    Christie Jamieson, running for one of two three-year seats on the Assembly a write-in candidate Occupation: Owner of CLJ Consulting and The Squawking Raven B&B. Why do you want to sit on the Assembly? "I have local and state government work experience, and I believe I can be an asset in the decision-making for our community's future. I'm ready to take on another challenge for the next three years." At the moment, what do you feel is Wrangell's most pressing concern, and how should the assembly...

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