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The Wrangell Medical Center Foundation raised at least $32,000 for charity during its 8th annual prime rib dinner and auction, and the 8th annual Brian Gilbert Memorial Tournament last weekend. “We did a little better overall this year than we did last year,” explained Kris Reed, WMC development coordinator. “With sponsorships, it will be a little higher than that.” Most of the tickets to the dinner were pre-sold, with the rest sold at the door. “We had pretty much a full house,” she said. Earlier in the day, 39 golfers took part in the tour...
Girl Scouts from Wrangell's Troop 4156 recently returned from a four-day field exercise upriver, observing amphibians for this year's "Camp'Phibian." What has become an annual field trip is in its second year and partners the troop with researchers from the Alaska Herpetological Society (AHS) and United States Forest Service. It is part of a broader research project the society has developed called the Stikine Long-Term Amphibian Monitoring Program. AHS president Josh Ream said the project...
The school year came to an end for Wrangell students on May 21, and while they’ve said “so long” for the summer to teachers and homework, they are still invited to pick up a book or two in the interim through the annual summer reading program. The program—hosted by the Irene Ingle Public Library—is already under way, encouraging kids to continue reading while on break with a variety of prizes and cash drawings for participants. Its purpose is to help curb summer reading loss, where students lose some of their newly learned or developin...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 20, 1915: The new river boat Tyconda arrived up from the south last Saturday morning. Capt. Kildahl, one of the best known navigators of the coast, piloted the vessel up from Seattle. The Tyconda is a trim stern wheeler and is just the right size for work on the Stikine and undoubtedly will be a success. The vessel made an experiment trip on the river last Sunday, taking a small party up as far as Andrews Creek and left again on Monday morning for her initial trip to Telegraph. On the trip she...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 20, 1915: The new river boat Tyconda arrived up from the south last Saturday morning. Capt. Kildahl, one of the best known navigators of the coast, piloted the vessel up from Seattle. The Tyconda is a trim stern wheeler and is just the right size for work on the Stikine and undoubtedly will be a success. The vessel made an experiment trip on the river last Sunday, taking a small party up as far as Andrews Creek and left again on Monday morning for her initial trip to Telegraph. On the trip she...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 13, 1915: From the looks of the action of the town council last night, it is practically assured that Wrangell is going to have a baseball park and that we will be able to play the national game before the season is over. At a meeting last night the council set aside a section of town property in the eastern part of town, back of the dairy ranch, to be used as a town recreation park. Mr. William Lewis and F. Stanhope were given permission to build a ball diamond on the property if ways and means...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 5, 1915: Like a thunder bolt from a clear sky came the news of the new ruling made by Judge Jennings last Friday at Juneau, as it was generally conceded that the system used last year, of having every citizen signify their opinion of the liquor traffic by saying for or against, would be used again this year. So when the new ruling was made calling for a secret ballot election, it came as a big surprise. Much significance is placed on the new ruling and it is thought by some that it means the...
Victoria Ingram was named to the Eastern Oregon University Dean’s List for the winter term....
Principal’s Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Jade Balansag. Seventh grade: Kaylyn Easterly, Laura Helgeson, and Jing O’Brien. Eighth grade: Helen Decker and Jean-Luc Lewis. Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Robyn Booker, Aaliyah Messmer and Bruce Smith. Seventh grade: Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, John Buness, Trevor Miller and Hank Voltz. Eighth grade: Riley Blatchley, Caitlyn Galla and Abigail Gerald. Honorable Mention: Sixth grade: Brett Abrahamson, Jacob Dow, Terra Hoyt, Chase Kincaid and Logan Ritchie. Seventh grade: Adriana Larrabee and Hunter Wie...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 29, 1915: Mrs. Cornelia Templeton Hatcher, the lecturer for the W.C.T.U. held a good audience at attention last Friday evening at the Rink. Mrs. Hatcher spoke at considerable length on the prohibition movement for Alaska and her lecture was illustrated with some 50 slides. Mrs. Hatcher is a very able speaker and knows her subject from the start to finish and tells it in a way that holds her audience. Mrs. Hatcher left on the Alki Saturday for northern points. Capt. Strong expects to have his...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 22, 1915: According to reports, the Canoe Pass Packing Company has bought or leased a plot near the steamer wharf in Cordova and will move one line of machinery from the cannery at Canoe Pass and install it in the new location at once. The Canoe Pass cannery is of two lines and was built in 1912 and operated only in that year. Earl West and Jack Myers made a trip to the Hot Springs up the river last week. They report considerable snow up there and also of the remarkable number of Moose tracks...
Next week, Wrangell's Alaska Division of Public Health office will be waiving administration fees for all vaccines to mark National Infant Immunization Week. Between April 18 and 25, vaccines will be available for both children and adults. Ordinarily the first vaccine is $27, with subsequent shots at $17 a poke. The list of vaccinations include hepatitis A and B; influenza; rotavirus; varicella; PPSV23 and PCV13; diphtheria; tetanus and pertussis (DTaP); tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap); zoster; and others. Citing immunizations' role...