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  • School News

    Apr 30, 2015

    Victoria Ingram was named to the Eastern Oregon University Dean’s List for the winter term....

  • Stikine Middle School Honor Roll

    Apr 30, 2015

    Principal’s Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Jade Balansag. Seventh grade: Kaylyn Easterly, Laura Helgeson, and Jing O’Brien. Eighth grade: Helen Decker and Jean-Luc Lewis. Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Robyn Booker, Aaliyah Messmer and Bruce Smith. Seventh grade: Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, John Buness, Trevor Miller and Hank Voltz. Eighth grade: Riley Blatchley, Caitlyn Galla and Abigail Gerald. Honorable Mention: Sixth grade: Brett Abrahamson, Jacob Dow, Terra Hoyt, Chase Kincaid and Logan Ritchie. Seventh grade: Adriana Larrabee and Hunter Wie...

  • Learning how to paddle

    Apr 30, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 23, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 29, 1915: Mrs. Cornelia Templeton Hatcher, the lecturer for the W.C.T.U. held a good audience at attention last Friday evening at the Rink. Mrs. Hatcher spoke at considerable length on the prohibition movement for Alaska and her lecture was illustrated with some 50 slides. Mrs. Hatcher is a very able speaker and knows her subject from the start to finish and tells it in a way that holds her audience. Mrs. Hatcher left on the Alki Saturday for northern points. Capt. Strong expects to have his...

  • SE Sanitation Rate Comparison chart

    Apr 23, 2015

  • Testing the waters

    Apr 23, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 16, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 22, 1915: According to reports, the Canoe Pass Packing Company has bought or leased a plot near the steamer wharf in Cordova and will move one line of machinery from the cannery at Canoe Pass and install it in the new location at once. The Canoe Pass cannery is of two lines and was built in 1912 and operated only in that year. Earl West and Jack Myers made a trip to the Hot Springs up the river last week. They report considerable snow up there and also of the remarkable number of Moose tracks...

  • Public Health waiving vaccination fees

    Apr 16, 2015

    Next week, Wrangell's Alaska Division of Public Health office will be waiving administration fees for all vaccines to mark National Infant Immunization Week. Between April 18 and 25, vaccines will be available for both children and adults. Ordinarily the first vaccine is $27, with subsequent shots at $17 a poke. The list of vaccinations include hepatitis A and B; influenza; rotavirus; varicella; PPSV23 and PCV13; diphtheria; tetanus and pertussis (DTaP); tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap); zoster; and others. Citing immunizations' role...

  • Death Notice

    Apr 16, 2015

    Leonard Olsen passed away March 31. A Celebration of Life will be held May 2 at 1:00 p.m. at the Lutheran Church. Obituary to follow....

  • Putting them on the right track

    Apr 16, 2015

  • Rejoining the fleet

    Apr 9, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 9, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 15, 1915: Mr. Worden recently received a letter from W.D. Moore asking him to send some photos of Wrangell and the Stikine River. This letter recalls to a number of Wrangell's oldest citizens reminiscences of this family of pioneers, the “Moores,” and a number of the old timers remember Capt. Wm. Moore who brought the first stern wheeler into Alaska Waters, and for a number of years made regular trips from Wrangell to within a few miles of Glenora, B.C. A little of the inside history of the Mo...

  • All's fair in health and wellness

    Apr 9, 2015

  • An eggs-ellent day for a hunt

    Apr 9, 2015

    Children take advantage of the beautiful weather at City Park on Easter Sunday, where the Elks held its annual Egg Hunt. The lodge's youth activities director, Carrie Wallace, figured over a thousand plastic eggs were put out around the park. Children were split into four different age groups before starting the hunt, with eggs containing money, candy or slips for prizes donated from local stores. Prizes included Easter baskets from Bob's IGA and City Market, two-dollar bills and movie tickets...

  • Welcome spring

    Apr 2, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Apr 2, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 8, 1915: Election day in Wrangell passed off quietly last Tuesday, there being very little interest shown other than going to the polls to vote. Only one lady, Mrs. J.G. Grant, availed herself of the opportunity to have her say in the affairs of the city and cast her vote. There were eight members running on the ticket, five of them from the old council. The following men were on the ticket, the first seven being the new council. They received the highest vote in the order named: J.G. Grant,...

  • Burn permit requirement begins

    Apr 2, 2015

    Alaska Department of Natural Resources reminds residents the state’s wildland fire season officially begins this month. From now until the end of August permits will be necessary for the open burning of brush, grass, slash and yard debris. Obtainable from the local fire department or online at http://forestry.alaska.gov/burn/, permits must be renewed annually and may only be used on days without burn restrictions. Permit holders are required to check the Division of Forestry website or call their local office to determine whether a r...

  • Death Notice

    Apr 2, 2015

    John Eilertsen passed away Friday, March 27, 2015. Services will be announced at a later time. An obituary will follow....

  • School News

    Apr 2, 2015

    Emily Cox of Wrangell, AK, has been named to the Provost’s List at Troy University for Term 3 of the 2014/2015 academic year....

  • Local Scout wins ATV from popcorn sales

    Apr 2, 2015

  • A couple of Hoop Shoot hotshots

    Apr 2, 2015

  • Wolves take fourth at State

    Mar 26, 2015

  • Yesterday's News

    Mar 26, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 1, 1915: James Wickersham, our Honorable Delegate, the man that is making good in Washington, was in our city for a short minute last Tuesday. Mr. Wickersham did not get to see all those he wished to as Capt. Nord was in a hurry. Mr. Wickersham was very enthusiastic over the survey of Dry Straits and stated that the bill had passed before he left Washington and that a government engineer would be along in the early summer to start the survey as the work will be done under the supervision of th...

  • "Hopping, skipping and jumping to heart health"

    Mar 26, 2015

  • Tinted thermosphere

    Mar 19, 2015

    The skies were burning brightly over Wrangell Monday night and into Tuesday morning. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration issued a magnetic storm watch through Tuesday into the next evening, after reports of a large coronal mass ejection from the sun increased the likelihood of a display of aurora borealis....

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