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  • AICS awarded three-year CARF accreditation

    Jan 29, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 22, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 28, 1915: According to information given out by the local cable office, the Government has seen fit to place in service a new night letter rate, which will take effect February 1st. The new rating will help in several ways, by taking part of the load off the wires at the busy time and make the charges much cheaper, the new rate being 12 cents per word for a ten word message as to 16 cents by the present day rate. Messages can be filed at any time but will not be sent until the day work is...

  • Death Notice

    Jan 22, 2015

    Nondas Leah Taylor Haux, 100, died on January 9, 2015 in Wrangell, Alaska. A memorial service will be held at the Assembly of God Church, on Sat., Jan. 24, 2015 in Wrangell at one p.m. A full obituary will follow....

  • School News

    Jan 22, 2015

    Rachel Coblentz has been named to the Dean’s list for the fall 2014 term at Liberty University....

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 15, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 21, 1915: Wrangell is taking a step forward along the sporting line when she plays Metlakatla a game of basketball next Saturday night at the Rink. According to a wire received yesterday the Metlakatla boys are leaving today and should arrive here late tonight or early tomorrow morning. The game will be the most exciting one that it has been the good fortune of Wrangellites to witness and there is no doubt that everyone will be in attendance. The Metlakatla boys are a very strong team,...

  • Obituary, Grace Margaret Sowle, 72

    Jan 15, 2015

    Grace Margaret Sowle, 72, died on December 18, 2014 in Anchorage, just 5 short months after losing her husband of 30 years, Bob Sowle. She was born on May 6, 1942 in Vancouver, Wash., the youngest of 13 children and the only child in her family to be born in a hospital. She graduated from Battle Ground High School in 1958. Grace lived in Washington until she moved to Wrangell in 1980 with her husband Bob Sowle and her threee children. Grace worked for several years in the kitchen at Wrangell...

  • Wedding announcement

    Jan 15, 2015

    Todd and Donna Carsen of Everett, Wash. announce the engagement of their daughter Lindsey Carsen of Wrangell, Alaska to DJ McConachie also of Wrangell, son of Donald and Betsy McConachie of Wrangell. The bride-to-be grew up in the Everett area graduating from Lincoln Hill High School in Stanwood, Wash. in 2009. The groom-to-be grew up in Wrangell graduating from Wrangell High School in 2007 and Kenai Peninsula College, Soldotna, Alaska graduating in 2010. The couple plan an August 29, 2015...

  • Organizing thoughts about Wrangell's waterfront

    Jan 15, 2015

  • Preparing for an icy plunge

    Jan 8, 2015

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 8, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 14, 1915: One of the prettiest little hits of the season in the show line was pulled off last Saturday and Sunday evenings at the Wrangell Photoshow when eight Wrangell children appeared in a one act school burlesque entitled “The Village School”. The act was put on under the supervision of Messrs. Woodworth and Purcell. The act was a decided hit and the children all bid fair to become some of the future favorites along that line. Nearly all of the large papers of the cities have increased t...

  • Local church crosses itself

    Jan 8, 2015

  • School News

    Jan 8, 2015

    Tiffany C. Merritt graduated December 11, 2014 from the University of North Carolina Greensboro as a University Marshal with honors and Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts and Science degree in Criminology and a minor in Chinese. She is currently employed by New Mind, a company that acclimates Chinese students from China to America at the University of North Carolina Greensboro. Her parents are Brian and Sarah Merritt of Wrangell and grandparents are Ron and Marlene of Wrangell and Terry...

  • The Way We Were

    Jan 1, 2015

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. January 7, 1915: Amos Godfrey arrived from Vancouver on the Princess Sophia and left Wednesday for his property which is located on McDames Creek, which flows into the Dease River about halfway between Dease Lake and Laird River. Mr. Godfrey has two leases, one of which is known as the Radford lease. His ground runs from $1.00 to $19.00 a yard. Mr. Godfrey has bought the entire outfit of J.W. Haskins, deceased, consisting of hydraulic pipes and a giant. The outfit is now 15 miles from where Mr....

  • Death Notice

    Jan 1, 2015

    Grace Margaret Sowle passed away on December 18, 2014 in Anchorage, Alaska. Services and a Celebration of Life will be held on Sat., January 17, 2015 in Wrangell. An obituary and information regarding the services will be published at a later date....

  • Main Street's century in perspective

    Jan 1, 2015

  • Holly jolly drawing

    Jan 1, 2015

  • Gaudy threads for a good cause

    Dec 25, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 25, 2014

    BLACKOUTS, COLD, TOYS FOR ALL Reprinted from the Dec. 24, 1970, Wrangell Sentinel In 1898 a Christmas gift was promised to every child in Wrangell. Four years later, in 1902, Wrangell shivered in 5-degree weather. Thirty-nine years later in 1941 it was blackouts and war, but Christmas still came. These excerpts from accounts of Christmases past are taken from issues of the Wrangell Sentinel. Some of the stories, reprinted here as historic notes on holiday seasons gone by, follow: Dec. 24, 1898: The St. Michael's Trading Co. carried a half page...

  • Subsistence program holds annual art contest

    Dec 25, 2014

    The Federal Subsistence Management Program is again holding its annual art contest, open to all Alaska students grades K-12. Deadline for submission is February 2, 2015. This year’s theme for the contest will be fish and shellfish. The winner’s artwork will be featured on the cover of the regulations book for the Harvest of Fish and Shellfish on Federal Public Lands and Waters in Alaska, which will be distributed statewide. The art contest offers an exciting opportunity for young individuals to express their talent and creativity while sup...

  • Tis the season to hold parties

    Dec 25, 2014

  • Spectacular sunrise

    Dec 18, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    Dec 18, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. December 17, 1914: Mr. F. Matheson, who has just returned from a trip to Seattle brings back the important news that in all probabilities there will be a bank established in Wrangell next summer. Mr. Matheson states that while in Seattle he was interviewed by Mr. R.W. Courtney in regards to the bank. Mr. Courtney states that there is a possibility of raising the money but asked as to the Wrangell business taking half of the stock, which they will most certainly do. Under present banking laws there...

  • Recognizing responsibility

    Dec 18, 2014

  • Death Notice

    Dec 18, 2014

    Glenora Barlow passed away Fri., Dec. 12, 2014. An obituary to follow....

  • Family traditions from students in Mrs. Wilson's First Grade class

    Dec 18, 2014

    Mrs. Wilson’s 1st grade class has been studying cultures and family traditions this year. When asked what special traditions their families do at Christmas, her students responded as follows: Lucas Larrabee: We set up the Christmas tree and put up the lights. We put on the ornaments. We wrap the presents. We love playing in the snow, especially riding my bike in the snow and slipping. Dayne Pritchett: At Christmas time we sing Christmas carols and go to friends homes and sing with them. We like setting up the Christmas tree and making g...

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