Sorted by date Results 1171 - 1195 of 2344
December 21, 1916: Alaska is the only place over which the American flag flies where two Christmas days are celebrated. This applies especially to the Alaskan peninsula and adjoining islands, where many of the natives belong to the Russian church with her Julian calendar. It is only since the coming of the American public school and mission that the “American Christmas” has been introduced in those parts. According to the Julian calendar Christmas, Dec. 25, falls on the day that is Jan. 7 in the calendar elsewhere. According to the Russian chu...
December 14, 1916: All branches of the Alaskan fishing industry would be brought under a license system and its prepared manufactured products taxed by a bill that is before the House today. Representative Hanley of Washington is the chief defender of the measure. It is being opposed by Delegate Wickersham of Alaska. It is improbable that sufficient time will be given to complete the consideration of the measure at this session. December 12, 1941: There will be no more test blackouts in Wrangell. When an alarm is heard from now on it is the rea...
December 7, 1916: President Wilson recently signed a proclamation setting apart an area of thirty-eight acres within the Tongass national forest, Alaska, as the Old Kasaan national monument. The tract embraces the abandoned Haida Indian village of Old Kasaan, situated on Prince of Wales island, in South eastern Alaska, about thirty miles west of Ketchikan. The village of Old Kasaan was abandoned by the Indians about ten years ago, and among the relics which remain there are about fifty Indian totem poles, five or six of which are classed as...
November 30, 1916: The Fourth Annual convention of the Alaska Native Brotherhood convened at Wrangell on Tuesday in St. Philip’s gymnasium. Owing to the stormy weather the attendance is not as large as was expected. The Alaska Native Brotherhood is becoming an important organization, and its influence on Native life is manifest. Wrangell is therefore proud to be host to its Fourth Annual convention. November 28, 1941: Shakes Island is now officially in the domain of the Interior Department in charge of the Office in Indian Affairs. Transfer o...
Due to a computer glitch at the high school, the honor roll printed last week was incorrect. This is the correct Honor Roll. Principals Honor Roll: Anna Allen, Alexandra Angerman, Abigail Armstrong, Samuel Armstrong, Karri Buness, Helen Decker, Siguard Decker, Kellan Eagle, Kaylyn Easterly, Abigail Gerald, Makena Hammer, Kayla Hay, Laura Helgeson, Reyn Hutten, Luke Kowalske, Josephine Lewis, Tasha Massin, Kiara Meissner, Dawson Miller, Garrett Miller, Jing O’Brien, Samuel Prysunka, Dora Voltz. Honor Roll: Madison Blackburn, Ian Jenson, M...
November 23, 1916: The December run of king salmon in Wrangell harbor has begun a little earlier than usual this year. It has been an interesting sight during the past week to see the numerous fishing boats trolling in sight of the Wrangell waterfront. Fishermen catch from five to fifteen fish a day. The average weight of a king salmon is 25 pounds. Fishermen find ready sale for their fish in Wrangell at 5 cents a pound. The fish sold here are shipped to Prince Rupert and Seattle. Experienced fishermen predict an unusually large run of salmon...
Stikine Middle School: Principals Honor Roll: Jade Balansag, Emma Martinsen, Samantha Acuna, Elizabeth McIntyre, Jimmy Baggen, Tyson Messmer, Liana Carney, Sophie O’Brien, Honor Roll: Paige Baggen, Aaliyah Messmer, Devlyn Campbell, Mercedes Morgan, Jacob Dow, Ryan Rooney, Jamie Early, Nikolai Siekawitch-Bardin, Jacen Hay, Bruce Smith, Daniel McIntyre, Leroy Wynne, Kendra Meissner, Honorable Mention: Brett Abrahamson, Brodie Garner, William Ashton, Ethan Blatchley, Terra Hoyt, Jayden Buhler, Alex Rooney, Randy Churchill, Logan Ritchie, C...
November 16, 1916: Victory of newly elected Democratic Congressman Daly celebrated in Wrangell. When Hon. Charles A. Sulzer realized that he had been elected to Congress it is doubtful if he was any more jubilant over the result than one of his Wrangell friends. Dr. Pigg, who has spent every spare moment of his time for the past three months boosting Sulzer, was just bubbling over with joy. He felt like celebrating, but the doctor never celebrates alone. He arranged a Sulzer ball for Saturday night at the Redmen’s hall. He was not content to h...
The Wrangell Public Health Center wants to make it easy to exercise your right to vote and to help protect yourself against the flu - at the same time. Come to the Nolan Center, at 296 Campbell Drive, to vote on Tues., Nov. 8 and between 4 and 7 pm, you can get free flu shots for the whole family, ages 6 months and up. Regular vaccine; preservative-free vaccine for children 6 to 35 months; and high-dose vaccine for seniors will all be available....
November 9, 1916: A few months ago a few natives of Wrangell organized a society to be known as The Sisters and Brothers Society of Wrangell, Alaska. According to the group’s agreement, “The membership shall be composed of sober well disposed Native men and women living in Wrangell who sign this agreement and pay the sum of twenty-five cents per month. The purpose of this Society shall be to care for the sick and bury the dead. The Natives signing the above were: Joseph Louie, Mary Loftus, Jennie Beaudrie, Anna Lloyd, Kittie Kinch, Agnes Lou...