Sorted by date Results 1600 - 1624 of 2361
Maddison Gillen contemplates which pumpkin to pick from the patch as her mother, Tracy, looks on. Arranged by the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce and supported by volunteers, Saturday's Second Annual Pumpkin Festival was a success. Five pallets of the seasonable orange squash were distributed around the Alley Cat lot next to Wells Fargo, with face painting booths and pony rides giving children something fun to do while their parents enjoyed the borough's Tax-Free Day sales....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 22, 1914: Deputy U.S. Marshal Wallace has out a call for bids for the repairing and remodeling of the Court House and when interviewed on the subject stated that he has received orders from Marshal Bishop in Juneau to get same with the view of putting the old Court House in good shape. If the contracts are let for the work, the building will be raised about twelve inches and the old fireplaces torn out and new windows and doors placed in the entire building. The repairing and remodeling of...
October 15, 1914: The Moose Orchestra is advertising their second appearance before the dancing public of Wrangell by giving a big masquerade ball on Halloween night, Oct. 31. The Moose Orchestra gave a dance recently at Red Man's Hall and also furnished the music for the Civic Improvement Club dance at the Wrangell Hostel last Friday evening so their class as music makers has been established but for the coming dance they have some new numbers that are something great and without a doubt the music at the coming dance will be the best ever in...
Aleisha Mollen Wrangell School Board, three-year term Occupation: Service Manager, Wells Fargo Why do you want to be on the Wrangell School Board? "I care deeply about the youth here in Wrangell. They are a great group of kids and I want them to have the best educational experience possible. They are the future leaders in our community and our nation and I believe that making sure they have the opportunity at a better education will better us all. Making a difference in the schools today can...
Residents of Wrangell are invited to cast their votes in the Borough regular election Tuesday, Oct. 7, at the Nolan Center, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Registered voters are asked to bring a form of identification to the polls. Official candidates for this year’s regular election include: – Two candidates for the position of Mayor, incumbent David Jack and Kipha Valvoda. The position is a two-year term. – Two candidates for a three-year term on the School Board, Aleisha Mollen and incumbent Susan Eagle. – Two candidates for two three-year terms on th...
With the departure of Un-Cruise Adventures' "Wilderness Explorer" last Wednesday, Wrangell's cruising season officially comes to an end. Fifty-seven such vessels had been scheduled to arrive this year, according to information provided on the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce website. There were 15 leisure ships scheduled to dock in Wrangell 57 times this year. Doing the arithmetic, if each cruise ship scheduled to arrive was fully-booked and if every passenger disembarked when the ships stopped in...
People interested in entering their names for Wrangell Borough committee and board vacancy appointments need to submit their letters of intent before Monday, Oct. 6. There are ten vacancies that will need to be filled at the special swearing-in meeting of the Borough Assembly Oct. 13. So far only three letters of intent have been submitted. There are two three-year seats on the Planning and Zoning commission; two three-year seats with Parks and Recreation; two three-year terms on the Wrangell Convention and Visitors Bureau; two three-year...
Despite the rough weather and Monday opener, it’s been a good season so far for area moose hunters. According to Alaska Department of Fish and Game biologist Rich Lowell, it’s better even than average. Fifty-two moose have been reported killed in the first two weeks, compared to 49 at this time last year for Unit 3, the Petersburg-Wrangell area. A total of 92 were gathered in 2013. Nineteen have so far been taken on the Stikine River, better than the 15 noted for this time last year. A further 16 were reported had on Kupreanof Island. The...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 8, 1914: Miss Durkey, president of the Alaska Garnet Mining & Manufacturing Company who are operating at the garnet ledge at the mouth of the Stikine, was a passenger up on the Mariposa the first of the week. Miss Durkey states that the Company will ship some twelve tons of garnets south on the Dolphin next trip. The company has secured a selling concession from the government to sell their garnets in the Manufacturer’s Building at the San Francisco Fair and this shipment will be the f...
Lucille Massin passed away Saturday, Sept. 20, 2014. Obituary to follow....
Beth Blake -Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors, four-year term Occupation: AICS care provider What experience or qualities do you have that would make you an effective member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors? "I was born and raised in Chattanooga, Tenn. I graduated from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga with a B.S. in Psychology. I've had a varied employment history ranging from technical analyst with a large insurance company to coordinator for Chattanooga...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. October 1, 1914: There were several passengers from Wrangell to take the City of Seattle south last night, but when the vessel arrived in Wrangell, she had a capacity load and refused to take a one. This is something the steamship companies should try to give us a little better service in, as several boats lately have hit Wrangell the same way, and no matter how bad a person wants to go south, it is impossible. The companies always make it a point to save enough rooms from Skagway for Juneau and...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 24, 1914: The waters here are teeming with silver herring and a new opportunity is extended to Wrangell to get busy and catch them and have a supply for the halibut fleet. There are several of the large boats here now and once it is known that the bait can be secured here many more will make Wrangell a regular calling place on their way to the fishing banks. The fishermen state that Wrangell is the only place in the country where they can get fresh bait in any quantity. Why can’t we get i...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 17, 1914: Mr. Frank Warner, U.S. Surveyor for Alaska, arrived on the Dolphin Tuesday. Mr. Warner is here to survey the Wrangell townsite and will go to work at once and complete the work. Mr. Warner brings with him Mr. Earl H. Wilson who will assist in the field work. The survey of the Wrangell townsite has been held up so long it was feared by some of our citizens that the work might not be completed this year. With Mr. Warner in the field, we can feel assured the work will progress as...