Sorted by date Results 1621 - 1645 of 2344
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. August 17, 1914: The Berg boys came in from their mining claim last Tuesday evening and report everything coming fine up there. The boys state that the incessant high water is causing much trouble and that one of their bridges over Eran Creek was washed out early last week, but is expected to be in place by the time they get back as Chris Weido is busy replacing it. The river boat Karen left the first of the week for Telegraph with J.G. Galvin, George Murphy in the company. As freight will use to...
Number of Participants: 13 1st place: Greg Scheff, Ed Rilatos, Josh Blatchley. Net score 20, team handicap 15. 2nd place: Greg Rochon, Tom Remaklus, Mike Strand, Bryon Batcher. Net score 21, team handicap 15. The Straightest Drive: Ed Rilatos, 40” from the line The Closest to the Pin: Greg Rochon, 21’4...
Number of Participants: 18 1st place: Wayne Harding, Toot Harding, Grover Mathis, Ron Rice. Net score 19, team handicap 18. 2nd place: Mike Ottesen, Mike White, Chuck Hay. Net score 24, team handicap 14. The Straightest Drive: Tyler Gunn, 8 1/2” from the line The Closest to the Pin: Mike White, 20” Putters: Bear Balls 6-9 Holes without losing ball: Faye Kohrt and Grover Mathis. Tyler Gunn won the River Trip for two from Breakaway Adventures, and Mike White won the Anan Trip for two from Alaska Vistas....
If you haven't joined in the fun already, there's still time as the fifth annual Alaska Bearfest continues around Wrangell through Sunday afternoon. A blend of fun, food and education, the festival celebrates the area's bear population. Bearfest was started in 2010 by Sylvia Ettefagh, operator of Alaska Vistas. In addition to the educational and recreational opportunities it presents, Ettefagh's aim for the festival is to make Wrangell a top destination for ursine enthusiasts everywhere. "Our...
August 10, 1914: The Winifred left early yesterday for Telegraph. She has a good load of freight but no passengers. On the last trip down, the crew reported seeing two moose, both of them swimming in the river. The first was seen just above the canyon and the other at Clearwater. The moose are getting further down every year and before long they will be all over the islands in this section of the country, and for this reason the new law was passed last spring prohibiting the killing of them. Although the law was made fun of by several papers...
Leanna Rice, of Wrangell, was named to the Dean’s List of Distinction in recognition of her outstanding scholarship for the 2013-14 academic year at the University of Northern Colorado....
First Bank's 13th annual Customer Appreciation Golf Tournament was held July 19 and 20 at Muskeg Meadows. More than 40 golfers teed up for the nine-hole course over the weekend. Teammates Eric Kading, Faye Kohrt and Chris Ellis took first place on Saturday with a net score of 17 and a team handicap of 16. Ed Rilatos, Brian Ingraham and Randy Romenensko's team took second place with a net score of 22 and a team handicap of 15. Wayne Harding won the straightest drive contest with a 26.5-inch...
The Wrangell Sentinel welcomes its newest staff writer, Dan Rudy. Rudy recently arrived in Wrangell from Minot, N.D., where he worked as staff writer and evening editor for The Minot Daily News. He also has prior experience as a news cameraman for KXMC-CBS, as well as writing for his university and high school newspapers. His first experience in Southeast Alaska was as an Alaska Service Corps crew member with the SAGA-AmeriCorps program in 2010. As a corps member, he conducted trail work and...
July 23, 1914: A wire was received in Wrangell yesterday from I.G. Galvin, who it will be remembered went outside some time ago with considerable gold for the purpose of getting a Keystone Drill to prospect the various claims under his management to better advantage, that he would be in Wrangell about the first part of August and to make arrangements for a river boat to be ready to take some five tons straight to Telegraph. This means another big jump forward for the Dease Lake country, the time has come when capital is needed to bring the...
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wirthlin of Winnemucca, Nev. announce the engagement of their daughter, Staci Wirthlin to Jon Florschutz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christina Florschutz of Wrangell, Alaska. Staci Wirthlin was born in Reno, Nev. and raised in Winnemucca. She graduated from Lowry High in 2011 then continued her studies online through Truckee Meadows Community College when she met Jon. She currently studies exercise science at BYU-Hawaii. The wedding is planned for Friday, August 22 in Reno,...
Christie Jamieson and Bruce Jamieson are spending their summer opening Squawking Raven Bed & Breakfast. Christie Jamieson said she and her husband have been thinking about turning their home at 612 Zimovia Highway into a bed and breakfast for a few years now. "We've had an empty nest for four years," Christie Jamieson said. "The house just seems to get bigger. We had two spare bedrooms. It's a labor of love. We've been kicking the idea around for the past couple of years, and I can't believe...
Number of participants: 60 1st place: Bryan Ingram, Hal Rhodes, Judge Conniff. Net score 40, team handicap 36. 2nd place: Aaron McPherson, Andy Spruell, Joan Kading and Eric Kading. Net score 41, team handicap 34. 3rd place: Dick and Barb Angerman, Doug Roberts, and Warren Edgley. Net score 41, team handicap 38. 4th place: Mike and Carol and Tammy and Chuck Hay. Net score 41, team handicap 36. 5th place: Tyler Gunn, James Brenner, Aaron Powell and Collin Dando. Net score 42, team handicap 28. 6th place: Grover Mathis, Wayne and Kathleen "Toot"...
7 ROYALTY 108,701 TICKETS! Queen: Erica Smith - 33,471 Princesses: Cassie Schilling - 29,500 Kira Torvend and Robyn Booker - 23,080 Delila Wigg – 22,650 THE ROYALTY TICKET PULL WINNERS: 1st: $5000 - Todd White 2nd: $3000 –Eric Yancey 3rd: $1000 - Will Shilts 4th: $1000 - Regina Sarff INDIVIDUAL QUEEN RAFFLE WINNERS: Cassie’s raffle: River Trip with BreakawayAdventures – Winner: Daisy Callbreath Erica’s raffle: XtraTufs from Angerman's – Winner: Therese Pempek Erica’s raffle: Print from Brenda Schwartz-Yeager – Winner: Therese Pempek...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. July 16, 1914: The mining industries of Cassiar Country are looking good, according to parties that came down on the Karen last Tuesday from Telegraph Creek. Several properties on McDames Creek are being worked as they never have before and the prospects that there will be several dredges in there working before summer is over make it look very encouraging. The various camps on the Cassiar are like those of any other camp. The prospects have been worked as far as possible by hand and now it remains...
7 Queen’s Ticket Sales 1st place – Erica Smith (33,741) 2nd place – Cassie Schilling-Shilts (29,500) 3rd place – Robyn Booker and Kira Torvend (23,080) 4th place – Delila Wigg (22,650) Pie Eating Contest 1st place – Jazmyn Wright Honorable Mention – Curtis Wimberley Canoe Races Highliners (ages 11-14) Male – Mikel Smith and Orion Heller Female – Grace and Mercy Mikkelsen Coed- Fentia Jim and Elizabeth Johnson River Runners (ages 15-17) Male – Robbie Marshall and Jeffrey Rooney Female – Kylah Gillen and Alex Campbell Coed – Sam Armstrong...