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  • The Way We Were

    Jun 19, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 25, 1914: After being away for fifteen days on a prospecting trip, Richard Hofstad, Ole Johnson and C. Lauritsen arrived back in town late Tuesday evening. The boys went from Wrangell to Chichagof Island for the purpose of locating a large ledge of marble, and after the second day on the island, the marble was located and four claims staked. After the marble had been located, the boys started to look over the country and found some floaters in a small creek, and after tracing it up, located...

  • Burning down the house

    Jun 19, 2014

  • Long line for lemonade

    Jun 12, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 12, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 18, 1914: The Hudson Bay Company has made arrangements to run a grand excursion of their fine river steamer Port Simpson up to Great Glacier on the Stikine River next Sunday, June 21. The steamer will leave the dock here at 8 a.m. sharp and will return about 3 p.m. giving about two hours at Great Glacier for those who want to get off on the ice and take pictures and otherwise enjoy the beautiful scenery. Lunch and dinner can be had on board the steamer for 75 cents per meal if desired. The...

  • Death Notice

    Jun 12, 2014

    Thomas C. Feller, Sr. passed away June 5, 2014, at Alaska Native Medical Center after a brief illness with cancer. He was born and raised in Wrangell, but has resided in the Sand Point, Alaska area for the past 50 years. He was with family and close friends at the time of his passing. Memorial services will be held in Wrangell and announced later in June....

  • Student News

    Jun 12, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 5, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 11, 1914: The census of the grown white population of Wrangell will be taken this week, according to information given out yesterday by Judge Thomas who received his instructions from Judge Jennings at Juneau. The object of this is to get the expressed opinions of the residents of the town on the liquor question. Heretofore when a saloon asked for a renewal of their license, they circulated a petition getting the names of the persons willing that they should sell liquor in the town, but under...

  • Derby Top Ten

    Jun 5, 2014

  • School News

    Jun 5, 2014

    Victoria Ingram has been named to the dean’s list at Eastern Oregon University for winter term 2014....


    Jun 5, 2014

    Stikine Middle School Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, Michael Buness, Kaylyn Easterly, Laura Helgeson, Adriana Larrabee, Tasha Massin, Trevor Miller, Lillian O’Brien, Hank Voltz, Hunter Weiderspohn. Seventh grade: Riley Blatchley, Helen Decker, Kellan Eagle, Abigail Gerald, Jean-Luc Lewis, Issacc Mingming, Dillon Rooney. Eighth grade: Jonathan Barratt, Anna Dow, Erin Galla, Kayla Hay, Zachary Lane, Kiara Meissner, Hannah Miethe, Racquel Mingming, Tymon Teat. Honorable Mention: Sixth grade: Jonah Comstock, Skylar L...

  • ... Brave, clean, and reverent

    Jun 5, 2014

    Scouts from Wrangell Boy Scout Troop 40 spent part of this week cleaning up trash along a one-and-a-quarter mile stretch of beach on Zarembo Island between Brown Point and Nesbitt Point. They off-loaded the garbage Friday. Assistant Scoutmaster Brennon Eagle, scouts Curtis Wimberley, Jonah Comstock and Kellan Eagle, and Scoutmaster Shirley Wimberly participated in the clean-up efforts, part of a $5,000 environmental grant to remove invasive species from Twin Lakes and maintenance near Roosevelt...

  • It's always cool

    May 29, 2014

  • Ladies in waiting

    May 29, 2014

  • 'Tis the other season

    May 29, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    May 29, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 4, 1914: Foreman S.S. Swening of the Stikine Trail was in town last Wednesday on business. When interviewed by the Sentinel man, he stated that the trail was complete to the lower end of Cottonwood Island, which makes some two miles of trail built. Mr. Swening states that they are now on one of the worst places along the entire route, as for the next mile the trail will have to be blasted through solid rock. Mr. Swening has changed his original plans somewhat and will bridge the first slough th...

  • Bakke wins Memorial Day weekend prize

    May 29, 2014

  • The Way We Were

    May 22, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 28, 1914: At a special meeting of the town council last Monday evening, a petition from the school board was read asking for the council to make an appropriation for the high school next year. After this was read a motion was placed before the council by Councilman Albrecht and seconded by Councilman Tate, that the town council guarantee the sum of $40 per month during the school season for maintenance of the high school, and in case of a surplus at the end of the term it shall be returned to...

  • Splish Splash

    May 22, 2014

  • Prom Princes and Princesses

    May 15, 2014

    The Wrangell High School 2014 prom court is, from left on the floor, freshman princess and prince MaKenna Hammer and Sig Decker, Senior Prince and Princess Robbie Marshall and Erica Smith, sophomore princess and prince Kyla Teat and Blake Stokes. From left on the bridge, junior prince and princess Mikey Otteson and Baylee Thrush, Queen Charlie Colier and King Cody Thomassen, prince Arthur Acuna and princess Darian Meissner....

  • School News

    May 15, 2014

    Navy Seaman Daniel C. Sims, a 2006 graduate of Wrangell High School, and the son of Tom C. and Tedi M. Sims of Wrangell recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program Sims completed a variety of training which included classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness....

  • Hot shots

    May 15, 2014

  • Rooney returns from Ethiopia

    Brian O Connor|May 15, 2014

    Among the questions Alice Rooney faced from Evergreen Elementary first-graders Monday: Do they have slides in Ethiopia? Rooney recently returned from a roughly three-month volunteer-teaching trip in a suburb of Addis-Abbaba, and shared some of her experiences with the elementary students. Rooney shadowed first grade teacher Arlene Wilson's class prior to leaving for Ethiopia, and then returned to issue a report on the trip to her students. Wilson's students prepared drawings for the Ethiopian...

  • The Way We Were

    May 8, 2014

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 14, 1914: Eddie Kalkins arrived in from up the river last Sunday morning. Ed left here last March with his dog team in the employ of W. Ogilbie to help in moving some mining machinery to his claims on McDames Creek in the Dease Lake country. There were four dog teams totaling 13 dogs at work moving 3,000 pounds of machinery from the old claims on Tibit Creek to McDames Creek, a distance of over 90 miles. The trip was a very bad one as the trail was in bad shape and a thaw started before the job...

  • Dump blaze

    May 8, 2014

  • The band played on

    May 8, 2014

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