Sorted by date Results 1692 - 1716 of 2359
Navy Seaman Daniel C. Sims, a 2006 graduate of Wrangell High School, and the son of Tom C. and Tedi M. Sims of Wrangell recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Ill. During the eight-week program Sims completed a variety of training which included classroom study and practical instruction on naval customs, first aid, firefighting, water safety and survival, and shipboard and aircraft safety. An emphasis was also placed on physical fitness....
Among the questions Alice Rooney faced from Evergreen Elementary first-graders Monday: Do they have slides in Ethiopia? Rooney recently returned from a roughly three-month volunteer-teaching trip in a suburb of Addis-Abbaba, and shared some of her experiences with the elementary students. Rooney shadowed first grade teacher Arlene Wilson's class prior to leaving for Ethiopia, and then returned to issue a report on the trip to her students. Wilson's students prepared drawings for the Ethiopian...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 14, 1914: Eddie Kalkins arrived in from up the river last Sunday morning. Ed left here last March with his dog team in the employ of W. Ogilbie to help in moving some mining machinery to his claims on McDames Creek in the Dease Lake country. There were four dog teams totaling 13 dogs at work moving 3,000 pounds of machinery from the old claims on Tibit Creek to McDames Creek, a distance of over 90 miles. The trip was a very bad one as the trail was in bad shape and a thaw started before the job...
May 7, 1914: Frank Clark arrived in town Wednesday from the Mission Marble Quarry at Tokeen. Mr. Clark reports that the real work at the quarry has been suspended as the marble on which they were working was not fine enough to make the milling profitable and will not be resumed unless more favorable prospects are found. Several men were left at the quarry to prospect the surrounding country to find a better grade of rock. May 5, 1939: River conditions permitting, the Barrington Transportation Company will open navigation on the Stikine...
Alivia Haggard, 5, Becca Haney, and Roger Williams work together dyeing eggs Saturday at the Wrangell Medical Center. The event was held for Long Term Care residents and their grandchildren and adopted grandchildren in celebration of Easter....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 30, 1914: Work was started this morning on the riverboat of Wm. Strong’s, the Winifred, pertaining to getting her into commission for a trip up the river within the next week. Mr. Strong received a wire from W. Hyland at Telegraph Creek in which he stated that it would be impossible for Eddie Kalkins to get to Wrangell in time to make the first trip on her as he was detained inside. He also stated that the river has been clear at Telegraph for the past three days. They expect to have the b...
Nondas Haux kisses the hand of husband Ted Haux Satuday at Wrangell Medical Center. Nondas will turn 100 Monday. The two of them have traveled across the country 42 times for missionary work, bringing with them their priceless D'Angelico guitars and singing voices. Nondas was an amazing public speaker, Ted said. The two of them have been married for more than 60 years. Nondas has also authored a book about their travels, titled "In Journeys Oft." A celebration is planned for Monday at 3 p.m. in...
The more visible aspects of the Stikine River Birding festival start this evening, but festival elements had already started Monday. Guest artist Elizabeth Kunibe has been teaching students in Wrangell about art using bird cutouts and paints. Their work goes on display this evening in the Nolan center. Students were given wooden templates mounted on driftwood and received a lesson about color. They then painted their silhouettes and attached eyes, Kunibe said. She was putting the finishing touches on the bird templates last week when interviewe...
Wrangellite Alice Lehnert, seated, was presented Feb. 22 with a lifetime membership of the Emblem Club, a part of the Elks club. Gay Odsather, Kenneth L Odsather, Penny Furnish, Gay Ritchey, Birte Eliasen, Bunney Pool, Gene Pool, Dinah Martin, Roy Martin and Pam Martin were also in attendance....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 23, 1914: The Fire Department was called out early Monday to answer an alarm sounded from the fire bell in the Red Men’s Hall. The fire was in the shack occupied by E.W. Stewart and his partner in back of Chas. Shun Grocery Store. The fire had started from an un-jointed stove pipe in the garret from which a spark had lodged in the underside of the roof. Mr. Stewart was eating breakfast when someone yelled fire and, on going outside, he discovered that it was his own home. The fire was e...
Kelyn K'aldagnaa' Young was born March 30, 2014 in Ketchikan at home to Dewyo and Charley Young of Ketchikan. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. Kelyn joins sister Braidyn, 6, and brother Devyn, 3. Paternal grandparents are Cherie and Frank Young of Wrangell. Maternal grandmother is Susan Nelson of North Bend, Oregon....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 16, 1914: Forest Supervisor Wiegel was a through passenger on the Spokane last Monday bound for Ketchikan. While the boat was in port, Mr. Wiegel interviewed several parties in reference to the new trail that the government will build up the Stikine and made the assurance that the appropriation would be $4,000 as was reported some time ago by the Forestry Department. Mr. Wiegel will be in Wrangell again in the course of a couple weeks and will be ready at that time to start work on the new...
Stikine Middle School Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, Kaylyn Easterly, Tasha Massin, Trevor Miller, Lillian O’Brien, Kody Paul, Hank Voltz, Hunter Wiederspohn. Seventh grade: Helen Decker, Kellan Eagle, Abigail Gerald. Eighth grade: Jonathan Barratt, Erin Galla, Caleb Groshong, Kayla Hay, Kiara Meissner, Racquel Mingming, Tymon Teat. Honorable Mention: Sixth grade: Michael Buness, Madison Harding, Laura Helgeson, Adriana Larrabee, Ryan Soeteber. Seventh grade: Riley Blatchley, Elizabeth Johnson, Issacc Mingmin, D...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 9, 1914: Another industry will be added to Wrangell's ever-growing variety next week in the shape of a dray and transport company. Mr. Oscar Carlson expects a horse and wagon for the new line up on the Alki, which sails from Seattle tonight. The new business is a much-needed one, and with Mr. Carlson at the helm, it is an assured success from the start. During this dry weather, much care should be taken when burning brush. The fire company was called out twice today. April 7, 1939: In the...