Sorted by date Results 1712 - 1736 of 2361
Kelyn K'aldagnaa' Young was born March 30, 2014 in Ketchikan at home to Dewyo and Charley Young of Ketchikan. She weighed 8 lbs and was 20 1/2 inches long. Kelyn joins sister Braidyn, 6, and brother Devyn, 3. Paternal grandparents are Cherie and Frank Young of Wrangell. Maternal grandmother is Susan Nelson of North Bend, Oregon....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 16, 1914: Forest Supervisor Wiegel was a through passenger on the Spokane last Monday bound for Ketchikan. While the boat was in port, Mr. Wiegel interviewed several parties in reference to the new trail that the government will build up the Stikine and made the assurance that the appropriation would be $4,000 as was reported some time ago by the Forestry Department. Mr. Wiegel will be in Wrangell again in the course of a couple weeks and will be ready at that time to start work on the new...
Stikine Middle School Honor Roll: Sixth grade: Madison Blackburn, Karri Buness, Kaylyn Easterly, Tasha Massin, Trevor Miller, Lillian O’Brien, Kody Paul, Hank Voltz, Hunter Wiederspohn. Seventh grade: Helen Decker, Kellan Eagle, Abigail Gerald. Eighth grade: Jonathan Barratt, Erin Galla, Caleb Groshong, Kayla Hay, Kiara Meissner, Racquel Mingming, Tymon Teat. Honorable Mention: Sixth grade: Michael Buness, Madison Harding, Laura Helgeson, Adriana Larrabee, Ryan Soeteber. Seventh grade: Riley Blatchley, Elizabeth Johnson, Issacc Mingmin, D...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 9, 1914: Another industry will be added to Wrangell's ever-growing variety next week in the shape of a dray and transport company. Mr. Oscar Carlson expects a horse and wagon for the new line up on the Alki, which sails from Seattle tonight. The new business is a much-needed one, and with Mr. Carlson at the helm, it is an assured success from the start. During this dry weather, much care should be taken when burning brush. The fire company was called out twice today. April 7, 1939: In the...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 26, 1914: J.H. Hyland and Ias. Troxel arrived down the river from Telegraph last Thursday and took the Princess south to Victoria Friday night. Mr. Hyland is a well-known booster of Telegraph and is making the trip outside to get a new pack train to use in that country as soon as work starts in the Dease lake country. The prospects in that country are brighter than ever, according to Mr. Hyland. March 31, 1939: A special meeting of the City Council held Friday night was called by Mayor Van H....
The Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities is seeking public input on the winter and spring 2014/2015 Alaska Marine Highway System ferry schedule. A view of the schedule can be found at Written comments will be accepted prior to April 5 via email at and by fax at 907-586-8365. A teleconference to hear comments and consider adjustments is scheduled Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. for Southeast schedules. The meeting will be held in...
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game will hold commercial troll public meetings in Wrangell on Wednesday, April 2 in the Nolan Center Classroom at 6:30 p.m. Meeting topics will include, but are not limited to, plans for the 2014 spring and summer troll fisheries, the 2014 Pacific Salmon Treaty Chinook salmon abundance index and quota, and a review of the 2013 troll season. All members of the public are welcome to attend....
March 26, 1914: John Faming came in from Etolin Island last Thursday night. Mr. Faming has spent the last year prospecting on that island and this is the first time he has been in town since last fall. He has some samples with him of a ledge of free milling gold that he predicts will run $200 per ton. If this is true, he has made a great find, but as the weather has been unfavorable, he was unable to prospect it very fully. March 24, 1939: Relief funds totaling $9,452.00 have been allocated to Wrangell, according to word received Saturday by...
Courtney McCay of Wrangell earned a spot on the Western Oregon University Dean’s Honor Roll for the Fall 2013 semester. She is studying American Sign Language/English Interpreting. Courtney is the daughter of Tammy and Clay McCay of Wrangell....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. March 19, 1914: Mr. Neil returned on the Humbolt from Seattle where he has been for the last month getting the plans and specifications for his boat to be used on the West Coast route. From the plans and prints brought back by Neil, this is going to be the best-equipped passenger and freight boat that has ever been on a mail route in Alaska. The new boat will replace the Uncle Dan, which has done such good service in the past years, but as the West Coast is growing and the Uncle Dan is getting too...
Hailey Grace Gablehouse was born on December 18, 2013 at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Juneau. She weighed 6 lbs 9 oz and was 20 inches long. Parents are Graham Gablehouse and Jeanie Arnold. Grandparents are David and Brenda Mork of Wrangell and Chip and Teri Arnold of Seward, Alaska....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 12, 1914: Mr. Matheson is in receipt of a letter on a late boat from the Forest Supervisor, Mr. Weigle at Ketchikan, in which he states that the Forestry Department was working for a $4,000 appropriation for the building of the Stikine trail that the local Chamber of Commerce has been working for during the past winter. Though the appropriation has not been made, it is almost an assured fact that it will be in the near future. The Wrangell Shingle Mill is getting steam up and their whistle can...
March 5, 1914: The big liner Mariposa went south early this morning and reports having had a very stormy trip all the way north and back. While going to the dock at Ellimar, she struck a rock at high tide and her fuel oil had to be pumped into the bay to float her. The ship's bottom is thought to be in bad condition from the bump and she will go on the drydock as soon as she arrives in Seattle, which will probably delay her sailing date. The Mariposa took five cases of fresh fish south with her this morning. March 3, 1939: Councilman Ronning, c...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. February 26, 1914: C.E. McCuskey and A. Marion left over the Stikine trail last Sunday morning for the headwaters of McDames Creek 120 miles from Telegraph. Mr. McCuskey and Mr. Marion are partners in several placer claims in that region which they will develop during the coming season. Mr. McCuskey has undying faith in this section of the country and says there is plenty of ground never touched that is open for prospecting. They claim they have the real thing and say they will bring out a bunch of...
Rilyn Joy Young was born Jan. 7, 2014 at Rogue Valley Medical Center in Medford, Ore. to Nonay and Cherrith Young. Rilyn weighed 8 lbs 1 oz at birth and was 20 1/2 inches long. Rilyn joins sisters Taylor, 5 and Brynlee, 3. Paternal grandparents are Cherie and Frank Young of Wrangell. Maternal grandparents are Ilene and Brian McCoy of Grants Pass, Ore....