about town

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  • Quilt Show at the Nolan Center

    Mar 12, 2020

  • Canoe practice

    Mar 12, 2020

  • New location for Twisted Root Market

    Mar 12, 2020

  • The Way We Were

    Mar 5, 2020

    March 4, 1920 The Sentinel is issued on Thursday this week as usual, but that would not have been possible had it not been for the fact that Wrangell has an up to-date machine shop. Whenever anything goes wrong in our mechanical department the first person we think of is Mr. Gingrass. Wrangell could no more get along without the machine shop than it could without the hotel, bank or drugstore. March 2, 1945 Upon approval of the city council, received today, the Red Cross headquarters are now to be situated in the city hall in the room formerly...

  • Drill conductor class

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Girls Pearls 2020

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Hoop Shoot winners going to semi-finals

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Senior Appreciation

    Mar 5, 2020

  • Homecoming court

    Feb 27, 2020

    The 2020 Wrangell High School Homecoming court (left to right): Freshman Jacen Hay, freshman Kiara Harrison, sophomore Jake Eastaugh, sophomore Liana Carney, junior Brett Abrahamson, junior Robyn Booker, senior and Homecoming King Makai Allen, senior and Homecoming Queen Kaylyn Easterly, senior Wade Jack, senior Jing O'Brien, senior Trevor Miller, and senior Laura Helgeson....

  • Community comes together for the Ferdinands

    Feb 27, 2020

    The community of Wrangell turned out in large numbers last week to support some of their own. Randall Ferdinand, community member and fisherman, passed away in a boating accident last Sunday, Feb. 16. He leaves behind two daughters, Amy and Isabelle. A community walk around town, and chili feed were organized by Southeast Beasts and Wrangell Burial Assistance on Saturday, Feb. 22, to raise money for the Ferdinand family. A silent auction was also hosted at Wrangell High School over the weekend,...

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 27, 2020

    February 26, 1920 The Willson & Sylvester Mill company have built an addition to their wharf in order to have room for the construction of a box shed 150 feet long by 40 feet wide. A considerable supply of boxes will be kept in this shed at all times, thereby making it possible to bring the barge in and load quickly and get out again in the least possible time. The mill will be a busy place during the next few months, as four million feet of lumber will be required for the manufacture of the boxes now booked for delivery. The box orders are fro...

  • Nolan Center open house

    Feb 27, 2020

    The Nolan Center held an open house last Thursday, Feb. 20, to commemorate Elizabeth Peratrovich Day. The open house featured performances by the JOM dancers, a museum display of Alaskan civil rights leaders, and an art project put together by Evergreen Elementary's fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Pictured here is the fifth grade class at the open house, showing a book and commemorative $1 Peratrovich coin they were gifted during the open house. Back row (left to right): Kasey Whitaker,...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Feb 20, 2020

    February 19, 1920 There was a well attended meeting of the Parent-Teachers’ association last Thursday evening. Interesting addresses were delivered by Mr. Gordon C. Mitchell, Mrs. George H. Barnes, and Mr. H. L. Rowley, recently of Bayview. The audience was favored with a vocal solo by Mrs. W. W. McLaughlin. In addition to the program there was a profitable discussion of school matters. The meeting opened and closed with singing led by Mrs. W. W. McLaughlin. The president appointed the following committees to act for the remainder of the p...

  • Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, Sunday February 16, 2020 - The face of Alaska Native civil rights

    Feb 20, 2020

    Students of Evergreen Elementary School, and Head Start, gathered together at the elementary school gym for a celebration of the annual Elizabeth Peratrovich Day on Feb. 18 in Alaska. As the holiday fell on a Sunday this year, the celebration took place a few days afterwards. The celebration featured songs and dances from Wrangell’s JOM dance group, a song by Head Start students, and speeches about who Peratrovich was and why she was so important to the civil rights movement in Alaska. P...

  • Evergreen Elementary recognized at ESEA Conference

    Feb 13, 2020

    In December of 2019, Evergreen Elementary School was recognized as a "Distinguished School" by the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Distinguished Schools Recognition Program. Evergreen Elementary was recognized for excellence in serving special populations of students. This past week, several representatives for Evergreen Elementary took part in the national ESEA conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where the school was officially recognized. Pictured here (left to right) are Lorna...

  • The Way We Were

    Feb 13, 2020

    February 13, 1920 It was 16 years ago that Bishop Rowe made his first visit to Wrangell. This year also marks the completion of his 25 years of service as Bishop of Alaska. February 9, 1945 On February 2 the Girl’s Pep Club gave their first party of the year. The high school and faculty were present, with the addition of a few eighth graders who got in quite by accident. Some of the high school girls thought that they were back down stairs when they played “ The Farmer in the Dell.” A fast game of “Steal the Bacon” and “Musical Chairs” wer...

  • Chocolate Lover's Festival

    Feb 13, 2020

    Wrangell's annual Chocolate Lover's Festival was held downtown last Saturday morning, Feb. 8. People had the opportunity to buy a box full of homemade chocolates and bid on several raffle items. Proceeds from the festival go to support activities for Wrangell Medical Center Long Term Care. Pictured here is Alice Rooney with a few of the treats available at the festival...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Feb 6, 2020

    February 5, 1920 A.L. Brown, a prominent West Coast merchant, is in Wrangell this week on a business trip. Mr. Brown says the people of the West Coast are looking forward to the fishing season of 1920 being even more successful than that of the past year. He says Craig is growing rapidly and that in order to keep in the band wagon he will soon begin the building of an addition to his store. February 2, 1945 At the risk of revealing important military information, it must be stated that according to the old legend Wrangell is due for six more...

  • Salvation Army rummage sale

    Feb 6, 2020

  • Dancing at the carving shed

    Feb 6, 2020

  • More snow

    Feb 6, 2020

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jan 30, 2020

    January 29, 1920 The girl’s Lend a Hand club will give a luncheon and candy sale at the gymnasium on Saturday afternoon. A musical program will be given at the time. The boys of the Grammar and High school rooms invited the girl’s Lend a Hand club to hear a debate last Wednesday. John Coulter and Elton Engstrom were chosen by their class as representatives in the oratorical contest which will soon take place with the High school. The school has subscribed for the following magazines: Independent, National Geographic, Modern Priscilla, Mother’s...

  • Firefighter breakfast raises money for stair climb

    Jan 30, 2020

    The Wrangell Volunteer Fire Department hosted a breakfast at the firehouse last Saturday morning, Jan. 25. The breakfast served as a fundraiser for the LLS Firefighter Stairclimb which is an annual event put on by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, where firefighters from across the country climb Seattle's Columbia Center building, to raise money for blood cancer research and services. According to the stairclimb's website, as of Jan. 20, they have raised $920,800 of this year's $3 million...

  • The Way We Were In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

    Jan 23, 2020

    January 22, 1920 Lester D. Henderson, Commissioner of Education for Alaska, arrived on the City of Seattle Saturday. He had expected to reach Wrangell Friday morning and spend the day visiting the local school, but bad weather caused the boat to be a day late. However, it was possible for Mr. Henderson to visit the school Monday morning before leaving on the Jefferson. On Saturday night Mr. Henderson attended a meeting of the school board. He expressed himself to the Sentinel reporter as pleased over the organization of a Parent-Teachers’ assoc...

  • Snowy weekend

    Jan 23, 2020

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