Sorted by date Results 1931 - 1955 of 2359
Name: David Silva Age: 58 Occupation: Commercial Fisherman, Speech/Language Therapist What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience related to the position you are seeking? As a commercial fisherman, I have had many opportunities over the past six years to utilize our harbor facilities here in Wrangell. My wife and I have leased slips at Shoemaker Harbor and at this time have two slips at Heritage Harbor. We have used the services of many of the businesses in the...
The Wrangell Planning and Zoning Commission granted two zoning variances last Thursday. The commission voted 5-0 to grant a subdivision variance to Arnold and Alice Bakke in the Wrangell Island West Subdivision. The vote divides the existing Lot 37 into sub lots 37A and 37B. The commission also voted 5-0 to approve a yard setback reduction for Kevin and Abigail Bylow of the Presbyterian subdivision. Kevin Bylow told the board he’s constructing a porch and some stairs and required the setback reduction to complete construction. The board also h...
The Wrangell school board voted 3-0 Monday to begin the search for a possible food vendor. The motion approved by the board empowers school administrator Rich Rhodes to begin advertising requests for proposals in local publications. The district currently purchases and prepares all food served to students through a combination of grants and the school system’s general fund, Rhodes said. Allowing an outside vendor to provide the food could potentially lead to savings for the district, Rhodes added. “I feel good that a food services man...
By Brian O’Connor Sentinel writer About thirty or forty tourists packed into the Chief Shakes House last Wednesday to take in the newly renovated house and learn about the sun, the moon, and the stars. However, first they had to learn a little bit about Raven. “Raven is considered a trickster,” interpreter Lu Knapp told the assembled crowd. Raven in this case was the figure from Tlingit mythology, and the story Knapp told that afternoon concerns the chief and three boxes in the possession of a...
Petersburg and Wrangell officials debated Tuesday the future of the Thomas Bay Power Authority in a joint workshop session. The at-times contentious meeting called into the question the future of the TBPA as an independent entity from the larger Southeast Alaska Power Authority. A May 6 vote by Petersburg to withhold its portion of the TBPA budget triggered the workshop session. Council members said concerns about the role of the TBPA triggered the 6-1 vote against funding the portion of the...
The borough assembly Tuesday night voted 4-2 against a resolution asking the Southeast Alaska Power Authority to pay the full cost of operating the Tyee Hydroelectric Plant. However, at least one council member voted against the measure only because they felt more time and preparation were needed before putting the request to SEAPA. “I’m going to be voting no, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea,” said newly minted assemblywoman Julie Decker. Decker’s remarks echoed concerns expressed by Mayor Da...
October 2, 1913: The assessment work for the year on the Silver King property on Aaron Creek on the mainland was finished last Thursday and the crew of men that have been working there for the summer returned to town. The property belongs to Silver King Company composed of J.E. Burg, Ludwig Burg, Sr., Ludwig Burg, Jr., Alfred Burg and Chris Wido, who have four claims that are holding forth promises of being some of the best mining claims in this district. They have a tunnel run 165 feet with a shaft of 14 feet cross cutting the vein and during...
ASSEMBLY Name: Julie Decker Age: 40 Occupation: self employed – commercial fishing and seafood development What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be an Assembly member? I have served on Wrangell’s Economic Development Committee for the past seven years. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the Southeast Conference, which is the economic development organization that represents the municipalities and businesses of Southeast Alaska. Why are you running for the...
Brian O’Connor has assumed the reporting position at the Wrangell Sentinel. The 2005 graduate of Marquette University has four years experience in the newspaper industry, working for newspapers in Kenosha, Wisc, Beaver Dam, Wisc and Bristol, Va. He provided elections coverage for the Associated Press in Milwaukee, Wisc. for several years. O’Connor has been a language instructor and supervisor for the Office of Education in Gyeongbuk Province, South Korea and later switched to serve six sch...
The Petersburg Borough Assembly will likely travel to Wrangell September 10 to discuss with its assembly the viability of Thomas Bay Power Authority. According to a memo sent out by Wrangell Interim Borough Manager Jeff Jabusch, the two municipalities created TBPA to jointly maintain and operate the Tyee Hydroelectric power plant. Southeast Alaska Power Agency, SEAPA, owns the facility and pays for its operations and maintenance. There’s an additional expense associated with the TBPA budget that the two boroughs traditionally split. It’s cal...
September 22, 1913: Richard Bushell, Jr., paid Wrangell a visit and after attending to professional duties decided to pass his time shooting ducks on the flats. He chartered a boat and bought a hundred rounds of ammunition and struck off towards the famous shooting grounds accompanied by local sportsmen. The Editor's companions had little trouble in bagging their limit; but the poor Editor, after tramping down the grass for a full 10 hours returned to the launch with 2 sickly ducks, one of which Harry Gartley claims to have crippled just...
The Wrangell assembly approved a resolution requesting grant funding with the hopes of getting more water to a system that is often tapped. Jeff Jabusch, Interim Borough Manager, said there’s plenty of water but it’s not getting treated fast enough to meet the demand of the community. “By the end of the day, often times they’re getting down to where there’s just a few feet left in each one of them,” Jabusch said. “If we were to run out or if there were a major fire or if the canneries wanted to expand or any of those things we would have so...
The Wrangell Borough Assembly approved a controversial $100,000 reimbursement during its August 27 meeting after services had been rendered. The reimbursement goes to Alaska Island Community Services to offset expenses incurred after it relocated its clinic to a new building site. Wrangell’s previous borough manager Timothy Rooney negotiated with AICS in 2009 to relocate its clinic, for the sake of convenience, next to where the Wrangell Medical Center would build its new facility—the Alpine site. In an e-mail sent to the assembly in 2011, Roon...
September 18, 1913: The Norwegian steamer Karen cut the rates between Wrangell and Petersburg so a great many members of the Arctic Brotherhood Camp of Wrangell and friends took advantage of the low rates and attended the dance given by the Petersburg Camp Saturday evening. The party reached Petersburg about six o'clock and were met at the dock by the Petersburg Brass Band and the townspeople who presented the visitors with a large key to the “Welcome and Hospitality” of the city. The music rendered at the dance was exceptionally fine. The hal...
Doug Ely, standing before Judge Trevor Stephens on Monday, was sentenced to 55-years in jail. During a week-long jury trial held in June, Doug Ely was found guilty of two counts of First Degree Sexual Abuse of a Minor, and one count of Second Degree Sexual Abuse of a Minor which was merged into Count One. Ely’s complete sentence is 55-years with twelve and a half suspended and fifteen years of probation. He will also be required to register as a sex offender for life after being released on t...
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski intervened on behalf a Wrangell daycare operator after a US Forest Service officer issued her a citation in July for picnicking with her daycare children at Middle Ridge in the Tongass National Forest. US Forest Service Law enforcement officer Doug Ault fined Marilyn Mork $375 for operating a business on federal land without a permit. Mork said former U.S. Senator Frank Murkowski caught wind of the situation, made a copy of the citation and sent it to his daughter, Senator Murkowski. Murkowski happened to be meeting...
It was during a typical cold Southeast Alaskan November day in 1968 when Felix Villarma tied his 20-foot wooden scow onto a Kadin Island beach. He was in a draw and nearing the top of a mountain, sneaking through the foliage and the rain, when he saw a doe about 100 yards away. “I watched her watch me, then all of the sudden this big buck walked right next to her and looked down the mountain at me,” Villarma said. “I put my 270 to my shoulder and had it in my crosshairs, aimed for the neck...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. September 11, 1913: Long before the first day of September, all the veteran duck hunters and the cheechakos had carefully inspected their old breech loaders, pump or automatic putting everything in readiness for the day that they could land both feet on the famous hunting ground. The first party to depart were Rollo Shangle, Geo. Sylvester, T. Case and Clarence Lewis. Being the first hunters of the season they kind of took the ducks by surprise and brought back the limit. On Sunday, Harry Gartley,...
Steve Marshall went before the Honorable Judge William Carey Tuesday to be sentenced in an ongoing case which led to a week-long trial in June. Marshall was sentenced in court to 15 years with five suspended and five years of probation after being released on the Assault in the First Degree charge and was sentenced to 150 days for the Assault in the Third Degree. Marshall had 25 letters of support that were submitted to the Judge, which was stated to be significant. The Honorable Judge William...