about town

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  • The Way We Were

    Jun 6, 2013

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 12, 1913: Tom McGrath of Victoria, who with his wife and 11-year-old son went into the Silver Creek, B.C. region in the Cassiar via Atlin last March, returned to Wrangell by way of Telegraph Creek on the Port Simpson Sunday last. Mr. McGrath says that they “mushed” 176 miles from Atlin with a dog team with supplies enough to last through the season. The trail was a hard one but after reaching their destination he discovered that he and the many others who had made the trip in, had been giv...

  • Oliver looks back, ahead to 2013 logging event

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2013

    There was a time when the front page of the Wrangell Sentinel was bracketed by the phrase “Founded in 1902 – Lumber capital of Alaska.” Those days ended in the 2000s, when Silver Bay’s operation at 6 Mile Zimovia Highway shuttered its doors for good, and with the demise of the mill site came a downturn in the industry that built Wrangell – timber. Even though the industrial side of logging is long gone in the Borough, the memory of what came from our forests still lives on in the Chuck Oli...

  • MHT, Slenkamp check wood taken from danger cut

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2013

    The City and Borough of Wrangell faced a check up from Alaska Mental Health Trust senior resource manager Paul Slenkamp after a report of excessive tree removal near the end of the road at 12.5 Mile Zimovia Highway last month. In what was defined as a timber cut to remove dangerous trees near the power line extension between Pats Lake Road and McCormack Creek, the city electrical department was issued an authorization to trim the area to remove dying or decaying trees that were threatening the...

  • School News

    Jun 6, 2013

    Rolland Wimberley graduated from Truman State University, in Kirksville, Mo., on May 11 with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Justice Systems. He is a 2009 graduate of Wrangell High School and is the son of Benn Curtis and Shirley Wimberley. He plans to return home to Wrangell to work for a year before he enters law school. Ford Curtis will graduate from the Oregon Coast Culinary Institute at Southwestern Oregon Community College in Coos Bay, Ore., June 14. He received his Certificate in Culinary Arts in August of 2012 and his Associates of...

  • School News

    Jun 6, 2013

    Ethan Pempek graduated Cum Laude from the University of Hawai`i at Mânoa with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Information and Communications Technologies. Upon graduation, Ethan placed in the top fifteen percent in the nation among ROTC cadets, earning recognition as a distinguished military graduate and receiving a commission as a Military Police officer in the United States Army as a Second Lieutenant. His first duty station is Camp Darby, Livorno, Italy. Ethan is the son of Mark and Therese...

  • Summer reading program in full swing at library

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2013

    The deadline for registration in the popular Summer Reading Program is set for June 30 at the Irene Ingle Public Library. This program is held annually beginning June 1 and runs through the end of July. All students in Kindergarten through Grade 9 are eligible to attend. The basis of the program, which began in 1998 is simple – after reading a book, students take a retention test on a computer, which is graded and provided to the school district at the end of the program. Each book is worth a certain amount of points and students receive v...

  • 2013 Royalty Court presented at Stikine Inn

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2013

    The Royalty Court for the 2013 Wrangell Fourth of July celebration was officially presented last Friday night, May 31, at the Stikine Inn – and the month-long push toward a fundraising goal of $100,000 began in earnest. The three young women taking part this year, Darian Meissner, Kayla Rooney and Jennifer Ludwigsen, were all present as Queen Mother Jill Privett introduced them to the audience. Afterward, she commented on what it meant for the large crowd to come out and support the trio taking...

  • Local rededication donors honored at Shakes Island

    Jun 6, 2013

  • City Market tournament pared to one day event

    Greg Knight|Jun 6, 2013

    Heavy rains took out the first day of the City Market Golf Tournament last weekend at Muskeg Meadows golf course – though the second day saw a combination of Wrangell and Petersburg players finish at the top of their game. The team of Robbie Robinson, Ray Pederson, Greg Scheff and Eric Kading finished Saturday with a net score of 33, while the straightest drive went to Robbie Robinson at 7-feet. Glacier Larsen took the closest to the pin honors with a distance of 23-feet, 4-inches. Course manager Shannon Booker said the tournament, which was a...

  • Rea to return $250K, hospital iPad in settlement

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    With eight words – and the stroke of a pen – Superior Court Judge William B. Carey dismissed the lawsuit against former Wrangell Medical Center CEO Noel Rea and six former members of the WMC Board of Directors that were recalled last year, along with a counterclaim brought by the defendants. “The complaint and counter-claim are dismissed with prejudice,” Carey wrote in his April 29 order. The lawsuit stemmed from the actions of the former board in their firing of Rea on June 20, during their las...

  • Derby rolls on, Gildersleeve in pole position

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    You know it’s getting close to summer in Wrangell when the boats and skiffs of locals are on the water looking for King Salmon – and especially when the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce puts out their scale to weigh the incoming fish for the annual King Salmon Derby. The 61st annual derby began on May 11 and will run through June 9, with a total of $30,000 in cash and prizes available to the winners, including a $6,000 first place award. Chamber of Commerce manager Cyni Waddington said the eve...

  • The Way We Were

    May 30, 2013

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. June 5, 1913: On account of the inclement weather pm Friday last, the program for the afternoon exercises had to be changed somewhat. Instead of holding the services on the wharf as expected, they were held in Red Men's Hall and were largely attended. The following program was given: Song- Battle Hymn of Republic. Invocation- Rev. H.P. Corser. Address- M.F. Inman. Flower Song and Strewing of Flowers- Margaret Grant, Gussie Leonard, Viola Walsh, Hannah Smith, Mary Smith and Andrew Engstrom. Evening...

  • Soria seeks appeal on methamphetamine conviction

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    A former Wrangell resident who was convicted in 2011 of being part of a drug distribution operation in the Borough and sentenced to more than three years in prison has asked a judge to review evidence in his case. Marcelo Soria, 48, pled guilty in June of 2011 to one count of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance in the Third Degree – Delivery or Possession with Intent to Distribute a Schedule II or III drug. Soria was indicted after information came to light that he was sending large amounts of cash to Mexico via City Market’s Wes...

  • Fishin' in the… sunset?

    May 30, 2013

  • School News

    May 30, 2013

    Rebecca Helgeson of Wrangell, Alaska has graduated from Whitman College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Helgeson is the daughter of Peter and Kara Helgeson and a 2009 graduate of Wrangell High School....

  • Carving shed begins to take shape in downtown

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    With the Chief Shakes Tribal House project completed earlier this month, and the rededication ceremony written in the history books, the main objective of the Wrangell Cooperative Associated has shifted to their next major building effort – a carving shed for traditional Tlingit woodwork. The shed, which is currently under construction on Front Street at the corner of Lynch Street, will be about 3,600 square feet in size and will have a training room, a carving room, as well as totem storage a...

  • Service Center Phase II concrete moving forward

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    Anyone driving down Shakes Street during the past two months probably couldn’t help but notice the massive steel rebar structure going in at the Marine Service Center – a steel design that will reinforce massive slabs of concrete that a new marine hoist will ride on in years to come. The project, which is Phase II of the MSC renovation, includes two sections of rebar and concrete construction that was awarded by the Borough Assembly to Southeast Roadbuilders on March 12 as a base bid and alt...

  • Rooney's report: Taxes, WMC replacement project

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    Concern over a proposed tax rate reduction for the City and Borough of Wrangell – from its current 7 percent down to 5.5 percent – led off Borough Manager Tim Rooney’s report to the Assembly this week saw testimony from two local women brought to the forefront over the issue. The initiative, which will appear on the October ballot, seeks to reduce Wrangell’s sales tax down by 1.5 percent. Currently, Wrangellites pay a 7 percent tax on all goods and services in the Borough. The plan has drawn criticism from Rooney’s office, as well as citizens...

  • Mill rate unchanged, Borough budget approved

    Greg Knight|May 30, 2013

    The Borough Assembly approved the collection of property taxes for the next fiscal year at their May 28 meeting, continuing the mill rate currently paid by residents of the City and Borough of Wrangell for another year. The Assembly voted 7-0 to approve the rate. The ordinance will, except for property that is exempt by law from taxation, set the mill rate at 12.75 mills for the tax year 2013, 4 mills for the Wrangell Service Area, 4 mills for property outside the Service Area, and 4 mills for the tax differential zone. Taxes due and payable...

  • Memorial Day 2013 – remembering the fallen

    May 30, 2013

  • WHS sends 31 graduates into adulthood

    Greg Knight|May 23, 2013

    The Class of 2013 started their march toward graduation in first grade in 2001 – 12 years ago and seemingly a lifetime away from the world we live in today. Regardless of the march of time, the 31 graduates of Wrangell High School walked the aisle on Friday, May 17 into their future of college, work and adulthood. After entering the gymnasium of WHS to the tune of the Pomp and Circumstance march, provided by what was left of music director Tasha Morse’s band – minus her seniors – the collect...

  • The Way We Were

    May 23, 2013

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. May 29, 1913: A deal was consummated Saturday whereby L.G. Pruell and T. Berthelson became proprietors of the Kirmse Jewelry and curio store, and took possession on that day. The buy is a good one as the store has a nice local trade in jewelry and curios in addition to the repair work and captures a great deal of the tourist trade. The two new owners are both well known in Ketchikan as being energetic young businessmen, Gus as assistant manager at the Tongass Trading Company with which he has been...

  • Food service, paint job discussed by School Board

    Greg Knight|May 23, 2013

    The Wrangell Public School Board of Education is moving forward on a pair of long-term issues – with one involving Evergreen Elementary and Wrangell High School facility upgrades – and another involving the nutritional needs of the district’s students. The board voted Monday, May 13 to initiate a request for proposals to paint the elementary school façade and a portion of the front of the high school. “Painting the elementary school has been on the list of to do items for awhile now and will...

  • Girl Scouts plant for WMC residents

    May 23, 2013

  • Stork Report

    May 23, 2013

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