Sorted by date Results 2085 - 2109 of 2361
For Jeff Rooney, Sr., a longtime employee of the Wrangell Public Works Department and head coach of the Wrangell High School Wolves wrestling team, getting up at the crack of dawn to clean our streets or work on an important project is just something he does – and has done for years – without any major recognition or awards. That changed last weekend as the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce held their annual dinner and auction at the Nolan Center. Rooney, who was nominated by a number of local res...
The Shtax’ Heen Kwaan canoe group held a blessing ceremony last weekend for a canoe that will lead the dozens of participants from the One People Canoe Society into Wrangell during the Shakes Island rededication on May 2. The OPCS paddlers began their voyage to Shakes Island on Wednesday, April 24 from a number of communities throughout Southeast, with canoes coming from Yakutat, Juneau, Kake, Petersburg, Sitka, Prince of Wales, Hydaburg and Klawock. Nearly 50 members of the community were on h...
The Wrangell Chamber of Commerce has moved from their former location on Front Street to a new home at the Stikine Inn, in the office space formerly used by the Parlor Salon. Cyni Waddington, the office manager for the Chamber, said the move would allow more of the visitors who come to Wrangell to discover facts about the Borough, its businesses, and provide access to the Stikine Inn’s tenants and services. “The opportunity presented itself and we took it because we thought it would be a won...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 24, 1913: On the vote for passage for the third reading, the fish trap bill was killed in the Senate last Saturday. Sen. Sutherland, Tanner and Roden voting for passage and Freeling, Tripp, Millard and Ray against the measure. Sen. Sutherland, father of the bill, made a spirited talk in its defense and filed notice to reconsider when the reading had been voted. April 22, 1938: Official observation of May Day-Child Health Week will begin in Wrangell on Saturday April 30. On that day at 2:30...
Nels and Holli Otness of Petersburg, Alaska announce the engagement of their daughter Haili Otness, of Petersburg to Darren Lachapelle of Wrangell, Alaska. Darren is the son of Lynn Allen of Wrangell. The couple plan a June 8, 2013 wedding in Petersburg....
A tersely worded letter from the Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office to Mayor David Jack is spelling out the Trust’s views on issues surrounding a timber sale near the former Wrangell Institute property. In the letter, Paul Slenkamp, who is a senior resource manager for the TLO, said that while his office and Alcan, the winner of the bid to log the area, will work to ensure viewsheds and water/wind quality, there are other issues which his office takes issue with related to recent public c...
STEPHEN PRYSUNKA Why should you be appointed to the Borough Assembly to fill the vacancy left by William B. Privett? I think that I should be appointed to the vacant position because I will bring an open mind to the council. I have no agenda or preconceived notions regarding any of the issues currently facing the Borough. I will be open to all opinions and will educate myself to the best of my ability on the various topics. I will work with other council members and city staff to ensure that our...
If you ask Randy Oliver what is upsetting him most these days, he’ll tell you one thing. “I’m mad as hell,” he said. “And it has to do with theft of ferrous and non-ferrous metals going on at the city dump.” Oliver, who has had a contractual arrangement with the City and Borough of Wrangell since November 2009 for scrap metal removal across the island, said that metals which are valuable, such as copper and others fetching high prices, have been disappearing from the city landfill – and that...
Two young ladies from Wrangell are making a difference through their art and a philanthropic streak that will help both locally and abroad. Sisters Jing and Sophie O’Brien were the winners of the joint Wrangell Medical Center and Alaska Island Community Services poster contest in the third through fifth grade category. With their win they took home the honor of having their art featured – and also a cash prize that will be utilized both in Wrangell and across the world in Nepal. The cash prize o...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 17, 1913: The Canadian Pacific Railway Co. took another whack at Sentinal Island, near Juneau, this week when the Princess Sophia, southbound, struck in the same spot which her sister ship Princess May struck in the summer of 1910. From the boatmen of the Sophia when she landed in Wrangell southbound Saturday, all that could be learned of the accident was that a 30-foot hole had been torn in her bottom forward and that her watertight compartments forward were keeping her afloat. The crew...
With the rededication of the Chief Shakes Tribal House only a month away, two local women who are blood descendants of Chief Shakes VI, the second to last leader of the Native community in Wrangell, are remembering him with their memories and a pre-1940 Potlatch photo of the Chief, who was born George Shakes in 1878. Nellie Gunderson-Lewis Torgramsen, the granddaughter of Chief Shakes VI, was born in 1932 in Wrangell and is related to him through her mother Margaret, grandmother Minnie Snook, an...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 10, 1913: Each day of this season shows a greater activity in the commercial fishing of Southeast Alaska. During the past week, several cannery crews have come north and mild curing and salting outfits are migrating this way like the birds of summer. The seven small trolling boats from Astoria, Oregon, have arrived in Ketchikan, where they will have headquarters this season. The Hydra and outfit of power trollers, supplies and gear. The Little Tom chartered this season from Pillar Bay cannery...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. April 3, 1913: For some time past, a local motorboat fan and member of the Wrangell Motor Boat Club has been corresponding with speed boat designers with the intention of having a hull built for a 24 horse power motor which he now has and a letter received from a Seattle designer which was shown in the Sentinel this week states that 30 miles per hour is quite possible with the combination of hull, motor and wheel in view. While one of this class is well enough for an exhibition it takes two to make...
March 27, 1913: Last Monday, March 24 was an anniversary uncelebrated of one of the warmer days in Wrangell's history. Seven years ago on that date a fire broke out in a rooming house and saloon owned by E.P. Lynch and J.G. Grant, present owners of Wrangell Hotel, a fire that is recalled with regret by the then owners of property from the wharf to the St. Michael Trading Company's store. Unlike a well-regulated fire, the origin of Wrangell's is not known to a certainty. It took an earthquake to set Frisco afire and the origin of Chicago's blaze...
The 2013 Wrangell Medical Center Health Fair is scheduled for April 6 at the Nolan Center – and this year’s fair will include a new Vitamin D level test in addition to the normal Health Profile, Thyroid Screen, Prostate Screen and Hemoglobin A1C diabetes screens. For the past 19 years, WMC has sponsored the event – which has grown in size each year. Cathy Gross, WMC’s Director of Health Information Management, said the event is unique in Southeast Alaska. “Wrangell Medical Center sponsors...
The push is on for the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce to find local residents who want to take part in the 2013 Fourth of July Royalty court. Chamber manager Cyni Waddington said she wants to see an increase in the more than $80,000 in sales from last year’s event. “This year we are beginning in March and we have eager candidates who are going to do awesome work for our community and our goal is to, hopefully, raise $100,000,” Waddington said. The official court contestants for 2013 are Jennifer L...
March 20, 1913: The Convention of delegates from 16 subordinate camps of the Arctic Brotherhood met at Douglas, Alaska on March 14 and voted almost unanimously for the resolution declaring Great Camp offices vacant and the convention to the Grand Camp. The resolution which follows was adopted at the morning and at the evening session Major J.F.A. Strong of Juneau was elected Grand Arctic Chief; J.M. Tanner of Skagway, Past Grand Arctic Chief; and C.A. Hopp of Douglas, Vice Grand Arctic Chief. Resolved, by the Arctic Brotherhood that; First all...
Students of Wrangell Public Schools will join thousands of youth across the country by taking part in Kick Butts Day on March 20 in a nationwide initiative that makes kids leaders in the effort to stop youth tobacco use. Elementary, middle and high school students in Wrangell will participate in a variety of Kick Butts Day activities, such as attending assemblies that will educate them about the impact of tobacco use and demonstrate the ways that the tobacco industry is daily striving to target them as “replacement smokers,” and several stu...
Renee and Jack Roberts presented four books on behalf of the Wrangell Bahá'í community to librarian Kay Jabusch at the Wrangell Public Library last week. The books were mentioned in a Chautauqua presentation given in February about the early history and current development of the Bahá’í Faith in Wrangell and throughout the world. The four volumes, “God Loves Laughter,” “Thief in the Night,” “Release the Sun,” and “Bahá’u’lláh and the New Era,” were among the first to be studied by Wrangellites...
March 13, 1913: Even peace and prosperity palls the palate of Wrangellites. For five years, resources of the town have been multiplying so much so that the Chamber of Commerce organized in 1902 was completely forgotten when its immediate force was not sadly needed. Yet with every indicator pointing to a continued prosperity, the businessmen gathered at the Town Hall Tuesday and all signed up for membership in a reorganization of that booster body, the Chamber of Commerce of Wrangell, Alaska. Since the latest strike was reported in the Cassiar,...
Master carver Steve Brown adzes a cedar plank that will ultimately become part of the screen for the renovated Chief Shakes Tribal House. Carving and painting of the assembled screen is set to take place over the next few weeks....