Sorted by date Results 2135 - 2159 of 2361
Dec. 26, 1912: From the appearance of the Dolphin Christmas Eve, the Christmas Spirit which for a month had been lurking in the mysterious background, came into the open and reflected from the faces of all during the programs and ceremonies of the Yuletide. The Mecca of the children, the magic tree, appeared twice this year, first at the Rink Wednesday evening under the auspices of the local Arctic Brotherhood. With the united efforts of the fraternity, schools and churches a pleasing program had been prepared and was well presented by the...
Wrangell High School student Ben Florschutz works on a ceramic pitcher during his art class on Tuesday, Dec. 11. Florschutz later said the pitcher is a Christmas present for a very special family member who is currently in Utah....
Dec. 19, 1912: P.M. Smith, commonly known as “Doc” Smith, who since his coming to Wrangell about 11 years ago, had lived a hermit-like life, was found dead in his cabin yesterday afternoon having died as he had lived - alone. Deputy Marshal Schnabel, who was down to the Cemetery Bay on an official errand yesterday afternoon, passed the house of “Doc” Smith and seeing no tracks in the snow which had fallen Tuesday evening entered the house and found the owner lying dead as he had fallen from a chair. Smith was in Wrangell Sunday and seemed...
The Elks will have their annual Hoop Shoot on Sat., December 15 in the Community Gym. 8 and 9 year olds will shoot at 9:00 A.M., 10 and 11 year olds shoot at 10:00 and 12-13 year olds shoot at 11:00. Rules do not allow late applicants to participate once a category has started to shoot. All participants will be invited to a hamburger feed after the shoot. The top three shooters in each category will receive trophies. The shoot is for boys and girls ages 8 - 13 with your age determined as how old you will be on April 1, 2013. Girls and boys...
Ava Grace Lawrence was born November 9 in Juneau to Jessica Davidson and Paul Lawrence. Ava weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz. at birth and was 20 1/2 inches long. She was welcomed to the family by sister Elena, 3. Maternal grandparents are Marie Davidson and Ken and Tammy Davidson of Wrangell. Paternal grandparents are Jean Lawrence and Dan Murphy of Newington, Conn....
Mayor McConachie’s 2012 Christmas poem By Don McConachie Mayor of Wrangell Another December for old Wrangell Town A special Season and a brand new downtown We all come together on this special night Excitement abounds for Christmas tree light We must do our shopping while bargains are here Something for everyone on the list it appears Have fun on this evening Good Tidings’ year thru May the peace of the season be always with you The blessings of Christmas enter each of our hearts May the lov...
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Dec. 12, 1912: William Tamaree and L.J. Paul were in receipt by the steamer Humboldt of returns from samples of ore recently sent to a Portland assaying firm showing $20 per ton values in gold and silver in one of the samples from a prospect on Frederick Sound. Shortly after the fishing season closed this year, Tamaree and Paul made a trip to Frederick Sound in the launch Starlight, looking for the famous placer mine “Lost Rocker.” While Tamaree hunted the valley where they believed the Rocker is...
The Chief Shakes Tribal House renovation is almost done after a yearlong crawl towards completion – and a new, permanent carving shed is almost ready to be built adjacent to the SNO Building on Front Street in downtown. The Shakes structure is beginning to look like a near finished product, with foundation, wall and roof construction wrapping up in the past few weeks. Finishing the interior will still take at least two more months, though, and some of the house’s artwork, including the scr...
Dec. 5, 1912: Bills have been distributed advertising a wrestling match to be pulled off at Red Men's Hall tomorrow evening. Alf Olsen, who has boxed his way to the title of “Terrible Swede” among the Frisco sailors, will try to get two falls out of three from Ed Lynch, “Champion of Chemawa.” The contestants have been training faithfully this week. Lynch at the Wrangell Hotel and Olsen at his training quarters at the A.P.A. cannery. Everything has been arranged for a fine bout, except, of course, who will win and the division of the motion...
Wrangell High School has a new student newspaper available to students, parents and Wrangell residents as an emailed file for those that wish to subscribe. The paper, titled “WHS News Monthly” is the senior project of Haley Reed and includes writing by students Haley Reed, Nicole Hammer, Kacie Galla, Courtney Haggard, Briana Sample and Victoria Ingram. Reed said she chose to do a newspaper because it offered a plethora of ways to serve the community and do something she loves to do – write...
The annual Christmas Tree Lane came back to the James and Elsie Nolan Center this week as a number of trees went on display. The lane opened on Tuesday for viewing and bidding, with the bidding ending on Friday, Dec. 14 and winners able to take their trees home Saturday, Dec. 15....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Nov. 28, 1912: Sometime late last week some sneak thief or thieves boarded the launch Bayfield at anchor in the bay and stripped the engine of its fittings, effectually disabling the boat. J.W. Hendrickson, part owner of the boat, discovered the loss Friday when he rowed out to the launch. No clue of the thief can be found and he probably will enjoy the fruits of his criminal energy. Nov. 26, 1937: For the first time in at least 50 years, Wrangell celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday without the...
The annual Dove Tree ceremony, a remembrance of Wrangellites and family who have passed away during the past 12 months, marked a decade on Sunday, Nov. 18 at the Nolan Center. A total of 46 paper doves, each with the name of a loved one emblazoned upon it in gold ink, were placed on the tree by relatives, friends, and members of the Wrangell Seventh-day Adventist Church. The Wrangell Hospice sponsors the annual event. Alice Rooney, who takes part in the ceremony as an accompanist on piano, said...
Six Wrangellites have taken the first step into one of the fast-growing medical fields in the nation by completing a six-week course offered by Wrangell Medical Center that prepared them to sit for the CNA certification exam. The six local students - Rudy Briskar, Jennifer Clark, Cassandra Clark, Helen Molinek, Dale McMurren and Mieko Wenglikowski - recently completed the course. The CNA training offered at WMC is certified by the State of Alaska, which requires programs to have a minimum of 80...
Nov. 21, 1912: The cable ship U.S.A.T. Burnside, whose crew has been busy since Nov. 11effecting a repair on the Army Cable, docked at St. Michaels Wharf Tuesday afternoon and lay until midnight taking on water. The Burnside has experienced much trouble in picking up the cable on account of silt from the Stikine River. The Burnside, being heavy and hard to handle, was about 30 minutes making a landing, which is believed to be as stated by a spectator the reason why she almost never ties up when in port. Many interesting stories are told of this...
Sarah Merritt shows Clara and Jackson Carney a book focusing on the alphabet and teaching about different kinds of fish during the Irene Ingle Public Library Storytime on Thursday, Nov. 8. Storytime is held every Thursday at 10 a.m. at the library, with this week’s focus being “A Time for Feasting....
Rian Christopher Carl Guggenbickler was born on Oct. 19, 2012 to Jeni Shilts and Sonny Guggenbickler. Rian weighed 9 lbs 6 oz at birth. He joins big brother Andrew. Maternal grandparents are Traci Rodgers of Lincoln City, Ore. and Brian Smith of Wrangell. Paternal grandparents are Chris and Jodi Guggenbickler of Wrangell. Maternal great-grandparents are Gene and Georgia Cobb of Lincoln City. Paternal grandparents are Tom and Glenda Gillen and Tony and Sue Ann Guggenbickler both of Wrangell....
Nov. 14, 1912: Considerable uneasiness is felt here for the safety of “Capt. Kidd” a well known Wrangell character, who with his daughter, went up the Stikine to the Hot Springs some six weeks ago and who have not been heard from since. From all information gathered they must have been out of provisions for a week. Deputy Marshal, Schnabel made an attempt to get up the river Saturday on the Black Fox but the slush ice was running too strong and the party was obliged to turn back. Efforts are being made to have Chief Shakes and some of his brave...
John & Cynthia Waddington proudly announce the completion of their family with a baby girl: Verity Star Waddington Born on October 22, 2012 Weighing 7.9 lbs Bartlett Regional Hospital - Juneau, AK Verity joins the family with sister Clara Waddington, siblings Kyla & Tymon on Mommy's side and Jaci & Ashlee on Daddy's side. Grandma Clara of Wrangell, AK and Grandpa Doug & Patty of Whitewood, SD....
Brett Abrahamson (Captain America), along with Elissa DeBoer (Vampiress) and Gavin DeBoer (Scream Killer) attack the candy basket at the Wrangell Cooperative Association during Wrangell’s “Early Trick or Treat” event on Wednesday, Oct. 31....
Six students from Wrangell High School attended the Southeast Honor Music Festival in Haines last week. From left: Samantha DeBoer, Haley Reed, Lorenzo Silva, Courtney Haggard, Calleigh Miller and Victoria Ingram....
In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. Nov. 7, 1912: Several patriotic Wrangell votes, some taxpayers and businessmen, deprived this election of suffrage, because they are residents on the waterfront on their launches, boarded the gas boat Mabel Tuesday and bucked the current of the Wrangell Narrows to reach the voting place at Scow Bay, some 35 miles from Wrangell and literally “swore in “ their vote by giving their pedigree and previous conditions of servitude. Charles Darwell and T. Anderson operated the Mabel on the trip. J. Mot...
A flock of birds swarm just offshore near the Nolan Center last Friday as temperatures dipped, but skies remained sunny and cloudless....
This year, the children of Wrangell and their parents will have a number of activities they can take part in to celebrate Halloween. Beginning on Saturday, Oct. 27, Solvay Bakke will host the first ever “Howl-o-Ween” dog walk at the city nature trail. The event will begin at 2 p.m. The Salvation Army will hold their 3rd annual Pumpkin Party and Carnival at the Corps headquarters on Zimovia Highway on Tuesday, Oct. 30. The event begins at 6 p.m. and is free to the public. For Halloween day itself, two events will take place – Harbor Light Assem...