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  • The Way We Were

    Jul 12, 2012

    July 18, 1912: Dr. Dawes has recently received a modern x-ray machine from northeastern surgical appliance firm and is now prepared to see the exact location and condition of fractured bones. The outfit which is fitted to run on the city's current consists of coil, rheostat, interrupter, volt and amp meter in a compact cabinet. The x-ray tube which throws the greenish penetrating rays operates on a voltage high enough to show a six-inch gap. Mr. A. Crossman, who broke both wrists in a fall several weeks ago, was the first willing victim to be...

  • Lindley graduates

    Jul 12, 2012

    Britany Lindley graduated from Pacific Lutheran University on May 27, 2012 with a degree in English and a minor in Legal Studies. Britany is the daughter of Jody and Elsie and is a 2008 graduate from Wrangell High School....

  • Fincher takes helm at Church of God

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    Wrangell, for its size, offers nearly a dozen churches of differing denominations and creeds. And now, one of those churches has been blessed with a new leader of its flock. Richard Fincher, the new pastor at Hope Community Church of God, recently arrived from Georgia, where he pastored and assisted at a pair of churches in the northern region of the state. His prior pastorship was at the Mount Bethel First Church of God in Toccoa, Ga., and he was an assistant pastor at Gordon Lake Wesleyan...

  • Fourth of July pictures and results

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    Chuck Oliver Logging Show Hand Bucking - Idaho Style 1st Place, Scott McAuliffe and Merlin Sabo 1:32:80, 2nd place, Randy Oliver and Ron Schacher, 1:47.25, 3rd place, Sean Kelly and Paul McCaige, 1:57.65 Hand Bucking – Single Jack 1st Place, Karl Franci, 31.75, 2nd place, Mike Lockabey, 48.25, 3rd place Merlin Sabo, 53.94. Choker Setting 1st place Karl Franci :18.72, 2nd place, Leif Larsson, :23.31, 3rd place Ron Schacher, :24.81. Ax Chopping 1st place, Merlin Sabo :29, 2nd place Karl Franci, :...

  • 4th of July Fireworks

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    A crowd gathered near Outer Drive watch the fireworks shot from the south side of City Dock for Wrangell’s Fourth of July celebration....

  • Larson makes Bahá’í pilgrimage to Haifa

    Greg Knight|Jul 12, 2012

    When Bahá’u’lláh founded the Bahá’í faith in the mid-19th century, it was an outgrowth of a movement related to his Islamic upbringing. His faith, he claimed, was the prophetic proclamation and realization of another closely related religion of the time called Babism. In Babism, it was said, there would be a messenger from God who would unite Islam, Christianity and all other major world religions. The fulfillment of that prophecy, the Bahá’í faith, began in Persia, which is now known as Iran under the leadership of Bahá’u’lláh....

  • The Way We Were

    Jul 5, 2012

    In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago. July 4, 1912: With 1,100 mile journey to finish, a crowded schedule and limited time, Mayor William A. Gilmore, who was a passenger north on the Jefferson, found it impossible to stop in Wrangell in the interest of his campaign for delegate to Congress. Starting at Nome on June 17 and traveling south on the steamer Dora C at the time of the Katma eruption to Valdez and to Ketchikan, Mr. Gilmore has had an exciting and successful journey and expresses himself well pleased with the outlook. The remain...

  • Scouts help keep the Stikine clean

    Greg Knight|Jul 5, 2012

    Members of Wrangell’s Boy Scout Troop 40 joined forces June 19-24 with the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council, the Sitka Conservation Society, the US Forest Service, and local Wrangell volunteers to conduct a number of Wilderness stewardship activities on the Stikine River. The outing, funded in part by a grant through the National Forest Foundation, focused on managing invasive weeds near Twin Lakes and was part of a nationwide effort by the Forest Service to steward Wilderness areas. D...

  • Wedding announcement

    Jul 5, 2012

    Talea Hayes and Trevor Kellar were married June 10, 2010 in Lake Tahoe, Calif. The couple will reside in Grass Valley, Calif., where the Trevor is a commercial driver and Talea is a preschool teacher at Beale Air Force Base. The groom is the son of Darcy Erickson and Tom Kellar. The bride is the daughter of Roby and Rynda Hayes and she graduated from WHS in 2004....

  • Planting an orchard for Wrangell

    Jul 5, 2012

    Arborist Rico Montenegro plants the first apple tree in the Wrangell orchard at Evergreen Elementary School with, from left, Jamie Roberts, Derek Robbins and Kris Reed....

  • Ottesen’s tournament held over weekend

    greg Knight|Jul 5, 2012

    In a heavy drizzle of rain and high humidity, Muskeg Meadows Golf Course hosted the Ottesen’s True Value, 9-Hole 4-Person Best Ball Scramble, and 9-Hole, 4-Person Mystery Scramble tournaments June 30-July 1. The course welcomed 20 participants who took part in the tournament on Saturday, while 12 golfers – three teams of four players – took part on Sunday. On Saturday, the first place team consisted of Wrangell Golf Club members Bill Messmer, Pete Walden, John Morse, and Eric Kading with a Net 22 score (team handicap, 13.) The No. 2 spot went...

  • Jamieson retires in style

    Greg Knight|Jul 5, 2012

    Outgoing Borough Clerk Christie Jamieson accepts a plaque from Mayor Jeremy Maxand acknowledging her 32 years of service to the city during her retirement celebration last week....

  • 4th of July kick off festivities

    Greg Knight|Jul 5, 2012

  • Moonrise over Wrangell

    Jun 28, 2012

    A beautiful crescent moon made a showing over the western horizon on Saturday, June 23 – on a day when temperatures reached 84 degrees with crystal clear skies....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 28, 2012

    June 27, 1912: The Alaskan Committee of the American Mining congress during the past month have been in frequent conferences with Secretary of the Interior Fisher and various committees having in charge the two bills which have been finally agreed upon as a compromise between the conflicting views of those who have been in consultation. The result of this compromise is embodied by Sen. Simbot and now under consideration by the Senate Committee on Public Lands. A very similar measure has been introduced in the House by Congressman Bocher of...

  • R&M golf tourney features Southeast players

    Greg Knight|Jun 28, 2012

    On what was the warmest and most humid day of the year so far, Muskeg Meadows Golf Course hosted it best-attended event of the year on June 23-24 during the R&M Engineering tournament. The event featured an 18-hole, 2-person best-ball format on Saturday, and a 9-hole, 2-person best-ball tourney on Sunday. Shannon Booker, the co-manager of Muskeg Meadows said the tournament is one of the biggest at the course and helps support the mission of R&M’s local office. “This tournament is important to...

  • Wrangellites playing music for the masses

    Greg Knight|Jun 28, 2012

    Once upon a time, Wrangell sported a band of local musicians with their sights on domination of the world – or at least the Seattle music scene of the early 1990s. That band, DXD, who at one time were the house band for the Stikine Inn, took their music south to the Emerald City in 1994 in an attempt to ply their trade in the bigger market where so many bands cashed in on the hugely popular “grunge” movement. The band, which was fronted by the husband and wife duo of Glen and Kelly Decke...

  • Scouts Scouts on the Stikine

    Jun 28, 2012

    A group of Scouts from Troop 40 learn about botany along the Stikine River from University of Alaska Southeast professor Kitty LaBounty....

  • The Way We Were

    Jun 21, 2012

    June 20, 1912: Under the direction of the City Council, the work of building a new firehouse on lower Front Street was started Wednesday morning. The new building is a part of the original plan of the Council at the time the second hose cart was purchased and will be used to make a part of the fire apparatus. The Alert Fire Company will make a division of forces as soon as the new awarders are finished and place a part of the members in charge of each house. June 18, 1937: Permit having been granted from the War Department for a small boat harb...

  • Bike Rodeo gives away helmets, teaches safety

    Greg Knight|Jun 21, 2012

    Bicycle safety, at any age, is an important factor for those of us that love riding through the borough on two wheels. For the youth of Wrangell, however, bicycle safety becomes a more important factor based on how difficult it can be to see smaller children – and on their relative inexperience in navigating the roads in the borough. That’s where the annual Bicycle Rodeo and safety training comes in. The event, which was held this year at the covered area near Evergreen Elementary School, offere...

  • Portland band to play Fourth of July street dance

    Greg Knight|Jun 21, 2012

    When the City and Borough of Wrangell celebrates Fourth of July this year there will be an added treat – live music on Tuesday, July 3 and during the street dance on Wednesday night. The Sale, a pop-rock quartet from Portland, Ore. will be performing for Wrangellites and visitors to the borough during its most popular summertime event, with a pre-Fourth concert during the early part of the day on July 3. The street dance, which will take place behind City Hall on Campbell Drive, will kick off a...

  • Muskeg Meadows holds KSTK, Elks tournament

    Greg Knight|Jun 21, 2012

    The annual KSTK/Alaska Power and Telephone golf tournament was held last weekend on June 16 – and though heavy rains fell, the spirit and competitiveness of the participants was apparent as the team of Wayne and Kathleen Harding took home a No. 1 spot with their net 26 (20 handicap) score. The tournament, which was a 9-hole “2-person best-ball” format, was a fundraising event for KSTK, which relies on community support to keep the lights on and transmitter broadcasting around the borough and o...

  • Engagement announcement

    Jun 21, 2012

    The parents of James S. Early and Penny L. Allen are proud to finally announce the engagement of their children. James (Jim) works for the City of Wrangell, Harbor and Penny works for Alaska State Housing. A private ceremony is being planned....

  • Groshong graduates

    Jun 21, 2012

    Ryhan Groshong was promoted from Private First Class to Specialist on June 1, 2012. Groshong recently graduated from NCO Academy Warrior Leadership. Groshong is currently stationed at Fort Knox, Ky....

  • Birth: Howell son

    Jun 21, 2012

    Gabriel Douglas Howell was born May 30, 2012 in Juneau to Jayme and Rolland Howell. Gabriel weighed 8 lb. 9 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long at birth. Gabriel joins sister Robyn Byrd, 18. Paternal grandparent is Rinda Howell of Wrangell. Maternal grandparents are Dawn and Joe Bligh of Morton, Wash. Maternal great grandparents are Joan and Gabriel Rapali of Salkum, Wash., and Larry and Marry Adams of Rathdrum, Idaho....

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